Using the ASP .NET PROFILE Provider in a WPF application - wpf

I've been able to find lots of stuff about using the ASP .NET Membership provider in WPF. I've even got the ASP .NET Role provider working in my WPF application. These are very easy to use in WPF. What I can't find any information about is how to use the ASP .NET PROFILE provider in a WPF application.
My application will be running on a laptop located in a moving vehicle; it cannot use Web Services to connect to a server and authenticate the user. My code needs to be able to retrieve the user's profile information from the local database.
I've tried several times to build a class that derives from ProfileBase but nothing I've tried has worked. To elaborate, the code below is an excerpt from my latest failed attempt:
public class UserProfile : ProfileBase {
[CustomProviderData( "AlarmsToDisplay;int" )]
public int AlarmsToDisplay {
get { return (int) GetPropertyValue( "AlarmsToDisplay" ); }
set { SetPropertyValue( "AlarmsToDisplay", value ); }
// Other properties following the same pattern follow.
private UserProfile() { }
public static UserProfile GetUserProfile( string username ) {
return Create( username ) as UserProfile;
public static UserProfile GetUserProfile( string username, bool isAuthenticated ) {
return Create( username, isAuthenticated ) as UserProfile;
In this code, the method GetUserProfile( string username, bool isAuthenticated ) returns null. I believe this is because the compiler can't cast a ProfileBase to a UserProfile, even though UserProfile descends from ProfileBase. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Can someone point me to an existing article or describe the proper way to build a user profile class that extends from ProfileBase?

I've managed to resolve this issue on my own. Here's what works:
Remove the attributes from all of the CLR properties. These do not work with the default aspnet_Profiles table.
In app.Config, you need to add an "inherits" attribute to the tag. This has to be set to the fully qualified name of your class, separated from the assembly file name (no extension) by a comma.
Once these things were done, the GetUserProfile method and the ProfileBase class's Create methods return UserProfile objects.


ABP 4.0 Blazor - Overriding Identity Views

I am trying out ABP 4.0 using the Blazor UI and want to override the built-in view for User Management.
Inspecting the source code I found the UserManagement.razor file which has the route of "/identity/users" - this matches the view that I want to override.
I have (I believe) followed the steps listed at: However when running the site, I still get the standard, built-in user list.
Pages/Identity/UserManagement.razor (within my wwwroot folder):
#inherits Volo.Abp.Identity.Blazor.Pages.Identity.UserManagement
<h2>This is not the standard page</h2>
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
namespace BlazorDemo.Blazor.Pages.Identity
[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public partial class UserManagement
Have I missed something here?
Use a diffent name for your own component, like MyUserManagement.razor. Otherwise, compoiler can not distinguish the classes. For example,
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
namespace BlazorDemo.Blazor.Pages.Identity
[ExposeServices(typeof(UserManagement))] //MUST BE Volo.Abp.Identity.Blazor.Pages.Identity.UserManagement
[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public partial class UserManagement
Here, ExposeServices exposes itself (your class) instead of the Volo.Abp.Identity.Blazor.Pages.Identity.UserManagement. If you rename your component to MyUserManagement than you don't make such mistakes :)

Authenticate user in WinForms (Nothing to do with ASP.Net)

Note: Cross-posted to ServerFault, based on comments.
I need to password protect some actions in my application, such as loading/saving files, clicking check-boxes, etc. This is a standard C# .Net 4.0, WinForms application which will run on Windows 7 in a corporate network.
I was about to roll my own very basic system (read obfuscation with wide open backdoors) with a text file of users/passwords/permissions (hashed and salted) until after some searching I found what looks like a
tantalizingly simple approach , but I'm having trouble finding a good tutorial on Roles that isn't about ASP.NET.
So does anyone know of one or more tutorials that show me how to:
Create a Windows User/Group and give that User/Group a Role or Permission.
Note that I'm testing this from my company's networked laptop, but will deploy it on the customer's corporate network (Not sure if this is an issue, or how tricky this will get).
Create winforms/console app sample with even just a single method that prints "Hello World" if I'm authenticated or throws an exception if I'm not?
I've never done Network Admin or anything related and I keep reading about Active Directory and Local Users Vs Networked Users... I was hoping for an approach where I could build to an Interface and just ask Windows if the current user has permission ABC and not care too much about how Windows figured that out. Then I can make a concrete implementation for each Local/Network/ActiveDirectory/etc. use case as required (or if required... as I don't even know that right now).
- read if interested, but not required to answer question
Just to make sure I'm going in the right direction here, basically I need/want to test this on my development PC to make sure it's going to have a good end-user experience for my customer. The problem is that currently they run an Auto-login script for each computer that runs my application and there are several different operators that use my application throughout the day. The customer wants password protection on certain features of my app and only provide that to certain operators. I have no problem fitting this in, as I've expected the request for a while, I just haven't ever programmed authentication before.
I think it's worthwhile to convince my customer to give each operator their own network account and assign whatever permissions they want to that operator or group, in case they need to fire somebody, change permissions, etc. It also means I just open several options for them and they can group those permissions however they see fit based on internal corporate policies, which I really shouldn't have to be worried about (but will be if I have to roll my own, as they're IT department knows almost nothing of my application).
From what I can tell it also makes my life a lot easier by not having to deal with hashing passwords and encryption, etc. and just handle which Role is required to click this or that button.
First of all, you'd have to determine, if you really want a simple role-based-authentication (you may want to read:
If you're sure it's absolutely sufficient, you're already on the right way with the SO link you provided in your question. It's kind of confusing that there is no support of 'roles' by default in Windows, but there are groups. Groups can be local or remote (e.g. ActiveDirectory), so an admin could assign users to certain groups, that are specific for your application (for an example look here:
One key is: You have to prepare your application's central principal, hence fill it with roles, supported for the current user.
Therefore, On the very startup of your application you then check the current active user and set your application wide principal and role(s). This may look like this (just a very simple example):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace WindowsPrincipalTrial
public class Program
// you could also move these definitions to a config file
private static IDictionary<string, string> _groupRoleMappings = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"MYAPPUSERGRP", MyRoles.Standard},
{"MYAPPSUPPORTGRP", MyRoles.Extended},
{"MYAPPADMINGRP", MyRoles.Admin},
private static void Main(string[] args)
var windowsId = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
if (windowsId != null)
var allRoleNames = getGroupCorrespondingRoles(windowsId);
var newPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(windowsId, allRoleNames);
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = newPrincipal;
throw new NotSupportedException("There must be a logged on Windows User.");
private static string[] getGroupCorrespondingRoles(WindowsIdentity id)
// you also could do this more elegant with LINQ
var allMappedRoleNames = new List<string>();
string roleName;
foreach (var grp in id.Groups)
var groupName = grp.Translate(typeof(NTAccount)).Value.ToUpper();
if (_groupRoleMappings.TryGetValue(groupName, out roleName))
return allMappedRoleNames.ToArray();
public static class MyRoles
public const string Standard = "standard_role";
public const string Extended = "extended_role";
public const string Admin = "admin_role";
Then your Application-Principal is set up.
Now you could check access in your code like this:
public void DoSomethingSpecial()
if (Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole(MyRoles.Extended))
// do your stuff
// maybe display an error
Or more drastically:
public void DoSomethingCritical()
var adminPermission = new PrincipalPermission(null, MyRoles.Admin);
// do stuff
what is possible even declarative, as known from ASP.NET:
[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role=MyRoles.Admin)]
public void DoSomethingMoreCritical()
// do stuff
The ugly thing with the latter two examples is, that they throw exceptions, when the right role isn't hit.
So the mapping between roles and groups you have to do quite at the start of your app, according to the systems you want to use (local groups, AD groups, LDAP groups etc.).
If you, however, prefer authentication with actions and roles, after all, have a look at Windows Identity Foundation and Claims Based Authorization! There are already some ready-to-use frameworks out there (e.g.
When it comes to activity based and thereby claims based authorization, I will try in short, how you could achieve it, by using Thinktecture's IdentityModel.
Generally that approach still uses roles internally, but has a kind of translation layer in between. Thinktecture already encapsulates many things needed. Authorization checks in code are then done via claim permissions. They are technically kind of request for an access to a certain resource. For the sake of simplicity I limit my example for actions only, by using one single default resource (since ClaimPermission doesn't accept an empty resource).
If you want to use action#resource pairs, you'd have to modify the code respectively.
At first you need a ClaimsAuthorizationManager
public class MyClaimsAuthorizationManager : ClaimsAuthorizationManager
private IActivityRoleMapper _actionToRolesMapper;
public MyClaimsAuthorizationManager(IActivityRoleMapper mapper)
_actionToRolesMapper = mapper;
public override bool CheckAccess(AuthorizationContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
var action = getActionNameFromAuthorizationContext(context);
var sufficientRoles = _actionToRolesMapper.GetRolesForAction(action)
.Select(roleName => roleName.ToUpper());
var principal = context.Principal;
return CheckAccessInternal(sufficientRoles, principal);
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
protected virtual bool CheckAccessInternal(IEnumerable<string> roleNamesInUpperCase, IClaimsPrincipal principal)
var result = principal.Identities.Any(identity =>
.Where(claim => claim.ClaimType.Equals(identity.RoleClaimType))
.Select(roleClaim => roleClaim.Value.ToUpper())
.Any(roleName => roleNamesInUpperCase.Contains(roleName)));
return result;
// I'm ignoring resources here, modify this, if you need'em
private string getActionNameFromAuthorizationContext(AuthorizationContext context)
return context.Action
.Where(claim => claim.ClaimType.Equals(ClaimPermission.ActionType))
.Select(claim => claim.Value)
As you may have guessed, IActivityRoleMapper is an interface for a class, that returns the names of all roles, that include permission for a given action.
This class is very individual and I guess you'll find your way implementing it, because it's not the point here. You could do it by hardcoding, loading from xml or from a database. Also you would have to change/extend it, if you wanted to you action#resource pairs for permission requests.
Then you'd have to change the code in main() method to:
using Thinktecture.IdentityModel;
using Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Claims;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web;
private static void Main(string[] args)
var windowsId = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
if (windowsId != null)
var rolesAsClaims = getGroupCorrespondingRoles(windowsId)
.Select(role => new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, role))
// just if you want, remember the username
rolesAsClaims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, windowsId.Name));
var newId = new ClaimsIdentity(rolesAsClaims, null, ClaimTypes.Name, ClaimTypes.Role);
var newPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity[] { newId });
var roleMapper = new ActivityRoleMapper(); // you have to implement
// register your own authorization manager, so IdentityModel will use it per default
FederatedAuthentication.ServiceConfiguration.ClaimsAuthorizationManager = new MyClaimsAuthorizationManager(roleMapper);
throw new NotSupportedException("There must be a logged on Windows User.");
Finally you can check access this way:
public const string EmptyResource = "myapplication";
public void DoSomethingRestricted()
if (!ClaimPermission.CheckAccess("something_restricted", EmptyResource))
// error here
// do your really phat stuff here
Or again, with exceptions:
private static ClaimPermission RestrictedActionPermission = new ClaimPermission(EmptyResource, "something_restricted");
public void DoSomethingRestrictedDemand()
// play up, from here!
[ClaimPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Operation = "something_restricted", Resource = EmptyResource)]
public void DoSomethingRestrictedDemand2()
// dostuff
Hope this helps.

Having a problem with RequiresRole attribute on RIA Domain service

My question is similar to this question. I hope I can provide some more detail and context to get it answered.
So here's some context: I have a simple in-house silverlight (ver 4) app with WCF Ria services that I'm building for our small support team. It uses authentication against a third-party vended database, but all other user information, e.g. FriendlyName and Roles (only 1 role per user) comes from our own database. I'm trying to keep this simple and don't want to implement custom membership and role providers.
I have few domain service operations that I want to restrict to certain roles, so I tried using the RequiresRole attribute like so:
[RequiresRole("Admin", "HelpDesk", "Billing" )]
public RisStudyInfo GetStudyInfo(string accession) {
return ris.GetStudyInfo(accession);
On the client side WebContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Admin") returns true, but I always get access denied when calling the service. The RequiresAuthentication attribute works as expected.
Below is the implementation of my AuthenticationService. The User class simply inherits from UserBase and adds the FriendlyName property. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
public class AuthenticationService : AuthenticationBase<User> {
UserDataService userData = new UserDataService();
protected override bool ValidateUser(string userName, string password) {
var auth = new DatabaseAuthenticator();
return auth.Authenticate(userName, password);
protected override User GetAuthenticatedUser(IPrincipal principal) {
User user = null;
if (principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated) {
user = new User();
user.FriendlyName = userData.GetFriendlyName(principal.Identity.Name);
user.Name = principal.Identity.Name;
user.Roles = GetRolesFor(user.Name);
return user;
private IEnumerable<string> GetRolesFor(string username) {
IList<string> roles = new List<string>();
string role = userData.GetRolesFor(username);
if (role != null)
return roles;
Figured it out. At least 2 things wrong. First clue found here. The second clue here
1.Turns out I really do need to write a custom role provider. Only need to implement GetRolesForUser though.
public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username) {
return new string[] { _userService.GetRolesFor(username) };
2.Configure the custom role provider correctly in the web.config
<roleManager cacheRolesInCookie="true" enabled="true" defaultProvider="MyRoleProvider">
<add name="MyRoleProvider" type="MyProject.Web.Providers.MyRoleProvider, MyProject.Web"/>
I solved this one by using the local credential store to cache credentials. Whenever a local cred check fails a foreign check occurs and the cache is populated/updated. This was a trivial override of the ValidateUser method. It does mean that stale passwords continue to work until the updated password is used (it will fail locally, pass remotely and trigger an update).
This approach meant that internally everything worked as per an out of the box configuration with no need for any other mods (apart from removing the local create-a-user links).

Silverlight and RIA Services: Persisting login across sessions

I'm currently trying out Silverlight with RIA Services. I'm implementing a simple login form. I'm also using the provided Authentication Domain Service template which generates the following file:
public class AuthenticationDomainService : AuthenticationBase<User>
// To enable Forms/Windows Authentication for the Web Application,
// edit the appropriate section of web.config file.
public class User : UserBase
// NOTE: Profile properties can be added here
// To enable profiles, edit the appropriate section of web.config file.
// public string MyProfileProperty { get; set; }
public int DefaultRows { get; set; }
Now I can login/logout without problem in my application. In the Silverlight app, after logging in, the line:
return true.
However, I need to persist this across sessions (i.e. when I reload the page using F5).
Currently, when the page reloads, I have to re-login.
Here is my Login code:
WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(new LoginParameters(this.UserName, this.Password, true, string.Empty),
(LoginOperation loginOperation) =>
if (loginOperation.LoginSuccess)
NotificationMessage Message = new NotificationMessage(this, null, "CLOSE");
}, null);
The third parameter of the Login method is the IsPersistent parameter. From the MSDN Docs, I'd think that when setting it to true, the next time I load the page, the user would still be logged in. However, this is not the case.
Do I somehow need to read a cookie which has been set internally and then login in the background with the username/password provided by that cookie? Or is there some other magic at work here?
I hope somehow has already done this.
Thanks in advance
After going through the Silverlight Business Application template, I found this line of code:
WebContext.Current.Authentication.LoadUser(this.Application_UserLoaded, null);
A good place to call it is in the Application's Startup event inside App.xaml.cs. This will load the authenticated user from the server.
I thought I'd post this if anyone happens to stumble across the same problem.

Silveright - extending AuthenticationService to provide custom authentication

I am trying to add to the authentication system provided in the Silverlight 4 business template as my model does not completely fit that provided in the template. I have an existing web service that performs my authentication and provides roles and also permitted operations for each role. This is the model provided by AzMan/Authentication Manager.
However, rather than just get a single role, following authentication I provide the user with a list of available roles and allow the user to select one of these roles and then get a list of operations/actions for that selected role.
The problem that I have is that I can't work out how to add new methods to the authenticationservice to allow me to get the operations for the current user, and currently selected role in order to complete the login process e.g.
public SessionInfo GetOperations(string username, string selectedRole)
SessionInfo sessionInfo;
using (AzManServiceClient azClient = new AzManServiceClient("AnonymousAuthentication"))
sessionInfo = azClient.LoginUserByUsername("msldap://CN=LiveApps,CN=Program Data,DC=HLSUK,DC=local", "AIRS", selectedRole, null, username);
return sessionInfo;
The above method is not accessible from the LoginForm.xaml.cs using WebContextBase.Current.Authentication... Only methods such as Login are visible which is even more baffling because I can't see these methods in authenticationbase. I'm completely confused. How do I add new methods to the authentication service, or should I create a new domainservice, or should I access the azman service to get the operations directly from the silverlight client.
Have you tried to Override the methods in AuthenticationBase?
Then you can expand your authenticationservice with whatever logic you want.
Public Class AuthenticationRiaService
Inherits AuthenticationBase(Of UserAccount)
Protected Overrides Function ValidateUser(ByVal userName As String, ByVal password As String) As Boolean
End Function
End Class
Also set
WebContext.Current.Authentication To your authenticationservice as found in namespace System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.ApplicationServices
Sorry for stupid VB code. :D
