Using Extjs in Firefox Extension - extjs

I'm developing a Firefox extension, and need to work with an ExtJS component on a page. Has anyone been able to do this? I've loaded the ExtJS Javascript files in my XUL, but doing something like Ext.getCmp('my-button').disable() has no effect. Do I need to somehow configure the Ext object with the document object? Any other suggestions?

Just a shot in the dark but I know when I wrote Selenium testing a while back I had to use window.Ext.getCmp('my-button'). maybe that will work.


What is the best way to scrape content rendered by a Chrome Extension?

I want to scrape the content rendered/showed by a Chrome Extension - not a website. The webpage URL triggers a request to this specific Chrome Extension, and they render content that comes from their database.
I'm trying to automate the current workflow we have.
What are the best tools and ways for this task?
Thanks & Love.
I guess it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Do you need to interact with the content after it is rendered by the extension? You may be able to use something like Cypress:

How can i add extension to browser from ExtJs application

How can i add extension to browser from my application (Extjs).
For eg: clicking on a button should add extension to chrome browser.
On click of it(extension) application should be launched.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Any help would be appreciated
You can do inline installation:
There are a few things you have to setup to do this, the documentation should walk you through them.

Forward to jsp from java script method not working for browser

I am using ExtJs 4.2. In my java application I am using the ExtJS calendar (I am using Eclipse Indigo IDE for developement) in one of my JSP.
Now I am getting a pop up to save the event when I click on any date in month format. But I want to display one of my custom JSP when clicked on any day on the ExtJS calendar instead of the pop up which is another JavaScript file.
So I changed in App.js file present in examples/calendar/src folder to get the required JSP. I changed in
showEditWindow : function(rec, animateTarget)
method and instead of the function body where the pop up was coming I wrote the line
window.navigate("my jsp path in eclipse")
It is working fine if I am executing the file in my Tomcat server using Eclipse browser. But if I use any other browser then the functionality is not working (i.e nothing happening when I am clicking on the date).
I am totally new to JavaScript environment. So even if a small or any other suggestion also can be helpful.
So pls anybody help me out here...
window.navigate() is an IE specific implementation and its not a standard way of doing it. It will not work on all browsers.
Use window.location.href instead
Instead of window.navigate("my jsp path in eclipse"); ,
Use window.location.href = "my jsp path in eclipse";

extjs grid referesh icons not displaying

I'm using using Extjs 4.0.7 version.
Html editor icon images, grid refresh and paging button images are not displaying.
I checked another working setup, there i found x-tbar-loading class for grid refresh icon
but in the setup i'm using on my system, the above calss is not found. But the css and js files are same as the working setup.
Check to make sure you included the resources shipped with the distribution.
Also there is really no need to hang back to 4.0.7 - lots of issues have been fixed in 4.1.1
I was having the same issue using Ext JS 4.2.1. My application skeleton was created using Sencha CMD. In order to get things working again, I need to rebuild the application using the following commands. It seemed to need both:
sencha app build
sencha app refresh
Not sure of the exact order, but after doing that, I was able to get things working properly.
You need add

some Ext JS 2.3.0 classes do not work on my pc

I am new to Ext JS. I am trying to develop with Ext JS 2.3.0. I downloaded the BoxSelect extension from but it doesn't seem to work on my pc. I also realised that the class does not work on my pc as well. Does any one have any ideas as to why this is happening?
Try with download of the whole set up so that no need of different js file for different activity in ExtJs. . Even I am new to all this and i am accessing through apache server. Also check with declaration of same files. Please also see version of JS.
