Differences between CMS and RDBMS - database

I was actually reading up on CMS systems like Drupal, and noticed that they're similar to RDBMSes. I was wondering what the differences might be between them. When would we use an RDBMS and when would we use a CMS? Kinda confused and appreciate any input on this. Thanks!

You are asking what is the difference between a car and a Diesel engine.
CMS (Content management system) is a full-blown system allowing end-users to view and modify content (articles, media, etc.) in an easy way. See: List of content management systems.
RDBMS (Relational database management system) is a back-end software used to store low-level data. Typically CMSes use RDBMSes (like MySQL), but this is not a requirement. Nowadays end-users seldom use RDBMS directly.

After researching this topic (and being a Senior Oracle DBA and Java Developer) and reaching a good understanding of both, I can answer this.
Think of a CMS like Amazon, they host digital content such as books, movies and a myriad of other merchandise. Amazon has a fairly open ended query capability that helps you find products quickly and accurately (most times anyway!).
Now imagine this, Amazon goes in and organizes content a little different for logic/efficiency sakes, so what happens to the applications that use it...typically nothing!
You have to create a schema in an RDBMS and write code to interact with that schema. A CMS has facilities to store, organize and retrieve content (although some software would have to be developed that uses/interfaces with the "system"). Arguably, one could create database tables that have blob/clob types and make something CMS like.
One fine difference is that a CMS can support MIME types such as PDF and .DOCX files and understand how to search those for content as well (unlike a BLOB, it's just a BLOB right?).
I wouldn't limit a CMS as saying it is a "document repository" for web-based applications, because it is much more than that; a CMS can store structured, semi-structured and completely unstructured data (executables/.bin files/imagery...whatever!)

They're not similar at all. A CMS is a Content management System - it's used for maintaining content in a website. In a CMS you generally think of content as "pages" or "documents"
An RDBMS is a Relational Database Management System. An RDBMS manages data - in the form of text, numbers, etc, in a highly relational format. In an RDBMS, you think of data as "numeric values", strings of "text", "datetimes", or other primitive data formats.
Usually a CMS uses an RDBMS under the hood to store the data, which the CMS displays as page content.

They are really not the same:
RDBMS : Relational Database Management System - for handling data (SQL, MYSQL)
CMS: Content Management System - For working with web site content

I think you are missing the point here...As far as i know a CMS uses an RDBMS to provided its data. As far as i know a CMS is just an abstraction layer built upon a database. It's much easier for a user to edit content by using the cms, then by directly editing data in a database table.

A CMS, strictly speaking, is a Content Management System, typically used for serving up web pages (SharePoint and other document repositories not withstanding). An RDBMS is a Relational Database Management System. CMSs usually reside within an RDBMS. RDBMSs are also typically used for much more intensive purposes than a CMS, for example, storing customer information or product data.

So one can integrate code e.g. java ... in a CMS to interact with a RDBMS e.g. MySql to endup with a CRUD (Create , Read, Update, Delete) web type application ?
The idea behind this, is to allow any user of the web site to update (specifically allowed) data stored in the RDBMS.
We seem to be getting close to an eCommerce website ...
CMS+RDBMS+code = eCommerce website
Not sure if that exists though ?


Pluggable database interface

I am working on a project where we are scoping out the specs for an interface to the backend systems of multiple wholesalers. Here is what we are working with,
Each wholesaler has multiple products, upwards of 10,000. And each wholesaler has customized prices for their products.
The list of wholesalers being accessed will keep growing in the future, so potentially 1000s of wholesalers could be accessed by the system.
Wholesalers are geographically dispersed.
The interface to this system will allow the user to select the wholesaler they wish and browse their products.
Product price updates should be reflected on the site in real time. So, if the wholesaler updates the price it should immediately be available on the site.
System should be database agnostic.
The system should be easy to setup on the wholesalers end, and be minimally intrusive in their daily activities.
Initially, I thought about creating databases for each wholesaler on our end, but with potentially 1000s of wholesalers in the future, is this the best option as far as performance and storage.
Would it be better to query the wholesalers database directly instead of storing their data locally? Can we do this and still remain database agnostic?
What would be best technology stack for such an implementation? I need some kind of ORM tool.
Java based frameworks and technologies preferred.
If you want to create a software that can switch the database I would suggest to use Hibernate (or NHibernate if you use .Net).
Hibernate is an ORM which is not dependent to a specific database and this allows you to switch the DB very easy. It is already proven in large applications and well integrated in the Spring framework (but can be used without Spring framework, too). (Spring.net is the equivalent if using .Net)
Spring is a good technology stack to build large scalable applications (contains IoC-Container, Database access layer, transaction management, supports AOP and much more).
Wiki gives you a short overview:
Would it be better to query the wholesalers database directly instead
of storing their data locally?
This depends on the availability and latency for accessing remote data. Databases itself have several posibilities to keep them in sync through multiple server instances. Ask yourself what should/would happen if a wholesaler database goes (partly) offline. Maybe not all data needs to be duplicated.
Can we do this and still remain database agnostic?
Yes, see my answer related to the ORM (N)Hibernate.
What would be best technology stack for such an implementation?
"Best" depends on your requirements. I like Spring. If you go with .Net the built-in ADO.NET Entity Framework might be fit, too.

why wordpress does not use views or stored procedures

I installed a wordpress blog and was tinkering with the database,
I noticed they are not using any sotred procedures or views why is this?
Or is it just not available for wordpress.org users and some premium feature for paid wordpress.com members?
Is it not advisable to use these to improve performance considering wordpress stores almost everything except media files in database.
Are there any resources / attempts to optimize wp database using these ?
The decision regarding where to keep transformations of / operations on data is heavily rooted in the concept of what you consider to be the central interface to the data within the application as a whole.
If you're a database programmer, you're much more likely to consider that central point to be the database. In this view, the data is the center, and the surrounding application can be thought of as just an interface on top of that data. This view makes sense when dealing with anything where data itself is key. I.e., where the data will stay put over time, and the ways in which the data is accessed, or the things which you want to do with the data will change over time. Examples which fit well into this view include: Financial systems, Healthcare records, Customer data, Phone records... pretty much anything that has a lot of ways of looking at the data, and is constantly growing.
If you're an application programmer, the data itself may be almost secondary. In this view, the data is transient. Where and how that data is stored is even less important. The MVC pattern encourages the database to be utterly replaceable, and strongly discourages putting any sort of logic related to anything other than basic data integrity into the the database. There is certainly nothing about the MVC pattern or other application-centric development practices which argue specifically against stored procedures or views, but there is much less room for them to be useful. Examples which fit well into this view inclue: Blogs, Message-boards, Stand-alone Documents... pretty much anything that has a very simple structure, does not have complex relations, and can be divided easily into self-contained units. Anything for which "what you can do" is tied closely in concept to "what you are doing it to".
A summary of the two above-mentioned viewpoints is that there are tools for which examining data is more important (data-centric), and there are tools for which creating data is more important (application-centric).
Another way of looking at it is that Stored Procedures and Views are just interfaces on top of a database. Wordpress is also an interface on top of a database, it's just written in PHP.
Well, I don't know their rationale for a fact but my guess would be that since MySQL actually stores the procedures in the "mysql" database - not the wordpress database where the tables are - that they did it because it can be an access issue. Let's say you have a DB server supporting multiple WP databases. All the procedures get put into the "mysql" database. So when you backup your WP database you don't get any of the procedures. You'd need to back up the mysql (system) database, and its likely the users would not have the rights to do so in such an environment, which is the typical environment for WP installs.
Excellent answers. To add, I think that from a plugin coding side, it is easier to update just the file system and do as little database work on an as needed basis.
Especially if a plugin update doesn't install right the first time and you have to restore the files and try again, a database change would be a lot more difficult to reverse.

Google AppEngine DB Management best practice?

Google app engine offer a data store (some kind of DB wrapper) to hold your data.
It does not supply an editor to this data store - only a viewer.
When developing a web application with other DB - MSSQL, MySql etc. - I change the DB structure in the development process many times.
In AE data store you should edit it's structure and data by using code - Java in my case.
Do you - AE developers - have any best practice to manage this DB updates and save them in some smart way for deployment?
I don't know about "best practice", but I have a Servlet that I use during development which can upload and download all entity data as JSON.
I can then use a regular text editor to make changes or I use a hacked version of JSONpad to edit data live in the system.
Since, I use JSON through out my application this works best for me. One could also do the sample thing with XML and use any one of the many XML editors.
Also, I do use the low-level API for all my applications, so my data models tends to be fairly simple.
There are plenty of JSON/XML editors that could be adapter for your purposes, with a little bit of work.

Recommendations for Webbased Archive

Requirements for archival type software
1. Data/Image/possibly video.... upload/search/retrevial/edit from web.
2. Easily implemented user defined Custom Fields
3. Easy backup.
4. Low cost ... either opensource or very low cost
I am a very novice programmer. My primary goal is to manage a collection and publish it to the web.
A. Open source software such as collective access
Problems: Custom fields not supported. Continued support? Portablity of
B. Use Microsoft Access and then use MVC or other development platforms to eventually
publish to the web.
Problems:Difficult to integrate to web?
C. Design my own MVC database application.
Problems:Difficult for novice programmer? Custom Fields and Upload of various data
formats difficult to implement?
Sounds like you are looking for a Digital Assets Management system. I found ResourceSpace (http://www.resourcespace.org/) and Razuna (http://www.razuna.org/) very useful for similar projects - both fall into your A category.
Requirements for archival type
software 1. Data/Image/possibly
video.... upload/search/retrevial/edit
from web. 2. Easily implemented user
defined Custom Fields 3. Easy backup.
4. Low cost ... either opensource or very low cost
Hi there,
As mentioned here before, but Razuna will satisfy your requirements quite well.
It can manage images, documents, videos and audios. It will share folderd and collections on the web with access permissions and will allow you to search among the different kind of assets as well.
Moreover, it can handle metadata of all this asset. It will not only read metadata, but also WRITE metadata, also. Furthermore, you can set the custom fields for each asset type and users will have a web interface to work with.
Razuna supports different databases (H2, MySQL, MS SQL and Oracle (soon DB2)) and let's you migrate from one db to another with ease (backup / restore option).
Best of it all: It is available under a open source license for you to deploy and enjoy today. You can get it at http://razuna.org.
Kind Regards,
PS: I'm the main developer and founder of Razuna.

Social Networking backend architecture

Ideally, where would an application like Facebook store its "Friends" data?
In a database table? in an xml file?
From Facebooks engineering page:
"Already, we are the second most-trafficked PHP site in the world (Yahoo is #1), and one of the largest MySQL installations anywhere, running thousands of databases."
"We've built a lightweight but powerful multi-language RPC framework that allows us to seamlessly and easily tie together subsystems written in any language, running on any platform. Facebook is built in PHP, C++, Perl, Python, Erlang, Java, and even a little bit of ML—and it all works together.
* We are the largest user in the world of memcached, an open-source caching system. Originally developed by LiveJournal, we've since made so many scalability improvements and performance upgrades that we will be the primary contributor of features in the next major release.
* We've created a custom-built search engine serving millions of queries a day, completely distributed and entirely in-memory, with real-time updates."
Relational databases?
check out this blog: http://highscalability.com/ many real-world examples of systems architecures to learn from
"Friends" data is well-described in a graph database. Neo4j is an example, though I know it's not the way Facebook stores this information.
Facebook uses a number of database technologies that may be involved:
a patched version of MySQL
... others
Most probably it should contain some other mechanism. As an example a search engine does not keep its index as a database or XML file. To obtain a maximum performance generally they keep some tree (Binary search tree or more complicated one) and store them on disk in performance effective manner. So I guess such mechanism.
Certainly not in a XML file.
Yes, in a database, in one or several tables. And for the precise exemple of facebook, on several server.
