Question Regarding Drupal 7 Slideshow - drupal-7

I please need help regarding this problem of mine. Its in Drupal 7
I have six albums and in my slideshow i need the cover of the albums to rotate in the slideshow by default.
Later when the user clicks on a particular album which are thumbnails below the slideshow that particular album which has been clicked upon has to rotate
in the slideshow replacing the old one. And each album contains 25 images.

You could think about using this module for Drupal 7,
And looking into this tutorial and modify it to suit your needs,


Desiggning a nice looking user account dashboard with react-bootstrap

So I'm looking for advice. This is my first job, and I'm trying to make a dashboard. Basically, the design idea is to use a react-bootstrap card for a profile picture and some info, another card with basic clickable options, and when a user clicks on an option, another card is rendered to the right of it, containing more specific list items.
I have no clue how to do clickable ListGroup.Item, nor do I know how to make it render/remove additional page components.
Any help would be appreciated!
My main panel is a column of width 4, and I'll be using no more than 3 columns, so 12 more than 12 cells wide.

Drupal commerce add text to price

I'm trying to add a simple line off text next to the price in my Drupal Commerce solution.
Seems quite simple but i'm lost where to start. Here is my problem summarised:
Drupal commerce doesn't use templates but views for every page so i want to edit the view
All views contain a rendered entity most off the time a product list
I can add fields to the product list display but these are all fields that are editable on the product page.
So i'm wondering is there a way to add a simple chunk off text (or HTML) to the product list?
Thank you!

EPiServer 7 (MVC) LinkItemCollection: add images to LinkItem collection?

I have a block which is going to display a LinkItemCollection. Each link has an image which belongs to it. Since clickable image isn't supported, I was wondering if anyone had a solution of how to couple the images and links together.
Maybe you could extend LinkItem and add an Url property to an image, any ideas?
This is EPiServer CMS 7 (MVC).
I'd go with a ContentArea property instead of LinkItemCollection, and create a block type with properties for specifying link, image etc. Then add one block per link to the content area.
That also makes it a lot easier to add/remove/rearrange links with drag and drop.

Images not showing up in views with Drupal 7

I installed the Views Module and I am trying to display a picture in the content type(menu item with title and picture) but when I add the image field from the content type named 'menu item' to the view it is not showing up? I dont understand why?
I solved this problem by adding a 'relationship' on the far right hand side of the views ui. You have to select the image with the same machine readable name and link that to the image your are trying to display and hopefully itll work out. This stumped me for like 3 or 4 hours. grrrrrr!

ExtJS image viewer

I have list of images in json format, and want to make an image gallery, but not with full features. Basically all I want is to display 4 pictures next to each other with 2 rows. And when the user clicks the thumbnail sees the large picture. How would I go about doing this.
If you're wanting to create an image gallery then everything you need is here:
