How to copy .mdb file to .mdf file - sql-server

I want to copy the ms access database(.mdb) to sql server database(.mdf). I did it with sql server Import and export data service. But I want it copy the data regularly or a specific time. Is it possible or not. I have tried to create a batch file
copy /y "E:\Dinesh Work\for-reports.mdb" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\for-reports.mdf"
but it gives the following error:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
I have same tables in my sql server database as msaccess database. Is there any solution with batch file or something else.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.

This sounds like you want to use the Access database to edit the data in the SQL Server database.
Is that correct?
If yes, do you really need to copy the data?
You could also link from Access to the SQL Server tables.
This way, you have tables in Access that look like normal local Access tables, but they are really just links to SQL Server tables. You can edit data in these tables in Access, but you are actually writing directly into the SQL Server database.
Here are some examples how to set this up:
Link to SQL Server data
Access to SQL Server: Linking Tables

MDB and MDF files are wildly different types. You can't just copy them.
You might try setting up an SSIS task to do a regular data transfer - something like ETL if you're familiar with that term.
EDIT: The reason you're seeing the file locked error is because SQL Server maintains that lock on the MDF file while the database is running. In order to move or copy it you need to take that particular database offline.

As #Yuck said, you can not just copy the file and rename it, you need something like ETL or just a tool to export data.
I did xportdsl to copy from a h2database to a mssql and mssql to oracle
I used gorm and a hacky dsl that worked and it is still working
You can script a bat file to execute something like this java -jar xportdsl.jar test001.txt


Perform SQLDump on SQL Server

Is there a way to perform a SQL Dump in a SQL Server? Because on mysql we can easily do that with mysqldump command but on a SQL Server when I try to export the data it seems that it's only allowing to export per table and not per database. Now when I try to do the copy database it tries to copy the source db to a destination db. Now I came from MYSQL and I thought that it will somehow behave the same way.
Any idea on how to achieve this?
Thanks for those who will reply
In SQL Server you would either use Backup and Restore, or extract all the schema and data into a .bacpac file.

how to backup of specific tables from database sql server and save .bak file in computer using code

I want to backup some specific data of SQL database by using code. In fact i want to save this file as .BAK file and then i want to restore it.
I couldn't find anything. all the solutions in the web was about full backup of database and there was not any method to backup some tables via code.
SQL Server does not permit backing up a single table. Full stop. No provision is made for this whatsoever.
It does permit restoring a single table from a complete backup, but this does not seem to be what you want.

Backup remote SQL Server database to local

I'm trying to backup a live database to my computer and I can't find the option to do it. I'm connecting to it using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2. I'm a MySQL monkey, so I'm used to being able to backup to .sql files and move them around.
Anyone have any idea how I can create a file backup of the database? I've found the backup option which only backs up on the server, or the export, which seems to only allow a single table, or code an SQL query, which I'm not too sure on, short of putting in something like SHOW TABLES;
Anyone have any ideas? I'm limited to readonly access for various reasons, nothing bad, promise!
You will only be able to backup the database to a location the service account for SQL has access to. If you have access to a central share on the server/network that you can access and the service can, you might backup to that location and then browse from your computer to pull it down.
If you are just wanting the database structure you could script the database out to a file. This would let you save it locally. If you also want the data though doing a full backup is the quickest way I know of.
I would use the T-SQL BACKUP comand and include WITH COPY_ONLY to backup the database, since you stated this is a "live" database. If a scheduled job is performing backups against the database and you break in to do an additional one you will effect the backup recovery chain of the database. Using the COPY_ONLY will allow you to get a backup of the database without requiring it in the event of a recovery need.
You can also create sql dumps with Management Studio.
Right-click the database and select Tasks - Generate Scripts. This will open a wizard that allows you to select what the dump should include (e.g. tables, indices, views, ...).
Make sure you set "Script Data" to true if you want your dump to include inserts.
You can enter a valid UNC path in the Backup option.

Equivalent of Oracle export for SQL Server and/or db2

Can SQL Server or db2 do entire database exports like oracle (using exp command)?
I've searched the internets and found bcp for SQL Server. But it seems I would have to iterate over all the tables to get what I want.
For db2 it looks to be roughly the same. Is there something I'm missing? Anyone have any suggestions and/or any opinions? Thanks ahead of time.
This is for SQL SERVER
Backup & Restore
To take an entire database with SQL Server, you can do a BACKUP and RESTORE
Export and Import
You can right click a database in SQL Server Management Studio, and under TASKS, click on EXPORT DATA. Follow the Wizard to choose the objects you want to export and put them into the appropriate location.
Custom SSIS for Raw format
Build a SSIS package that will read data from source table and put it into a RAW file on disk for later use. Raw files holds the structure of the table and the data.
DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows has a utility called db2move, which generates the DDL to rebuild the database from scratch, and iterates through all the tables to dump their contents to flatfiles via the EXPORT command.

Copy entire database contents (schema and data)

I need to copy the contents (tables, views, procs, DATA, etc.) of a SQL Server database and copy it to another SQL Server database. I need to do this entirely in a script as I am not able to carry over files to the destination web server. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, how can I accomplish this?
Note: The database I am copying to will have the same name and be completely empty.
You can script the database schema and data using SSMS
Right click on the database. Choose tasks....then choose generate sql scripts.
Specify all objects. Then in the options menu choose at the bottom to generate scripts for data.
Below are some links that will be helpful
You can backup the database and restore to any instance you'd like. Since I don't like posting the "how to" when I learned it someplace else originally - here's the MSDN describing the process.
It is how we do things in our production environment. We back up and restore to our other instances.
The easiest way would be to restore from a backup, but since you can't copy files to the file system, the Copy database wizard will do this.
