2nd time binding to PointCollection not being rendered - silverlight

I have an ItemsControl whose ItemsSource I assign (via code) an ObservableCollection (lets call it Items) of INotifyPropertyChanged objects (data model). This data model has a PointCollection property.
The view (XAML) binds to this PointCollection on a PolyLine (on the Points attribute).
Initially when i set this Items collection to the ItemsControl.ItemsSource, i can see that the lines are indeed rendered.
When I set the ItemsControl.ItemsSource to something else (like another ObservableCollection which doesn't have any lines) THEN set it back to the original collection, I am unable to see the lines, even though the collection SHOULD render them because the collection data model's contain the PointCollection.
From what I was able to research, there is something particularly tricky about binding to a PointCollection. I was wondering if anybody has tackled this before and/or know of a way to get this to render (i.e. invalidate the control to somehow force a redraw)???

I have no idea if this will work but, have you tried creating a new PointCollection?:
PointCollection newCollection = new PointCollection( oldCollection );
myItemsControl.ItemsSource = newCollection;
If that doesn't work, maybe it may be necessary use a more WPF based syntax:
myItemsControl.SetValue( ItemsControl.PointsProperty, newCollection );
I am struggling with some PointCollection issues myself so if either of these options help, let me know.


How can I determine if my BindingSource's List has changed?

I have a BindingSource which I use to bind to a grid. The binding source itself binds to a custom class. For instance
MyGrid.DataSource = MyBindingSource
'Bind the Binding source to data
For each classInstance as myClass in MyCollection
A user may add or delete items to/from this List. My aim is to save this updated List to the database. I need to determine if my binding source's list has changed (i.e. has items added to it, or has items removed from it).
I am aware that I could implement the INotifyPropertyChanged on my custom class, and exploit the OnPropertyChanged event, but my classes' property would never change in my case. The other solution that I can think of is to use the BindingSource's ListChanged event, and maintain a collection of all the added and the deleted rows there. Although this approach may work for me, I reckon its a bit flaky.
Does the binding source or a Collection (such as the IList in my case) provide any other properties that can help me determine the above?

How do I structure MVVM with Collections?

I'm having trouble understanding how to apply the MVVM pattern when Lists/Collections are involved.
Say the MainModel has a few properties and methods, as well as a list that contains other DetailModel objects. The DetailModel objects can be added, removed, or re-ordered.
The MainView will show a few controls related the the root model, and have a ListBox populated from the list. Each item will have it's own sub-view via a DetailModelView UserControl.
Finally, there is a MainViewModel. This has properties backed by the MainModel's properties and methods, bound to the Main View, with change notification keeping everything in sync. (Up to this point, I am comfortable with the pattern - more stating this in case there is something fundamental I am missing...)
When it comes to handling the list, I get confused. I have come across several examples where the MainViewModel simply exposes the list of DetailModels to the view, and the DetailModelViews are bound directly to the models. This functions, but is problematic. It does not consistently following the pattern (no DetailViewModel exists), and it drives me to include some UI-related code in my detail models. It seems clear to me that the MainViewModel should expose a list of DetailViewModels for the UI to bind, but I am stuck on how to implement such a thing!
How should manage the two lists (DetailModels and DetailViewModels)? I am really confused as where I initially populate the DetailViewModel list, and how I should handle adding, removing, or changing the order of the items to keep them synchronized!
Usually Models are nothing more than data objects. They shouldn't contain any code to do things like add/remove items from a list. This is the ViewModel's job.
In your case, I would create a MainViewModel that has the following properties:
ObservableCollection<DetailViewModel> Details
ICommand AddDetailCommand
ICommand RemoveDetailCommand
If your MainModel class is a data object, you can either expose it, or it's properties from the MainViewModel as well. Exposing it's Properties is the "MVVM purist" approach, while exposing the entire Model is sometimes more practical.
Your MainViewModel is in charge of creating the initial list of DetailViewModels, and it is in charge of Adding/Removing these items as well. For example, in the PropertyChanged event for the MainViewModel.MainModel property, it might rebuild the MainViewModel.Details collection, and the CollectionChanged event for the MainViewModel.Details property would update MainViewModel.MainModel.Details
You are right to have a separate DetailModels list and DetailViewModels list. The DetailViewModels list should be a property of type ObservableCollection<DetailViewModel>. You can populate the observable list when you set the Model (or at construction time, if you pass the model into the constructor of your ViewModel.)
private ObservableCollection<DetailViewModel> m_details;
public IEnumerable<DetailViewModel> Details
get { return m_details; }
You can the subscribe to m_details.CollectionChanged. This is where you can handle re-ordering the contents of the list in the Model.
I hope this helps.
In my experience, the only time you get away with exposing model objects to the view is if you're doing simple read-only presentation, e.g. displaying a string property in a ComboBox. If there's any kind of actual UI involving the object (especially one involving two-way data binding), a view model is needed.
Typically, a master VM's constructor will look like this:
public MasterViewModel(MasterModel m)
_Model = m;
_Detail = new ObservableCollection<DetailViewModel>(m.Detail);
where MasterModel.Detail is a collection of DetailModel objects, and _Detail is a backing field for a Detail property that's exposed to the view.
As far as adding, removing, and reordering items in this list is concerned, in the UI at least this will be done through commands on the MasterViewModel, which must manipulate both MasterModel.Detail and MasterViewModel.Detail. That's a bit of a pain, but unless you want to repopulate MasterViewModel.Detail after every change to MasterModel.Detail, it's really unavoidable.
On the other hand, if you've been wondering "why would I ever need to write unit tests for view models?", now you know.
Here is an answer that I think addresses this issue very nicely using an ObservableViewModelCollection<TViewModel, TModel>
It's nice and lazy. It takes an ObservableCollection and a ViewModelFactory in the ctor. I like it because it keeps state at the model layer where it belongs. User operations on the GUI can invoke commands at the VM which manipulate the M via public methods on the M. Any resulting changes at the M layer will be automatically handled by the class in this link.
Note my comment regarding SL vs. WPF

WPF bindings not refreshing

I have a listbox on my form that looks like this:
<ListBox Name="lbResults" SelectionChanged="lbResults_SelectionChanged"/>
I am binding the following collection to it:
ObservableCollection<Hand> oHands = new ObservableCollection<Hand>();
using the following code:
lbResults.DataContext = oHands;
Binding binding = new Binding();
lbResults.SetBinding(ListBox.ItemsSourceProperty, binding);
The oHands collection gets populated via a background worker that announces via an event whenever a new Hand object is available. The ListBox refreshes perfectly when something is added. The ToString() result of the Hand object is displayed and that is what I want - so far so good. However, when the background worker finishes
void finder_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
oHands = new ObservableCollection<Hand>(oHands.OrderBy(o => o.PotSize));
lbResults.SetBinding(ListBox.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding());
The items in the list are still showing up in the original order. I can confirm that the list is re-ordered but the items are still showing up in the original order. How do I refresh this binding?
you dont want to assign oHands a new collection. just Clear() the collection then add the results from the operation. don't update the binding
instead of replacing the entire observable collection, you could just clear it and add all your new items. that wouldn't affect your binding.
You could also use a CollectionViewSource as your binding, and set the order on that instead of reordering the whole collection.
Wouldn't it be a lot easier to just set the itemsource directly?
lbResults.ItemsSource = oHands;
You're really just supposed to inherit from the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, but heres another way to force an update to a binding:
BindingExpression exp = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(lbResults, Listbox.ItemsSourceProperty)
Edit: I also just noticed you aren't setting any binding in the XAML and appear to be doing it programmatically with an empty Binding. I haven't tried that way before, so see if changing your XAML to this might help:
<ListBox Name="lbResults" SelectionChanged="lbResults_SelectionChanged" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=oHands}"/>
Then you set lbResults.DataContext to point to the class that has the member oHands. This is what worked for me in my project (in IronPython, so forgive me if my examples didn't convert to C# perfectly).

DomainDataSource, binding and cursors

Databinding in WPF/Silverlight revolves around dependency properties, DataContext objects and DataSource objects. As far as I can tell, dependency properties are the same thing as ambient properties and their significance to binding is basically that if you put a bunch of widgets in a container then you only need to specify a DataContext for the container.
There are several parts to this question.
What is the difference between DataContext and DataSource, and how do they relate?
What manages cursors in WPF/Silverlight databinding? Is there a direct equivalence to the WinForms CurrencyManager and BindingContext?
How do I go about manipulating a Cursor in WPF/Silverlight databinding?
DataGrid seems to have a CurrentItem property. If you bind a bunch of widgets to the various columns of a datasource and they share the same datacontext as the datagrid then interactively moving the selected row in the datagrid changes the row whose values are expressed in the widgets. Could someone please explain to me how it all fits together? Preferably with reference to SL4.
When I do this:
private void buttonNew_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Guid newId = Guid.NewGuid();
Employee emp = new Employee() { Id = newId, FirstName = "NOT SET", LastName = "NOT SET" };
AtomDomainContext adc = employeeDomainDataSource.DomainContext as AtomDomainContext;
DomainDataSourceView ddsv = grid1.DataContext as DomainDataSourceView;
I get this compilation error:
The type 'System.ComponentModel.IPagedCollectionView' is defined in an assembly
that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Windows.Data,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.
D:\Argent\Views\ManageEmployees.xaml.cs, 57, 7, Argent
which sounds easy to fix but when I attempt to add a reference to the Argent project the list of references is empty; presumably one is confined to those assemblies that Silverlight deploys to the target computer. So now what do I do?
I found some answers so in the absence of a useful contribution from anyone else I'll answer my own question.
A DataContext is a kind of cursor object. You assign to the DataContext property any object or IEnumerable collection of objects to which you want to bind, and a wrapper is constructed around it. If you assign an IEnumerable, the DataContext surfaces a CurrentItem property that references one of the elements of the IEnumerable. If you assign something that isn't an IEnumerable, the DataContext wrapper behaves as though it contructs an IEnumerable and adds your object to the collection and then proceeeds as if that was what you passed in the first place, the object being set up as the CurrentItem.
One possible IEnumerable is the DomainDataSource, for which DataSource is a base clase.
Every widget in Silverlight has a DataContext property. Generally you don't set this directly, due to what Microsoft has taken to calling "dependency properties" which as far as I can tell are exactly the same as ambient properties, which is to say that unless you set them explicitly they "inherit" a value from the immediate container, which may in turn so inherit. So instead of setting the same IEnumerable as DataContext on a bunch of widgets, you make them all children of some container and set the DataContext for that, and they all miraculously get bound to the same cursor.
You can create a new DataContext object in XAML simply by explicitly specifying it; this creates a new instance and assigning it to the DataContext property of the widget on which you specify it; this is a new instance, a new cursor that is independent of any other DataContext.
In Silverlight4 you can reference the DataContext in use by another object; see element binding.
But a binding is only partly specified by a DataContext. Having specified a DataContext so that a widget has object foo contributing its context, specifying a binding path of A will look for a property named A on object foo and if this is found will mashall its value to and from your widget.
What's really confusing to the newbie is that while the whole binding can be specified in one spot, normally the context is specified miles away up a big complex container hierarchy, and just the path is specified on each widget, yet for (eg) binding the ItemsSource of a combobox to a lookup table you do specify the whole thing. I hope I've made it all a bit clearer for those following in my footsteps.
As for the location of the elusive 'System.Windows.Data', it's in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v4.0\Libraries\Client\System.Windows.Data.dll

WPF Collections and Databinding

I am new to WPF and trying to wrap my head around WPF's framework, what it does and does not do for you.
To clarify this, I would like to know what is the difference between this:
public List<MyCustomObject> MyCustomObjects
get { return (List<MyCustomObject>)GetValue(MyCustomObjectsProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyCustomObjectsProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyCustomObjectsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyCustomObjects", typeof(List<MyCustomObject>),
typeof(Main), new UIPropertyMetadata(new List<MyCustomObject>()));
and this:
public ObservableCollection<MyCustomObject> MyCustomObjects { get; set; }
public Main ()
MyCustomObjects = new ObservableCollection<<MyCustomObject>();
Ok, we must put some order into things, there's a few concepts mixed in together here.
First of all, you're asking what the difference is between a field-backed property and a dependency property. Google would be your best friend, however I recommend this blog post by WPF's vanguard Josh Smith: Overview of dependency properties in WPF
In short: dependency properties support the richness that is WPF: Styling, animation, binding, metadata, and more.
Secondly, you're asking what the difference is between a List and an ObservableCollection. Well the latter provides change notifications (in the forms of events) on any change to the collection (addition, removal, change of order, clearing, etc.), and the former does not. You can read more about that here: The ObservableCollection Class
In short: ObservableCollection provides change notifications which are required for the UI to automatically reflect changes in the view model.
In addition to Aviad and Reed's answers, I would like to point out a serious bug in your first code sample :
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyCustomObjectsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyCustomObjects", typeof(List<MyCustomObject>),
typeof(Main), new UIPropertyMetadata(new List<MyCustomObject>()));
The new List<MyCustomObject>() used as the default value will be created only once, so by default all instances of your type will share the same List<MyCustomObject> instance, which is probably not what you want... The only sensible default value here is null
In the first case, you're setting up a Dependency Property containing a List<T> instance.
In the second, you're making a normal CLR property, but having it setup as an ObservableCollection<T>.
For WPF Data Binding, there are some differences here.
Typically, you want all of your properties in the DataContext (which is the object that, by default, things "bind" to) to either implement INotifyPropertyChanged or to be a Dependency Property. This lets the binding framework know when changes are made to that object. Normally, though, you'd only use a Dependency Property if your working with a custom control - it's usually a better idea to have your object to which your data bound be a separate class, assigned to the DataContext. (For details here, see Josh Smith on MVVM or my recent detailed post on MVVM...)
However, with a collection, you typically also want the binding system to know when the items within the collection change (ie: an item is added). ObservableCollection<T> handles this by implementing INotifyCollectionChanged.
By using the second approach (using an ObservableCollection<T>), your UI can tell when items were added or removed from the collection - not just when a new collection is assigned. This lets things work automatically, like a ListBox adding elements when a new item is added to your collection.
You're using a dependency property to "tell" the framework when that property is changed. This will have the following consequences for your binding:
MyCustomObjects.Add(new MyCustomObject()); //Wont update the view through databinding
MyCustomObjects = new List<MyCustomObject>(); //Will update the view through databinding
You could gain the same databinding functionality by implementing INotifyPropertyChanged on which ever class exposes the property, but dependency properties a capable of much more than just notifying about changes. These are rather advanced features though, which you aren't likely to come across in your average joe app :)
You're using an observable collection, which implements INotifyCollectionChanged for you, to tell the databinding whenever the content of the collection has changed. This will have the opposite consequences than #1:
MyCustomObjects.Add(new MyCustomObject()); //Will update the view through databinding
MyCustomObjects = new ObservableCollection<MyCustomObject>(); //Won't update the view through databinding
