Extjs Combo Box get previous value? - combobox

Trying to get the previous value of the combo box. I tried 'change' event, but it does not work. 'beforeselect' does not exist for the new extjs 4.0 if i am not wrong. Any ideas on how i can do this?
I understand we can use the change event, but that only happens when the user types something. I want to check if there is an previous value on each new select?

It's kind of weird that there is no beforeselect event. However, combobox extends picker and every picker has selectionModel with beforeselect event. So you may assign handler to picker selModel's beforeselect event:
.on('beforeselect',function(sm, selections, i) {
console.log(sm.lastSelected, selections, i);

You can also get the previous value of the combo from valueModels of the combo object in beforeselect event.
beforeselect: function(combo, record, index, eOpts){
me.prevCountry = combo.valueModels[0].data.COUNTRY_ID;

you can use change event handler that pass this params to your listener ( combo, newValue, oldValue )


How to prevent text selection in an ExtJS grid cell from firing the onclick event handler and have the grid row (de-)selected as a result

In ExtJS 6.2.0. I have a standard grid. In some of the grid cells I have text that a user is able to select (for copy-paste purposes).
However, upon selection of that text (through mousedown-mouseup), also the onclick event handler of that row is fired, causing in my case the (de-)selection of that grid row.
I am looking for a way to make these text selections, but without triggering the onclick event handler.
I was thinking along the line of killing the default single click event listener, and introducing a dedicated double click event listener, but that route hasn't led to a simple solution so far.
Any suggestions?
I suggest change selectionModel to Ext.selection.CheckboxModel and set enableTextSelection in viewConfig.
selModel: {
type: 'checkboxmodel',
checkOnly: true
viewConfig: {
enableTextSelection: true
Example : https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/35o5

how to stop blur event on calling reset of textfield

It appears that on calling reset event of textfield in ExtJS 4.2 the blur event is automatically called.
i have a scenario where in a form i have combo box and textfield, on select of combo box i am calling reset of textfield.
#cmbStatus : {
select : function(combo, records, eOpts){
and on blur of textfield i am calling reset of combo box.
#txtRefNumber : {
blur : function(cmp, The, eOpts){
here, because of the cascading effect on select of combo box, since reset is being called, the textfield blur event is automatically called and combo box reset event occurs
Is there any way i can stop the textfield blur event ?
I am aware about the suspendEvent method of textfield but no use as it will suspend the event till resumeEvent is called.
The blur event is not fired as a direct result of calling reset but as a response to moving focus out of the text field.
You will probably need to reconsider and redesign the logic so that the event loop does not occur. Try to use a different event, for example change.
Also, calling suspendEvents might be necessary to avoid the event loop, depending on the logic you need.

ExtJs - How to clear the existing value in editable combobox when user starts typing a new value

I have an editable combobox. There will be an existing value in this combobox which comes by default or the user selects it from the dropdown. Now if the user wants to enter a new value in this combobox, I want the existing value to be cleared on the users first keypress. Now I have to select the existing value manually and delete it and then start typing a new value. Is there a way to handle this so that as soon as a user starts typing a value in the combobox, the old value should be cleared out.
1. You can do it by using **focus** event listener for combo
focus:function( combo, The, eOpts ){
2. You can use **keypress/keyup** event listeners also depending
on your requirements by enabling key events using enableKeyEvents :true for combo.
keypress:function( combo, e, eOpts ){

How to programmatically fire the check change event of a ExtJS 4.1 checkbox tree panel

I have a ExtJs 4.1 check box tree panel. When I check or uncheck any node, check change event for the tree is fired. How can I programmatically fire this event.
One way I can think of is to use following code. But this code is not firing every time :-(
this.fireEvent('checkchange', node, true, opts);
Thank you
try with this event
checkchange(node, checked, eOpts)

ExtJS ComboBox - Prevent default selection action

I want to prevent the default action of the combobox setting its value to the selected item in the picker. I just want to see the values in the picker and, when I click on them, nothing to happen. How can I do that?
You probably want this:
Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', {
listeners: {
beforeselect: function() {return false;}
ExtJS still handles the DOM click internally and figures out the record that you clicked on (and you have a reference to it in beforeselect handler, see the docs), however returning false in the beforeselect event handler would prevent selecting the record and any further actions.
