How to serialize XAML as part of other plain XML nodes? - wpf

I want to serialize XAML and other app's-settings-info in a single settings-file. Something like:
I'll be thankful for any guidance how to elegantly accomplish it: I have XamlWriter on one hand and the other XML-API\namespaces on the other, but I can't find a way to connect them together.

See if this helps:
From what I understand, it first serializes it to XmlWriter, which you can then use to add other non-xaml stuff
Edit: Here's a concrete C# example (with some changes to what I said previously)...
XmlTextWriter w = new XmlTextWriter("test.xml", Encoding.UTF8);
w.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "x");
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Content = "Test Button";
btn.Width = 200;
btn.Height = 100;
btn.Foreground = Brushes.Green;
string buf = XamlWriter.Save(btn);
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(buf));
w.WriteNode(reader, true);
And here are the contents of the file it generates:
<root xmlns="x">
<item1 />
<item2 />
<Button Foreground="#FF008000" Width="200" Height="100" xmlns="">Test Button</Button>


Updating telerik:RadPieChart Palette asynchronously doesn't work

As the title suggests I'm trying to update the Palette of the telerik:RadPieChart asynchronously. I have implemented a Task which tries to check for new records at a given interval and updates the UI if there's any. Every other controls are updating correctly except the Palette of the telerik:RadPieChart. The Palette would disappear after the Task tries to update it. Here is the pie chart I'm working with.
<telerik:RadPieChart Name="PieLinearChart" Foreground="Gainsboro" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Black" Grid.Row="0" Palette="{Binding Tab.CurrentPoC.PalettePie1}" Height="50px">
<telerik:DoughnutSeries ShowLabels="True" InnerRadiusFactor="0.4" ValueBinding="Sum" ItemsSource="{Binding Tab.CurrentPoC.PieChart1, Mode=TwoWay}" />
The telerik:DoughnutSeries values are updating, though.
The code behind looks something like this:
public Task Init()
ExchangeFile.DataUpdated += Exchange_DataUpdated;
//This method was called every certain interval
//and works from the background.
private void Exchange_DataUpdated()
//Setting colors to the Palette
//which didn't work in this case
//(works well for other situations)
PalettePie1 = new ChartPalette();
ChartPalette tmpPalette = new ChartPalette();
tmpPalette.GlobalEntries.Add(new PaletteEntry(Utilities.NvarBrushUtils.GetBrush("Red")));
tmpPalette.GlobalEntries.Add(new PaletteEntry(Utilities.NvarBrushUtils.GetBrush("Blue")));
tmpPalette.GlobalEntries.Add(new PaletteEntry(Utilities.NvarBrushUtils.GetBrush("Yellow")));
tmpPalette.GlobalEntries.Add(new PaletteEntry(Utilities.NvarBrushUtils.GetBrush("Green")));
PalettePie1 = tmpPalette;
I also tried something like this but didn't help:
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => {
ChartPalette tmpPalette = new ChartPalette();
tmpPalette.GlobalEntries.Add(new PaletteEntry(Utilities.NvarBrushUtils.GetBrush("Red")));
tmpPalette.GlobalEntries.Add(new PaletteEntry(Utilities.NvarBrushUtils.GetBrush("Blue")));
tmpPalette.GlobalEntries.Add(new PaletteEntry(Utilities.NvarBrushUtils.GetBrush("Yellow")));
tmpPalette.GlobalEntries.Add(new PaletteEntry(Utilities.NvarBrushUtils.GetBrush("Green")));
PalettePie1 = new ChartPalette();
PalettePie1 = tmpPalette;
Please help!

AvalonEdit - xshd for JSON highlighting

Is there an xshd ruleset for the AvalonEdit control to highlight the JSON syntax? I tried the definition for JavaScript, but it doesn't work well, i.e.:
"name" : "value"
both name and value have the same color using the JavaScript definition.
Is there a ruleset for JSON, and if not, how can I modify the xshd so that I get different colors for the name and value in JSON?
If somebody needs something like that, I worked it out in following way:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SyntaxDefinition name="Json" extensions=".js" xmlns="">
<Color name="Digits" foreground="#8700FF" exampleText="3.14" />
<Color name="Value" foreground="#000CFF" exampleText="var text = "Hello, World!";" />
<Color name="ParamName" foreground="#057500" exampleText="var text = "Hello, World!";" />
<RuleSet ignoreCase="false">
<Keywords color="Digits" >
<Span color="ParamName">
<Span color="Value" multiline="true">
<Rule color="Digits">\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|(\b\d+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?</Rule>
Not perfect, but for me enough.
Just use AvalonEdit's JavaScript highlighter.
Sample code:
using (var stream = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.TextEditor)).GetManifestResourceStream("ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Highlighting.Resources.JavaScript-Mode.xshd"))
using (var reader = new XmlTextReader(stream))
avalonEdit.SyntaxHighlighting = HighlightingLoader.Load(reader, HighlightingManager.Instance);

Populating a listview contents with an array

I have created a function that would be able to place the array contents into a listview, Here is my progress so far.
<div id="MainPage" data-role="page" >
<div data-role="content">
<div id="ViewPage" data-role="page" >
<div data-role="content">
<ul id="viewlist" data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-filter-placeholder="Sample Contents" data-inset="true">
<!-- array contents goes here -->
var sampleContent = new Array( );
displayArray( )
for(var scan=0; scan<sampleContent.length; detect++)
$('#viewlist').append('<li>' + sampleContent[scan] + '</li>');
My code works during the first press of the button but when i pressed it the second time, the list view becomes messed up.
Any help or advice will be glady accepted thanks in advance.
edited, i have figured out how to do it but I am having problems during the second press of the button.
First of i don't want to be rude but i think you should start first to read some basics about android.
Android Activities , life cycle of activities
Layout in Android (how to add button on an activity then respond to a click etc) , different existing Layout in android and android widget (like the listView for example)
of course there are a lot more to read but it s a good way to start.
However i will provide you codes that will do what you are asking for and i will try to explain as much as i can
First of all you need to create the other activity and inside the layout of that activity insert a listview
android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" />
then the java code of the other activity will look like this
public class MainActivity2 extends Activity {
//create the array adapter that will input your array and convert it into a list of view
ArrayAdapter<String> arrayAdapter;
String[] list;
ListView listView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
listView = (ListView)findViewById(;
// get the array from ressource and insert them on an array
list = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.listArray);
// then create the arrayadpater with input your array of string if you dont get //anything here just read android documentation about arrayAdapter
arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,list );
//then set the adapter to your listView
res xml file
<string-array name="listArray">
Hope it will help
Just add .listview('refresh') after you have added all items.
If you want to empty the list each time and refill it, call .empty() before the for loop:
To use better jquery mobile coding, structure your code like this:
Take the onclick out of the anchor tag and add an id:
<a id="viewPageBtn" href="#ViewPage" data-role="button" >RENAME</a>
In your script tag, handle pagecreate on the main page, and within it handle the click event of the anchor:
$(document).on("pagecreate", "#MainPage", function(){
var sampleContent = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3"];
$("#viewPageBtn").on("click", function(){
for(var scan=0; scan < sampleContent.length; scan++)
$('#viewlist').append('<li>' + sampleContent[scan] + '</li>').listview('refresh');

How to dynamically assign displayName in lineseries - tooltip & displayName shows [object Object]

This flashbuilder 4.6 application displays a single lineSeries on a line chart based on a chosen name from a dropdown list and the lineseries data shows fine. However, the tooltip shows [object Playername_returntype] instead of the dropdown chosen name.
I also want to dynamically assign the same chosen name from the dropdown to the displayName of the lineseries but have been unable to achieve this. Result shows [object Playername_returntype] as in the tooltip.
Any help would be much appreciated.
minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
import mx.controls.Alert;
protected function linechart1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
getpool_ratings_yr1Result.token = pool_ratings_yr1Service.getpool_ratings_yr1('Greenleaf');
protected function dropDownList_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
getAllpool_playerResult.token = pool_playerService.getAllpool_player();
private function comboBoxChange():void
var selectedName:String = dropDownList.selectedItem.lname;
getpool_ratings_yr1Result.token = pool_ratings_yr1Service.getpool_ratings_yr1(selectedName);
<s:CallResponder id="getpool_ratings_yr1Result"/>
<pool_ratings_yr1service:Pool_ratings_yr1Service id="pool_ratings_yr1Service"
fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)"
<s:CallResponder id="getAllpool_ratings_yr1Result"/>
<s:CallResponder id="getAllpool_playerResult"/>
<pool_playerservice:Pool_playerService id="pool_playerService"
fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)"
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<mx:LineChart id="linechart1" x="151" y="88" width="800"
dataProvider="{getpool_ratings_yr1Result.lastResult}" showDataTips="true">
<mx:LinearAxis id="v1" minimum="2000" maximum="2500" title="Average Elo Rating" />
<mx:LineSeries id="lineSeries" displayName="{dropDownList.selectedItem}" yField="avg_rating"/>
<mx:CategoryAxis id="categoryAxis" categoryField="yr"/>
<mx:Legend dataProvider="{linechart1}"/>
<s:DropDownList id="dropDownList" x="10" y="88"
<s:AsyncListView list="{getAllpool_playerResult.lastResult}"/>
Not entirely sure what you're after, but for the LineSeries displayName, here's what I did:
Created a [Bindable] String variable for each Line Series, and then whenever the data changed, just assign whatever value you want to the variable. In your example:
private function comboBoxChange():void
var selectedName:String = dropDownList.selectedItem.lname;
getpool_ratings_yr1Result.token = pool_ratings_yr1Service.getpool_ratings_yr1(selectedName);
// Private Bindable String variable(myString) assigned earlier
myString = selectedName;
And then in your mxml:
Hope that's clear enough!

Can I put a Button in a RichTextBox in Silverlight 4?

I would like to allow users to put a System.Windows.Controls.Button in the System.Windows.Controls.RichTextBox. The button would do a pre-defined thing.
I figured out how to do this. It's called an InlineUIContainer you can do something like this to get it working. Although it doesn't save it into the Xaml
var p = new Paragraph();
var inlineUIContainer = new InlineUIContainer() { Child = new Button() { Content = "This is a Button!" } };
