Windows phone mango with SQL Server - sql-server

I have a WP7 app idea that requires a connection to a server database (running SQL Server 2008 R2). I checked online and accordingly it is usually done by using WCF that expose the database for the phone to be used.
I would like to know if the new mango update provide anything new to the process I already mentioned. I am aware of the local database, but in my case I need the SQL Server database for the bigger size.

(Even in mango) there is no way to directly connect to a SQL Server database.

The easiest way is to use oData to expose your database on the wire. The oData client library is built into the Mango APIs under System.Data.Services.Client.
However, be aware of the requirements of your application and architect approrpriately. There may be a need to provide some sort of caching plan as network connectivity is never guaranteed on a mobile device.


SQL Tables without SQL Server or Express

This question is directed at developers that use database tables in their applications.
Is it possible to create/develop an application that uses a table that was created in SQL Server or SQL Server Express, without having either of those applications installed on the users system/device?
Its depends which type of connection string you have if its local so you need to download and if its not local you can use
Seems like you're looking for SQLite. This approach uses the filesystem to store data that we can access using standard SQL queries. It requires no additional applications to be installed.

How Can I Use A SQL Database Like I Used To Use Access?

I have been supporting a product written in VB6 with an Access database for a long time. In many of the installations a mapped drive was used to allow multiple workstations to run simultaneously. Since it seems Microsoft has broken that recently, I need to re-write everything with a new set of tools.
I plan to use and I would like to use a SQL database this time for the stability. The problem is that the market I sell to cannot / will not support installing full blown SQL Server and all the complexities of managing it.
What I am not able to find any current info about is whether or not SQL Server Compact still exists, whether or not it can be added to a NON web based project and if it will be easy to deploy and be easy to manage like an Access database was.
When I try to follow the directions to add SQL Server Compact to my project, it isn't available in the Data Source drop down list (there are "Simple by ErikEJ" versions listed but they don't seem to work) I have seen SQL Server Compact talked about with regards to web projects but I am building a locally installed .exe. I can't find ANY current info about what flavors of SQL are available right now to add to a local program running over a peer to peer network.
SQL Server Compact is no longer supported and developed by Microsoft, I suggest that you use SQL Server Express, it allows remote connections (if configured to allow it) and has modest resource requirements. Supports a database up to 10 GB of size.
As suggested, SQL Server CE can still be used but is no longer supported. For file-based databases, Microsoft currently recommend SQLite.
For a multi-user system, SQL Server Express is probably your best bet. It's still server-based though, so the server needs to be installed somewhere. For local databases, you can install on the same machine as the application and attach a data file on demand. For multiple clients, you'll need the server installed on a machine accessible to all and a permanently-attached database.

Standalone Database Option that works well with EF and is easily deployable?

I recently started a Winforms VB.NET application that uses a mysql database to store information. Problem is this is a standalone system no network access to the database is needed. And installing mysql server, along with the connector has become a great burden. Is there a viable alternative database engine that will be non-transactional, and EF still works with. This database just needs to keep up with client details, payment History, and related items..
SQL Server Compact might work for you, depending on it's limitations. If not, SQL Server Express will work fine

Exporting SQL Server Databases for offline use

I have a desktop application (C# .NET 3.5) that uses a SQL server for it's database. I have had a request from the client, however, to make it possible to export the database as it stands, and be able to use it on a laptop without connectivity. They understand that updates to the parent server will not be reflected in these offline clients.
Is there a way I can just save the DataSet's to a binary form and write them to a disk and send those files to the offline clients.
There is an entire line of tools and technologies covering this case, namely the Synch Framework. See Synchronizing Databases. See Getting Started: Client and Server Synchronization for a starting example involving a SQL Server Compact Edition file on the client (.SDF file) that is synchronized with a SQL Server central database. Note that the client won't install anything else other than you application, the SQL Server CE is just a few in-process DLLs that you distribute with your app, nothing nearly as complex as a SQL Express edition on the client.
The good news is that Synch Framework no only allows the client to get their own on-the-go snapshot of the database, it actually allows for changes applied while disconnected to be merged back into the central site.
You could either use Compact Edition (aka. SDF files), or you can save the datasets as XML using the built-in method.
Can't you just take a SQL Server level backup and have them install e.g. SQL Server Express on their laptops and restore the database there?
That way you wouldn't have to do anything special in your app at all - just change the connection string to point to the local SQL Server Express instance, and off you go! No mucking around with serialized data sets and stuff......

Best practice for running SQL Server reporting services. Should I run on the database or web server?

I am configuring a new environment to run several intranet web applications. I have 2 servers, one will be the SQL Server 2008 server, and the other will be the IIS server. I also need to install SQL Server Reporting Services. I am not sure whether it would be better to run reporting services on the database server, or web server. Is there a best practice for this situation?
The reporting services rendering is fairly processor intensive so you need to keep that in mind. Typically if I'm designing a system with heavy load or throughput requirements I place the reporting services instance on its own server. The best practice is really dependent on the complexity of your system.
If a third server is not an option and the two servers you already have are similarly speced I would probably place it on the one with the lowest processor load. If you place the reporting server on the web server make sure that Reporting services uses your dedicated database server for the reporting services meta-data so that you don't have to install the RDBMS on both machines.
You need to keep in mind that if you don't place the reporting server on the same box as SQL server you will need another SQL Server license. The product is only "free" if it is installed on the same machine as SQL.
I would run installer on your web server so that the web service components of Reporting Services are installed there.
It is also benificial to configure reporting services with it's own application domain in IIS so that you can tweak the configurations independant of say your other web applications.
When you run through setup using the Reporting Services Configuration Tool, set up the database on your non web server (i.e. dedicated db server). This way all your data processing is handled on one server and all your web processing/data rendering is handled on another.
Hope this is clear and of use but please feel free to pose further questions.
