How save text, svg, html, css all together efficiently - database

In an application, I am using Fabric.js, which lets users write text, draw SVG's, insert images etc.
I want to know, what is the best way to store this data.
Requirements are:
Ability to query the data(text), which tells me that i should store it in DB (MySQL as of now)
I have images, and I am targeting IPad as well, so the images are important, as to how they are stored.
SVG's and HTML/CSS to be saved as well.
I also want to do versioning of the content, as Quora does it, so that a user can see the changes from the past version to the current version. This also includes the versioning of images and SVG's.
I am wondering how Google Docs does it, because they also store our documents, drawings etc.
What is the best way of doing this?

i dont known if it helps but, Opera browser offer an option to save the webpages to an unique file { mht extension }, this stores all the files { css, images, scripts, etc } in base64 encoded text for a later use { when the document is opened }... maybe this can be a way to store data :P

I manage a webapp where users generate reports, and found it more efficient to store images and binary files in the filesystem, and link to them from the database. Elements that are in xml or text are kept in the database for easier searching - in your case this would include css/html and svg (which is xml). Use the database for managing revisions.
Might also check out this thread on storing images in a database.
It looks like Frabic.js is using the node.js javascript webserver on the backend - haven't used this before, but you might investigate which databases are easiest to use with node.js:
node.js database
nodejs and database communication - how?
nodejs where to start?

If you want to query the text efficiently, then perhaps putting all bits of information into the DB separately is the most efficient. Maybe you with to play with OOXML or ODF, that may serve as container for all information you require, and then XML-storage (e.g. eXist) to store it and query (e.g. the text). As these standards are XML-based, you can transform them into HTML (e.g. here or here) but writing an online editor for this is something that monster like Google can do.

You can take a look at NoSQL databases like MongoDB or
See also Storing images in NoSQL stores


how to store data on client machine in Electron.js?

I am working on an electron project to keep inventory of a warehouse but I want to store the data on the client-side (on the client's desktop/laptop) and not on a cloud database. How do I do this? Is using an xlsx file a good idea to store the data. As it will come with an added bonus as the user can read the data outside the app if they want to in an excel sheet.
P. S: even if xslx is a way I would like to know other possible ways so I can choose which is more comfortable for me. Thank you.
Edit: sorry I forgot to mention that I might also have to store images in the data.
You have plenty of option. You can store json file and read it when application boot up. As this is node js related thing I would suggest you to use electron store
And xlsx is a good choice but that may be overkill if the thing you are storing is too simple. On windows you can store some settings in registry too. But I prefer the config version.
I have also used sqlite3 database for some app. In Android I believe many app uses sqlite approach to store local database.

Export content from an ecommerce site without using the Backend

I have a site that I'm looking to transfer to Volusion. Importing tabled content into Volusion's a breeze, it's getting it tabled that's an issue. The old site has no real ability to export, nor do I know how to get at it's database. I'm thinking there must be some sort of script I can write to take the content from the frontend and download it in some sort of list that I can put into a CSV, and put into Volusion.
Any suggestions? I'm hoping to get in the image directory as well and download all them for upload to the new site.
You are going to need at the very least a file with product code, product name, weight and price.
Looking at the URL you provided it doesn't appear that the products their follow any type of orderly structure where you can target the images folder or products based on a known piece of information like a products code. Unless the back-end has some type of product export function you may have no choice but to recreate it from scratch.
I don't know if you solved this yet or not, but I would suggest scraping the data providing you have the information on the old site currently. This can be done easily using vbscript and excel, or if you aren't very savvy at coding you could look at a piece of software called mozenda. There are a whole variety of methods that can be used to scrape data, all of them pretty easy to learn with a bit of research. Basically you write a script that will crawl your dom and extract the data (to xml works best in my experience)
Hope this helps.

Insert a image in imageview with url into sqlite DB without BLOB

I need to insert an image into a imageview with url into sqlite DB without using the BLOB, is possible??
Thanks in advance
Short answer: I am not aware of any way to save images in SQLite without using BLOBs, and BLOBs of images can be too large for the server to handle smoothly. But I won't claim to have thorough experience with SQLite, so there's a good chance I'm missing something.
Depending on what other resources are at your disposal, one solution would be to just store the url for the image in a TEXT type, but save the image in some other file system. Then when you want to display the image, query the database to get the address (plus whatever other relevant info), isolate it from the results, and query the file system for the image. Implementing this pattern will really depend on the environment your system will be working in; if it's an Android device, you can probably just refer to the filepath it started at, or save it to a dedicated folder; if it's a web interface, the images would most easily be saved as a sub-folder next to the web page(s) that use the images.

creating a video database

I am interested in creating a video databse. My goal is to have a folder where my videos will be kept and each time I copy/delete a video the website that presents them should be updated to. the problem is I have no idea how to approach it.
Should I..
Use Sql and store a reference to each video location?
Have a script that checks all the time if new changes happen in that folder?
A package like joomla?
I am using ubuntu btw. I already have a simple html5 page, and I am presenting the videos using html5 video.
It depends on the size and the performance you want.
1.Way : use php to scan the folder and generate links on the fly
2.way : Use a database to store the file names and retrieve the names from the database and generate urls
pros and cons.
simple to implement , no changes in upload or download script. no database required.
You need have a database , little coding required for upload and also while genrating a page
You should make a db (format does not matter) and storing in it only file names of videos: the videos would be stored on hard drive.
Any operation on the web site will pass first on db for insert/update/delete videos records and then (maybe in a transaction context) on the file system.
This would be the standard approach to your question.

How can I associate images with entities in Google App Engine

I'm working on a Google App Engine application, and have come to the point where I want to associate images on the filesystem to entities in the database.
I'm using the script to upload entities to the database, but am stuck trying to figure out how to associate filesystem files to the entities. If an entity has the following images: main,detail,front,back I think I might want a naming scheme like this: <entity_key>_main.jpg
I suppose I could create a GUID for each entity and use that, but I'd rather not have to do that.
Any ideas?
I think I can't use the entity key since it might be different between local and production datastores, so I would have to rename all my images after a production bulkupload.
There is a GAE tutorial on how to Serve Dynamic Images with Google App Engine. Includes explanations & downloadable source code.
I see two options here based on my very limited knowledge of GAE.
First, you can't actually write anything to the file system in GAE, right? That would mean that any images you want to include would have to be uploaded as a part of your webapp and would therefore have a static name and directory structure that is known and unchangeable. In this case, your idea of _main.jpg, OR /entity_key/main.jpg would work fine.
The second option is to store the images as a blob in the database. This may allow for uploading images dynamically rather than having to upload a new version of the webapp every time you need to update images. It would quickly eat into your free database space. Here's some information on serving pictures from the database.
If you're uploading the images statically, you can use the key based scheme if you want: Simply assign a key name to the entities, and use that to find the associated images. You specify a key name (in the Python version) as the key_name constructor argument to an entity class:
myentity = EntityClass(key_name="bleh", foo="bar", bar=123)
and you can get the key name for an entity like so:
It sounds like the datastore entities in question are basically static content, though, so perhaps you'd be better simply encoding them as literals in the source and thus having them in memory, or loading them at runtime from local datafiles, bypassing the need to query the datastore for them?
