Google App Engine: efficient large deletes (about 90000/day) - google-app-engine

I have an application that has only one Model with two StringProperties.
The initial number of entities is around 100 million (I will upload those with the bulk loader).
Every 24 hours I must remove about 70000 entities and add 100000 entities. My question is now: what is the best way of deleting those entities?
Is there anyway to avoid fetching the entity before deleting it? I was unable to find a way of doing something like:
DELETE from xxx WHERE foo1 IN ('bar1', 'bar2', 'bar3', ...)
I realize that app engine offers an IN clause (albeit with a maximum length of 30 (because of the maximum number of individual requests per GQL query 1)), but to me that still seems strange because I will have to get the x entities and then delete them again (making two RPC calls per entity).
Note: the entity should be ignored if not found.
EDIT: Added info about problem
These entities are simply domains. The first string being the SLD and the second the TLD (no subdomains). The application can be used to preform a request like this http://[...]/available/ . The application will return a True/False json object.
Why do I have so many entities? Because the datastore contains all registered domains (.com for now). I cannot perform a whois request in every case because of TOSs and latency. So I initially populate the datastore with an entire zone file and then daily add/remove the domains that have been registered/dropped... The problem is, that these are pretty big quantities and I have to figure out a way to keep costs down and add/remove 2*~100000 domains per day.
Note: there is hardly any computation going on as an availability request simply checks whether the domain exists in the datastore!
1: ' A maximum of 30 datastore queries are allowed for any single GQL query.' (

If are not doing so already you should be using key_names for this.
You'll want a model something like:
class UnavailableDomain(db.Model):
Then you will populate your datastore like:
Then you will query for available domains with something like:
is_available = UnavailableDomain.get_by_key_name('') is None
Then when you need to remove a bunch of domains because they have become available, you can build a big list of keys without having to query the database first like:
free_domains = ['', '']
db.delete(db.Key.from_path('UnavailableDomain', name) for name in free_domains)
I would still recommend batching up the deletes into something like 200 per RPC, if your free_domains list is really big

have you considered the appengine-mapreduce library. It comes with the pipeline library and you could utilise both to:
Create a pipeline for the overall task that you will run via cron every 24hrs
The 'overall' pipeline would start a mapper that filters your entities and yields the delete operations
after the delete mapper completes, the 'overall' pipeline could call an 'import' pipeline to start running your entity creation part.
pipeline api can then send you an email to report on it's status


Google Search API Wildcard

I have a Python project running on Google App Engine. I have a set of data currently placed at datastore. On user side, I fetch them from my API and show them to the user on a Google Visualization table with client side search. Because the limitations I can only fetch 1000 record at one query. I want my users search from all records that I have. I can fetch them with multiple queries before showing them but fetching 1000 records already taking 5-6 second so this process can exceed 30 seconds timeout and I don't think putting around 20.000 records on a table is good idea.
So I decided to put my records on Google Search API. Wrote a script to sync important data between datastore and Search API Index. When perform a search, couldn't find anything like wildcard character. For example let's say I have user field stores a string which contains "Ilhan" value. When user search for "Ilha" that record not show up. I want to show record includes "Ilhan" value even if it partially typed. So basically SQL equivalent of my search should be something like "select * from users where user like '%ilh%'".
I wonder if there is a way to that or is this not how Search API works?
I setup similar functionality purely within datastore. I have a repeated computed property that contains all the search substrings that can be formed for a given object.
class User(ndb.Model):
# ... other fields
search_strings = ndb.ComputedProperty(
lambda self: [i.lower() for i in all_substrings(strings=[,
self.last_name,], repeated=True)
Your search query would then look like this:
User.query(User.search_strings == search_text.strip().lower()).fetch_page(20)
If you don't need the other features of Google Search API and if the number of substrings per entity won't put you at risk of hitting the 900 properties limit, then I'd recommend doing this instead as it's pretty simple and straight forward.
As for taking 5-6 seconds to fetch 1000 records, do you need to fetch that many? why not fetch only 100 or even 20 and use the query cursor for the user to pull the next page only if they need it.

Datastore sometimes fails to fetch all required entities, but works the second time

I have a datastore entity called lineItems, which consists of individual line items to be invoiced. The users find the line items and attach a purchase order number to the line items. These are they displayed on the web page where they can create the invoice.
I would display my code for fetching the entities, but I don't think it matters at all as this also happened a couple times when I was using managed VM's a few months ago and the code is completely different. (I was using objectify before, now I am using the datastore API). In a nutshell, I am currently just using a StructuredQuery.setFilter(new PropertyFilter.eq("POnum",ponum)).setFilter(new PropertyFilter.eq("Invoiced", false)); (this is pseudo code you can't do two .setFilters like this. The real code accepts a list of PropertyFilters and creates a composite filter properly.)
What happened this morning was the admin person created the invoice, and all but two of the lines were on the invoice. There were two lines which the code never fetched, and those lines were stuck in the "invoices to create" section.
The admin person simply created the invoice again for the given purchase order number, but the second time it DID pick up the two remaining lines and created a second invoice.
Note that the entities were created/edited almost 24 hours before (when she assigned the purchase order number to them), so they were sitting in the database for quite a while. (I checked my logs). This is not a case where they were just created, and then tried to be accessed within a short period of time. It is also NOT a case of failing to update the entities - the code creates the invoice in a 3'rd party accounting package, and they simply were not there. Upon success of the invoice creation, all of the entities are then updated with "invoiced = true" and written in the datastore. So the lines which were not on the invoice in the accounting program are the ones that weren't updated in the datastore. (This is not a "smart" check either, it does not check line-by line. It simply checks if the invoice creation was successful or not, and then updates all of the entities that it has in memory).
As far as I can tell, the datastore simply did not return all of the entities which matched the query the first time but it did the second time.
There are approximately 40'000 lineItem entities.
What are the conditions which can cause a datastore fetch to randomly fail to grab all of the entities which meet the search parameters of a StructuredQuery? (Note that this also happened twice while using Objectify on the now deprecated Managed VM architecture.) How can I stop this from happening, or check to see if it has happened?
You may be seeing eventual consistency because you are not using an ancestor query.

Choosing the right model for storing and querying data?

I am working on my first GAE project using java and the datastore. And this is my first try with noSQL database. Like a lot of people i have problems understanding the right model to use. So far I've figured out two models and I need help to choose the right one.
All the data is represented in two classes User.class and Word.class.
User: couple of string with user data (username, email.....)
Word: two strings
Which is better :
Search in 10 000 000 entities for the 100 i need. For instance every entity Word have a string property owner and i query (owner = ‘John’).
In User.class i add property List<Word> and method getWords() that returns the list of words. So i query in 1000 users for the one i need and then call method like getWords() that returns List<Word> with that 100 i need.
Which one uses less resources ? Or am i going the wrong way with this ?
The answer is to use appstats and you can find out:
To keep your application fast, you need to know:
Is your application making unnecessay RPC calls? Should it be caching
data instead of making repeated RPC calls to get the same data? Will
your application perform better if multiple requests are executed in
parallel rather than serially?
Run some tests, try it both ways and see what appstats says.
But I'd say that your option 2) is better simply because you don't need to search millions of entities. But who knows for sure? The trouble is that "resources" are a dozen different things in app engine - CPU, datastore reads, datastore writes etc etc etc.
For your User class, set a unique ID for each user (such as a username or email address). For the Word class, set the parent of each Word class as a specific User.
So, if you wanted to look up words from a specific user, you would do an ancestor query for all words belonging to that specific user.
By setting an ID for each user, you can get that user by ID as opposed to doing an additional query.
More info on ancestor queries:
More info on IDs:
It really depends on the queries you're using. I assume that you want to find all the words given a certain owner.
Most likely, 2 would be cheaper, since you'll need to fetch the user entity instead of running a query.
2 will be a bit more work on your part, since you'll need to manually keep the list synchronized with the instances of Word
Off the top of my head I can think of 2 problems with #2, which may or may not apply to you:
A. If you want to find all the owners given a certain word, you'll need to keep that list of words indexed. This affects your costs. If you mostly find words by owner, and rarely find owners by words, it'll still make sense to do it this way. However, if your search pattern flips around and you're searching for owners by words a lot, this may be the wrong design. As you see, you need to design the models based on the queries you will be using.
B. Entities are limited to 1MB, and there's a limit on the number of indexed properties (5000 I think?). Those two will limit the number of words you can store in your list. Make sure that you won't need more than that limit of words per user. Method 1 allows you unlimted words per user.

google app engine query opimization

I am trying to do my reads and writes for GAE as efficiently as possible and I was wondering which is the best of the following two options.
I have a website where users are able to post different things and right now whenever I want to show all posts by that user I do a query for all posts with that user's user ID and then I display them. Would it be better to store all of the post IDs in the user entity and do a get_by_id(post_ID_list) to return all of the posts? Or would that extra space being used up not be worth it?
Is there anywhere I can find more information like this to optimize my web app?
The main reason you would want to store the list of IDs would be so that you can get each entity separately for better consistency - entity gets by id are consistent with the latest version in the datastore, while queries are eventually consistent.
Check datastore costs and optimize for cost:
Getting entities by key wouldn't be any cheaper than querying all the posts. The query makes use of an index.
If you use projection queries, you can reduce your costs quite a bit.
There is several cases.
First, if you keep track for all ids of user's posts. You must use entity group for consistency. Thats means speed of write to datastore would be ~1 entity per second. And cost is 1 read for object with ids and 1 read per entity.
Second, if you just use query. This is not need consistency. Cost is 1 read + 1 read per entity retrieved.
Third, if you quering only keys and after fetching. Cost is 1 read + 1 small per key retrieved. Watch this: Keys-Only Queries. This equals to projection quering for cost.
And if you have many result, and use pagination then you need use Query Cursors. That prevent useless usage of datastore.
The most economical solution is third case. Watch this: Batch Operations.
In case you have a list of id's because they are stored with your entity, a call to ndb.get_multi (in case you are using NDB, but it would be similar with any other framework using the memcache to cache single entities) would save you further datastore calls if all (or most) of the entities correpsonding to the keys are already in the datastore.
So in the best possible case (everything is in the memcache), the datastore wouldn't be touched at all, while using a query would.
See this issue for a discussion and caveats:

Mass updates in Google App Engine Datastore

What is the proper way to perform mass updates on entities in a Google App Engine Datastore? Can it be done without having to retrieve the entities?
For example, what would be the GAE equivilant to something like this in SQL:
UPDATE dbo.authors
SET city = replace(city, 'Salt', 'Olympic')
WHERE city LIKE 'Salt%';
There isn't a direct translation. The datastore really has no concept of updates; all you can do is overwrite old entities with a new entity at the same address (key). To change an entity, you must fetch it from the datastore, modify it locally, and then save it back.
There's also no equivalent to the LIKE operator. While wildcard suffix matching is possible with some tricks, if you wanted to match '%Salt%' you'd have to read every single entity into memory and do the string comparison locally.
So it's not going to be quite as clean or efficient as SQL. This is a tradeoff with most distributed object stores, and the datastore is no exception.
That said, the mapper library is available to facilitate such batch updates. Follow the example and use something like this for your process function:
def process(entity):
if'Salt'): ='Salt', 'Olympic')
yield op.db.Put(entity)
There are other alternatives besides the mapper. The most important optimization tip is to batch your updates; don't save back each updated entity individually. If you use the mapper and yield puts, this is handled automatically.
No, it can't be done without retrieving the entities.
There's no such thing as a '1000 max record limit', but there is of course a timeout on any single request - and if you have large amounts of entities to modify, a simple iteration will probably fall foul of that. You could manage this by splitting it up into multiple operations and keeping track with a query cursor, or potentially by using the MapReduce framework.
you could use the query class,
query = authors.all().filter('city >', 'Salt').fetch()
for record in query: ='Salt','Olympic')
