Associating an uploaded File (id) with another table - atk4

I'm using Filestore to make uploads in a form.
It's a great implementation but I've a doubt about associating that file uploaded with a register in a table.
When I run the filestore.001.sql, it add 4 tables in Database (filestore_image, filestore_file, filestore_volume, filestore_extension).
Then in anoter table I have:
I was thinking in how to do that association when I submit the form.
Maybe a dsql() and then selecting the last inserted file, but I don't know if this is the best option.

When you add a image field to a form, it will return you ID (or list of uploaded file id's) on submission. So theoretically user can upload image and never submit form, hence it wouldn't be associated.
You can have the following table:
and define picture as type image, there should be examples on the site - it will automatically receive ID from the filestore_file table.
There is another way you can do and it's exactly how Filestore_Image is being built. You can make your own model, and link it with necessary image and use that for your image field. Since it's your model, you can now control what happens before inserting, you can override beforeInsert and afterInsert events to build the proper associations.
Both methods have their own uses, pick the one which you like.


Salesforce Screen flow search and display record information

I'm working on a screen flow. The idea is to have a lookup component the user can search a contact. Then I would like to display the information from the Contact (Account Name, Contact Name, Number Email) and I would like to be able to have the user update that information if needed. I just stomped on how it can be done. I know it should be able to be pulled from the record ID in some type of way and maybe use an Assignment to display the information. Can someone guide me on a next step or if anyone has an instructional video would be helpful.
You wouldn't be able to display the looked up contact's fields on that screen as soon as you populate that field. That would be something only possible in code (aura component or lwc).
What you can do, however is -
Get Record element after that screen element. (Get Contact, where Id = lookupcomponent.recordId)
use the new Fields (BETA) option on another screen Fields (BETA)
(this method is easier, doesn't have as much control and is limited on fields, depending on data type, you can use)
add inputs one by one and set the default values Add Fields One By One
(this method allows more control)
Then, you will need an update element. If you used the Fields (BETA) you can just update the record variable. If you did the inputs one by one, you will need to update the contact and set fields individually.
Full Flow Example

How to bind uploaded file with ADAM to entity field correctly in 2sxc module?

I need to create entity object programmatically and fill it with data. One field needs to be of a file type. So I managed to create entity without file, upload file in ADAM using this sample of code. However it seems that I didn't bind it as it is binded when file is uploaded manually.
When a file is uploaded to entity field manually, you can see content like file:421 .../asdf.docx. However when I repeat code sample from link above, field contains that file available to choose and already uploaded, but field value is null. IFile.Url seems to write correct data via App.Data.Update method, but no id is displayed in admin panel.
Dictionary<string, object> fileDict = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) {
{ "File", file.Url }
}; // file is ToSic.Sxc.Adam.IFile, returned by SaveInAdam
App.Data.Update(entityObj.EntityId, fileDict); // entityObj is ToSic.Eav.Data.IEntity, returned by App.Data.Create
I wonder if that's going to have some bad conscequences if it has no binding like manual upload and how to do that correctly?
To add files, you actually add them to a field (so that the UI can then offer them as if they were added by a normal user). Check out
BTW: Best check out MobiusForms to see how it's done.
And I forgot to mention: here the docs
To further explain:
SaveInAdam will place the file in the ADAM folder of the item. Since it could be that many files are added, it's just assuming that the field will be the library type - which doesn't store anything in the entity, it just automatically finds the folder that belongs to the field.
If you wish to not use the library feature but actually just the single-field with link, then you must also save the term like "file:74" into the value of the field.

Veeva Salesforce uploading presentation

maybe this is not a good quetion posted on this site, but I am trying to upload a presentation to SalesForce ( I understand that at first I have to create "Key messages" which represent each slides in the presentation, then I create new CLM presentation and select presentation slides.
But then I am stucked. Is this everything to uploading the presentation or I have to migrate the presentation somewhere, upload somewhere else using FTP, etc.
I hope my question is understandable (because my English is not very good).
Thanks for help.
AFAIK, follow these steps to upload a presentation with single slide..
Create a Key message and upload the media (zip file). (Simply give key message name and upload proper well-formed zip)
Create a Presentation Slide (Just slide name)
Now, create a CLM Presentation, in which you need to browse and select the above 2 objects against their respective fields.
That's it on salesforce.
Now sync iRep app on device/iPad and it should come down in "Media".
Try this,
1.Create a new presentation
2.Go to CLM Key Messages tab and here, before creating a new key message you might need to create a new view("Create New View" link button) to group these key messages(at least that's how I do it).
Here you need to make sure that the filter method is set correctly otherwise I won't be able to see those key messages attached to this view.
So you can set sth like this(on step 2):
Field | Operator | Value
Message | contains | slide_prefix
On step 3 you need to add "Message" in "Selected fields" Tab
3.Now create a "New CLM Message" and make sure that it has "slide_prefix" on his name composition(Ex: if slide_prefix is "EXSlide" then clm message should be named like: EXSlide myslide01 or EXSlide_slide01)
4.After creating CLM key message you will be redirected to his info page where you need to upload the ".zip" file.
5.Last step is to create "New Presentation Slide"(On the bottom of the page). Here you need to input the Presentation(presentation name created on step 1), key message name(you can search for them) and a display order
Now sync the ipad and it should appear.
In addition to sTx answer, you can take a look at the "Veeva Content Creation Guidelines" (Link below). This will fit most of your developer needs.
Veeva Content Creation Guidelines
Keep in mind that often client groups have special region codes and labeling rules (see also: sTx answer to "Prefix" rules), that you have to follow, to match users and contents in a global account. If you dont, nothing will appear on the iPad. Example: yourID + Language + Country (
Also companys often split thier environment in two, a sandbox and a production section - Make sure you have the permission to see sandbox contents. For this purpose, activate the "Training Content" checkbox on the presentation object, to see your presentation without a migration.
All contents you create in the backend are by default visible to you on the iPad. Check the "Config" > "Media" list and look for your Zips files; if they get downloaded.

CakePHP - Prevent model data being save in a saveMany call when certain fields are blank

I have scenario where I have 3 different models data being saved from one form, by means of the saveAll pass through method in CakePHP 2.x
The models on the form are:
1 and 2 are saving perfectly, but I am having problems with the ProjectAttachment fields. If you look at the following image, the fields in question are at the bottom right, highlighted by a red frame:
Here is the situation:
I have named the fields as follows: *ProjectAttachment.0.project_id*, .... *ProjectAttachment.6.project_id* etc where the numbers are relative to the already present amount of attachments the user has added, as there is no limit. So if the user has ALREADY added 6 documents, the field would be called and so on. This is because of the naming convention when using the saveAll method.
I have made use of two hidden fields, one to store the user ID, the other to store the project ID.
The problem is that if the user does not fill in the Document Title and select a file to upload, the form fails! If I remove all validation rules, the form no longer fails BUT a blank ProjectAttachment record is inserted.
I suspect the problem may also be that the project_id and user_id fields (that are hidden) already have values in them?
I gave it some thought, and came up with a simple concept: In my controller, before the saveAll call, I would check to see if a blank Document Title field was submitted, and if so, I would completely eliminate the relevant array entry from the $this->request->data['ProjectAttachment'] array, but this did not seem to work.
To clarify, I am not looking for validation rules. If the user decides they only want to upload images and not touch the ProjectAttachment form, them the saveAll operation must not fail, it must simple not attempt to save the blank fields in the form, if this is at all possible.
Any suggestions?
Kind regards,
Well it seems that the solution was far simpler than I had initially thought! I was partially on the right track, and I had to unset the variable ProjectArray key in the $this->request->data array if I had encountered any blank fields.
I did this as follows:
foreach($this->request->data['ProjectAttachment'] as $key => $value){
if(is_array($value) && array_key_exists('upload_file', $value)){
if($value['upload_file']['name'] == ''){ // Blank document file
I hope someone finds this somehow useful in some form or another.
Kind regards,

Is it possible in Quickbase to create a URL to an Add Record page which partially fills in fields on the form?

I have a Quickbase app with a form for adding records. On an intranet page, I have a link to the add record form. When a user clicks on that link, Quickbase opens the add record form. However, I would like to supply values for some of the fields on the form as parameters in the URL.
I am aware of API_AddRecord, but as I understand it, that can only be used for completely filling in all required fields and saving the record. The disprec parameter can be used to see the record, but doesn't keep the record in add mode without committing the record.
What I need to do, is to fill in a couple of the fields, but keep the record in add mode, allowing the user to fill in a couple more fields. The URLs on the intranet page are actually generated in a grid, so there are some fields that are already known then the user clicks on the link, and I don't want the user to have to type them in again.
Can this be done? Thanks for your input.
Sure. Folks do this all the time. Use a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_1="foo"&_fid_2="bar" where the number are the Field IDs of the fields you want to fill out, and "foo" and "bar" are the values you want to fill in.
