Unable to Return output from function - arrays

function Get-NaLUNbyMap {
Gets Lun Information for a particular initiatorgroup name & lunid
Get-Inventory -computername server-r2
Import-Module NaLUNbyMap
Get-NaLUNbyMap -igroup "IA" -lunid 1
$info = (Get-NaLun |Select #{Name="LUN";Expression={$_.path}},#{Name="Size";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.size/1gb,0)}},#{Name="OnlineStatus";Expression={$_.online}},#{Name="Group";Expression={([string]::Join(",",(Get-NaLun $_.path | get-nalunmap | select -ExpandProperty initiatorgroupname)))}},#{Name="LunID";Expression={Get-NaLun $_.path | get-nalunmap | select -ExpandProperty lunid}} | ?{$_.group -eq $igroup -and $_.lunid -eq $lunid})
return $info
Hi Im unable to return output from this function, can some one please help me out!

That is some ugly code. :(
Here is a cleaned up version. I think I found your problem. Your parameters are arrays, when they should be single values based on how you are using them.
function Get-NaLUNbyMap {
Gets Lun Information for a particular initiatorgroup name & lunid
Get-Inventory -computername server-r2
Import-Module NaLUNbyMap
Get-NaLUNbyMap -igroup "IA" -lunid 1
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
process {
$Luns = foreach ($Lun in Get-NaLun) {
$LunMap = Get-NaLunMap $_.Path
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
"LUN"= $_.Path
"Size" = [Math]::Round([Decimal]$_.Size / 1gb, 0)
"OnlineStatus" = $_.Online
"Group" = $LunMap | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InitiatorGroupName
"LunId" = $LunMap | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LunId
$Luns | Where-Object {$_.Group -eq $igroup -and $_.LunId -eq $lunid}


Slow array operations after DB resultset

I need help optimizing my PowerShell script.
$sorted = #()
$firsttime = 0
$j = 0
$zaehler = $results.Count-1
for ($i=0; $i -le $results.Count-1; $i++) {
$j = $i+1
while ($results.GUID[$i] -eq $results.GUID[$j]) {
$klassen = ""
$rec = $results | where {$_.GUID -eq $results.GUID[$i]}
if ($firsttime -eq 0 -or !$sorted.GUID.contains($rec[0].GUID)) {
$firsttime = 1
foreach ($item in $rec.Klasse) {
if ($klassen -eq "") {
$klassen += $item
} else {
if (!$klassen.Contains($item)) {
$klassen += "," + $item
$rec[0].Klasse = $klassen
$sorted += $rec[0]
$j = $j+1
Write-Host ($i/$zaehler).ToString("P") "von Schule" $schule
if (!$sorted) {
} else {
Basically in my resultset ($results) I got duplicate lines of teachers and the only difference is the class ("Klasse/Klassen") they are teaching at.
To minimize the output I am checking if the first GUID is the same as the second and then the script appends the second class to the first one. So the $sorted array has just one line per teacher with a comma-seperated string which shows all classes.
Sample line of $results:
Sample line of $sorted[0]:
The sorting process (check if contains, foreach $item, add to $klassen) is pretty slow.
I would be very grateful for any kind of ideas how to optimize the script.
Maybe something like this would work:
$results | ForEach-Object {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $_
} | Group-Object GUID | ForEach-Object {
$teacher = $_.Group
$teacher | Select-Object -First 1 -Exclude Klasse -Property *, #{n='Klasse';e={
$teacher | Select-Object -Expand Klasse
Convert your hashtables into custom objects, group them by GUID, then replace the original "Klasse" property with a new one containing an array of the values from all objects in that group, and select the first result.
Should $results already be a list of objects you can skip the first ForEach-Object:
$results | Group-Object GUID | ForEach-Object {
$teacher = $_.Group
$teacher | Select-Object -First 1 -Exclude Klasse -Property *, #{n='Klasse';e={
$teacher | Select-Object -Expand Klasse

How can I get a output from a powershell function into a output file for example txt?

I have made a create function in windows powershell:
function create(){
$searchBase = "OU=Customers,DC=test,DC=nl",
$NewOUs = #(Import-csv -Path $txt_csv.Text -Delimiter ";"),
$Protect = $true
If ($ProtectOU){$Protect = $true}
<# ------- CREATE OU ------- #>
foreach ($NewOU in $NewOUs) {
try {
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $NewOU.company -Description $NewOU.description -Path $searchBase -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $Protect
catch {
Write-Host "OU already exists"
$UserList = Import-Csv -Path $txt_csv.Text -Delimiter ";"
<# ------- CREATE USERS ------- #>
foreach ($User in $UserList) {
$OU = $User.path
$UPN = $User.UPN
$Password = $User.password
$Detailedname = $User.firstname + " " + $User.Lastname
$UserFirstname = $User.Firstname
$FirstLetterFirstname = $UserFirstname.substring(0,1)
$SAM = $User.UPN
$Company = $User.company
$Description = $User.description
$AccountExpirationDate = $User.accountexpirationdate
$params = #{ 'Name'=$Detailedname;
'AccountPassword'=(ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force);
'HomeDrive' = "H:"
'HomeDirectory' = "\\home\userdata$\$SAM"
'ProfilePath'="\\dc-test\User Profiles$\$SAM"
New-ADUser #params
I want this create function as a output file for example in a txt.
This is my wpf button object:
When I click on the button the output must generated a output file. I already tried a lot of solutions such ass:
Create | out-file but I don't get the information I want:
source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/reference/5.1/microsoft.powershell.utility/out-file
Is it possible to do this?
Kind regards
You would want to do the following:
"processing New-ADUser with $params" | Out-File log.txt -Append
try {
New-ADUser #params
"Created $UPN" | Out-File log.txt -Append
catch {
$_ | Out-File log.txt -Append
or you could just pass the output of New-ADUser to the Out-File:
New-ADUser #params -PassThru | Out-File log.txt -Append

Start-Job -ScriptBlock: Retrieving an array that is compiled inside the ScriptBlock

I have a Foreach loop inside a ScriptBlock that builds an array.
I cannot figure out how to retrieve the array from the Job once it's finished.
Here is my current code.
$HSMissingEmail = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$HSDataObjects = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$HSMissingEmail = Start-Job -Name HSMissingEmailStatus -ScriptBlock {
param($HSDataObjects, $HSMissingEmail);
foreach ($HSDO in $HSDataObjects) {
$HSDO = $HSDO | Select-Object Name, Location, Telephone, EmailAddress, Comments;
if ($HSDO | Where-Object {$_.EmailAddress -like ""}) {
} -HSDataObjects $HSDataObjects -HSMissingEmail $HSMissingEmail | Receive-Job -Name HSMissingEmailStatus
I've also tried the following but it didn't do anything either.
$HSMissingEmail = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$HSDataObjects = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$ScriptBlock =
foreach ($HSDO in $HSDataObjects)
$HSDO = $HSDO | Select-Object Name, Location, Telephone, EmailAddress, Comments
if ($HSDO | Where-Object {$_.emailaddress -like ""})
Start-Job -Name HSMissingEmailStatus -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -HSDataObjects $HSDataObjects -HSMissingEmail $HSMissingEmail
ProgressBar ([REF]$HSMissingEmailStatus)
$HSMissingEmail = Receive-Job -Name HSMissingEmailStatus
Get-job -Name HSMissingEmailStatus | Remove-Job
I have tried many different ways to form the ScriptBlock but none are returning anything to $HSMissingEmail.
Also the second block of code doesn't get the passed data until I make the ScriptBlock all one line, which I'm unsure if this is a default behavior.
How can I retrieve the array?
You need to write the array out to standard out.
$HSMissingEmail = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$HSDataObjects = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$HSMissingEmail = Start-Job -Name HSMissingEmailStatus -ScriptBlock {
param($HSDataObjects, $HSMissingEmail);
foreach ($HSDO in $HSDataObjects) {
$HSDO = $HSDO | Select-Object Name, Location, Telephone, EmailAddress, Comments;
if ($HSDO | Where-Object {$_.EmailAddress -like ""}) {
$HSMissingEmail # Drops it out as a result of the script block
} -HSDataObjects $HSDataObjects -HSMissingEmail $HSMissingEmail
Receive-Job -Name HSMissingEmailStatus -Wait # At the appropriate time, or keep cycling until you get it all
As far as the single-line/multiline bit, it might be a problem with not explicitly typing the variable as [ScriptBlock], but I'd have to check.

Find file extension in folder and sum total size

I am trying to find all file extension in a folder and subfolders and generate a list. I found a oneliner but it do not generate the list as i want. i got mutiple of paths so i do this.
$date = get-date -Format d
$File = "C:\NoBackup\FolderPaths.txt"
foreach ($Folder in (Get-Content $File)) {
Get-ChildItem $Share -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Group-Object extension | Select-Object #{Name="Folder";Expression={$Folder}}, name, #{n='TotalSize';e={$_.group | ForEach-Object -Begin {$size=0} -Process {$size += ([decimal]::round($_.Length / 1MB))} -End {"$size MB"}}} | Sort-Object -Property 'TotalSize' -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize
This will give a new header foreach folder in folderpaths, and i need the result be like this
.ext1 .ext2 .ext3 .ext4
D:\Folder1 5MB 12MB 20MB 8MB
D:\Folder2 10MB 54MB 12MB 3MB
D:\Folder3 2MB 12MB 20MB 100MB
I cant find out to rewrite the code to get what i need. Hope you can help me out with this.
The script works now. I needed to change
foreach($folder in $folders)
foreach($folder in (Get-Content $file))
It is not short or sweet, but try this:
function ConvertTo-Units($decimal)
$value = [decimal]::Round($decimal/1mb,2)
$units = "MB"
if($value -eq 0)
$value = [decimal]::Round($decimal/1kb,2)
$units = "KB"
return "{0} {1}" -f $value,$units
$File = "C:\NoBackup\FolderPaths.txt"
$fileData = #{}
foreach ($folder in (Get-Content $file))
$files = Get-ChildItem $folder -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -File
$fileData[$folder] = $files | Select-Object extension,length | %{$h = #{}} { $h[$_.extension] += $_.length } { $h}
$extensions = $fileData.Keys | % { $fileData[$_].Keys } | % tolower | Select-Object -Unique | ? { $_ }
$properties = #(
$extensions | % {$properties += #{Name="$_";Expression=[scriptblock]::Create("ConvertTo-Units `$fileData[`$folder][""$_""]")}}
$result = #()
foreach($folder in $folders)
$result += $folder | Select-Object $properties
$result | ft * -AutoSize -force

Powershell Group Array

I have a custom array
$myresults = #()
$w3svcID = $result.ReturnValue -replace "IISWebServer=", ""
$w3svcID = $w3svcID -replace "'", ""
$vdirName = $w3svcID = "/ROOT";
$vdirs = gwmi -namespace "root\MicrosoftIISv2" -class "IISWebVirtualDirSetting"
foreach($vdir in $vdirs)
$vPool = $vdir.Apppoolid
$vName = $vdir.Name
$robj = New-Object System.Object
$robj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Path -value $vName
$robj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Pool -value $vPool
$myresults += $robj
$myresults | group-object Pool
I'd like to be able to Group the data in the form of a list where the group values (Path) is under the group-by values (Pool); like so:
Give this a try:
Get-WmiObject IISWebVirtualDirSetting -Namespace root\MicrosoftIISv2 |
Group-Object AppPoolId | Foreach-Object{
$_.Group | Foreach-Object { "`t$($_.Name)" }
