Is there a DotNetNuke 6 Module Development Template for Visual Studio? - dotnetnuke

Can anybody tell me how to install a module development template for DotNeTNuke. Please note that I am working in DNN 6 and using Visual Studio 2010. So the template must be compatible with both DNN 6 and VS 2010. I have tried one that was for VS 2010 but not for DNN 6. Please suggest any links or videos.

There is a development template that's released with every version of DotNetNuke, available in both the DotNetNuke Support Network (for paid edition customers), and in the official downloads area for the Community Edition. Just click on the Visual Studio Starter Kit.
If you want a more complete visual studio template, I would highly recommend the templates that Chris Hammond put together on Codeplex, that bdukes mentioned. There are templates for both VB and C#, and they include automated packaging for your modules.

You can get c# version of module development template from
There are some minor changes in module development for each new major version of dnn changes, but there are no templates dedicated to the version of dnn till yet since we assume our module should work in any version starting from 4.x to 6.x.
Let me know if you want any other help.


How to use `dotnet new` template in visual studio 2019?

I installed Visual Studio 2019 GA Released version today.
I installed this template via dotnet new command line
I then can use the dotnet new to create a project from command line.
However, the installed template does not show in this windows in Visual Studio 2019.
What the point of putting the link to install a new template from CLI but not listing new installed template in the UI?
Is this a bug or actually a missing feature?
in this post you can see how to enable .net core cli project templates in VS2019
Starting in Visual Studio 16.8 Preview 2 we’ve enabled a preview feature that you can turn on that enables all templates that are installed via CLI to now show as options in Visual Studio as well. To enable this option visit the Preview Features options in the Tools…Options menu and look for the “Show all .NET Core templates in the New Project dialog” (we’re awesome at naming) checkbox and check it:
After enabling you need to restart the Visual Studio instance to get this capability. After restarting and choosing to create a new project you’ll see some slight differences in the experience.
This is a missing feature that is still being actively planned and developed. Look for it sometime in the .NET Core 3 timeframe.

Visual Studio 2013 and Angular

I need to work with Visual Studio 2013.
I have already an scaffoldded Angular + Gulp project created with yeoman
Now i need to edit with visual studio.
Could you please explain me how to enable angular on Visual studio?
You don't need to "enable" angular for VS.
It is just editing text files in a certain folder structure.
Just import the folder as a new project or whatever suits your needs.
(In theory you could develop an Angular app with any text editor).
If you need intellisense or other helping technology look for an appropriate add-on on nuget. (e.g. ng intellisense Add-on )

SL 4 Version Hell? The silverlight developer runtime is not installed please install a matching version

I've been developing for and running Silverlight 4 for about a week. A week ago I installed the Silverlight 4 design time components to develop and debug silverlight for VS 2010 - I posted some of these apps and they were used by users running SL4. Today, I went to a website that told me to upgrade my SL (I think it was the MS expression site) - so I did that and all the sudden I get this error when running SL 4 apps within VS 2010.
The silverlight developer runtime is not installed please install a matching version
Installing the latest version of the Silverlight SDK does not correct this. Basically I am stuck and unable to run Silverlight apps from VS2010.
Are versioning problems like this a common theme in SilverLight? The only thing I can think of is that there is a minor version difference between the versions used on the the MS Expression web site and the version (SL4) I installed from MS site a few days ago? However re-installing the latest version of SL4 does not correct this.
Any help?
The developer runtime is a different download than the normal "end user" runtime.
Again quoting from Tim Heur's Blog, you need to look for the link under "getting the updates" that points to the developer runtime. This will allow you to debug etc.

Silverlight 3 - Visual Studio Tools

I am trying to get started doing some Silverlight development. I am interested in learning about the out-of-browser support. I can create and run Silverlight 3 applications just fine. I have confirmed that I have Silverlight 3 instead of Silverlight 3 Beta. I have been able to confirm this because my API list includes Application.InstallStateChanged instead of Application.ExecutionStateChanged.
However, I do not have the option to enable my application to run offline in Visual Studio. I can see this option in this blog post ( Unfortunately, I do not have the option shown or the Reduce XAP size option. I have downloaded the Visual Studio tools from here (
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
It looks like John Papa is using a new version of visual studio possibly the VS2010 beta.
Try this tutorial instead
Corrupted Install
It looks like a corrupted install. Try uninstalling and then see Allen Chen's advice here: including:
Silverlight3_Tools.exe /x:c:\temp /u to manually extract the SL 3 files and c:\temp\SPInstaller.exe to verify the tools install.
Use Blend
Also, If you have Blend 3 installed (preview here) you can enable Out of the Browser inside of Blend. See Project->Silverlight Project Options.
One thing might be that your Silverlight developer runtime got corrupted/overwritten. Try installing it once and see if it solves...

What tools do I need to do Silverlight development?

I already own Visual Studio 2008 Team Version, and have an MSDN subscription...and I am an experienced ASP.Net developer.
What do I need to install to do Silverlight development, and can all of those tools be installed alongside my current "production" development machine (want to make sure there will not be any side effects).
I know I want to learn silverlight, but its not clear to me which tools are required and/or recommended in order to get started...
Download the Silverlight 2.0 SDK and Visual Studio 2008 Tools
Microsoft® Silverlight™ 2 Software Development Kit
Microsoft® Silverlight™ Tools for Visual Studio 2008 SP1
Check here for the links
Another great resource is the original:
Hope this helps:
Andrew :-)
This link has pretty much every thing you need.
If you're already comfortable with VS development, you can just develop Silverlight in VS by downloading the Microsoft Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio 2008.
If you're more of a designer than devloper, then Microsoft Expression Studio may be better for you.
Follow the steps here:-
I have no problems using this stuff side-by-side with my regular development is a good place to start. All the tools are finalized so you should be able to install all things silverlight and be fine.
I am also trying to get started with Silverlight development.
Here is how I was getting started.
1.) To set up development environment: Getting started with Silverlight
2.) Web Sites to keep up with.
MSDN Silverlight Development Center
Shawn Wildermuth: He has turn from an ADO guy to a Silverlight guru/trainer.
Scott Gu's Silverlight tagged stories
I have Visual Studio 2003/5/8(+Resharper 4.1) installed on my machine along side siliverlight SDK and Expression Suite.
So far I have not seen any side effects even after installing all those tools on my dev machine after few months.
You can use Silerlight Spy to view the 'reflected' source code of any Silverlight application on the web. But, you can also use it to validate the structure of the components in your running application. The debugging experience reminds me of working with Firebug while trying to decipher the viusal structure of a web page.
In addition to the visual studio stuff, you should probably get blend and all of it's service packs.
