stop route in otherwise - apache-camel

hi have a route like this
<route id="route1">
<from uri="activemq:queuer1"/>
<simple>${header.urn} regex '^user*'</simple>
<to uri="xslt:classpath:/xslt/rdf/user.xsl"/>
<simple>${header.urn} regex '^userdata:.*'</simple>
<to uri="xslt:classpath:/xslt/rdf/userdata.xsl"/>
<setHeader headerName="errorMsg ">
<constant>no xsl file for this type</constant>
<to uri="activemq:error"/>
<process ref="importer"/>
Now if the route goes into the otherwise part, the message should not be processed.
Can I somehow stop the route if message goes into the otherwise ?
On possibility would be I add the process part in all the when parts and delete it at the end.
But we have already several when parts and more to come.
Other solution would be prefered.

You can add a <stop/> to stop continue routing the message.
In Java code:
exchange.setProperty(Exchange.ROUTE_STOP, Boolean.TRUE);
In Java DSL:
.when(simple("${in.header.CamelHttpResponseCode} == 404"))


How can I fail a camel-route when exec returns nonzero?

I'm processing files with a Camel route like this:
<from uri="file:inbox?delete=true"/>
<log message="processed ${file:name}: ${body.stdout} ${body.stderr}"/>
Now I'd like the route to fail when finishes with nonzero exit-code. I found ${headers.CamelExecExitValue} but don't really know what to do with it.
In the example above, the file should not get deleted when fails. In my actual use-case, the route consumes files from a JMS queue and I want the file to stay in the queue. I think this can be done with <transacted/> but need to know how to fail the route.
I found How to define exception to be thrown through ref in Apache Camel which in combination with CamelExecExitValue lets me abort this way:
<from uri="file:inbox?delete=true"/>
<to uri="exec://"/>
${headers.CamelExecExitValue} != 0
<throwException exceptionType="java.lang.RuntimeException" message="failed importing ${file:name}: ${body.stdout} ${body.stderr}"/>
<log message="processed ${file:name}"/>
A bit verbose for my taste but works fine.

Terminate the current camel exchange

I am processing file in cluster environment. The cluster works fine. It is being processed on Only one server.
But on the second server It identifies as duplicates but still execute the form route delete=true
org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileOperationFailedException: Cannot delete file:
I am setting header CamelRouteStop to true but the exchange still try's to delete a file, instead of stop executing the route.
All I need is to end the route if it is duplicate.
<camelContext xmlns="">
<from uri="smb:url?delete=true"/>
<idempotentConsumer messageIdRepositoryRef="myRepo">
<setHeader headerName="fileExist">
<simple>${header.fileExist} == null</simple>
<log message="File ${header.CamelFileName} processing/processed by other Nodes - DUPLICATE" loggingLevel="INFO" />
<setHeader headerName="CamelRouteStop">
<simple <simple resultType="java.lang.Boolean">true</simple>>true</simple>
For CamelRouteStop you need to use setProperty, not setHeader.

How to process the same message sequentially in Camel?

I am new to Camel and I am trying to do the following.
I want to process the same message twice. I have to transform both messages and process one message first and then second only if the first one is sucessfully executed (I have a condition).
I tried to use a multicast first. Then I transform the messages in each route. The first one (the operation_DC) only sends a successfull message to the second one (the operation_AC) only if it is sucessfull. The second operation contains an aggregation that waits until it times out for both messages. I only want to process the messaged from the multicast and discard the other.
<route id="t_operation_ME">
<from uri="direct:operation_ME" id=""></from>
<setHeader headerName="id">
<multicast parallelProcessing="true" strategyRef="defaultAggregationStrategy" stopOnException="true" onPrepareRef="cleanHeader" parallelAggregate="false" completionPredicate="">
<to uri="direct:operation_DC"></to>
<to uri="direct:operation_AC"></to>
<route id="direct:operation_DC">
<from uri="direct:operation_DC" />
<log message="ENTER DC"></log>
<to uri="xslt:{{depasse:core.transformation.xml.path}}client/t/Operation_toDC_request.xsl" id="t.dc.transform.productos" />
<to uri="activemq:QCIn" id="t.dc.qcin.queue.send"></to>
<log message="EXIT DC ${body}"></log>
<xpath>//Data/Status[. = 'OK']</xpath>
<log message="SEND TO AC"></log>
<to uri="direct:operation_AC"></to>
<route id="direct:operation_AC">
<from uri="direct:operation_AC" />
<log message="ENTER AC"></log>
<aggregate completionTimeout="20000" completionSize="2" discardOnCompletionTimeout="true" strategyRef="tAggregationStrategy">
<log message="ENTER AGG AC ${body}"></log>
<to uri="xslt:{{depasse:core.transformation.xml.path}}client/t/Operation_toAC_request.xsl" id="" />
<to uri="activemq:QCIn" id=""></to>
<log message="EXIT AC ${body}"></log>
<log message="END AC\n${body}"></log>
The thing is that when I log "EXIT AC" and "END AC" the message is different. This means that while in the server I am watching the process correctly, the AC client receives an incorrect message.
Multicast send copy of messages always to every endpoint between tags. If you want to call route operation_AC only after operation_DC run successfully, you shouldn't use multicast, but you should save your body at the beginning of operation_DC, for example using property and Camel Simple:
<from uri="direct:operation_DC" />
<setProperty propertyName="body">
and before calling operation_AC set body to bring message body from the beginning:
<to uri="direct:operation_AC"/>

Can I pipeline within content based router?

Can I pipeline within a content based router?
I have to pipeline beans within a content-based router. For that, I adopted the following configuration. I hope the configuration itself explains my requirements. Is it correct?
Do I have to add the end() tag also?
<from uri="activemq:queue:injob"/>
<simple>${header.type} == 'heartbeat'</simple>
<to uri="bean:heartBeatHandler"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:outjob"/>
<simple>${header.type} == 'dnsrequest'</simple>
<to uri="bean:dnsRequestHandler"/>
<to uri="bean:parser"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:outjob"/>
<simple>${header.type} == 'whoisrequest'</simple>
<to uri="bean:whoisRequestHandler"/>
<to uri="bean:parser"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:outjob"/>
<to uri="bean:errorHandler"/>
Yes this is correct what you do.
Camel runs in pipeline mode by default (eg the pipes and filters EIP -, but if you want you can make that explicit using < pipeline >. eg
<simple>${header.type == 'heartbeat'}</simple>
<to uri="bean:heartBeatHandler"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:outjob"/>
But very often you would omit the < pipeline > and do as your example.
Opposed to pipeline there is multicast (, and when you combine these two, then you may need to use pipeline eg
<to uri="bean:heartBeatHandler"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:outjob"/>
<to uri="bean:somethingElse"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:somethingElse"/>

sftp using camel

I am trying to use sftp using camel, and getting jsch esception.
The route that I created for the SFTP -
<camelContext xmlns="">
<from uri="file:src/srcData?noop=true"/>
<xpath>/person/city = 'London'</xpath>
<to uri="file:src/targetData/UK"/>
<xpath>/person/city = 'Chicago'</xpath>
<to uri="file:src/targetData/US"/>
<xpath>/person/city = 'Tokyo'</xpath>
<to uri="sftp://XXXserverXXX:22/dir1/subdir?username=testUser?password=testPwd&binary=true"/>
<to uri="file:src/targetData/OT"/>
But with this configuration I am facing the following exception -
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: reject HostKey:
You should probably define a hostfile:
The "knownHostsFile" option should point to a ssh known hosts file with the public key of the host you are connecting to in it.
It's actually documented over here:
