Printing Multiple pages in wpf - wpf

I have a Scroll Viewer and inside that a text block with multiple pages contents.
How can I print everything within the Scroll Viewer.I'm Using WPF MVVM pattern.
Is text block is the right control for this?Or shall I go for any other WPF controls.?
Thanks in advance..

DocumentViewer ir a better control for paginated printing

I don't know what is exactly the problem,But something related to Printer.
From Control Panel->Printers & Fax
1.Right Click the Printer and take Printer preferences
2.Change the Source property to 'Manual Feed'& Apply.(Initially it was'AutoSelect')
3.Still got some error.
4.Again me changed the Source property back to 'Auto Select'& Apply.
5.Changed the Quick set Property to 'Defaults'& Apply
5.Now its Working Fine


How to Open document in UserControl using Process.Start()

Currently I have used Process.Start(documentUrl) in the WPF application
to open document.It opens document in a new window.I have one user
control.That User Control is displayed in one of the Dockpanel of the
main window.So when I select some document I want to open that
document in that User control.Is it possible?
I have also used WebBrowser inside the User Control but since it is
not a WPF control.It is displayed in the top layer.Due to which all
the PopUp are displayed behind that User control.So WebBrowser is of
no use to me.
Kindly suggest any alternative.
Hi you should have googled your issue first before asking here.
However here are few links for you. It seems you are looking for Flow Document control.

WPF Printing multiple pages from a single View Model

I am currently a little bit troubled by the following problem. I have a user interface which basically shows a graphic (a canvas made of Lines, Circles, ... these are all WPF objects). Depending on the selection a user makes in the menu, some items get deleted and some get added. So the basic image looks the same, but a few modifications are made.
The user has the possibility to select - say - 10 different "pages" by clicking a Next/Previous Button.
I am using MVVM Light and my ViewModel contains all the items of the graphic (all Lines, ...).
Now I would like to print that graphic to multiple pages. The first page should contain the graphic with changes from page 1, the second page contains the graphic with changes from page 2 and so on. The actual number of pages is dynamic. I track this with a property CurrentPage and a property PagesTotal.
Whenever I push the "Next" button, this causes a command to be executed which will change the variable CurrentPage and also makes sure that the correct items are displayed.
Now I would like to print this but this is where I'm stuck. I dont' mind leaving the MVVM zone and doing some dirty work in code-behind but I would refuse to draw everything again like in the old GDI days.
Any ideas are really welcome.
Create a UserControl containing your display logic (you graphic, for instance). Grab you ViewModel list and project then in UserControls, setting each ViewModel as each UserControl's DataContext.
Force each one to render calling Measure with infinite value and then Arrange with the resulting DesiredHeight and Width. Then follow the procedures to print WPF visuals (link link link).
Essentially, this should be quite simple if and only if your views work independently; i.e. your ViewModel doesn't contain UiElements that are placed into your View.
Simple solution is to basically print your visual root. If need be encapsulate your Views in a user control first.
PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog();
UserControl1 uc = new UserControl1();
printDlg.PrintVisual(uc, "User Control Printing.");
Alright, I have to admin that I now switched back to doing the printing through code only. I would have really liked doing it "WPF-style" but handling the multiple pages issue was just too much trouble.
Anyway, there is still one issue regarding the printout left but this will be another question.

WinForms "mini-windows"

I need to create some mini-windows, like the ones shown in the image bellow, in my winform main form.
It would be nice if they could be draggable, resizable, and, mainly, closable.
How can I approach this design? Has anybody already seen some control (with code available) implementing something similar?
alt text
A normal Form works fine for this. Set its FormBorderStyle to either FixedToolWindow or SizableToolWindow as desired.
If you want to keep your floating windows inside your main window, use MDI (Multiple Document Interface). Here is a tutorial (Google can find you many more).
Have you tried just setting the FormBorderStyle property to SizeableToolWindow?
Is that what you're after?
You can create them as resizable and draggable custom controls.
You could use my example at:

WPF search windows - like tabPages in tab control

I have idea to implement my wpf windows like TabPages in tab control. It is possible to do that dynamically in c# code.
In Example i have Menu in main window. Some Menu items calls search type windows. Is it possible to do such a thing in C# code (SomeMenuItem_Click): this code adds new tab in tabControl of main window.
If there are no search windows called -there is no tab's shown, if there are many search windows called - there are many tab's.
So how do I code this?
And whats the technique with the windows? I suppose that my search type windows must be implemented like some UserControls. I think its no a good idea to implement that like simple wpf windows. I have tried to do that by using Marlon grech "Blend like UIs using DOCKY", find at:
But I failed, dont find the way how to add controlls in code dynamically, not in xaml.
I would appreciate code examples to illustrate how to achieve this.
Is it possible to do such a thing in C# code (SomeMenuItem_Click): this code adds new tab in tabControl of main window.
Yes. The basic pattern is:
TabItem newItem = new TabItem();
You'll obviously need to set the relevant properties of your tab item (such as the Header and Style) but that should get you started.
You'll then need to create any controls you want to show and add them to the tab item itself (or more correctly - a container within the tab item).

Tag cloud control for WinForms .NET 2.0+

How would you render a tag cloud within a .NET 2.0+ WinForm application?
One solution that I am thinking of would be using the WebBrowser control and generating to some ad-hoc HTML, but that seems to be a pretty heavy solution.
Am I missing something more simple?
How about creating a user control that implements the Flow layout control? You could have a method for "Add(string tagName)" that would create a link label on the fly and add it to the Flow Layout control. The Flow Layout works just like the web, in that controls added to it are put in the order of creation.
Then you only have to add some logic to resize the Link Label based on hit count for that tag.
Well, you'll want a control with these major features:
Automatic layout of variable sized string snippets
Automatic mouse hit testing
Those are a bit hard to come by in WF controls. A RichTextBox with ReadOnly = true gives you the automatic layout, but not the hit testing. A ListBox with DrawItem can give you variable sized strings and hit testing, but not a natural layout.
I think I would use RTB and make hit testing work with the MouseDown event and GetCharIndexFromPosition(), reading back the tag at the clicked location. You'll need a bit of logic to find the starting and ending white space around the word.
