Efficient way to write multiple file content into a single file - c

There are n-number of files with vary in size. How we could efficently append the content of all the files into a single file?
Techniques or algorithm would help? Basically I am expecting efficent method to achieve this in c language.

Start simple. Multithreading will introduce significant complexity, and won't necessarily make things run any faster. Pseudocode time:
Create a new file "dest" in write-only mode.
For each file "source" you want to append:
Open "source" in read-only mode
For each line "L" in "source":
Write "L" to "dest"
Close "source"
Close "dest"
BTW, this is dead simple (and near-optimal) to implement using simple command-line Linux tools (cat, etc.), though of couse that isn't exactly portable to Windows. One-liner example:
for i in `find . -type f -name "*.txt"`; do cat $i >> result.out; done
(Find every .txt file in the current directory and append it to result.out.)

Go through and find the total size of all of the files.
Then allocate an output file of that size, go through them again and write the data to your output.

Since I don't what the contents of the files are or the purpose of appending them, this solution might not be the best if its just text or something. However, I'd probably find a zip library to use (either licensed or open source), then just zip all the files into a single archive.
zlib looks interesting: http://www.zlib.net/

get the size Sn of each file and calculate the total size T of all the files
create the dest file
use mmap to map the dest file with the size T, you will get a pointer P to the start address of the memmap region
mmap each file to mem, and copy each data to the region above in order.
after that, you would get the dest file with all the data from all the files


Can a tar file be efficiently randomly edited?

Is there a way to modify an individual file within a tar file without having to rewrite the entire archive? I recognize this would probably result in fragmentation.
Is there any other archive format that does this?
First off, you should only ask exactly one question on StackOverflow. If you truly want to do frequent writes to the "archive", then you might be better off simply creating a large file, formatting it with some file system of your choice and then mounting it:
truncate -s $(( 512*1024*1024 )) 512MiB-filesystem.ext4
mkfs.ext4 512MiB-filesystem.ext4
sudo mount -o loop 512MiB-filesystem.ext4 mountpoint
sudo chmod a+w mountpoint/
echo foo > mountpoint/bar
sudo umount mountpoint
As for your question about TAR. It is possible and a fun exercise but it might lack the tools that actually implement this. First off, TAR is a very simple file format, it consists of 512 B blocks that can either contain metadata or actual file contents simply copied from the original file without any compression.
A TAR can actually contain multiple files for the same path and by convention, the last duplicate path wins. This means, in order to "modify" a file, you can simply append a newer version of that file to the TAR:
tar --append --file archive.tar modified-file
This should be fast, but it would grow the archive with every file change, so it should be used sparingly.
If you want even more in-place modifications, they should be possible but there is no tooling yet for that as far as I know. I would like to implement that into ratarmount but I'm not sure when I'll get to it.
File system operations and how to implement them:
Modifying a file:
File size is constant: As long as the file size does not change, we could simply change the file inside the TAR if we know the offset for the file contents in the TAR archive, which ratarmount does have stored in an SQLite database.
File size is quasi constant: Actually, the file size might even change by up to 511 B and it still would be possible to simply update the file inside the TAR as long as it doesn't change the number of required TAR blocks (512 B). This would also require updating the file size in the TAR metadata block and updating the checksum of that metadata block, though.
Required TAR blocks shrink: If the required TAR blocks become fewer than before, then it still would be rather easy to modify the TAR on the fly as outlined above. But we would have to somehow format the unused blocks. We could simply fill them with zeros, but in this case, we would have to call tar with the --ignore-zeros option to still get a valid tar. Without that, all files after that position would suddenly appear lost, so it might be unsuited in some circumstances. But we could also simply fill the empty blocks with dummy data, e.g., a directory metadata entry for the / (root) folder. As long as it contains the same metadata as the actual root folder, it basically is a no-op. It might even be possible to create dummy metadata blocks for invalid paths like . or .. to effectively create blocks that are ignored even without the --ignore-zeros option.
*Required TAR blocks grow:` This is the most difficult case. If there is simply no space to put the added data to the file, then we might have to delete it and move it to the end of the file (if it isn't already at the end). Removing the file without rewriting everything else in the TAR would be implemented as mentioned above by either filling the parts with zeros or dummy metadata blocks. At this point, however, we could implement defragmentation techniques, e.g., by keeping track of all empty / dummy blocks in the TAR and looking for fitting places. Or if we want to append 1 KiB to a 1 GiB file, then it might avoid fragmentation better if we move a small file right after the 1 GiB file to the end of the TAR to make space for the 1 KiB to append.
Modifying file metadata:
In General: In general, metadata can be changed by simply changing it in the metadata block and updating the block checksum. This does not require rewriting anything else in the archive
Removals: This is basically the same as file modifications for shrinking block counts. Simply overwrite the space for this file entry with zeros or dummy blocks and maybe keep track of it for writing files into this space at a later time.
Renames: Renames can actually be more tricky than one might think. In most cases, it can also simply be updated, however, there are two problematic cases:
The file name becomes too long: If the file name becomes too long, then the GNU long name extension will allocate further blocks right after the TAR metadata block, which will contain the very long filename. This however would require one more block, which might require moving around blocks inside the TAR as outlined for file modifications
There are file name collisions: If the target path already exists, then simply updating the metadata might not suffice depending on the order the files appear in the TAR. The last one with the same path wins. This might be easy to circumvent by simply forbidding to move to an existing path or by calling remove on the existing file beforehand.
Create: This is simple. Simply append the file to the end of the archive. If implemented manually, then we might have to find the actual end of the data because TAR archives have at least 2 (often more) zero-byte blocks after the last valid data and simply appending new files after those zero blocks would require the --ignore-zero-bytes option.

how to replace a file with an other?

I am writing a simple encryption program, that takes any given file, writes encrypted data to a temporary file and I am now looking for the most efficient way to replace the original file with its encrypted counterpart.
I know I could just fopen the original with w and copy line by line the encrypted file, but I was wondering if there was any more efficient way to do it, like overwriting the original file hard-link to point to the ciphered file sparing me the need to rewrite the entirety of the file?
on linux, you could use mv.
And if the two files are not in the same directory, mv would be the better choice for several reasons, including that an option can be given to mv so no prompt output when a file is overwritten I.E
mv -f tempfile original_newfile
the result will be that tempfile no longer exists and the original file now contains the tempfile with the original name
Note: mv manipulates the 'hardlinks' to do its work
As suggested by #Chris-Turner and explained by #Jabberwocky using rename works fine

How to create a virtual file with inode that has references to storage in memory

Let me explain clearly.
The following is my requirement:
Let's say there is a command which has an option specified as '-f' that takes a filename as argument.
Now I have 5 files and I want to create a new file merging those 5 files and give the new filename as argument for the above command.
But there is a difference between
reading a single file and
merging all files & reading the merged file.
There is more IO (read from 5 files + write to the merged file + any IO our command does with the given file) generated in the second case than IO (any IO our command does with the given file) generated in the first case.
Can we reduce this unwanted IO?
In the end, I really don't want the merged file at all. I only create this merged file just to let the command read the merged files content.
And to say, I also don't want this implementation. The file sizes are not so big and it is okay to have that extra negligible IO. But, I am just curious to know if this can be done.
So in order to implement this, I have following understanding/questions:
Generally what all the commands (that takes the filename argument) does is it reads the file.
In our case, the filename(filepath) is not ready, it's just an virtual/imaginary filename that exists (as the mergation of all files).
So, can we create such virtual filename?
What is a filename? It's an indirect inode entry for a storage location.
In our case, the individual files have different inode entries and all inode entries have different storage locations. And our virtual/imaginary file has in fact no inode and even if we could create an imaginary inode, that can only point to a storage in memory (as there is no reference to the storage location of another file from a storage location of one file in disk)
But, let's say using advanced programming, we are able to create an imaginary filepath with imaginary inode, that points to a storage in memory.
Now, when we give that imaginary filename as argument and when the command tries to open that imaginary file, it finds that it's inode entry is referring to a storage in memory. But the actual content is there in disk and not in the memory. So, the data is not loaded into memory yet, unless we read it explicitly. Hence, again we would need to read the data first.
Simply saying, as there is no continuity or references at storage in disk to the next file data, the merged data needs to be loaded to memory first.
So, with my deduction, it seems we would at least need to put the data in memory. However, as the command itself would need the file to be read (if not the whole file, at least a part of it until the commands's operation is done - let it be parsing or whatever). So, using this method, we could save some significant IO, if it's really a big file.
So, how can we create that virtual file?
My first answer is to write the merged file to tmpfs and refer to that file. But is it the only option or can we actually point to a storage location in memory, other than tmpfs? tmpfs is not option because, my script can be run from any server and we need to have a solution that work from all servers. If I mention to create merged file at /dev/shm in my script, it may fail in the server where it doesn't have /dev/shm. So I should be able to load to memory directly. But I think normal user will not have access to memory and so, it seems can not be done without shm.
Please let me know your comments and also kindly correct me if my understanding anywhere is wrong. Even if it is complicated for my level, kindly post your answer. At least, I might understand it after few months.
Create a fifo (named pipe) and provide its name as an argument to your program. The process that combines the five input files writes to this fifo
mkfifo wtf
cat file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 > wtf # this will block...
[from another terminal] cp wtf omg
Here I used cp as your program, and cat as the program combining the five files. You will see that omg will contain the output of your program (here: cp) and that the first terminal will unblock after the program is done.
Your program (here:cp) is not even aware that its 1st argument wtf refers to a fifo; it just opens it and reads from it like it would do with an ordinary file. (this will fail if the program attempts to seek in the file; seek() is not implemented for pipes and fifos)

removing a line from a text file?

I am working with a text file, which contains a list of processes under my programs control, along with relevant data.
At some point, one of the processes will finish, and thus will need to be removed from the file (as its no longer under control).
Here is a sample of the file contents (which has enteries added "randomly"):
PID=25729 IDLE=0.200000 BUSY=0.300000 USER=-10.000000
PID=26416 IDLE=0.100000 BUSY=0.800000 USER=-20.000000
PID=26522 IDLE=0.400000 BUSY=0.700000 USER=-30.000000
So for example, if I wanted to remove the line that says PID=26416.... how could I do that, without writing the file over again?
I can use external unix commands, however I am not very familiar with them so please if that is your suggestion, give an example.
Either you keep the contents of the file in temporary memory and then rewrite the file. Or you could have a file for each of the PIDs with the relevant information in them. Then you simply delete the file when it's no longer running. Or you could use a database for this instead.
As others have already pointed out, your only real choice is to rewrite the file.
The obvious way to do that with "external UNIX commands" would be grep -v "PID=26416" (or whatever PID you want to remove, obviously).
Edit: It is probably worth mentioning that if the lines are all the same length (as you've shown here) and order doesn't matter, you could delete a line more efficiently by copying the last line into the space being vacated, then shorten the file so eliminate what had been the last line. This will only work if they really are all the same length though (e.g., if you got a PID of '1', you'd need to pad it to the same length as the others in the file).
The only way is by copying each character that comes after the deleted line down over the characters that are deleted.
It is far more efficient to simply rewrite the file.
how could I do that, without writing the file over again?
You cannot. Filesystems (perhaps besides more esoteric record based ones) does not support insertion or deletion.
So you'll have to write the lines to a temporary file up till the line you want to delete, skip over that line, and write the rest of the lines to the file. When done, rename/copy the temp file to the original filename
Why are you maintaining these in a text file? That's not the best model for such a task. But, if you're stuck with it ... if these lines are guaranteed to all be the same length (it appears that way from the sample), and if the order of the lines in the file doesn't matter, then you can write the last line over the line for the process that has died and then shorten the file by one line with the (f)truncate() call if you're on a POSIX system: see Jonathan Leffler's answer in How to truncate a file in C?
But note carefully netrom's answer, which gives three different better ways to maintain this info.
Also, if you stick with a text file (preferably written from scratch each time from data structures you maintain, as per netrom's first suggestion), and you want to be sure that the file is always well formed, then write the new data into a temp file on the same device (putting it in the same directory is easiest) and then do a rename() call, which is an atomic operation.
You can use sed:
sed -i.bak -e '/PID=26416/d' test
-i is for editing in place. It also creates a back-up file with the new extension .bak
-e is for specifying the pattern. The /d indicates all lines matching the pattern should be deleted.
test is the filename
The unix command for it is:
grep -v "PID=26416" myfile > myfile.tmp
mv myfile.tmp myfile
The grep -v part outputs the file without the rows with the search term.
The > myfile.tmp part creates a new temp file for this output.
The mv part renames the temp file to the original file.
Note that we are rewriting the file here, and moreover, we can lose data if someone write something to file between the two commands.

How to check whether two file names point to the same physical file

I have a program that accepts two file names as arguments: it reads the first file in order to create the second file. How can I ensure that the program won't overwrite the first file?
The method must keep working when the file system supports (soft or hard) links
File permissions are fixed and it is only required that the first file is readable and the second file writeable
It should preferably be platform-neutral (although Linux is the primary target)
On linux, open both files, and use fstat to check if st_ino (edit:) and st_dev are the same. open will follow symbolic links. Don't use stat directly, to prevent race conditions.
The best bet is not to use filenames as identities. Instead, when you open the file for reading, lock it, using whatever mechanism your OS supports. When you then also open the file for writing, also lock it - if the lock fails, report an error.
If possible, open the first file read-only, (O_RDONLY) in LINUX. Then, if you try to open it again to write to it, you will get an error.
You can use stat to get the file status, and check if the inode numbers are the same.
Maybe you could use the system() function in order to invoke some shell commands?
In bash, you would simply call:
stat -c %i filename
This displays the inode number of a file. You can compare two files this way and if their inodes are identical, it means they are hard links. The following call:
stat -c %N filename
will display the file's name and if it's a symbolic link, it'll print the file name it links to as well. It prints out only one name, even if the file it points to has hard links, so checking the symbolic link would require comparing inode numbers for the 2nd file and the file the symbolic links links to in order to make sure.
You could redirect stat output to a text file and then parse the file in your program.
If you mean the same inode, in bash, you could do
[ FILE1 -ef FILE2 ] && echo equal || echo difference
Combined with realpath/readlink, that should handle the soft-links as well.
