How do you display info from a database - atk4

I have figured out how to add data from a model into a grid like the examples on the learning section of the Agile Toolkit website. But I'm looking for the correct way to show data from a database without a grid.
Say I have a news database and I want to display it as a blog style news on my home page. Can someone point me to where to begin?
Trying to make this a little more clear:
I want to display data from multiple columns from a table news. So I would need to know how to get the title, date, author, content and then repeat that for say 5 latest news articles.

try this:
then inside templates/defaults/view/mytemplate.html
You can also use it with any view, even page.
you can re-define template for your page by defining defaultTemplate function
function defaultTemplate(){
return array('page/mypage');


How to show recently record list on my custom visualforce page?

The sObject's record list
Hey, I have a question, when I click a sObject's tab it will present a standard page. The picture shows the recently record list, is it a standard function like "apex:listViews" mark-up tag? I want to achieve this function in my own custom page. How do I do this?
I don't think there's a dedicated VF tag for it (aside from some very specialised cases like Knowledge and Ideas-related tags). But you can manually query it from database and display in <apex:pageBlockTable>.
There's a table with "recently viewed everything, across all objects" (think of it like "Recent Items" sidebar in clasic SF UI):
And also most objects will have a LastViewedDate field so you should be able to do
FROM Restaurant__c
WHERE LastViewedDate != null
ORDER BY LastViewedDate DESC

Extract data from the dom into my model

I have a searchfield that when used shows multiple results (search for Star Wars and you get about 6 results in a list form). Every result has a "add movie" button which when clicked should save the data of that movie into my rails model.
I want to use Backbone to get a dynamic view for this process, so that when the movie is added it shows instantly without refreshing. The easiest way to do this would be to extract the data from the HTML (title, image-url) from the selected movie and store it into my model.
I've checked the Backbone model documentation, and I've already did the codeschool Backbone.js course, but still I find it hard to get started. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Get content Id (nid) from path on views block

I just can't seem to wrap my head around Drupal relationships. I have been reading and watching tutorials, but as soon as I try to get my own project done - I fail. I think it's very basic, so I would love to understand it. Maybe someone here can help me understand how it works :)
On my drupal site, I want to keep track of some private game tournaments.
I have created a content type called contestant, which has fields like: Tournament date, Player name, Final Position. I can then create a view that list the information from one tournament. I used the help I got from this thread: drupal views dynamic filter
I would like to have the view described above as a block. And then place that block-view on a "tournament description" page. I could do this, by simply creating a new block each time, and then manually place it on the page it should be shown (structure-->Blocks-->configure), but that is not an elegant way to do it. I am pretty sure this is where Relationships should be used. But I fail to understand how to create this relationship, so that the specific block view, that matches the specific tournament description page will be displayed together.
Use a Content:Nid as a Contextual filter.
WHEN the Filter value is not in the URL >>
Provide default value
Content ID from URL

Drupal 7: Adding content/nodes from custom content type pages to another page

I'm working on a Drupal site an need to implement the following:
I have created an about us page template (page--about.tpl.php) and a custom content type for the about us page and linked the 2 using suggestions. I also have a custom content type for staff profiles that I need to add on the about us page in a tabbed format.
I can't seem to find a way to get the staff content to display in the about us page. I would ideally like it to render it the same manner as blog posts would display in a blog page.
So my question is, what code do I use to render all the nodes of the staff profiles content type in the about template page?
p.s I'm a bit of a Drupal noob, done a lot of reading but come up empty on this one.
If you already created content type About us (that is what i understood from mockup and explanation) then maybe you could use Views with EVA. That will enable you to have view as field in content type.
You can set it up with manage display or print it in template as all other fields. For example:
<?php print render($content['your_view_entity_view_1']); ?>
Other way would be to embed view in template. For example:
<?php print views_embed_view('your_view', 'block'); ?>
You can use the excellent Views module to create a block to list all your staffs.
Then you need to place the block that you had created with the help of view module in about-us page.
The Views module will give you suggestions to about which template to use.
EDIT: After the op provided the following image.
After you create a view to show all the Team member nodes you could simply print the view in your about us specific page template using following code.
$view = views_get_view('view name');
print $view->render('display_id');
Another option to do the same thing is, make blocks for all the content, viz. The Firm, The Team, Awards, Technonogly, Services and use quicktabs to display the content.
Yet another option to show a view as a field for a node is use EVA
Going the quicktabs way you can provide a lot of flexibility of showing teaser in about us page and leading to details about the same. For example each award can be a node in itself.

Render a page differently based on which list that opened it

I have two lists of different PageTypes - NewsItems and PressReleases. They are displayed in one list each, with links to the individual items.
Now I want to include the press release items into the news list and use the style of the news items to display them as news items. They share properties like "Heading" and "BodyText", which are used in the News Template.
I imagine that it won't be that difficult to feed the NewsItems' ListPage with both sets of pages, but I don't understand how I can control the rendering of the item page.
I would like to take the PageData object from a NewsItem OR a PressReleaseItem and display it using the News-Item.aspx template, if it is selected in a NewsList. But EPiServer will always render the PressReleaseItem with the PR-Item.aspx since it's coupled in the PageType settings.
Anyone know how to accomplish this?
EDIT: An effort to clarify:
The important issue is how to know the "list parent" and choose the right template from that. In the ListPage I can apply different looks on the PR and News items respectively using tompipes answer, but when selecting to see an individual item EPi will render the PR-Item-1 the same way regardless of their "list parent". That's the problem.
I'm not following exactly what you are attempting here. But I think I get the gist of it.
Why not use one aspx template for both page types, but in the code behind switch off sections using the visible attribute.
If you are using PageTypeBuilder you could use the "is" keyword:
somePlaceHolder.Visible = CurrentPage is NewsItemList;
If you're not using PTB, you could use something like:
somePlaceholder.Visble = CurrentPage.PageTypeID == 10;
somePlaceholder.Visble = CurrentPage.PageTypeName == "NewsItemList";
I'll point out now I'm not a fan of hardcoding anything, so I would place the template name, or ID into a config file, or a property on the start/root page to avoid hardcoding them.
Let me know if this will help, or if I have misunderstood please try elaborate on your issue.
Depending on how much the templates share you could go with user controls, placeholders or even different masterpages to switch view in a suitable way.
To know when to switch you could use a querystring parameter, session variable or the nicest looking way would probably be to lookup and get the list's PageData object by the HTTP referrer. If it's empty you will get press release rendering as the worst case.
I tried lots of solutions, including the adding of querystring to the PR items in the list links, the getting of referring url in the item template and different types of event hooking for automatic publishing of news items from a PR item (although I only looked at the code samples for that one), and finally came to the conclusion that they all had something that told me not to go that way. (Making the code too complex, or the markup logic too hard to understand and so forth)
I ended up using Fetch data from another EPiServer page, and creating a "shortcut pagetype" in which I let my editors pick which PR item should be used as base for a news item.
This shortcut pagetype is called "PR-as-news-itemPage" and it is rendered with the same aspx as ordinary news items: News-Item.aspx. Having no properties of its own, it will take all relevant data from the PR item selected with "Fetch..."
To render PR items with all its properties I created an ordinary new pagetype called PR-Item.aspx. This renders the "Attribute 2" property, which is only rendered by PR-item.aspx, and not by News-Item.aspx.
(I could have gone even simpler, by letting the editors use the old News-Item page type and use the "Fetch..." property there, but I have some mandatory properties in that page type which I didn't want to make optional for this sake.)
