moving drupal 7 regions - drupal-7

Till this point, I know I can move Block into different Region but is there a way to move reorganized region itself or create custom regions? For example, I want to create another custom region on top of the sidebar and move content into it.

This is not something that you can do through a web interface, but rather requires you to write/modify the theme. For an overview and illustrations, see the beginning of the theming guide on the Drupal website:


Custom Content Regions for a Drupal 7 Home Page

I am developing a Drupal 7 site with a home page that consists of 5 regions. Each region will need to be editable within the Drupal admin system. Each region at a minimum will need to have an image upload and a text/body field. There may be other additional fields for certain regions. In other words not all of these regions will need the exact same fields.
I am not sure what the best way to set this up in Drupal is. I looked at Blocks but they don't have the ability to customize the fields. And I need my image field to be separate because it will be used as a background image for the region, not displayed inline.
I considered creating a custom content type but I wouldn't want the content editors to be able to create multiple nodes for a given region which would likely cause confusion.
I did see a module Node Limit that seems to limit the number of nodes that can exist for a user or content type but it is still listed as an alpha module.
What have you done to deal with a similar situation?
It sounds like creating a custom block would serve you well. It's very easy to do, you can add your own form/fields with hook_block_configure() and hook_block_save(). Here's one of my module files that includes custom block with a config form.
You could also possible use the Display Suite module to add fields into a region, as explained here.
Display Suite is good for configuring a node's fields in a presentation layer.
But your problem could be on the top of that... Maybe your problem is content building, and one of your most powerfull & flexible options is the paragraphs module.
With paragraphs you must create a content type, with the paragraphs bundles inside of it as a field, then create a page and set it to be your front page. Then customize these node types presentation with Display Suite as you need.
I know a content type for a page sounds too much, but depending on your situation this could be your best choice.
Paragraphs module and the Display Suite Module are very powerful together when you need powerful content creation and advanced theming.
If you have any doubt just ask.
Hope that helps.

Drupal 7 "Panels"

I want to know about Drupal 7 module "Panels", and to know how to work on it, how it is useful in creating panes and customising it.
like the right top side in the below website.
I would recommend you to look at this screencast:
Not just Panels but also how it works with page manager and views.
Kristoffer is correct. Looking at the right side of the website you linked, a lot of the functionality is found in views. You might use panels to handle appearance and views to address content. They work together very well. If your new to Drupal, I suggest you focus on the functionality and deal with the appearance after. Nodeone also has an excellent video series on Views called "Taming the Beast" which you will want to study before attempting to link views and panels.
Panels are mostly used to create customized layouts for multiple uses. You can create a page having different regions. It has a drag and drop content manager. Please read Panels module

Silverlight Prism: How to change the shell layout for a new page?

I am new to Silverlight/Prism, so not sure how a new layout page would be rendered. I've got the Shell working like a master page, but I want to have several pages in the application with a different layout master. So, how do I get another (shell) or layout page to arrange different regions?
Thanks for any conceptual feedback!
Have you considered having your Shell view contain either a ContentControl or a ItemsControl so that you can programmatically load different views. These different views could then contain regions or whatever you wanted.
I'd also remember that PRISM is likened to a buffet, you can pick and choose which parts to use. Once you look at ItemsControl and ContentControl consider what regions offer.
Treating Prism regions like Master pages seems to always lead to confusion. It is not designed (like ASP.Net) to potentially render a new shell around every page that appears. That was created for a Browser -> Server -> Browser model where the page is recreated on every request.
To implement a master page style scenario all you are really doing is providing a choice of outer shells that have the same region names defined, but in different visuals or positions. Changing the shell via an element/region in the root visual will cause all the child regions to repopulate in their new homes.
Personally I treat Silverlight more like I would a desktop application and less like a website. I dropped the idea of Master pages (as it feels backwards) and just use dynamic styling for overall changes.
Hope this helps.
The following thread deals with a similar situation. I hope it is useful.

With WPF Prism can you prevent two modules from trying to use the same region simultaneously?

Here is the overview of what I am trying to do. I have a region in the shell that is used for application modal dialogs. When a module wants to launch an application modal dialog it loads a custom Lightbox control into the region and fills it with the content I want to display (warning, wizards, etc). I have the region defined in the shell because I assume it needs to be there for the lightbox background to block out the whole window.
The immediate situation that comes to mind is what happens if two modules trying to use the region at the same time, is there any prismy way of preventing another module from accessing a region until after the current use of the region is finished?
If there are better ways to accomplish what I want I am open to suggestions.
You could use the RegionPopupBehavior from the Prism RI to display dialogs and have the dialog's content set as views into regions.
You can read more about that here:
I hope this helps.

Best practice to create WPF wrapper application displaying screens on demand

I'm developing a WPF application which will contain a lot of different "screens". Each screen contains a which on its turn contains all the visual elements. Some elements trigger events (e.g., checkboxes), a screen has individual resources, etc.
The main application is "wrapper" around these screens: it contains a menubar, toolbar, statusbar and alike (in a DockPanel) and space to display one screen. Through the menubar, the user can choose which screen he wants to display.
I want to dynamically load & display & (event)handle one screen in the space in the main application. I don't want to copy & paste all the "wrapper" stuff in all the different screens. And As I have many complex screens (around 300 - luckily auto-generated), I don't want to load all of them at the start of the application, but only upon request.
What do you recommend as the best way to realize this?
What kind of things should I use and investigate: Pages or windows or User Control for the screens? Does this affect the event handling?
Robbie, you can borrow the workspace concept from Josh Smith's WPF MVVM article. What you would do is have one hosting window (your wrapper) and load a workspace into this window. You can close the workspace and load a new one as needed, keeping only one open in your main window.
You can use a Frame to contain the variuos Pages.
