algorithm to sort elements of three arrays - arrays

Here's the stumper:
Start with three arrays A, B and C with a total of 2n+1 entries.
Write an algorithm to sort all of the entries from all of the arrays
using only the following two methods:
X = sort(X) replaces the array X with the sorted version.
(X , Y) = doubleUp(X , Y) does nothing if X has more elements
than Y, otherwise it removes the first length(X) entries from Y
and appends them to the end of X.
Here's what I've tried so far. If two of the arrays are empty, then just use sort on the nonempty array.
If one of the arrays is empty, then I think I can use doubleUp to get one array to have just one thing and the other array to have everything else, and if that singleton array has the smallest (or largest) element, then that works. So I can use sort after I use doubleUp each time to make sure this happens. I coded this up in Maple and it worked for all the cases I checked.
I have no idea how to do it with 3 arrays though. Anyone have any ideas?

Sounds like nonsense. The total number of entries is odd. The only way to increase the length of an array is to make it the smaller first argument of doubleUp, in which case it ends up with an even number of elements. So unless all the elements are in one array to begin with there's no way to make one array contain all the elements, sorted or otherwise.
So, the desired final result is not a single array containing all the elements in order. Or if it is, then the answer to the question is "it cannot be done".


given 3 arrays check if there is any common number

**I have 3 arrays a[1...n] b[1...n] c[1....n] which contain integers.
It is not mentioned if the arrays are sorted or if each array has or has not duplicates.
The task is to check if there is any common number in the given arrays and return true or false.
For example : these arrays a=[3,1,5,10] b=[4,2,6,1] c=[5,3,1,7] have one common number : 1
I need to write an algorithm with time complexity O(n^2).
I let the current element traversed in a[] be x, in b[] be y and in c[] be z and have following cases inside the loop : If x, y and z are same, I can simply return true and stop the program,something like:
return true
But this algorithm has time complexity O(n^3) and I need O(n^2).Any suggestions?
There is a pretty simple and efficient solution for this.
Sort a and b. Complexity = O(NlogN)
For each element in c, use binary search to check if it exists in both a and b. Complexity = O(NlogN).
That'll give you a total complexity of O(NlogN), better than O(N^2).
Create a new array, and save common elements in a and b arrays. Then find common elements in this array with c array.
python solution
def find_d(a, b, c):
for i in a:
for j in b:
if i==j:
def findAllCommon(c, d):
for i in c:
for j in d:
if i==j:
a = [3,1,5,10]
b = [4,2,6,1]
c = [5,3,1,7]
d = []
e = []
find_d(a, b, c)
findAllCommon(c, d)
if len(e)>0:
Since I haven't seen a solution based on sets, so I suggest looking for how sets are implemented in your language of choice and do the equivalent of this:
set(a).intersection(b).intersection(c) != set([])
This evaluates to True if there is a common element, False otherwise. It runs in O(n) time.
All solutions so far either require O(n) additional space (creating a new array/set) or change the order of the arrays (sorting).
If you want to solve the problem in O(1) additional space and without changing the original arrays, you indeed can't do better than O(n^2) time:
foreach(var x in a) { // n iterations
if (b.Contains(x) && c.Contains(x)) return true; // max. 2n
} // O(n^2)
return false;
A suggestion:
Combine into a single array(z) where z = sum of the entries in each array. Keep track of how many entries there were in Array 1, Array 2, Array 3.
For each entry Z traverse the array to see how many duplicates there are within the combined array and where they are. For those which have 2 or more (ie there are 3 or more of the same number), check that the location of those duplicates correspond to having been in different arrays to begin with (ruling our duplicates within the original arrays). If your number Z has 2 or more duplicates and they are all in different arrays (checked through their position in the array) then store that number Z in result array.
Report result array.
You will traverse the entire combined array once and then almost (no need to check if Z is a duplicate of itself) traverse it again for each Z, so n^2 complexity.
Also worth noting that the time complexity will now be a function of total number of entries and not of number of arrays (your nested loops would become n^4 with 4 arrays - this will stay as n^2)
You could make it more efficient by always checking the already found duplicates before checking for a new Z - if the new Z is already found as a duplicate to an earlier Z you need not traverse to check for that number again. This will make it more efficient the more duplicates there are - with few duplicates the reduction in number of traverses is probably not worth the extra complexity.
Of course you could also do this without actually combining the values into a single array - you would just need to make sure that your traversing routine looks through the arrays and keeps track of what it finds the in the right order.
Thinking about it, the above is doing way more than you want. It would allow you to report on doubles, quads etc. as well.
If you just want triples, then it is much easier/quicker. Since a triple needs to be in all 3 arrays, you can start by finding those numbers which are in any of the 2 arrays (if they are different lengths, compare the 2 shortest arrays first) and then to check any doublets found against the third array. Not sure what that brings the complexity down to but it will be less than n^2...
there are many ways to solve this here few selected ones sorted by complexity (descending) assuming n is average size of your individual arrays:
Brute force O(n^3)
its basicaly the same as you do so test any triplet combination by 3 nested for loops
return true;
return false;
slightly optimized brute force O(n^2)
simply check if each element from a is in b and if yes then check if it is also in c which is O(n*(n+n)) = O(n^2) as the b and c loops are not nested anymore:
{ ret=true; break; }
if (!ret) continue;
{ ret=true; break; }
if (ret) return true;
return false;
exploit sorting O(n.log(n))
simply sort all arrays O(n.log(n)) and then just traverse all 3 arrays together to test if each element is present in all arrays (single for loop, incrementing the smallest element array). This can be done also with binary search like one of the other answers suggest but that is slower still not exceeding n.log(n). Here the O(n) traversal:
if(a[x]==b[y]==c[z]) return true;
if ((a[x]<b[y])&&(a[x]<c[z])) x++;
else if ((b[y]<a[x])&&(b[y]<c[z])) y++;
else z++;
return false;
however this needs to change the contents of arrays or need additional arrays for index sorting instead (so O(n) space).
histogram based O(n+m)
this can be used only if the range of elements in your array is not too big. Let say the arrays can hold numbers 1 .. m then you add (modified) histogram holding set bit for each array where value is presen and simply check if value is present in all 3:
int h[m]; // histogram
for(i=1;i<=m;i++) h[i]=0; // clear histogram
for(x=1;x<=n;x++) h[a[x]]|=1;
for(y=1;y<=n;y++) h[b[y]]|=2;
for(z=1;z<=n;z++) h[c[z]]|=4;
for(i=1;i<=m;i++) if (h[i]==7) return true;
return false;
This needs O(m) space ...
So you clearly want option #2
Beware all the code is just copy pasted yours and modified directly in answer editor so there might be typos or syntax error I do not see right now...

Find all possible combinations of items in a list placed into a list of larger size

I'm programming this in Java but don't worry about the language you choose to respond in. This is more of a logical question.
I've got an array of size n of items say: [a, b, c...]. I've got a second empty array of size p. Note that the empty array of size p will always be larger than the previous array size n. I want to iterate over all the combinations of placements of elements from the first array into the empty array. (Note that items in the populated array will always be in that order. The order they come in cannot change; however, the space between element placing can change.
Examples of combinations are (assume n=3 and p=5):
n = 3 = [a, b, c]
could make:
I know that I would start by shifting the last element all the way to the end 1 by 1 then shifting the second element over by 1 and repeating the shift of the last element until the second last element is at the end as well and thus requiring the third and final element to be shifted over once and repeat.
The problem I'm having is representing this in code. The sizes of the arrays are variables and not known to me but I know for a fact that n < p. I don't need the number of combinations it can make. I would like to have code that gives me the iteration to make the combinations so I can do further checks.
If anyone could help me represent this in code, it would be extremely helpful.

Displacement of unsorted shifted array

We have one unsorted array with distinct entries a_1, a_2, ... a_n, and we also know a shifted array a_(n-k), ...a_n, a_1, a_2, ... The goal is to find the displacement k given these two arrays. Of course there is a worst case linear algorithm O(n). But can we do better than this?
There is a hint that the answer has something to do with the k distribution. If k is distributed uniformly between 0 and n, then we have to do it within O(n). If k is distributed in otherway there might be some better way.
If there are no duplicates in the array (distinct entries) I would do this with a while loop and incrementing an index value k starting from 0 and comparing two items at once one from the beginning and one from the end. Such as array1[k] === array2[0] or array1[n-k] === array[0] and the index value k should be the displacement once the above comparison returns true.
There is an O(sqrt(n)) solution, as the op figured out based on #greybeard's hint.
From the first list, hash the first sqrt(n) elements. For the second list, look at the elements advancing by sqrt(n) elements at each time.
However, we might ask if there is a solution that might be close to O(k) (or less!) if k is small and n is large. In fact, I claim there is an O(sqrt(k)) solution.
For that, I propose an incremental process of increasing the step size. So the algorithm looks like this:
First, grab 2 elements from the first list - hash those values (and keep position of values as lookup value, so this should be thought of as a HashMap with key being elements of the list and values being positions).
Compare those elements with the first and third element from the second list.
Hash the values from the second list as well.
Next, look at the third element from the first list - hashing the value. In the process, see if it matches either of the elements found in the second list. Next, advance 3 elements in the second list, and compare its value - remember that values as well.
Continue like this:
increase the prefix length from the first list, and at each point, increasing the step size of the second list. Whenever you grab a new element for the first list, you have to compare it with values in the second list, but that's fine because it does not significantly affect performance.
Notice that when your prefix length is p, you have already checked the first p*(p+1)/2 elements in the second list. So for a given value of k, this process will require that prefix length p is approximately sqrt(2k), which is O(sqrt(k)) as required.
Basically, if we know that a[0] does not equal b[0], we do not need to check if a[1] equals b[1]. Extending this idea and hashing the a's, checks can go as follows:
a[0] == b[0] or b[0] in hash? => known k's: 0
a[1] == b[2] or b[2] in hash? => known k's: 0,1,2
a[2] == b[5] or b[5] in hash? => known k's: 0,1,2,3,4,5
a[3] == b[9] or b[9] in hash? => known k's: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
a[4] == b[14] or b[14] in hash? => known k's: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
(I think that's O(sqrt n) time and space worst case complexity.)
maybe if you incorporate them into a hashtable. then the access and compare time for a(n-k) in the original array will be O(1).

Probability, expected number

In an unsorted array, an element is a local maximum if it is larger than
both of the two adjacent elements. The first and last elements of the array are considered local
maxima if they are larger than the only adjacent element. If we create an array by randomly
permuting the numbers from 1 to n, what is the expected number of local maxima? Prove
your answer correct using additivity of expectations.
Im stuck with this question, i have no clue how to solve this...
You've got an unsorted Array array with n elements. You've got two possible positions for where the local maxima could be. The local maxima could be either on the end or between the first and last element.
Case 1:
If you're looking at the element in either the first or last index (array[0] or array[n-1]) What's the probability that the element is a local maxima? In other words what's the probability that the value of that element will be greater than the element to its right? There are 10 possible value each index could hold {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}. Therefore a 50% chance that on average the element in the first index will be greater than the element in the second index. (array[0] > array[1])
Case 2:
If you're looking at any element that ISNT the first or last element of the array, (n-2 elements) then what's the probability that each one will be the local max? Similarly to the first case, we know there are 10 possible values each index could hold, therefore a 1/3 chance that on average, the element we choose will be greater than the one before it and greater than the one after it.
Putting it all together:
There are 2 cases that have a 1/2 probability of being local maxima and there are n-2 cases that have a 1/3 probability of being local maxima. (2 + n-2 = n, all possible cases). (2)(1/2) + (n-2)(1/3) = (1+n)/(3).
Solvable of course, but won't deprive you the fun of doing it yourself. I will give you a tip. Consider this sketch. What do you think it represents? If you figure this out, you will know that a pattern is available to discover for any n, odd and even. Good luck. If still stuck, will tip you more.

How to check if any of the elements in an array are the same, in matlab?

Thus far, I have find(diff(A)==0), however this only proves useful if the elements are adjacent. I am wondering how identify whether or not a number occurs more than once within an array, regardless of position.
Thanks in advance for your time and help. :)
Try this. If A is your matrix
C = unique(A);
C will contain the unique elements of A so if the length is the same you have all unique elements. If you want to test a specific value trya
c = sum((A == value)
which will return the number of elements in A equal to value
Another option is (given some matrix A):
If any of the elements are the same the output of this line will be 1.
