Tasked with a very large email conversion project and lost - database

Im not sure where to start or what to even consider using for the following problem.
I have a Lotus Notes infrastructure with many user mail files that I need extracted and stored into another format/database such as sql. After the conversion I need to find a way to index all of the emails, while maintaining, from, to, subject, and content, attachments are not important. I need some way to search for all emails containing a keyword or context, regardless of sender, and pulling them all in a displayable search form in order of date. Does anyone know what may help my situation?

software that does what you want is called E-mail_archiving, there are many products, and for example you could try an open source one, http://www.mailarchiva.com/index.do
If mailarchiva does not import natively nsf files, you just have to convert them to a format they support.


Need help stringing together database processes

I need some help from those with more knowledge than I posses. I am currently trying to figure out how to get real time data from a database.
I need to be able to find the company info from the most recent licensees. So the search parameter I'm using is 2016-05-10T00:00:00.000
The full string together from the API and the search parameter can be found directly at this link:
So I'm looking to retrieve the most recently added accounts in order to verify 1. the license is active 2. the license number the contractor gives matches what the website says. I would like to figure out how to automate this so that when the newest licenses are added I'll know, and they will be extracted/downloaded into excel.
If anyone can help with this I would appreciate it very much. I also have more questions about using databases if any of you are experts in the field.
Once again, thank you!
Since your goal is to get this data into Excell, have you considered using something like our OData support instead? You could structure your query in Excel PowerBI and it'd automatically refresh the data.
Another option would be to use our CSV output type with an Excel web query. I use the IMPORTDATA(...) function in Google Sheets, which is very similar.

Automatically apprend or prepend names of files uploaded with date or random number in SharePoint

I have somehow turned into the person to oversee my organization's SharePoint and I have been tasked with finding a way that when a file is uploaded to any of our document libraries the file name of said file is either prepended, appended with a date or random string in an effort to prevent naming collisions.
I understand that SharePoint will block uploading files with the same name but I would like to just apprend or prepend a date or string to the file name to just bypass the whole issue. Our users aren't the most tech savvy so to automatically rename their files for them would help us and them both.
Is there a way to do this currently in SharePoint's settings? I've looked into versioning and Document ID but neither prevent the naming issues so far. Is there a plug-in of some sort I could use? or do I need to have code written by someone and have it added to SharePoint?
The Content Organizer feature of SharePoint 2010 allows you to set a duplicate submissions tag to documents.
"Duplicate Submissions
This option specifies whether to use SharePoint versioning or append unique characters to the end of duplicate file names if a document is uploaded that has the same name as a document that is already in the destination library."
Play around with this to see if it is going to help before worrying about a more complex coded solution. Your users may also appreciate the drop box approach to document uploading.

How can I import Landslide CRM data into Salesforce?

I'm importing some customer information from Landslide CRM into Salesforce.
Anyone have advice on the best methodology for doing the import?
It seems like the Apex Data Loader is the best way to go, but I don't know
if there are any issues with handling the objects in question, or if there
might be a specific tool or script to perform this migration.
Any experience with this import in specific or importing data into Salesforce
in general would be appriciated.
Importing Data to salesforce can be achieved in multiple ways depending on the type of data nd the requirements you have.
The first thing to do is get your data into CSV files so you'll need to find a way to export the dat afirst. For UTF-8 encoded data don't use Excel use something like OpenOffice (only required if you have UTF-8 Characters)
If its account and contact data for example. There is an import wizard available in Setup > Administration Setup > Import Business Accounts/Contacts
Next Option is as you say to use the Apex Data Loader. This probably the best approach.
The first thing and this is critical for big migrations is to Create a Field on your account object which will be a Unique Field for reference purposes. When creating this field set it as an External ID field and populate it with a unique reference for your accounts, the same goes for anything else which will be a parent. (you'll see why shortly.)
Next use the Insert option in the Data Loader to load the data mapping all the fields, especially the External Id
Now when you upload child objects use the Upsert option and map your Account Id via the External Id created earlier. This will match the accounts using your unique Id instead of you having to use the Salesforce id, saves alot of time.
Repeat the same for other objects and you should be good to go.
Apologies for the lack for structure here... doing this while in work and don't have alot of time but hope this helps.
The data loader works great for most types of imports. The one suggestion I would give you is to create a new custom field on your target objects (presumably Account and Contact) called "Landslide ID" or similar, identify it as an external ID field, and then import the primary keys from your source system into this field (along with the "real" data).
Doing this achieves a couple things - first, you have an easy unique link back to the source data for troubleshooting or tracing back to the source system. Second, if you find yourself in a situation where you need to import more fields or related data from the original source system, you'll be able to do so in an easy and correct way. It's just a good standard practice to adopt when doing data migrations -- it's almost no additional effort and can save you many hours in the future.

Development standards for SQL Server supporting services?

I am trying to find some development best practises for SQL Server Reporting Services, Analysis Services and Integration Services.
Does anyone have some useful links or guidance they can offer on this subject?
I can only talk specifically to SSIS although some of this wil be applicable to the others as well.
Save your packages as files and put them in Source Control.
Where possible use variables for things that will change from server to server or run to run.
Use configuration files to save the configuration for differnt environments.
When processing data that comes from an outside source, assume it will change format without warning (ie check to see that the data you expect in each column is the data you got!) Nothing like putting the emails in the lastname field (or as happened to us once in DTS, the social security number into the field that said how much to pay the person, sure glad we caught that before someone got paid that amount.).
Things I have seen happen include adding new columns, removing columns that are critical to your process, reaarranging the order of the columns (especially bad when the file itself does not have the column names), leaving the column titles the same but changing the data they contain (yes once I got a file where the last name data was in the column labelled First_name and vice versa), data with new values that don't have a match to values in your system (i'm think of look up type things here like medical specialties), flat out strange data such as notes in an email field, names in this format lastname - 'Willams, Jo' first_name - 'hn' (combine the two fields to get the whole name - apparently their data entry people just typed the name until they ran out of spaces and continued on in the next field no matter where they were in the name!).
Don't put uncleaned data into your database.
Always retain a copy of any files that you process or send out. Amazing how often you will need to research back.
Log errors and log records that needed cleaning, espcially if the problem in the field was such that it caused the process to fail. It is a whole lot easier to see the errors in a table than to know your 20 million record file failed because one record had an extra | in it and try to figure out which one it was.
If you do a lot of similar imports in SSIS, create a template project that has all the standard logging and data cleaning it it. It is a whole lot faster to start from a template and adjust to new mappings based onteh new file you are working with and make minor adjustoments to things specific to that file than to rewrite every SSIS package from scratch.
Store meta data. Sooner or later you will be asked, how often did it fail or how soon after the file was received did the import happen or even when was the last import. All our pacakges start and end with a task to store start and stop times in our meta data table. All failure paths include a task to mark the import as failed in our meta data. Eventually you can build a system that knows how many records to expect and fail it if the new file is significantly off. Meta data can also be used to store things like number of records which can help identify when they sent a partial file instead of the whole file you were expecting and prevent you from blowing away 300,000 sales targets they actually still want.

Are most LDAP administrators creating LDIFs by hand?

Are there tools that make the job easier? If command-line only tools exist, then can anyone speculate if there is a market for a GUI tool? For example, you can create a relational database by modeling visually. Should the same notion exist for LDAP?
Apache Directory Studio includes an ldif-Editor. It is still a text editor but with syntax highlighting, autocompletion and group collapsing for ldif files:
I don't know if there are any tools but it isn't that hard to create them by hand.
If you are using IPlanet LDAP then they had a nice interface for creating and modifying schemas though. :)
I don't know if you would consider that to be by hand otherwise that is one tool to use.
I've done some LDIF handling using Perl and the Net::LDAP::LDIF module and it made scripting custom LDAP conversions very easy.
Have you looked at the command-line tool, LDIFDE.exe? Should be on your domain controller.
Business people give me Excel spreadsheets with inconsistent formatting of user and group data and want it loaded right away (then they come back with a new version and tell me they've only added some new users, but some are missing, some data is now invalid, there's a missing column etc.) They want unique passwords assigned, group memberships set up based on department id fields, and so forth.
Then they come back two weeks later and want to know about the differences between that spreadsheet and one from six months ago. Sigh.
I generally just do it all with a few hand-crafted Python scripts.
A lot of times you may be copying objects from one tree to another. Or backing them up. In that case, most LDAP tools have some way of exporting as LDIF. Then you can easily modify the files as needed.
Or copy examples to reuse.
I have seen a number of tools that will do tasks and output the results as LDIF, which can be handy, but they are basically point usage tools.
