Do i need to learn Artificial intelligence before learning Heuristics [closed] - artificial-intelligence

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am planning to do one project on Meta heuristics based on planning and scheduling.
But i have not yet studies Artificial intelligence subjects. I have studies neural networks subjects. I want to know that can i start straight with Meta Heuristics books and tutorials
or i need to know Artificial intelligence before diving into meta heuristics

No. I took a class on Intelligent Algorithms (simulated annealing, boids, particle swarm, genetic algorithms, neural networks) with no AI background.


What is importance of Discrete Mathematics in AI? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to know the important of Discrete Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence.
Discrete mathematics will help you to understand fundamental structures in mathematics while all the while training you to develop logic intuitions (writing proofs of induction, introducing you to techniques like the pigeon-hole principle).
To go into Artificial Intelligence there really isn't a straight forward path as AI as an umbrella has widened so much since the term was coined but people just decided to stick to it because it made sense to call every sub discipline -- Machine learning, Decision making, NLP, Question answering, Info retrieval -- as AI.
Once you have a strong grounding in writng proofs and understanding logic you can get started with specific areas by diving into the latest research. If not, you have to strengthen your foundations by working on a discrete mathematics course perhaps.In this way,Discrete mathematics will help you in Artificial Intelligence.

What should I study to build AI Robots of the future [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm senior in highschool and really confused about what I should be studying in order to learn how to build AI robots/technologies. I know I must study Computer Science first and foremost. But I also want to learn the hardware side of building AI robots too.
Should I be studying Computer Science plus:
a) Mechatronics; to learn electrical, mechanical and software aspects all in one.
b) Computer Engineering; to learn how to design hardware with software e.g. circuits, chips etc.
Or should I be studying completely different subjects in College?
P.s. If Mr Tony Stark can help me out on this one... well that would be great ;)
In fact there is more and more specialization in the jobs and the specialization is growing. You are unlikely to use both HW and SW AI skills at once at a job. Also the knowledge gets outdated very quickly, so the ability and desire to constantly learn new technologies is more important than the knowledge itself.
I would advice to learn what you like most if you have a choice and do not learn what you do not like.

Final Semester project about semantic analysis/information retrieval [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm moving to my final year at college Engineering Computer Science department and i wanted to have my graduation project in a topic related to information retrieval & semantic analysis.
I've had my internship in those topics and i'm very interested to continue in them
so if you could please give me some examples of good Real projects to do and practice in order to be good in those fields
I want something beyond simple recommendation systems in websites
my related backGround :
i worked before on making classifiers using wikipedia data
i have a fair knowledge working with Huge datasources like dbpedia , probase , freebase ..etc
i know fair knowledge about , NLP , classifiers , semantics , RDF , sentiment analysis
i have a good web development knowledge
i have a good knowledge about scrapping data from facebook blogs and other websites

Beginning AI programming [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am really interested in AI and want to start programming in this field.
What are the various areas within AI? e.g. Neural Networks etc.
What book can be recommended for a beginner in AI and are there any preferred languages used in the field of AI?
Classical application areas of AI:
Natural Language Processing
Knowledge Representation / Expert Systems
Planning / Scheduling
Various algorithmic approaches:
Neural Networks
Evolutionary / Genetic Algorithms
Automatic Reasoning
Logic Programming
Probablilistic Approaches
Recommendable books:
Norvig, Russel: Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach
Norvig: Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming (uses Lisp)
Bratko: Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence
Recommendable programming languages:
Java (many algorithms are discussed in Java nowadays)
There are also a number of interesting answers to this question (which sort of covers the same ground).

What are excellent Artifical Intelligence Journals? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've become interested in AI and want to keep up with the latest AI research. Can someone recommend the top 2-3 AI journals I should read?
Some good journals are:
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
Artificial Intelligence
Also JMLR (Journal of Machine Learning Research) is a GREAT journal (as mentioned in another post), but it deals only with Machine Learning (a subset of AI) and not with other AI related fields.
Perhaps a bit broader in scope for your interests but take a look at the Journal of Machine Learning Research and it's sister software repository Machine learning open source software.
If you really want to know the latest advances in AI you should also pay attention to high profile conferences such as:
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
