MVVM: Decouple Model from ViewModel - wpf

I've just started learning WPF MVVM using Prism and Unity.
Decoupling the view from the viewmodel works pretty well, but I don't get how wire up my viewmodel and my model.
I doesn't feel right to just create a new EntityObject right in my viewmodel. I have already skim-read the WAF BookLibrary sample but it is quite bulky and adds a lot of extra stuff around the essential part (binding between view and viewmodel), and the Prism docs don't say a word (as far as I read it) about viewmodel - model interaction.
Does anyone know a good source that explains how to use viewmodel and model in a clean way or can me give some advise?
Best Regards

Everyone will have their own opinions on this. Personally I don't mind using the model directly in the view model. For me, the whole idea of a view model is to extend your model in such a way that it can be consumed by a view.
A simple example of this would be person object, It would have model properties like like name and age for instance. When I get to the view model stage I may add properties to it like visibility which would not make sense on the model proper.
Another point to note is I would consider a model to be the data and the view model to be the context. So you may have a "Card" View Model for a person but you may also have a "List Item" view model that represents the same model in a different context, with different view model specific properties.
I do tend to make my models up using interfaces where relevant and use Inversion of control to inject them into the view model, that way the only thing my view model actually knows is that it needs an IPerson and that it will be provided in the constructor.
As I said other people will have different ideas, all are correct and its up to you to work out which one suits your needs.


What is the point of having both Model and ViewModel in M-V-VM?

I always find it tempting to put a model and a view-model together in one class, and I don't see the downside of doing that.
There must be a good reason for separating them. What am I missing?
ViewModel is the soft-copy of the View i.e. if you have a updateable ListBox on View, you will have an ObservableCollection in your ViewModel that represents that list of items in the listbox. Similarly if you have a Button on your View, the VM will hold its Command.
Model will be actually what has the data that the View shows. So the type collection in your VM is of, can be termed as a Model class.
E.g. a Employees ListView is a View, and has a data context which is the instance of EmployeeViewModel class that has an ObservableCollection property of Employee class where Employee class becomes a Model.
Usually there is 1-1 relationship between View and VM and 1-N relationship between VM and Model.
The model is the domain of your application and so contains your domain logic such as business rules and validations. The ViewModel is the model for your view. It handles the interactions between the user and the view, i.e. when the user clicks a button the view model will handle that interaction and may or may not make changes to the model. Normally in an OO language, you want your objects to have a single responsibility only.
In WPF the ViewModel usually implements the INotifyPropertyChange interface which is then observed by the view for any changes. You wouldn't want the model to implement this interface since it is not related to your domain in anyway.
Another reason for separation is that sometimes your view might not necessary show all data that is in the model. For example, if your model exposes 15 properties but in one of your view the user needs to see only 5 of those properties. If you place your model in the ViewModel the view would be exposed to all 15 properties whereas if you encapsulate the model in the ViewModel then only those 5 properties would be exposed to the View.
There are probably many more reasons but in general it is a good design principle to keep them separated. With that being said, if your application is small enough you can get get away with having your model and ViewModel together to reduce redundancy in your code.
The first real downside of doing this is a lack of separation of concerns. And soon this will lead to redundant code. Now, that said, I've seen a lot times where developers have used their Model objects as ViewModels. And if we're totally honest with ourselves, in a very thin app, separating these concepts can actually lead to more redundancy.
The best thing you can do is learn more about MVVM, and its roots in MVC and Presentation Model, but I think it's a great thing that you're asking this question and that you're not blindly following dogma. In fact, I often don't even start with MVVM at all when I begin a small app. I'll often start with a hundred lines or so in the code-behind, proving a concept, and then start refactoring it into MVVM.
More to the point of your question, the model and view-model have - in a conceptual sense - very different purposes. The Model includes your business logic (domain logic), data model (objects, attributes and relationships), and data access layer. The ViewModel is essentially an adaptor for the Model, adapting it for the specific purposes of the View. In some cases you might have 3 different views (and view-models) for a given data model object. Each view-model would be adapting those same attributes on the model object for the specific purposes of that particular view.
My simple answer (and I don't pretend to be WPF Guru) would be that , in WPF, you'd need a VM when:
1. You don't want to expose all your Model to a specific view
2. Your model is not in "WPF style" (doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged, no observable collections or no Commands).

MVVM: does change notification muddy the separation between model and viewmodel?

Let's say I have a model which exposes a collection of objects which I will display and change in a GUI.
So we have Model exposing a collection of ModelItem.
The View binds to a ViewModel which exposes an ObservableCollection of ViewModelItem. ViewModelItem is the Viewmodel of ModelItem
The View contains a ListBox and a DataTemplate. the DataTemplate is for items of type ViewModelItem. The View DataContext points at an instance of ViewModel. The ListBox binds to the ObservableCollection.
I control all the code.
So far so simple. Question:
Is it acceptable to expose the collection on the Model as an ObservableCollection? Further, is it acceptable to implement INotifyPropertyChanged on Model and ModelItem?
My concern is I'm muddying the separation between model and viewmodel, but then common sense says, here's a mechanism for notifying changes to elements in my model, lets use it...
Just wanted to get some perspective from others.
Short answer:
YES. Use your notification interfaces on your model when you need to notify of changes. Do not worry about muddying your code with this. Be pragmatic.
Long answer:
My philosophy goes like this: When implementing MVVM, bind directly to model objects when there is nothing extra to do. When you need something new (new behavior, properties the view will utilize, etc) then you wrap the model objects in ViewModel objects. A ViewModel that does nothing but delegate data from the model is nothing but extra code. The moment you need to do something to that data past what the model object gives you, you introduce the layer.
So, to extend my thoughts further on that, (and to answer your question more directly), there needs to be a way for the model to tell the ViewModel when something changes. Often, model data is immutable so it doesn't need this notification mechanism, so it isn't necessary. BUT, it is also often the case that the model DOES change. When that happens, the model has two options: use a custom notification method (events, delegates, etc) or use INotifyPropertyChanged.
If you look at the namespace for INotifyPropertyChanged, it is in System.ComponentModel -- not the view -- so I prefer to use it in the model. It is a well-known interface and you can use it to bind directly to your model from your view. No need to implement anything different.
Taking this philosophy one step further, ObservableCollection is in System.Collections.ObjectModel -- also not view-specific -- and it implements System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged which also is not view-specific. In other words, ObservableCollection was designed to be a collection that notifies its observers of changes. If you have a model that needs to do that, then ObservableCollection is your tool. It just happens to be convenient (not by accident, though) that WPF and Silverlight use these interfaces for data binding.
I guess this is a long-winded way of saying: "YES. Use your notification interfaces on your model when you need to notify of changes. Do not worry about muddying your code with this. Be pragmatic."
It is definitely acceptable to do both. I would even say it's required to do both. Your common sense abilities work just fine. :)
I would only add that if you don't need all the MVVM functionality for your ModelItems, then you can cut some corners by exposing an ObservableCollection<ModelItem> instead of an ObservableCollection<ViewModelItem>, and modifying your DataTemplate to suit. This will save you quite a bit of "preparation" code, so weigh the pros and cons.
It's certainly acceptable to use change notification in the data model if the data model needs change notification. It's also questionable to use change notification in the data model just because the UI needs change notification.
Generally, I design the data model as if there were no UI, and use the view model as an abstraction layer that hides the data model's implementation details from the UI. On the other hand, in a dynamic application it can be the case that the need for change notification is pervasive enough that it just makes more sense to put it in the data model.
No. It's horrible. Your model should not know how it is used. Giving it this knowledge defeats the object of MVVM.
The model should never know it is being used by WPF, winforms, a dos console, as a service or as a lib. If you tell it this, you are going wrong.
It should also be framework independent, not minding if it's part of MVVM, MVC or MXXX!

ViewModel tree vs. frequently updating Model tree

In my WPF MVVM application my model is a complex tree of Model objects wich constantly changes at runtime. Model instances come and go at runtime, change their position within the tree and of course change their many properties. My View is almost a one-to-one visual representation of that tree. Every Model instance is in 80% of the cases also a node in the tree.
My question is now how I would design the ViewModel around this? My problem is that there are quite a lot of different Model types with each quite a lot of properties. If I understood MVVM corretcly the view should not communicate with the Model directly so this would mean that I would have to create a ViewModel type for each Model type and have to rewrap each property of the Model type in the ViewModel.
Also the ViewModel would need to "bind" to the propertychanges of the Model to pass it along to the view (using wpf datatbinding). I would need some factory that creates and introduces a ViewModel instance for each Model that appears anew and I would habe to dispose each ViewModel instance when the corresponding Model disappears. I end up keeping track of all instances I created. It is unbelievable how much bloat code is generated dues to this double wrapping.
Is this really a good approach? Each entity and each property more ore less exists twice and I have a lot of extra code keeping Model and View in sync. How do you handle this? Is there a more clever way to solve this?
Does anyone have a reference/sample implementation for this that does it better than I do?
I think you may run into trap of paradigm if you follow this path. MVVM is nothing more than a pattern, which simplifies development in WPF world. If it doesn't - don't use it or revise your approach. I wouldn't spend 80% of my time just to check the "Using MVVM" field.
Now back to your question. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you are looking at MVVM from opposite direction: you don't need Model to ViewModel one-to-one correspondence. Usually you create ViewModels based on your View first, and only then on a Model.
Generally you look on a screen mockup from graphic designers, and create corresponding ViewModel, which takes all necessary fields from the Model, wraps/modify/format/combine them to make View development as easy as possible.
You said that your View is almost one-to-one visual representation of the Model. In this case it may have sense to create a very simple ViewModel which exposes root object of your model-tree, and let View consume model directly via that property. Then if you need some View customizations or commands processing you can delegate that to ViewModel.
Sorry for very vague answer. Maybe if you ask more specific question we could dispel the confusion :)...

WPF: Binding with nonstatic parameter? (newbie question)

This will probably be obvious but I can't find the best way.
I want to show the user's ToDo's in a listbox. These ToDo's are in the database and consist of an Id, UserId and Description.
The user logged in to the app.
How can I retrieve the ToDo's for that certain userId and set it up for binding to the listbox?
I was trying with an ObjectDataProvider but I cant figure out how to use that in combination with nonstatic stuff (like my _dbService, userId, language, ...).
Are the only options to make all those things static versus binding in the code behind?
If so, this means that ObjectDataProvider isn't very useful, no?
I find a lot of examples of it being used with a hardcoded parameter but I hardly see any situation where I'd need such a functionality..
I do all my WPF using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. I've given you one link there but Google will give you loads. MVVM seems to be the standard pattern for WPF. This project is probably more complicated than you need but it is well-written and brings home the use of MVVM.
Basically, you create a Model of your data. In this case, you'd probably create a simple class (I'll call it ToDoItem) with properties Id, UserID and Description. Use your preferred mechanism to get a collection of these from the database. Link to SQL, Entity Framework, a standard query, whatever.
Then you have your ViewModel - you have an instance of the ViewModel for each instance of the Model: the VM has a reference to the M and 'forwards' properties to it. The ViewModel is what you use to manipulate the model.
Then you have your View - this is the UI. You set the DataContext of the View to be the ViewModel and then your bindings automatically bind to the ViewModel. Your View just ends up being the things you can see. All of the work gets done in the ViewModel. This means it's very easy to test.
So, when you click on a button in your View, the bindings pass this onto a Command in your ViewModel which manipulates the Model.
The UI is also a View with a ViewModel. So, your UI VM might load a collection of Models from the database and stick them in an ObservableCollection. The ListBox items collection would be bound to this ObservableCollection.
It's hard to explain all of this in a post like this. Read a couple of articles and see what you think. I'm still quite new at this, too, but I believe my reading about MVVM has paid off.
Hela Thomas, Tom here from Orbit One :)
MVVM is the way to go. I'm on my 4th project and WPF really shines if you use mvvm. You already tried MVC (or MVP as we did on recy*tyre) and that's a nice separation of concern.
MVVM takes it a step further since the viewmodel knows absolutely nothing about the view.
The view binds to the viewmodel, so it has a reference to it (2 way, super powerful and works beyond the typical MS demo). The viewmodel is just a poco and is a representation of your view, data + behaviour. Once you dig this paragraph the cool term mvvm will have no secrets.
I see if I can come up with a small demo. Maybe I'll have time later.
What I will come up with is a view (xaml, file 1) that binds to a viewmodel (file 2, a poco class, not to be mistaken with code behind). The model can be whatever you like (service layer or directly to the repositories). Using the power of 2 way binding we will bind to an observable collection meaning that if we add/delete/... something to the collection the view will pick it up without us putting energy into it.
My first 2 wpf projects was done with Caliburn Micro (see codeplex) which is a powerful framework based on conventions. It shields you away from hardcore wpf (creating tour dependency properties yourself mainly) and you can create something relatively fast without fully understanding wpf. That's a downside of itself but it worked for me. As of project 3 I started taming those dependency properties myself and it will make you a better wpf developer.
I see the question is from October.. did you find a good solution?

Grids with ViewModels - WPF

Sorry if this has already been asked, but I just want to make sure that I'm doing this right.
If I have a domian object that has say 10 properties on it. I have a grid on my main form that I want to show the pretty much all the the properties from the model.
I created a viewmodel to wrap the domain object to show in the gridview but then I have to expose all the properties again. I just feel binding straight against the model through the viewmodel feels dirty and defects the purpose a bit.
So for example I don't really like this:
{Binding DomainObject.Property}
where DomainObject is property on my view model.
So my main question is, should I expose all the properties on the model through the view model just to bind it to the grid?
EDIT: Just for added information the domian objects are LINQ-To-SQL objects, so I don't think they implement INotifyPropertyChanged but I'm not sure.
Some people will say it doesn't matter, others say it does. I'm in the latter camp, for these reasons:
You increase the dependencies of the view, as it now depends on the data model, not just the view model.
You require the designers need to know the properties and structure of your data model.
You create more work for the (almost inevitable) refactoring when you decide you need a layer of indirection for formatting, validation, or whatever it might be.
As Thomas pointed out, data models often don't implement change notification
Yes, it's a little more work, but I believe it's worth it to reduce decoupling, maintenance headaches, collaboration with designers, and correctness.
PS. If you find yourself in this situation a lot, you might consider an implementation of ICustomTypeDescriptor that wraps any data object and exposes its properties with change notification. That way your VM can extend this generic wrapper until you decide you need to pull properties out for purposes such as formatting and validation.
If you need change notification on the properties and the model doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged, then you need to create new properties on the ViewModel. Otherwise, it's probably not a big issue to bind directly to the model : the MVVM pattern is just a guideline, you can bend the rules a little if necessary...
I think it is a matter of personal preference. I happen to believe it is perfectly fine to expose the Model in a single object from the ViewModel. Recreating all the properties of the Model in the ViewModel just results in a bunch of extra code.
However, this only works provided your Model implements change notifications so the data binding works.
