CakePHP not loading associated properties with model on production server - cakephp

This is a weird one.
I have a local server on which I develop apps. A product review app I developed works flawlessly on it, and utilizes Cake's associative modeling ($hasMany, $belongsTo, et. al.).
After pushing this app up to a production server, it fails. Gives me an error message:
Notice (8): Undefined property: AppModel::$Product [APP/controllers/reviews_controller.php, line 46]
ReviewsController::home() - APP/controllers/reviews_controller.php, line 46
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 204
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 83
I've debug()'d $this and it shows, plain as day, that, while the local server is loading the associated models, the production server is not. The databases are mirror duplicates (literally, the production server was imported from the dev db), and I can manually load models, which tells me it's connecting to the DB just fine.
What on Earth is going on?
The sql query from the production server is this:
SELECT `Review`.`id`, `Review`.`title`, `Review`.`product_id`, `Review`.`score`, `Review`.`submitted`, `Review`.`reviewed`, `Review`.`right`, `Review`.`wrong`, `Review`.`user_id`, `Review`.`goals`
FROM `reviews`
AS `Review`
WHERE 1 = 1
ORDER BY `Review`.`submitted` desc LIMIT 10
The sql query from the dev server is this:
SELECT `Review`.`id`, `Review`.`title`, `Review`.`product_id`, `Review`.`score`, `Review`.`submitted`, `Review`.`reviewed`, `Review`.`right`, `Review`.`wrong`, `Review`.`user_id`, `Review`.`goals`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `Product`.`id`, `Product`.`name`
FROM `reviews`
AS `Review`
LEFT JOIN `users` AS `User` ON (`Review`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`)
LEFT JOIN `products` AS `Product` ON (`Review`.`product_id` = `Product`.`id`)
WHERE 1 = 1
ORDER BY `Review`.`submitted` desc LIMIT 10
Here's some of the code the errors point to:
$title = $this->Review->Product->find( 'first', array( 'fields' => array( '' ), 'conditions' => array( '' => $filter ) ) );
class Review extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Review';
var $displayField = 'title';
//The Associations below have been created with all possible keys, those that are not needed can be removed
var $belongsTo = array(
'User' => array(
'className' => 'User',
'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => ''
'Product' => array(
'className' => 'Product',
'foreignKey' => 'product_id',
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => ''

I had this problem, and for me it was due to a missing field in one of the database tables. I'd triple-check to make sure both DB's are exactly the same (although you said they were...): feel free to use this 7-year-old app to check them :D
Other people with this issue talked about filename issues and that all files should be lowercased, so that may be something to check as well...

Actually - from a quick glance it might be worth using containable to make sure your data calls are consistent.
If you don't want to go through the hassle of adding containable (but I would urge you to do so - it is one my favourite features of cakephp), you may want to set recursive in your find() call just to make sure the associated models are loaded.

Do you have a way of looking at the files on the server without going through ftp? I had a problem similar to this where the timestamps were messed up on the files and the server would not update the file. I had to delete the files, and then re upload them. You may have already tried this but I just thought I would suggest the possibility. Maybe some of those files are outdated on the server.
Have a great day!

Can you pastebin the Review model, Product model, AppModel, AppController, and the controller you are getting the error from.
The line:
Notice (8): Undefined property: AppModel::$Product [APP/controllers/reviews_controller.php, line 46]
Seems to indicate the Review Model is loading the AppModel and not the file you want it to. In that case the Review model won't have a Product association.

you can print the stacktrace out to see, here's some code I snatch from
echo "<div>Stack<br /><table border='1'>";
echo "<thead><tr><th>file</th><th>line</th><th>function</th><th>args</th></tr></thead>";
foreach($aCallstack as $aCall)
if (!isset($aCall['file'])) $aCall['file'] = '[PHP Kernel]';
if (!isset($aCall['line'])) $aCall['line'] = '';
echo "<tr><td>{$aCall['file']}</td><td>{$aCall['line']}".
debug (($aCall['arg']));
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table></div>";
It's gonna be hard looking through all that though.


Ways to use array in cakephp

Hello I am having a tought time figuring out how to use arrays in cakephp. right now i have a view with 2 columns, active and startYear. i need to grab the start years for all of the columns in the view and sho i have this code.
public function initialize(array $config)
public function index()
$deleteTable = $this->loadModel('DeletedTranscripts');
$this->$deleteTable->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'field' => 500,
'status' => 'Confirmed'
'order' => 'ASC'
$this->set('startYear',$deleteTable );
once i have the array captured and put into lets say startYear can in input a statement like this into my dropdown list to populate it?
<div class="dropdown-menu">
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#"><?= $delete->startYear; ?></a>
i have been looking for answers for quite awhile any help would be awesome.
Couple of things:
Loading Tables in CakePHP
For this line:
$deleteTable = $this->loadModel('DeletedTranscripts');
While you can get a table this way, there's really no reason to set the return of loadModel to a variable. This function sets a property of the same name on the Controller, which almost correctly used on the next line. Just use:
Then you can start referencing this Table with:
Additionally, if you're in say the DeletedTranscriptsController - the corresponding Table is loaded for you automatically, this call might be unnecessary entirely.
Getting Query Results
Next, you're close on the query part, you've can start to build a new Query with:
$this->DeletedTranscripts->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'field' => 500,
'status' => 'Confirmed'
'order' => 'ASC'
But note that the find() function does not immediately return results - it's just building a query. You can continue to modify this query with additional functions (like ->where() or ->contain()).
To get results from a query you need to call something like toArray() to get all results or first() to get a single one, like so:
$deletedTranscriptsList = $this->DeletedTranscripts->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'field' => 500,
'status' => 'Confirmed'
'order' => 'ASC'
Sending data to the view
Now that you've got the list, set that so it's available in your view as an array:
$this->set('startYear', $deletedTranscriptsList );
See also:
Using Finders to Load Data
Setting View Variables
I also noticed you've had a few other related questions recently - CakePHP's docs are really good overall, it does cover these systems pretty well. I'd encourage you to read up as much as possible on Controller's & View's.
I'd also maybe suggest running through the CMS Tutorial if you've not done so already, the section covering Controllers might help explain a number of CakePHP concepts related here & has some great working examples.
Hope this helps!

Cakephp Containable not working at all

I have been banging my head on the wall over this. I have a model Sku that belongs to model Purchase. My AppModel has $actAs=array('Containable') and $recursive=-1
Inside SkuController, when I do $this->Sku->find('all', array('contain' => 'Purchase')); I don't get Purchase. I have searched many old questions here and elsewhere on Internet but just can't seem to resolve this. To check if Containable behavior is being loaded, I edited ContainableBehavior.php in lib\Cake\Model\Behavior to make it an invalid php file but that didn't produce any errors. What the heck is wrong!!
Here's the SQL from debug:
SELECT, Sku.purchase_id, Sku.item_id, Sku.upc,
Sku.quantity_avail, Sku.per_unit_price_amt,
Sku.do_not_delete, Sku.created, Sku.modified,
(concat('SK',lpad(,8,'0'))) AS Sku__idFormatted FROM
sellble.skus AS Sku WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY desc
CakePHP ver: 2.4.4
Not sure if this is different across versions but I have always specified the contain within an array and that works fine for me.
$this->Sku->find('all', array('contain' => array('Purchase')));
Or for mapping only the fields or conditions you want:
array('contain' => array(
'Purchase' => array(
'fields' =>
'conditions' => array( = 'somename'

Complex find statement, don't know how to write multiple values for one condition

I am trying to build a paginated find call to my Unit model. I need the condition to be that it looks for unit.type of condo and rentalco, house and rentalco, but NOT rentalco and hotel. Additionally, the way I have my code worded, cake only returns unit types that are rentalco.
public function view($type=null) {
$this->set('title', 'All '.$type.' in and near Gulf Shores');
$this->set('featured', $this->Unit->getFeatured());
'order' => 'RAND()',
'Unit.type'=>array($type, 'rentalco'),
$data = $this->paginate('Unit');
$this->set('allaccommodations', $data);
$this->set('type', $type);
UPDATE I figured out why my find statement wasn't working (just had been passing the word condos instead of condo into my browser bar....derp derp); however, I would still love to know how I can tell cake to NOT allow a find with both type hotel and rentalco.
You are looking for the NOT. It would be something like:
'conditions' => array(
'NOT' => array('Unit.type' => array('hotel', 'rentalco')),
To be more specific, I would need to see your model schema.

Does CakePHP finderQuery work with SQL Server? Where would I debug that?

I'm new to cakePHP, so I may be missing the obvious.
The system is running the latest download using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as database. I appreciate that is slightly unusual, but having fixed the URL rewrite I have seen no other issues.
I'd like use a custom finderQuery, but I cannot even seem to replace the default. Specifically if I use
var $hasMany = array(
'RecyclateTypeConversion' => array(
'className' => 'RecyclateTypeConversion',
'foreignKey' => 'recyclate_type_id',
'dependent' => false,
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => '',
'limit' => '',
'offset' => '',
'exclusive' => '',
'finderQuery' => 'select RecyclateTypeConversion.* from recyclate_type_conversions AS RecyclateTypeConversion WHERE RecyclateTypeConversion.recyclate_type_id IN ({$__cakeID__$});',
'counterQuery' => ''
I see this error
Notice (8): Undefined index:
line 1099]
However the SQL debug output confirms that the query itself runs fine and returns 4 records, and the view runs perfectly when the finderQuery is not specified. I've tried for other hasMany tables too - with exactly the same issue.
I've attempted to replace the select all with specific field selects but I still see the same result. Certainly the query looks correct according to the manual - so what is the issue (and could it be related to using MSSQL?)
EDIT: Also, as this hasn't picked up any answers yet, what would be the best approach to debugging this? I've started hunting through the cake debugging class, but so far with no results that have enlightened me. Of course if there is a problem I'll be submitting the fix back to the project.
Have you checked that there is actually a model called RecyclateTypeConversion and that it exists with a filename according to the CakePHP conventions? I.e. is there a models/recyclate_type_conversion.php and in that file, is the name of the model defined as RecyclateTypeConversion.
The error that you're getting seems to hint that there's something wrong with that model name, as it cannot find the associated index.
Try removing the alias from the select - the casting in in the "AS RecyclateTypeConversion" part should handle that for you. I also like to wrap custom queries in double quotes. I might just be paranoid but string parsing errors have bit me in the ass before.
var $hasMany = array(
'RecyclateTypeConversion' => array(
'className' => 'RecyclateTypeConversion',
'foreignKey' => 'recyclate_type_id',
'dependent' => false,
'finderQuery' => "select * from recyclate_type_conversions AS RecyclateTypeConversion WHERE RecyclateTypeConversion.recyclate_type_id IN ({$__cakeID__$});",
Also, I highly suggest you use the DebugKit plugin and post back to us the query log and a debug output of the find results that cause the errors.
did you go through it step by step?
try to get everything (all data)
try conditions
try "containable" behavior to create your query, which makes things a lot easier in my opinion
Have you tried CakePHP Debug Kit

CakePHP find() not working accross models

I am having a very curious problem. I am trying to do a find with conditions that work across model relationships. To wit...
$this->Model->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Model.col1' => 'value',
'RelatedModel.col2' => 'value2')));
...assuming that Model has a hasMany relationship to RelatedModel. This particular find bombs out with the following error message:
Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'RelatedModel.col2' in 'where clause' [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 525]
Looking at the SELECT being made, I quickly noticed that the comparison in the related model was in fact being placed in the WHERE clause, but for some reason, the only thing in the FROM clause was Model, with no sign of RelatedModel. If I remove the comparison that uses the relationship, related models ARE pulled in the result.
I'm using Cake 1.2.4. At first glance, there's nothing in the 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 changelog that I see that covers this, and you would think that such an obvious bug would be hunted down and fixed a few days later, as opposed to waiting a full month and not mentioning anything in the release annoucement.
So, uh, what's going on?
If your models are using the Containable behavior, make sure you contain those models.
First, in your {model_name}.php file:
class {ModelName} extends AppModel {
var $actsAs = array('Containable');
Then in your find:
$results = $this->Model->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Model.col1' => 'value',
'RelatedModel.col2' => 'value2',
'contain' => array('RelatedModel'),
If not using Containable behavior, then try explicitly increasing the recursion level:
$results = $this->Model->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Model.col1' => 'value',
'RelatedModel.col2' => 'value2',
'recursive' => 1,
Note that the latter method will more than likely retrieve a lot of unnecessary data, slowing down your application's speed. As such, I highly recommend implementing the use of the Containable behavior.
