How to reference the WebContext.Current.User from a separate controls project? - silverlight

I have a [appname].[ui] project that exists separate from my main silverlight 4 application. I do need to be able to bind to the WebContext.Current.User object in one of those controls and I don't know how to get an instance of it since it is in the Generated_Code hidden folder in the [application].web.g.cs file.
any ideas?

Create a RIA Services Class Library project containing the WebContext class.
Other client side projects can reference that class library project.
for instructions on how to structure your solution, you can refer here.


How to use MEF with WPF

Is there a way to create a product (Software) divided in modules?
What I mean is for example create an application using WPF that is divided in 3 modules (in the future they may be more) Main Module, Module 1, Module 2
Each module could be a standalone solution. Each of them with presentation, Business and Data access layers.
From the Main Module when a button is clicked, it will call any other module for example module 1 but the UI of the module should be seen like if it were from the main Module.
I have manage to use MEF to separate project building but I don now how to use MEF with WPF
Any Starting point or suggestion?
Putting your business and data access layers in a MEF module is fairly straightforward and accomplished as you would for any other project, the trick with WPF is adding the view resources. That can be done by putting them in a ResourceDictionary decorated with the Export attribute and merged into the global dictionary, as shown in the answer to "How to provide XAML resources from MEF components".

Reading PRISM & Unity configuration from multiple files

Can we have Unity configuration in file other than app.config file of the application? If yes, how to do it?
Can we combine unity configuration spread across multiple files?
How to define Unity configuration in the XAML file? (PRISM modules can be configured in XAML.)
Is it possible to have custom implementation of the Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.UnityConfigurationSection configuration reader class?
We are developing a WPF application which should allow other developers (working on various ares of the enterprise app) to register their XAML views (user controls) with our application. And depending on the functionality being used, our product will navigate user to the appropriate form/view. E.g. On click of the "Home" button, user would be navigated to the "Dashboard". But Dashboard may or may not be developed by the core product.
I am using Prism 4.1.
I believe that pretty much everything you need is explained in the following section of Unity's documentation:
Using Design-Time Configuration
It describes how to load one or several "configurations" into a Unity container from the default configuration file or from several other independent files.
Based on this, I believe you should be able to have a configuration file in each of your modules and load them manually in the Initialize method (or the module classes' constructors). If not, you can always register the corresponding type mappings programatically in the modules too.

Accessing User Application Settings in a WPF Prism 4 module

I have developed a Microsoft Prism 4.0 application and I am struggling to understand how to make the user application setting functionality available to modules.
e.g. a Properties.Settings.Default.MyProperty.
I can define a simple class that gets populated via the bootloader (which does have a handle to the properties) and inject that into the modules but If I want to save a change of property, I need believe I need a handle to the Properties.Settings context which is not available to my modules (which are simple class libraries).
Your scenario sounds like the perfect reason to use a "Service" class. Create an interface and class called IUserSettingsService and UserSettingsService that has the information (or can load and save it from where it is stored).
Read Chapter 3 of the Prism 4.0 help file, Managing Dependencies Between Components, Registering Types with (either Unity or MEF, depending on what you are using as your DI Container).
Then, in your ViewModel that needs the user settings, locate and use your service. In MEF, it is as simple as adding a property of type IUserSettingsService with an [Import] attribute, or using [ImportingConstructor] and having a parameter of type IUserSettingsService. With Unity, you access the service through the container. See Chapter 10 of the Prism help file - Advanced MVVM Scenarios.
Added after comment discussion:
Because you need your service to be in the context of your main application, you can implement your service class there. Create the interface for your service in a shared library that can be used by both the main project and your modules. Finally, load the service in the bootloader class instead of in a module.

IlMerge Silverlight Class Library with Custom Controls

I am trying to merge all the assemblies of an class library in a single .dll file.
I can merge all the assemblies using the Ilmerge but is that when I use the merged dll in a Silverlight application I am having trouble when a template is apply to my control and binding problems if I use a control that inherits with UserControl.
is there any solution to solve this problem?
The problem is that when the initial dlls are built the Xaml in the project is added as a resource in the dll. The code generated to load this xaml will look something like this:-
System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, new System.Uri("/SilverlightLibrary1;component/MyControl.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative));
Note how the name of the dll forms part of the Uri need to fetch the xaml. I doubt IlMerge is able to spot that and fix it up. Hence once merged the Uris cannot be found.
A resolution for this is probably uglier than multiple references or simply creating another project that links all the code files involved.

How to call method written in C# class library from Silverlight application(xaml.cs file)?

Can a Silverlight application call a method in a full .NET c# class library?
I am trying to add a Silverlight control to my Existing ASP.NET project where i used to add reference to my Business Logic Project and access methods from My UI pages of ASP.NET Web application. Now I have added one Silverlight project to my solution.
How can I use the already existing BL method which is in a C# class library ? When tried to add reference, it is saying that
"You can only add project reference to other silver light projects in the solution".
Should i give up ? Is there any way to get rid of this ?
A common method to achieve this is to build a silverlight library that links in all the files from your Business Logic library. This way the code is written once, and built twice. To link the files go to Add Files in Visual Studio and select the drop-down arrow on the Add button. Select Add as Link.
Alternatively Silverlight 4 and .NET 4 have binary compatible assemblies, so as long as the code in your main Business Logic library is fully Silverlight compatible you should be able to use the library as a reference there.
