GemFire alternatives and a license question [closed] - licensing

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've just started looking at gemfire. I'm really impressed actually. I'm a little confused by its licensing, there seems to be some indication that some of it is open source? Does anyone have any clear idea? I'm loathed to talk to their sales people.
If not, are there any open source alternatives? I can think of a few technologies which offer the same features but not as a whole.

Unfortunately there are no open-source in-memory data grid solutions. You can check alternative distributed caches like Coherence from Oracle, eXtream scale from IBM, XAP from GigaSpace.
Quick search can bring you to following solutions:
Hazelcast - In-Memory Data Grid
Cacheonix - In-Memory Data Grid
You can try it. Most probably it is young generation of IMDG and they have not full functionality. But it's free.
BTW: what functionality you want to use? some times IMDG it's just a fix for bad architecture.

This question was first posed way back in 2011, but it still seems pertinent, as Gemfire is still referenced in the latest suite of Spring demos on the Pivotal site:
"As of the 1.2.0 release, this project, formerly known as Spring GemFire, has been renamed to Spring Data GemFire to reflect that it is now a component of the Spring Data project."
So to use Spring Data, or to at least follow along with the latest "Yummy Noodle Bar" Spring Tutorial suite, it is sort of implied that you need to use the proprietary "Spring Data Gemfire" product for the Order Status solution component (the other two components of the demo being MongoDb for the Menu Item data, and a relational DB like Postgres or MySQL with JPA for the Orders data).
I did some more recent searches and in addition to Hazelcast, I was really only able to come up with one other open source solution which might also fit the bill as a Gemfire alternative :
As for me, I think I'll probably start with Hazelcast and see how that pans out.
In general, I should say that I'm a little disappointed at Pivotal for sneaking a commercial product into their otherwise open source tutorial. It's one thing to lead people to Gemfire with an open source entry level version of the product, but to force developers to sign up for a free trial version of a commercial product that they really have no business purchasing for their development platform in the first place kind of sucks IMHO. Please correct me if I am missing something here.

GemFire has been submitted for incubation within the Apache Software Foundation. Once it has been accepted as an incubation project the source code will be available under an Apache License. Currently you can download, build, and run the source for evaluation purposes at


Working graph server setup for use with Python3 [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm solving a problem that seems most appropriately handled by a graph database, so I wanted to get a graph database server up and running, and go from there. I'm a Python developer, so I was trying to get something running with the bulbs library, which seems mature and effective, based on the documentation.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any monolithic guide that covers everything between bulbs and an actual graph database server, and my attempts to cobble together working versions have been hampered by a number of compatibility problems.
I feel like I might be missing something intrinsic to the design of these systems. I'm used to postgresql, MariaDB, and other systems which are a pretty simple two-layer model, bridged by a standard API. It seems like the Apache Tinkerpop stack should be what I want, but Rexster seems like it's a server, but not a storage backend, so I still need one of those? I'm a little confused, because Neo4j and Titan seem like they're also servers, in addition to storage backends, so I don't know why Rexster is necessary. Right now, I'm trying to get Neo4j to work with bulbs, but the Gremlin plugin is missing... I've spent more than a day trying to piece this software stack together, and I'm getting really close to just giving up and building a million mapping tables in an ORM.
Is there a monolithic installation guide that I can follow somewhere, or has anyone had experience getting this working in a sane amount of time? I can use any solution deployable on Fedora, Debian, or OpenBSD.
Your question is too broad to provide a good answer. Briefly, I will say that you are not going down a good path. Bulbs is no longer developed. Rexster is TinkerPop 2.x which is a line of code that is no longer maintained. Please see the TinkerPop web site which as the full listing of current python related libraries for 3.x. However, before you even do that or worry about Titan or Neo4j, you should focus your time on learning the TinkerPop stack itself. Read the Getting Started tutorial. Get comfortable with the Gremlin Console. Play with GremlinBin a bit. Then get into the details of the reference documentation. If you start more slowly, you will likely have more success.

Hosted CMS + MSSQL DB = best solution for sports website? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Goal: I want to create a website for my High School's Soccer team to show game info, player info, and historical stats/records for as little $ as possible.
I originally planned on writing an ASP.NET site, so I spent some time setting up and loading all the data into MS SQL. However, I've realized I'd rather find a simpler solution than me trying to come up with everything that goes with creating/maintaining the site.
The biggest factor here is tying the database to the site. I want to continue to update the data going forward without messing with the front end too much. I've developed in ASP.NET/C#/VB.NET and am comfortable with CSS/web dev/blogging, so I'm able to do a little dirty work if need be.
Question: Is there a good CMS option for my situation? Also, where to host it on the cheap?
I was a CMS developer for 5 years. Having been through all that, I wouldn't write my own for a single, relatively simple site.
There's SO many options out there. Obviously, the standard Joomla/Wordpress/Drupal solutions are there and are SO cost effective to build. Free software + $5 a month hosting (my personal fav is HostGator) and you've got yourself a very good site. Joomla offers some plugins such as calendars, groups and authorization, etc that makes it ideal for a club or sports team setting. Joomla even has free plugins that are specifically made for tracking sports stats and results. I did sports stats on websites professionally for the US Swimming and Cycling teams as well as two NCAA conferences.....and they aren't fun to deal with at all!
That being said, none of those are .net based!
DotNetNuke is where everyone on the .net side seems to turn. This is my personal feeling, but DotNetNuke and Wordpress both fail in that they are somewhat strict with layouts unless you really know what you're doing. For example, look at a bunch of sites and chances are you'll be able to tell which ones are Wordpress based. That was always my top measure of flexibility.
I'm intrigued right now by Concrete5 because of its ability to content manage any layout with minimal modification. Again, it's PHP based. My personal feeling is that you'd actually come out ahead "switching sides" because of the considerable amount of work product and community that the big free CMS packages offer. Setup is a breeze, so knowledge is less of an issue. But ultimately your comfort zone is what matters.

releasing a javascript library for the first time [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm almost finished working on a useful (at least, in my opinion) JavaScript plugin. Having seen and used many JavaScript packages, both freely licensed (JQuery, YUI, etc) and partly or fully commercially licensed I'm not sure what other factors dictate which license I should release my own under and how to support the plugin.
Some background information on my JavaScript plugin:
Similar audience and plugin size/impact to, although slightly more niche. My plugin doesn't provide any analytics though.
Uses JQueryUI for user interface, can be expanded upon with there themeing components, etc.
No other similar tool out there (at least that has become popular).
Can be easily integrated in to a website.
Questions I have:
Should I launch a dedicated website for the plugin, or use something similar to Google Groups? Would a dedicated website bring more kudos perhaps?
Would a Creative Commons Non-Commercial license be a suitable license considering I'm a young developer and perhaps reputation building is more important than my bank managers happiness?
These are the 2 big questions that have been puzzling me for a while now, and I don't know anyone who has been in a similar situation :(
Thanks for any advice.
Considering you seem community, rather than cash driven .. the community will hold the key to what they find best, simplest and acceptable (and what works)
What do other plugin developers do? Take their lead. They set the convention and it determines how other people find your plugin. If a Firefox extension only had it's own site then I probably wouldn't find it.
What do others use? GPL? LGPL? What does jQuery use? Ask them why?
It might be worth using an online revision control tool like github or launchpad so people can contribute bug reports and help your development.
If I were you I would definitely use something like launchpad or google code.
You get integrated (community enabled):
source version control
bug tracking
for free.
Considering this library is aimed at other (web) developers a shiny website seems a lot less important then the convenient features above (in a known format).
And: congratulations on your first release, of course ;-)
About running site:
For me running dedicated website gives your product more professional look. Hosting on Google groups isn't good choice for all products: you can't build screenshots gallery, own blog, etc. You can build forum by youself if you need it.

What are some good Oracle Db maintenance Tools [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have grown from a small time of 2-3 developers to about 30 developers very quickly. We supposedly never needed Source Control, or Db Monitoring or Schema diagrams.
Now we see more and more terrible code being moved to the Production. Is there an off the shelf product for oracle that will help manage version control and deployment management from Test, to UAT, to Prod?
Also nice to have would be Schema diagrams, Documentation Tools, some amount of performance profiling capabilities. But primarily would like to a tool to manage code source control and Migration for oracle scripts, DDL, DMLs etc.
I srongly recommend getting Oracle'e SQL Developer. This integrates with Subversion, provides an overview of the entire database, including procedures, schema changes and so on. This will make your life easier.
have you considered SVN for your source control and management of scripts, DDLs and etc? Our ORACLE DBAs use it here and they swear by it.
I know I am very late to this party, however, I wanted to draw your attention to our product, dbMaestro TeamWork for Oracle, which provides exactly the functionality required here. We offer the functionality equivalent to source control tools for Oracle artifacts. Many companies use SCM by proxy (as suggested above by northpole, re using SVN), our solution is "in touch' with the database as required by Reuben on the original post. To read more please visit our site at or e-mail us at
Disclosure - My company represents this product in the US.
TOAD (by Quest Software) is fantastic and includes most of what you want including source control.

Best Versioning Tools to use for Photoshop/Illustrator and related binary files? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I previously asked about Version Cue 3 vs Subversion. I think this is a better question and someone suggested I hope this question will allow others to join in and suggest other tools or give specific recommendation to using Version Que versus other tools.
PixelNovel's Timeline is a SVN plugin for Photoshop. They have standalone and hosted versions.
Take a look at this article comparing Subversion, Mercurial, Git and Bazaar for managing the files in a home directory, including image files and large Photoshop files that are being edited and versioned.
EDIT: The link is dead and I can't find the article, however the information in the article is now severely outdated anyway. Today I would strongly recommend using Git-LFS (Large File System), with the file locking mechanism that was added in 2017, I believe. This is the solution I currently use, as it solves both the problem of needed to lock binary files, and avoids the inefficiencies of git when it comes to storing large files - which was one of the main points of that article.
I'd like to suggest
It was made for designers with designer's needs in mind. Other solutions (GIT, SVN, etc.) cannot give you proper usability, and as well, your clients would be not able to comment, review and browse design milestones in an easy way.
Other way is to use but they are struggling with some security issues. Also the usability is not really great.
Take a look at Perforce (, particularly if you are managing these files in the context of development projects. It is a code-oriented system, but it supports binary files well and has a Photoshop plugin. P4 isn't free, but it is worth every penny if you need professional-grade SCM - it is solid, fast, flexible and easy to use. (I am a very satisfied customer.)
For my game development I found this: Evolphin Zoom . It's pretty fast and it is compatible with all Adobe products. I like the Visual Asset Browser because it has a lot of ways to find things. It also has a web dashboard, which is useful if you have a team.
They are advertising it as a 'more than a replacement for version cue'. So if you're coming from that, you might find that a nice perk, too.
