Which dependencies can be assumed to be installed on a build machine? - c

We have a project that is going to require linking against libcurl and libxml2, among other libraries. We seem to have essentially two strategies for managing these depencies:
Ask each developer to install those libraries under the "usual" locations, e.g. /usr/lib, or
Include the sources to these libraries under a dedicated folder in the project's source tree.
Approach 1 requires everyone to make sure those libraries are installed on their system, but appears to be the approach used by many open source projects. On such projects, the build will detect that those libraries are missing and will fail.
Approach 2 might make the project tree unmanageably large in some instances and make the compilation time much longer. In addition, this approach can obviously be taken too far. I wouldn't put the compiler under the project tree, for instance (right?).
What are the best practices wrt external dependencies? Can/should one require of every developer to have certain libraries installed to build the project? Or is considered better to include all the dependencies in the project tree?

Don't bother about their exact location in your code. Locating them should be handled by the used compiler/linker (or the user by setting variables) if they're common. For very uncommon dependencies (or ones with customized/modified files) you might want to include them in your source (if possible due to licensing etc.).
If you'd like it more convenient, you should use some script (e.g. configure or CMake) to setup/create the build files being used. CMake for example allows you to set different packages (libcurl and libxml2 in your example) as optional and required. When building the project it will try to locate those, if that fails it will ask the user. This IS an additional step and might make building a bit more cumbersome but it will also make downloading faster (smaller source) as well as updating easier (as all you have to do is rebuild your program).
So in general I'd follow approach 1, if there's special/rare/customized stuff being used, approach 2.

The normal way is to have the respective dependencies and have the developer install them. Later, if the project is packeted into .deb or .rpm, these packets will require the respective libraries to be installed, the source packets will have the -devel packets as dependencies.

Best practice is not to include the external libraries in your source tree - instead, include a text file called INSTALL in your project root, which gives instructions on building the project and includes a list of the library dependencies, including minimum versions.


Finding C libraries not included by default

Coming from programming environments that support package managers, I experience a lot of discomfort installing and using libraries not included in the default project.
For example, #include <threads.h> triggers an error threads.h file not found. I found that the compiler looks for header files in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/include/c++/v1 by issuing gcc -print-prog-name=cpp -v. I am not sure if this a complete folder list? How do I find the ones that it doesn't find by default? I am on OSX, but Windows solution is also desired.
The question doesn't really say whether you are building your own project, or someone else's, and whether you use an IDE or some build system. I'll try to give a generic answer suitable for most scenarios.
But first, it's header files, not libraries (which are a different kind of pain, by the way). You need to explicitly make them available to the compiler, unless they reside on a standard search path. Alas, it's a lot of manual work sometimes, especially when you need to build a third-party project with a ton of dependencies.
I am not sure if this a complete folder list?
Figuring out the standard include paths of your compiler can be tricky. Here's one question that has some hints: What are the GCC default include directories?
How do I find the ones that it doesn't find by default?
They may or may not be present on your machine. If they are, you'll have to find out where they are located. Otherwise you have to figure out what library they belong to, then download and unpack (and probably build) it. Either way, you will have to specify the path to that library's header files in your IDE (or Makefile, or whatever you use). Oh, and you need to make sure that the library version matches the version required by the project. Fun!
On macOS you can use third-party package managers (e.g. brew) to handle library installation for you.
pkg-config is not available on macOS, unless you install it from a third-party source.
If you are building your own project, a somewhat better solution is to use CMake and its find_package command. However, only libraries supported by CMake can be discovered this way. Fortunately, their collection of supported libraries is quite extensive, and you can make your own find_package scripts. Moreover, CMake is cross-platform, and it can handle versioning for you.

How to dump an executable SBCL image that uses osicat

I have a simple common lisp server program, that uses the osicat library to interface with the posix filesystem. I need to do this because the system creates symbolic links to files, and uses the POSIX stat metadata, and neither of those things are straightforward to do in portable lisp.
I am managing the dependencies with quicklisp, and I have all of this pinned to a working distribution. The app is portable between CCL and SBCL, and I tend to build it in the first and deploy it using the latter. I declare the dependencies for the app with an asdf defsystem, and I can use quicklisp to load it for easy development from local projects.
For deployment I was just using some ansible playbooks that replicated a developer environment on a remote (.e. setting up quicklisp, pushing code into local projects, running out of a user home directory) which was hacky, but mostly ok. More recently, as it's becoming more stable I have been compiling it using sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die, using a simple compile script. This means I get an executable that I can run more like a server, with service management scripts, and an anonymous user account.
This has been working very well, and so I recently moved this step to the next level, and I'm building .deb packages with my compile script, so I can bundle up everything into a relocatable binary. This also sort of works, but the resultant binaries are not relocatable from the original build host. They refuse to start up, and it appears that they try to dynamically load a shared library for osicat
Unhandled SIMPLE-ERROR in thread #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "main thread" RUNNING
Mar 15 12:47:14 annie [479]: {10005C05B3}>:
Mar 15 12:47:14 annie [479]: Error opening shared object "libosicat.so":
Mar 15 12:47:14 annie [479]: libosicat.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
it looks like the image expects to find this in the original build tree's quicklisp archives
(ERROR "Error opening ~:[runtime~;shared object ~:*~S~]:~% ~A." "/home/builder/buil...quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/osicat-20180228-git/posix/libosicat.so
so poking around the source, I realise that when quicklisp fetches osicat and exercise its build operation, it compiles this DLL to wrap it's interface with the system libaries, rather than just ffi to them directly - possibly because it's using cffi groveller, I don't really know much about cffi (yet). This is fine, but rather than linking to a .so using the system linker it's trying to dlopen it from a fixed path, which is not very portable, and kind of breaks the usefulness of save-image
I'm a bit stumped at this point, but before I go diving any much further into QL and cffi builds, I wondered if there's some build or compile configuration I'm missing that would make it bootstrap in a more 'static' fashion or influence the production of the wrapped library. Ideally I just want a single blob I can wrap in an installer, and link it against system libraries, but if I have to deploy some additional artefacts that's probably alright. I don't know how to make the autogenerated shared objects occur at a more controlled path.
At that point though, I may as well write a .so for my posix calls and distribute this alongside the app and try and FFI to it more directly. That would be a bit of a pain, so I would prefer to not do this.
You're right, when a dumped image is starting up, it is trying to reload the shared libraries. Which, as you are experiencing, is not working if the image is not starting on the machine it was dumped on.
This is almost what static-program-op set out to solve. A simple system definition like this should help you compile a static program:
(defsystem "foo"
:defsystem-depends-on ("cffi-grovel")
:build-operation "static-program-op" ; "asdf" package is implied
:build-pathname "foo" ; path of the generated binary
:entry-point "foo:main" ; function to use as the entry point
;; ... everything else ...
If your system depends on grovel files (defined by :cffi-wrapper-file, :c-file or :o-file), such as the ones provided by osicat, then it will statically link those to your dumped image.
However, it's not perfect.
Essentially, there are still some issues. Some are being fixed upstream by CFFI itself (e.g. not reloading shared libraries of the statically embedded libraries), others are a bit harder. (E.g. SBCL default compilation options don't let you use static-program-op by default. This is being fixed in Debian builds of SBCL, but other distributions are being less responsive.)
This is obviously a problem that the community at large has met, and there are several libraries that are around to help:
The first one, that has been around for a while, is Deploy. The approach it takes is that it embeds the dumped image and the libraries into an archive, and rearranges things for the binary to load them from wherever it is extracted to.
The second one, which I am biased towards because I made it, is linux-packaging. It takes the approach of fixing static-program-op by extending it, but requires you to build a custom SBCL. However, it generates distribution packages like .deb and .rpm, in order to be able to specify dependencies for system shared libraries (e.g. if you depend on sqlite, it will figure out which package provides it and add it as a dependency in the .deb). I highly recommend looking at the .gitlab-ci.yml for examples.
I recommend reading the webpages of both of those libraries to make your choice, they both have their advantages and drawbacks. <joke>Obviously, linux-packaging is superior.</joke>
Maybe you can use sb-posix:symlink and sb-posix:fstat on SBCL instead, removing the osicat dependency by feature toggle.

How to Require an autotools project / get the cflags for an autotools package?

I want to require a c library which was build by with the autotools.
To be honest I have little to no idea how they work :/
(The library which I want to require is "https://github.com/p4lang/PI")
I have executed the ./configure etc. scripts and successfully installed it.
When I search my usr I find the library under /usr/local/lib/libpi.a
and analogously the header files under /usr/local/include/PI.
I build my project with cmake and would like to have a cross platform solution with it.
However I would be satisfied to use the pkg-config command.
Does anybody know what is the "correct" / "recommended" way to get cflags,
or at least a variant in which I do not have to hard code the paths?
The involvement of the Autotools ends at the point where the built artifacts are installed on the system. Using those does not go through the Autotools.* This applies just as much when the installed artifacts are libraries and headers as when they are executables. There's nothing special or different about using Autotools-built programs or libraries.
I build my project with cmake and would like to have a cross platform
solution with it. However I would be satisfied to use the pkg-config
Just like projects served by any other build system, Autotools projects can build and install pkg-config configuration files, or CMake macros, or whatever other bits and pieces they might think appropriate to assist users, but this is project-specific. The Autotools do not create such additional pieces of their own accord, but some Autotools-based projects do add them. And some don't, just like some CMake projects don't, and some projects with hand-rolled build systems don't, etc..
Does anybody know what is the "correct" / "recommended" way to get cflags, or at least a variant in which I do not have to hard code the paths?
Note that typically, for a library whose name you know, the only flags you might need are those specifying the location of the library headers and / or one specifying the location of the libraries themselves. Even these are unnecessary if the relevant pieces are installed in places that the compiler looks by default. Also these are generally not considered CFLAGS, per se. Terminology varies a bit, but the former is a preprocessor flag, and the latter is a link flag.
Since you're using CMake, you could consider writing CMake code to search likely directories for the wanted libraries and headers, and to set the results in suitable variables for other code to use. That's more of an Autotools-style approach, though. Alternatively, you could define a user-set variable by which the wanted location(s) can be specified to CMake. This assumes that the third-party project is not already providing something useful for the purpose. Or, licensing permitting, you could package the third-party library together with your own, so that you are in control of where it gets installed.
In the general case, however, this is simply something that people have to deal with themselves when they build software. Make life easier for them by providing good documentation of what your project's dependencies are, and of how to inform the build system of their locations, and make useful provisions for feeding that information into the build system.
*An exception could be asserted for use of libtool archives, which an Autotools project might install alongside regular libraries -- if one wanted to use those, they would directly or indirectly go through libtool. But in practice, that's only going to happen in another Autotools project.

Options for distributing a c program with library-dependencies under linux

I developed a C program requiring some dynamic libraries, most notably libmysqlclient.so, which I intent to run on some remote-hosts. It seems like I have the following Options for distribution:
Compile the program static.
Install the required dependencies on the remote host
Distribute the dependencies with the program.
The first option is problematic as I need glibc-version at runtime anyway (since I use glibc and libnss for now).
I'm not sure about the second option: Is there a mechanism which checks if a installed library-version is sufficient for a program to run (beside libxyz.so.VERSION). Can I somehow check ABI-compatibility at startup?
Regarding the last Option: would I distribute ALL shared-libraries with the binary, or just the one which are presumably not installed (e.g libmysqlclient, but not libm).
Apart form this, am I likely to encounter ABI-compatibility problems if I use a different compiler for the binary then the one the dependencies were build with (e.g binary clang, libraries gcc)?
Version checking is distribution-specific. Usually, you would package your application in a .deb or .rpm file using the target distribution's packaging tools, and ship that to users. This means that you have to build your application once for each supported distribution, but there really is no way around that anyway because different distributions have slightly different versions of libmysqlclient. These distribution build tools generate some dependency version information automatically, and in other cases, some manual help is needed.
As a starting point, it's a good idea to look at the distribution packaging for something that relies on the MySQL/MariaDB client library and copy that. Maybe inspircd in Debian is a good example.
You can reduce the amount of builds you need to create and test somewhat by building on the oldest distribution versions you want to support. But some caveats apply; distributions vary in the degree of backwards compatibility they provide.
Distributing dependencies with the program is very problematic because popular libraries such as libmysqlclient are also provided by the base operating system, and if you use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to inject your own version, this could unintentionally extend to other programs as well (e.g., those you launch from your own program). The latter risk is still present even if you use DT_RUNPATH (via the -rpath linker option), although it is somewhat reduced.
A different option is to link just application-specific support libraries statically, and link base operating system libraries dynamically. (This is what some software collections do.) This does not seem to be such a great choice for libmysqlclient, though, because there might be an expectation that its feature set is identical to the distribution (regarding the TLS library and available configuration options), and with static linking, this is difficult to achieve.

Create a self-contained project with external libraries

Hey guys,
I want to create a self-contained C project to be machine-independent.
An example? I want to "make all" my project on a machine where external libraries are not installed (but included in my project) and I want all keep working :)
The library I'm talking about is the GSL, you can find it in the libgsl0-dev ubuntu package.
Now, I want to include all the header and .c files in my project, uninstall the packages and the project must build and run as before :)
Don't forget about dependencies.
There are reasons why libraries like GSL are distributed as independant entities:
Users can upgrade the library independantly of the software that uses it saving you from having to constantly update your project when the GSL version changes.
Licensing issues.
Dependancies. If GSL has dependencies and you want to build GSL as part of your project then you will also need to include ALL the source code for ALL dependencies...and their dependencies...and their dependencies...and so on and so on. If you are going to make it a requirement that some sub-dependency need to already be installed then you may as well make it a requirement that GSL is already installed.
Other reasons I can't be bothered to think up because I have other things to do.
Just copy the library's source code somewhere into your project's hierarchy, and start either creating or modifying Makefiles (or whatever GSL uses) to get it to build.
For instance, you could have it in a directory external/libgsl, and then set up a Makefile target for your project that does the building. Then you make your project's code dependent on the library's, so that the library is always built first.
Of course, you also need to think about any license issues that might arise if/when you distribute your project.
