CakePHP 1.3 and table not found after renaming a table and regenerating the model - cakephp

I renamed a table recently, and tried to regenerate the model. For some reason it keeps saying "Error: Missing database table" for the old table name. I can't seem to get rid of it, I cleared the cache, etc.
Any ideas? Thanks!

most likely you forgot to remove a relationship to that old model.


Future data is not yet available for table error when running Create or replace table CLONE

Recently, in the last few days, we're having lot's of errors about "Future data is not yet available for table " when running a
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE <tbl name> CLONE <db>.<schema>.tmp_<tbl name> COPY GRANTS
query. This was happening out-of-the-blue and there's no any indication about this specific error in the documentation or in the knowledge base.
What's the error in here? To what is it referring to and how can we avoid it?
The tables you want to clone seem to be marked as dropped. Probably undropping your table is helping:
It seems you hit a transient issue which affected some clone operations. The issue is fixed already. You should not see this error anymore.
If you still see it, please contact he Snowflake Support.

Entity Framework 6: Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions

This is probably not a duplicate of this question.
I've been beating my head against the wall for quite a few hours. I'm trying to use the code-first workflow in EF 6 for an existing database. I've imported all the models and done the first initial migration.
The problem is that after I make the first change and add a new migration, and then run the update-database command, I get a stupid error:
Cannot find the object 'X' (the table name) because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
And it doesn't matter what table I make changes to, I get this error for every single table.
One thing that I noticed is that when I create a new table (model) instead of making changes to an existing one, I don't get any errors but when I check out the database I don't see the corresponding table, meaning that EF doesn't actually make any changes to the database. It also doesn't create the dbo._MigrationHistory table!
I don't really know what to do, I googled this error a thousand times but I don't seem to find the answer.

Can't create new category in Wordpress - message “Could not insert term into the database"

I'm not a developer, but trying to solve a mystery lead me to this page. I've not been able to create new categories or menu suddenly and whenever I tried to do that returned a message:
“Could not insert term into the database.”
Google search one thread suggested DB optimization plugin but did not work. Another one ( advised 3 things to do:
go to phpmyadmin then in Structure make sure AI is checked. Mine was not checked so I checked it, then tried to create a new category but now returned a message, "some error occurred. Please reload the page." I reloaded and the same message came back.
"stop playing in PhpMyAdmin and remove it from your server." I have no idea what this is about.
in Operations, set the number for auto-increment to be higher than your highest term_id. After I set the number and click on Save, an error message showed up at the bottom,
"Notice in .\tbl_operations.php#155 Undefined index: row_format
This is my first WP site so it's still localhosted on my notebook. I reinstalled WP from scratch and imported the database but that did not help, either.
Hope all this makes some sense to someone here so can shed some light on my problem.
This is an old question, but just in case someone is having the same problem, here is how I fixed it. I am also completely new to SQL and website design, so beware when following my recommendations.
I got this error in WordPress and couldn't create categories. When searching for the problem, besides this question, I found the following threads (and played a lot in PhpMyAdmin, I simply ignored that Reddit comment):
Could not insert term into database. They advise to change the AUTO_INCREMENT option with ALTER TABLE wp_terms AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 in the tables wp_terms, wp_term_taxonomy and wp_termmeta.
ERROR: can not insert term into database. They advise to repair the SQL tables. For this, go to PhpMyAdmin, select all tables. In the "With Selected..." drop-down list, select Repair Table.
Well, I did these things, they did not work for ME. In my case, when I was following some hardening and security tips, I renamed the prefix of my database tables. In this process, I renamed the wp_term_taxonomy and wp_term_relationships tables to newprefix_taxonomy and newprefix_relationships, respectively (I've already told that I am not good with SQL, haven't I?). Thus, the term_ part was lost, and this was causing the error. All I had to do was to rename them to newprefix_term_taxonomy and newprefix_term_relationships. Renaming the tables can be done in PhpMyAdmin by selecting the table, going to the Operations tab, and renaming it.
This solved my problem, but each case is a separate case.

getattproperties: 70th attribute tuple from City_fact (relid=27835515) relation of DWA(dbid=296643) database not found

I am using Netezza system where nps version is I am trying to run a query on a view which is created on base table City_fact.
But getting above error.
Can someone please let me know in which scenario we get above error. I tried to find but was not successful.
I faced the same issue in Netezza after migrating from TWINFIN to MAKO version. Drop and recreating the view worked in my case. Not sure this will help . but a suggestion if any faced similar issue.
Bharani Raj
This error was encounter when any base object id got changed (by alter table) which is used in any view, and that is not reflected in the view. in such case you need to refresh the view (Create or replace view)

Baking tables in cake php

Im baking tables in cakephp. One table named abc which I baked successfully and I need to remove this table from database and also from the cakephp folder. I deleted all models, controllers, views and test fixture for that table. But due to some reasons now when Im baking my next tables it gives me an error "Missing database table 'abc' for model 'abc'. I dont know from where the error is coming. I deleted all files related to abc.
Try deleting all of the models in \app\models and then rebake them.
Try deleting content of the app/tmp/cache/models directory.
