How to define relative paths in Visual Studio Project? - c

I have a library and a console application that uses a library. The library has a folder with source and header files.
My project is in a child/inner directory but that library directory that I want to include is in a parent/upper directory.
My project directory:
Includes files are here:
How can I use paths relative to the project directory, to include folders that are in a parent/upper directory?

Instead of using relative paths, you could also use the predefined macros of VS to achieve this.
$(ProjectDir) points to the directory of your .vcproj file, $(SolutionDir) is the directory of the .sln file.
You get a list of available macros when opening a project, go to
Properties → Configuration Properties → C/C++ → General
and hit the three dots:
In the upcoming dialog, hit Macros to see the macros that are predefined by the Studio (consult MSDN for their meaning):
You can use the Macros by typing $(MACRO_NAME) (note the $ and the round brackets).

If I get you right, you need ..\..\src

I have used a syntax like this before:
As other have pointed out, the starting directory is the one your project file is in(vcproj or vcxproj), not where your main code is located.

By default, all paths you define will be relative. The question is: relative to what? There are several options:
Specifying a file or a path with nothing before it. For example: "mylib.lib". In that case, the file will be searched at the Output Directory.
If you add "..\", the path will be calculated from the actual path where the .sln file resides.
Please note that following a macro such as $(SolutionDir) there is no need to add a backward slash "\". Just use $(SolutionDir)mylibdir\mylib.lib.
In case you just can't get it to work, open the project file externally from Notepad and check it.

There are a couple of hints you need to know.
consider your app is running under c:\MyRepository\MyApp
a single dot on your path means the folder where your app runs. So if you like to reach some folder or file under MyApp folder (imagine c:\MyRepository\MyApp\Resources\someText.txt) you can do it like var bla = File.Exists(./Resources/someText.txt)
and you can go one level up with double dots (..) think about a folder under c:\MyRepository\SomeFolder\sometext.txt
for MyApp, it will be like
var bla = File.Exists(../SomeFolder/someText.txt)
and it is possible to go 2,3,4.. levels up like
../../SomeFolder (2 levels up)
../../../SomeFolder (3 levels up)
and path starting with no dots means the drive root. var bla = File.Exists(/SomeFolder/someText.txt) will look for the c:\SomeFolder\someText.txt in our scenario.


Eclipse Build Variables Relative to Path Variables

My project has external resource files linked to a folder on my computer. In order to change them easily when moving the project to another location or another PC, I defined a Path Variable called LIBRARY_LOC by going into:
Properties/Resource/Linked Resources/Path Variables.
Now I am able to add a file by going into:
New/File/Advanced/Link to file in the file system/Variables/LIBRARY_LOC
Then complete the relative link as:
So I can add an externally linked file using the relative location defined as LIBRARY_LOC.
Everything works fine for now.
Now I also need to add Include Paths using LIBRARY_LOC into Tool Settings/GCC Compiler/Include paths
So I tried this:
or this:
or this:
But none of them worked. The only way to achieve this is to define a Build Variable with a different name but pointing to the same location. Let's say LIBRARY_PATH. Then I can use this in Include Paths as below:
Now I am able to do what I want, I have relative paths for both adding externally linked files and include paths but when I move the project, I will need to change two different variables defined in Path Variables and Build Variables but in fact, they both point to the same location.
I tried referencing each other while defining them but it didn't work either. If it could work, I could at least change only one of them but keep the other as it would be defined as a relative to the other.

Add files with target using CMake

I am working using CMake on a little C project using OpenGL. To be able to run, my executable needs to access some resources files such as 3D meshes, textures or shader program sources.
When I run the generated executable, the current folder is the directory where it is created. This directory may differ depending on the binary tree location (out of source ? insource ? anywhere in the coputer). But my resources are located near my source tree.
I would like my CMakeLists.txt to copy the resource folder in my executable output directory but I have not a good idea of the way to do that. Besides, I am not sure this is a "best practice" of CMake.
Thank you for reading :)
You have 2 useful variable to do so: CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR and CMAKE_BINARY_DIR, the former refers to the current CMakeLists.txt output directory, the latter refers to the top level project output directory.
Most of the time, you handle resources near the executable depending on it, then you'll certainly want to refer to CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.
This command will copy resource of the CURRENT_CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/MyResourceDir named myresource in the directory matching the current CMakeLists.txt.
You can glob files of your MyResourceDir and loop on it (maybe there is also some function to copy directory instead of list of files).

emacs open includes in code files, multiple directories

ECB, cscope, xcscope. All working. Is cedet necessary?
MSVS, eclipse, code::blocks, xcode. All of them allow easy click on an included source file and take you to it.
Now, with the above setup, emacs does too.
Except emacs doesn't take you to the std:: libraries, doesn't assume their location in /src/linux or some such. Emacs is a little blind and needs you to manually set it up.
But I can't find anything that explains how to set up ff-find-other-file to search for any other directories, let alone standard major libraries, outside of a project's directory.
So, how do I do it?
Edit; Most important is to be able to request on either a file name (.h, .c, .cpp, .anything) or a library (iostream) and open the file in which the code resides.
Additional directories for ff-find-other-file to look into are in ff-search-directories variable which by default uses the value of cc-search-directories, so you should be able to customize any of the two to specify additional search paths.
As for the second question about requesting a file name and finding corresponding file, something like that will do:
(defun ff-query-find-file (file-name)
(interactive "sFilename: ")
;; dirs expansion is borrowed from `ff-find-the-other-file` function
(setq dirs
(if (symbolp ff-search-directories)
(ff-list-replace-env-vars (symbol-value ff-search-directories))
(ff-list-replace-env-vars ff-search-directories)))
(ff-get-file dirs file-name))
Call it with M-x ff-query-find-file or bind it to a key to your liking.

shellexec and c:\program files - x86 and x64 portability

I'm modifying an open-source GUI (written in c) to add a new menu item to the tray app. The new menu entry executes a file (update.exe) in the program root in c:\program files directory. Im using shellexec() and it works fine on x86, but since the path is different on x64 - c:\program files (x86), it fails to load. I'd like to use something to the effect of an environment variable like %programfiles%. What is an elegant solution to this?
Alternatively, I do have the ability to change where the update.exe file is stored. Putting it in 'program files' just seemed the most logical. For the problem above, should it go outside of program files? If so where?
You can use GetModuleFileName() to retrieve the full path to the executable. Then you'll just have to cut the filename from the end, and you'll have the complete directory path.
Something like this should to the trick:
LPTSTR szFileName;
GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szPath, sizeof(szPath)/sizeof(TCHAR));
szFileName = _tcsrchr(szPath, TEXT("\\"));
*szFileName = TEXT('\0');
// szPath now contains the path
(Warning! Untested!)

How to tell the preprocessor to search for a particular folder for header files, when I say #include <xyz.h>

I have around 120 header files (.h files) , and in all of them each one includes many other header files using #include <abcd/xyz.h>, but as I kept .h files in a specific folder, preprocessor is generating filenotfound error.
I moved all the .h files to the single .C file that is calling the first headerfile.
One way to do is make #include <abcd/xyz.h> as #include "abcd/xyz" , but I need to do this in all the header files wherever there is an include statement, and there are hundreds of them.
I can't include many of them in the headerfiles section in Visualstudio because, some of the headerfiles have the same name, but they reside in different directories. (<abcd/xyz.h>,<efgh/xyz.h>).
Any way to do this?
You should add a path into "Additional include directories" in the "C++" section of the project options (the "General" tab). You can use environment variables as well as "this folder" (.) shortcut and "up one folder" (..) shortcut for this setting to not be bound to a certain directory structure.
and I can't include many of them in the headerfiles section in Visualstudio because , some of the headerfiles have the same name, but they reside in different directories.(,)
That's a pretty big problem unless the files that are including those non-uniquely named headers are in the same directory as the header files themselves.
You have no way to guarantee that the compiler will locate one header before another without modifying the #include directive itself (and adding a relative path as one example).
EDIT: It looks like Visual Studio will allow you to specify different Additional Include Directories for each source file in a project (rt-click on the source file in Solution Explorer and modify C/C++ properties). But I think this would be more work than modifying the #include directives themselves - depends on how many non-unique header filenames you have.
In the project settings (under C/C++ in VS2005/2008) there's an option for "additional include directories". You can add the folders containing your header files here, using relative paths.
You can also do this at the IDE level in Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Include Files. Typically this method is reserved for headers included as part of a formal library. The first option is typically preferred as it's portable (you can ship your project file to another developer and, provided you use relative/macro'd paths, they can build the project as-is).
What you're looking for is the -I flag and you give the directory...
If you have a Makefile, you should add it to the CPP_FLAGS something like that....
You can also add an INCLUDE variable to your environment variables.
