Building a presentation display for big screen using Silverlight - silverlight

Our company wants to replace the powerpoint presentation (company info, etc) displayed on the big screen TV in the lobby with something more professional. I can do that easily using ASP.NET/HTML and JQuery (use JQuery to cycle through the DIVs), but I want to develop it in Silverlight - basically a web-based Silverlight application that fades in/out through the different "slides". It'll be tied to a SQL server database.
I'm new to Silverlight (my 1st project) and am not sure how to proceed (I'm pretty conversant with ASP.NET). I'm not sure which container (stackpanel, grid, canvas) to use in building the slides. I tried using stackpanels but couldn't get it to fade from one stackpanel to another.
Can someone please help me out??

My answer at "Animation target not specified issue - Silverlight storyboards." will do the trick at
Animation target not specified issue - Silverlight storyboards
When placing your Dia in a Grid you can easy use the PlaneProjection to move it around animating the LocalOffsetX property of the PlaneProjection for example.
<PlaneProjection />
<Dia />
If you need more explanation, let me know. I will be happy to elaborate in more detail.
Please let me know if this helped you.


Which layout to use for desining UI in wpf components?

I'am learning wpf. As a part of learning I'm converting a winforms application into a wpf application using mvvm.
In winforms I just dragged and droped. After that I aligned based on my requirement.
But in WPF when i drag and drop a default grid is wrapping the components and I'm facing great difficulty in aligning the components.
On learning the tutorials on wpf
I tried to work with but I don't know which is suitable for my UI.
I want to create UI in wpf as below winform
I have used grid and stackpanel but I have issue with alignment. In grid I have issue with adding new elements in the existing row. In stackpanel I face issue with spacing between the components and aligning the compnent.
Can anyone help me on which panel to use for the above kind of UI.
In general you don't use editors for WPF, you edit the layout XAML by hand and use the visualizer as a guide to show whether or not you've done it right. The Visual Studio editor does let you do things like basic layout, but as soon as you start using ControlTemplates/DataTemplates/Behaviours etc you'll quickly find that it's useless (and believe me, that moment will come much sooner than you think). If you really want to use a graphical editor then Microsoft Blend is your best bet, but even that is generally designed for non-programmers. In fact, in the 10+ years I've been a professional WPF contractor I've yet to encounter a single company that actually uses Blend...or indeed any other GUI-driven XAML editor...for their product development.

How to locate silverlight controls to the same location when browsing?

I'm trying to create a login screen in silverlight and i was taken two textboxes and put them in two of rows in Grid layout but when i run the app textboxes taking right alignment and stick with end of the window right side, any one help me to get out of this.
With personal experience with Silverlight, i would recommend using blend 4 for these things.
Because it will give you a more direct feel and a look.
Most Grids can have a free form, so that you can put anything anywhere.Though if your just writing XAML for it you may be off on your padding and margins for the Textboxes in the the Grid.
Also if that's happening their is a Case where your TextBoxes may not be in the Grid, if that's the case it will try and throw it out of the picture but your canvas size is most likely set to the size of the Login Screen so it cant throw it out. Alas putting it in the right lower hand side.
I would definitely mess around with the different options inside blend to get that working,
if your a Windows Phone DEV then you should have blend 4...but if your a Silverlight WEB DEV you would have to download Sketch Flow or Blend 4 Ultimate.
Also if your a student you may access and get Ultimate for free.
I hope this helps! :)

Can I use the WP7 Panorama control outside of WP7?

I need a WPF control that acts like the Panorama control for Windows Phone 7, but I need it for a desktop application.
It will contain a series of panels (or Panorama Items) that the application will be able to slide through horizontally programmatically.
Also, the content inside the panels not currently displayed on the screen will need to be "lazy loaded". In other words, they should be referenced but not loaded or rendered.
Can I somehow adapt the WP7 Panorama control to do this? Or will I have to develop a custom control from scratch to behave similarly to it?
Thank you!
I could probably use a VirtualizingPanel to implement the lazyload behaviour.
MahApps.Metro while still not super mature does allow for the wp7 Panorama control. Demo of how to use a panorama here. I've played with it a little and while its not the most customizable thing out there it gets the job done. Pretty sweet. Also Sacha Barber (Codeproject Demigod) wrote up an article on making your own. Of which I haven't looked at yet but, the guy usually does awesome work. So I'd check that one out as well. gives some clues about how do to this.
It suggests using as your base and then you can use (Microsoft Surface Manipulations and Inertia Sample for Microsoft Silverlight) to run convert get it to respond to touch.
Seems none exist as far as I can see so far.
This blog has started an attempt at making it, so you could work from there to make your own. Be sure to also check out this page which details the creation of an individual panorama item too.

WPF Animation Package

Is there any website that sells pre-made animations for WPF that would use or start from to incorporate in our on application? I found this one but it's too limited and a lot of the icons / animations even say "coming soon 2010. But it's exactly like what I'm looking for.
If you happen to know of websites like this please let me know.
PixelLab provide an open source Bag of Tricks which contains a set of transitions which can be use to animate changing the content of a control, eg when switching between views.

WPF solution design of slideshow application

Been thinking about this for hours now. Im building a simple slideshow application, where the user creates slides through a web application and publishes them to a wpf "player". The user is allowed to create two types of slides one based on html and one based on xaml (thought this would be easy).
When i get the slide to the player i have to determine how to render/load the slide. The HTML slide i convert to xaml (code i found on msdn) as a flowdocument (but now what to do with it?). The Xaml i just get in "raw" xaml.
My plan is to convert both of these to xaml, then have the slide load the xaml in someway and display it, but how? And would this setup be the proper architecture? please bear in mind that this is a small player application.
Any help on either architecture or on how to display these are highly appreciated.
Look at the Slide.Show project from Vertigo. It a WPF project released under codeplex. It may give you ideas on the design.
Why not just display them in the web page? There are a huge number of slideshow applications for the web already.
