multi-selection [combo] boxes - multi-select

My selection is still a 'popup' style instead of always being open [a box] with the options vertically aligned to the top ie a combo-selection box.
i am using the following code within a fields for block:
<%=, thisT,
{:multiple => true, :size =>5}) %>
where thisT =
[[4, "JudysBiz (4)"], [5, "testJ (4)"]]
produces the following html code:
<select id="game_6_teams" name="game[6][teams]">
<option value="4">JudysBiz (4)</option>
<option value="5">testJ (4)</option>
As you can see, the structure in the html code does not show as a multi-select box.
i tried to set the first param as 'teams[]' instead of :teams but the html code came out as:
<select id="game_6_teams[]" name="game[6][teams[]]">
<option value="4">JudysBiz (4)</option>
<option value="5">testJ (4)</option>
and it still does not show up as a combo-select box...
What am I missing?

Try this:
<%=, thisT, {}, {:multiple => true, :size => 5}) %>
Syntax is as follows:
select(object, method, choices, options = {}, html_options = {})
can be found here:


how to render the options inside angular select box

How do i render the values inside dropdown(selectbox options).
I need to show 'header' and 'footer' names inside selectbox.
$scope.sections = [
I tried in the following way but not working,
<select name="section" class="form-control" ng-model ="section">
<option ng:repeat="options[0] in sections">
You need to iterate over keys instead of values.
<option ng-repeat="(option, val) in sections[0]">
Or with ng-options
ng-options="option for (option, val) in sections[0]"
see the plunker

angular 1.4.0 and selects: I don't understand the breaking change

Yesterday angular 1.4.0 was released.
The changelog states that there is a breaking change with "selects".
I used to use selects like this:
controller code:
// Default initial selection
$scope.filters = {
someFilter: false
view code:
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control input-sm" ng-model="filters.someFilter">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="true">is true</option>
<option value="false">is false</option>
And the select would start with the option "is false" selected.
Now, with angular 1.4.0, that is not the case:
The selected option is "blank". I see two blanks in the rendered view (instead of one, as I did before)
How do I fix this?
As noted in the docs...
The value of a select directive used without ngOptions is always a string.
Essentially, you are trying to compare the string "false" with the boolean false.
One possible solution is to use ngOptions, eg
$scope.options = [
{ val: true, label: 'is true' },
{ val: false, label: 'is false' }
and in your template
<select ng-model="filters.someFilter"
ng-options="opt.val as opt.label for opt in options">
<option value=""></option>
Alternatively, you could just use strings in your model, eg
$scope.filters = {
someFilter: "false"

How to use a select option dropdown in an Angular Directive?

I have 2 forms, a simple and advanced form.
Both have the same options (a lot of options)
Only a couple of differences in the opening select tag which contains
<select ng-show="showSimpleSelect"
class="form-control manage-source-input-tag">
<!-- if advanced then -->
<select ng-show="showAdvanceSelect"
class="form-control manage-source-input-tag">
<option value="brand">Brand</option>
<option value="client">Client</option>
<option value="companies">Companies</option>
</select ng-show="showSimpleSelect">
</select ng-show="showAdvanceSelect">
In my Directives Controller, I'm using vars like this to show and hide the opening select tags:
vs.showSimpleForm = function() {
vs.showSimpleSelect = true,
vs.showAdvanceSelect = false,
However the HTML ends up looking like this, which breaks the design:
How would you go about refactoring this?
Angular overrides the select tag as a custom directive that expects an ng-options attribute instead of option tags. You can just hard-code your options into an array and put that as the ng-option
$scope.options = ["brand", "client", "companies"];
<select ng-show="showAdvanceSelect"
ng-options="option for option in options"
class="form-control manage-source-input-tag">

How to set the value attribute for select options?

Source JSON data is:
{"name":"American Samoa","code":"AS"},
I try
ng-options="i.code as for i in regions"
but am getting:
<option value="?" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="0">Alabama</option>
<option value="1">Alaska</option>
<option value="2">American Samoa</option>
while I am expecting to get:
<option value="AL">Alabama</option>
<option value="AK">Alaska</option>
<option value="AS">American Samoa</option>
So, how to get value attributes and get rid of "?" item?
By the way, if I set the $scope.regions to a static JSON instead of AJAX request's result, the empty item disappears.
What you first tried should work, but the HTML is not what we would expect. I added an option to handle the initial "no item selected" case:
<select ng-options="region.code as for region in regions" ng-model="region">
<option style="display:none" value="">select a region</option>
<br>selected: {{region}}
The above generates this HTML:
<select ng-options="..." ng-model="region" class="...">
<option style="display:none" value class>select a region</option>
<option value="0">Alabama</option>
<option value="1">Alaska</option>
<option value="2">American Samoa</option>
Even though Angular uses numeric integers for the value, the model (i.e., $scope.region) will be set to AL, AK, or AS, as desired. (The numeric value is used by Angular to lookup the correct array entry when an option is selected from the list.)
This may be confusing when first learning how Angular implements its "select" directive.
You can't really do this unless you build them yourself in an ng-repeat.
<select ng-model="foo">
<option ng-repeat="item in items" value="{{item.code}}">{{}}</option>
BUT... it's probably not worth it. It's better to leave it function as designed and let Angular handle the inner workings. Angular uses the index this way so you can actually use an entire object as a value. So you can use a drop down binding to select a whole value rather than just a string, which is pretty awesome:
<select ng-model="foo" ng-options="item as for item in items"></select>
{{foo | json}}
If you use the track by option, the value attribute is correctly written, e.g.:
<div ng-init="a = [{label: 'one', value: 15}, {label: 'two', value: 20}]">
<select ng-model="foo" ng-options="x for x in a track by x.value"/>
<option value="" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="15">one</option>
<option value="20">two</option>
If the model specified for the drop down does not exist then angular will generate an empty options element. So you will have to explicitly specify the model on the select like this:
<select ng-model="regions[index]" ng-options="....">
Refer to the following as it has been answered before:
Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select? and this fiddle
Update: Try this instead:
<select ng-model="regions[index].code" ng-options="i.code as for i in regions">
<select ng-model="regions[2]" ng-options=" for r in regions">
Note that there is no empty options element in the select.
You could modify you model to look like this:
$scope.options = {
"AL" : "Alabama",
"AK" : "Alaska",
"AS" : "American Samoa"
Then use
<select ng-options="k as v for (k,v) in options"></select>
It appears it's not possible to actually use the "value" of a select in any meaningful way as a normal HTML form element and also hook it up to Angular in the approved way with ng-options. As a compromise, I ended up having to put a hidden input alongside my select and have it track the same model as my select, like this (all very much simplified from real production code for brevity):
<select ng-model="profile" ng-options=" as for o in profiles" name="something_i_dont_care_about">
<input name="profile_id" type="text" style="margin-left:-10000px;" ng-model="profile"/>
App.controller('ConnectCtrl',function ConnectCtrl($scope) {
$scope.profiles = [{id:'xyz', name:'a profile'},{id:'abc', name:'another profile'}];
$scope.profile = -1;
Then, in my server-side code I just looked for params[:profile_id] (this happened to be a Rails app, but the same principle applies anywhere). Because the hidden input tracks the same model as the select, they stay in sync automagically (no additional javascript necessary). This is the cool part of Angular. It almost makes up for what it does to the value attribute as a side effect.
Interestingly, I found this technique only worked with input tags that were not hidden (which is why I had to use the margin-left:-10000px; trick to move the input off the page). These two variations did not work:
<input name="profile_id" type="text" style="display:none;" ng-model="profile"/>
<input name="profile_id" type="hidden" ng-model="profile"/>
I feel like that must mean I'm missing something. It seems too weird for it to be a problem with Angular.
you can use for state in states track by state.code
Where states in the JSON array, state is the variable name for each object in the array.
Hope this helps
Try it as below:
var scope = $(this).scope();

Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select?

I've been working with AngularJS for the last few weeks, and the one thing which is really bothering me is that even after trying all permutations or the configuration defined in the specification at, I still get an empty option as the first child of select element.
Here's the Jade:
select.span9(ng-model='form.type', required, ng-options='option.value as for option in typeOptions');
Here the controller:
$scope.typeOptions = [
{ name: 'Feature', value: 'feature' },
{ name: 'Bug', value: 'bug' },
{ name: 'Enhancement', value: 'enhancement' }
Finally, here's the HTML which gets generated:
<select ng-model="form.type" required="required" ng-options="option.value as for option in typeOptions" class="span9 ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required">
<option value="?" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="0">Feature</option>
<option value="1">Bug</option>
<option value="2">Enhancement</option>
What do I need to do to get rid of it?
P.S.: Things work without this as well, but it just looks odd if you use select2 without multiple selection.
The empty option is generated when a value referenced by ng-model doesn't exist in a set of options passed to ng-options. This happens to prevent accidental model selection: AngularJS can see that the initial model is either undefined or not in the set of options and don't want to decide model value on its own.
If you want to get rid of the empty option just select an initial value in your controller, something like:
$scope.form.type = $scope.typeOptions[0].value;
Here is the jsFiddle:
In short: the empty option means that no valid model is selected (by valid I mean: from the set of options). You need to select a valid model value to get rid of this empty option.
If you want an initial value, see #pkozlowski.opensource's answer, which FYI can also be implemented in the view (rather than in the controller) using ng-init:
<select ng-model="form.type" required="required" ng-init="form.type='bug'"
ng-options="option.value as for option in typeOptions" >
If you don't want an initial value, "a single hard-coded element, with the value set to an empty string, can be nested into the element. This element will then represent null or "not selected" option":
<select ng-model="form.type" required="required"
ng-options="option.value as for option in typeOptions" >
<option style="display:none" value="">select a type</option>
Angular < 1.4
For anyone out there that treat "null" as valid value for one of the options (so imagine that "null" is a value of one of the items in typeOptions in example below), I found that simplest way to make sure that automatically added option is hidden is to use ng-if.
<select ng-options="option.value as for option in typeOptions">
<option value="" ng-if="false"></option>
Why ng-if and not ng-hide? Because you want css selectors that would target first option inside above select to target "real" option, not the one that's hidden. It gets useful when you're using protractor for e2e testing and (for whatever reason) you use by.css() to target select options.
Angular >= 1.4
Due to the refactoring of the select and options directives, using ng-if is no longer a viable option so you gotta turn to ng-show="false" to make it work again.
Maybe useful for someone:
If you want to use plain options instead of ng-options, you could do like below:
<select ng-model="sortorder" ng-init="sortorder='publish_date'">
<option value="publish_date">Ascending</option>
<option value="-publish_date">Descending</option>
Set the model inline. Use ng-init to get rid of empty option
Something similar was happening to me too and was caused by an upgrade to angular seems to be being parsed for type in newer versions of Angular. In older Angular ng-init="myModelName=600" would map to an option with value "600" i.e. <option value="600">First</option> but in Angular 1.5 it won't find this as it seems to be expecting to find an option with value 600 i.e <option value=600>First</option>. Angular would then insert a random first item:
<option value="? number:600 ?"></option>
Angular < 1.2.x
<select ng-model="myModelName" ng-init="myModelName=600">
<option value="600">First</option>
<option value="700">Second</option>
Angular > 1.2
<select ng-model="myModelName" ng-init="myModelName='600'">
<option value="600">First</option>
<option value="700">Second</option>
Among the multitudes of answers here, I figured I'd repost the solution that worked for me and met all of the following conditions:
provided a placeholder/prompt when the ng-model is falsy (e.g. "--select region--" w. value="")
when ng-model value is falsy and user opens the options dropdown, the placeholder is selected (other solutions mentioned here make the first option appear selected which can be misleading)
allow the user to deselect a valid value, essentially selecting the falsy/default value again
<select name="market_vertical" ng-model="vc.viewData.market_vertical"
ng-options="opt as (opt | capitalizeFirst) for opt in vc.adminData.regions">
<option ng-selected="true" value="">select a market vertical</option>
original q&a -
A quick solution:
select option:empty { display:none }
Hope it helps someone. Ideally, the selected answer should be the approach but if in case that's not possible then should work as a patch.
Yes ng-model will create empty option value, when ng-model property undefined. We can avoid this, if we assign object to ng-model
angular coding
$scope.collections = [
{ name: 'Feature', value: 'feature' },
{ name: 'Bug', value: 'bug' },
{ name: 'Enhancement', value: 'enhancement'}
$scope.selectedOption = $scope.collections[0];
<select class='form-control' data-ng-model='selectedOption' data-ng-options='item as for item in collections'></select>
Important Note:
Assign object of array like $scope.collections[0] or $scope.collections[1] to ng-model, dont use object properties. if you are getting select option value from server, using call back function, assign object to ng-model
NOTE from Angular document
Note: ngModel compares by reference, not value. This is important when binding to an array of objects. see an example
i have tried lot of times finally i found it.
Though both #pkozlowski.opensource's and #Mark's answers are correct, I'd like to share my slightly modified version where I always select the first item in the list, regardless of its value:
<select ng-options="option.value as for option in typeOptions" ng-init="form.type=typeOptions[0].value">
I'm using Angular 1.4x and I found this example, so I used ng-init to set the initial value in the select:
<select ng-init="foo = foo || items[0]" ng-model="foo" ng-options="item as for item in items"></select>
I faced the same issue. If you are posting an angular form with normal post then you will face this issue, as angular don't allow you to set values for the options in the way you have used. If you get the value of "form.type" then you will find the right value. You have to post the angular object it self not the form post.
A simple solution is to set an option with a blank value "" I found this eliminates the extra undefined option.
Ok, actually the answer is way simple: when there is a option not recognized by Angular, it includes a dull one.
What you are doing wrong is, when you use ng-options, it reads an object, say [{ id: 10, name: test }, { id: 11, name: test2 }] right?
This is what your model value needs to be to evaluate it as equal, say you want selected value to be 10, you need to set your model to a value like { id: 10, name: test } to select 10, therefore it will NOT create that trash.
Hope it helps everybody to understand, I had a rough time trying :)
This solution works for me:
<select ng-model="mymodel">
<option ng-value="''" style="display:none;" selected>Country</option>
<option value="US">USA</option>
This worked for me
<select ng-init="basicProfile.casteId" ng-model="basicProfile.casteId" class="form-control">
<option value="0">Select Caste....</option>
<option data-ng-repeat="option in formCastes" value="{{}}">{{option.casteName}}</option>
This works perfectly fine
<select ng-model="contact.Title" ng-options="co for co in['Mr.','Ms.','Mrs.','Dr.','Prof.']">
<option style="display:none" value=""></option>
the way it works is, that this gives the first option to be displayed before selecting something and the display:none removes it form the dropdown so if you want you can do
<select ng-model="contact.Title" ng-options="co for co in['Mr.','Ms.','Mrs.','Dr.','Prof.']">
<option style="display:none" value="">select an option...</option>
and this will give you the select and option before selecting but once selected it will disappear, and it will not show up in the dropdown.
Try this one in your controller, in the same order:
$scope.typeOptions = [
{ name: 'Feature', value: 'feature' },
{ name: 'Bug', value: 'bug' },
{ name: 'Enhancement', value: 'enhancement' }
$scope.form.type = $scope.typeOptions[0];
Here is the fix :
for a sample data like :
financeRef.pageCount = [{listCount:10,listName:modelStrings.COMMON_TEN_PAGE},
The select option should be like this:-
<select ng-model="financeRef.financeLimit" ng-change="financeRef.updateRecords(1)"
class="perPageCount" ng-show="financeRef.showTable" ng-init="financeRef.financeLimit=10"
ng-options="value.listCount as value.listName for value in financeRef.pageCount"
The point being when we write value.listCount as value.listName, it automatically populates the text in value.listName but the value of the selected option is value.listCount although the values my show normal 0,1,2 .. and so on !!!
In my case, the financeRef.financeLimit is actually grabbing the value.listCount and I can do my manipulation in the controller dynamically.
I would like to add that if the initial value comes from a binding from some parent element or 1.5 component, make sure that the proper type is passed. If using # in binding, the variable passed will be string and if the options are eg. integers then the empty option will show up.
Either parse properly the value in init, or binding with < and not # (less recommended for performance unless necessary).
Simple solution
<select ng-model='form.type' required><options>
<option ng-repeat="tp in typeOptions" ng-selected="
{{form.type==tp.value?true:false}}" value="{{tp.value}}">{{}}</option>
A grind solution with jQuery when you haven't the control of the options
<select id="selector" ng-select="selector" data-ng-init=init() >
$scope.init = function () {
jQuery('#selector option:first').remove();
$scope.selector=jQuery('#selector option:first').val();
If you use ng-init your model to solve this problem:
<select ng-model="foo" ng-app ng-init="foo='2'">
i had the same problem,
i (removed "ng-model") changed this :
<select ng-model="mapayear" id="mapayear" name="mapayear" style=" display:inline-block !important; max-width: 20%;" class="form-control">
<option id="removable" hidden> Selecione u </option>
<option selected ng-repeat="x in anos" value="{{ x.ano }}">{{ x.ano }}
to this:
<select id="mapayear" name="mapayear" style=" display:inline-block !important; max-width: 20%;" class="form-control">
<option id="removable" hidden> Selecione u </option>
<option selected ng-repeat="x in anos" value="{{ x.ano }}">{{ x.ano }}
now its working, but in my case it was cause ive deleted that scope from ng.controller, check if u didn't do the same.
The only thing worked for me is using track by in ng-options, like this:
<select class="dropdown" ng-model="selectedUserTable" ng-options="option.Id as option.Name for option in userTables track by option.Id">
Refer the example from angularjs documentation how to overcome these issues.
Go to this documentation link here
Find 'Binding select to a non-string value via ngModel parsing / formatting'
There u can see there, directive called 'convertToNumber' solve the issue.
It works for me. Can also see how it works here
We can use CSS to hide the first option , But it wont work in IE 10, 11. The best way is to remove the element using Jquery. This solution works for major browser tested in chrome and IE10 ,11
Also if you are using angular , sometime using setTimeout works
$scope.RemoveFirstOptionElement = function (element) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
