Silverlight Composite application - silverlight

I'm trying to figure out what would be best solution to the problem I'm facing. I have a Silverlight application which should be composed from different modules. I can use Prism, place regions and load modules and fill regions with loaded modules but this is not enough in my situation. Here's what I want to accomplish:
For most views that gets loaded from different xap files, I should place an element somewhere in the shell, which will perform navigation to the dynamically loaded view.
That element (which links to dynamically loaded view) should support localization and should have dynamically assignable data templates, different module links should have different content/data template (I'm thinking writing data templates in xaml files on the server and reading them from silverlight via XamlReader, maybe there's a better way?).
Uri mapping and browser journal should work with navigation. Silverlight default navigation mechanism better suits my needs than the one found in Prism.
The architecture should support MVVM.
I think thats all. I just couldn't think of a good architecture which will satisfy all my needs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I do not know of a single product/solution that would cover all your requirements, so here are some comments on each:
If one area of the shell has a region that supports multiple items, you just register a control of type link/button etc with the same region name in each module. For example we register views based on the Telerik TadRibbonTab (instead of UserControl) with a region named "views" which is a RibbonBarTab with a region named "views". Every module then adds its its own button to the list. You can do the same thing with any multi-item container.
Localisation is a completely different issue and can be solved in a number of ways. See my answer here: Load Resources ".resx" from folder in Silverlight
A custom navigation mapper can be made to behave like the standard one, without messing up the support for Prism regions. The one we created encodes GUI information such as current selections (current view and item selections etc) into the URL. That means we are in total control of the state and the URL controls the state.
Hardly anything stops you using MVVM as that is one small feature for separating views from code-behind data.
I will be interested in what other solutions are proposed as we are always looking for new ideas too.


dynamic inline silverlight from string without files

for my final project in university i am developing in mvc3 and using silverlight for vector graphics.
I store silverlight code as string/xml in a database, and i want the ability to manipulate it dynamically (change proportions etc..) and display it in my aspx view. i don't want and can't use files because of scalability issues (there will be a lot of them) and because of possible porting of the application to the cloud (Azure).
basically i want to build a controller that will take raw xaml code from the DB and display it. all the solutions i found on the web are about two options which is not helpful for me: - which involves manually creating the entire dom object and integrating it in an existing silverlight page, which i don't have - using embedded header in the html itself - again not pracrtical..
maybe someone can suggest me a practical solution for my problem
I would suggest the you spend sometime examining in detail how the Silverlight navigation framework can be used.
I'm think you should be able to use the Frame element with your own implementation of INavigationContentLoader assigned to its ContentLoader property and possibly your own derivative to UriMapperBase assigned to its UriMapper property.
You would then use a URL like this:-
You would have two views, "yourHost" would simply generate the HTML nececessary to host the Silverlight application you will build. The "yourXaml" view would simply serve up the raw Xaml.
Your Uri mapper will take the relative url supplied after the # (this is how silverlight intra-application navigation works) and create a Uri that can points at yourXaml controller.
Your implementation of INavigationContentLoader will then fetch the Xaml from the Uri and load it up.
Assuming the Xaml contains hyperlinks to using urls like "/yourXamlController/otherReference". You should be able to navigate around your stored Xaml without reloading the Silverlight app. Everything will be about referencing and downloading new chunks of Xaml.

NavigationWindow dataflow

I am writing my first wpf application now .
I want to use a NavigationWindow on each page the user make selections and all the data should be available on the next pages, I have about 6 page.
How I should path all the data ? via the constructor ? or there is some smarter way in WPF .
On the last page there will be a lot data to path from the previous pages.
I would attack this from one of two ways: The Code-behind way (Easy, but difficult to expand, also will get very messy), and the MVVM way (Takes some learning, separates concerns, easy to extend, manage).
In the code-behind way, I would just have a Tab control with the tab headers styled the way you want them (you can style them to look like just about anything you want). In the code-behind you could have some logic that specifies that X Tab is not enabled or Visible until Y criteria are met.
There is a better way, but it comes with a bit of a learning curve, the MVVM design pattern. You would have 6 Page objects that are really just CLR objects that define the contents of the page (e.g. if it is a questionnaire your page objects would contain question objects and title objects for instance).
You could have a couple of Views, a navigation View, and a page view. The NavigationView would be bound to a NavigationViewModel which would have the logic necessary to change the page. The PageView would be bound to one of 6 PageViewModels and the PageViews DataContext (which provides that binding) could be changed based on the NavigationViews logic.
Learning Prism composite application guidance for WPF Silverlight MVVM Fundamentals
MSDN Page for MVVM explanation
Night Walker,
It is difficult to make out exactly what you want to do from your explanation. First, the NavigationWindow is the frame of your application, I think you know this but I just wanted to make sure we understood that we're not creating new instances of the NavigationWindow. I think you mean 'Pages'. Pages are the content of a Navigation window and represent some target that you want to appear in the ContentPresenter that is provided by the NavigationWindow.
I'm again not sure how you are using the phrase 'Path the data'. Typically you would create Pages either directly in the project or in satellite projects and then reference them using Pack URIs. An example of how Pack URIs are constructed can be found here.
You can then navigate to the pack URLs using an expression that looks like:
this.Navigate(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/MyAssembly;component/MyPage.xaml", UriKind.Absolute);
If you don't want to get involved with all the nuts-and-bolts of the framework for navigation and just want to focus on the application for your users, you can check out the professional version of the NavigationControl that I put together:
There's an free demo you can download. If this is was you are looking to do I can give you pointers if you don't want to purchase the package directly.
Donald Roy Airey

Silverlight Prism: How to change the shell layout for a new page?

I am new to Silverlight/Prism, so not sure how a new layout page would be rendered. I've got the Shell working like a master page, but I want to have several pages in the application with a different layout master. So, how do I get another (shell) or layout page to arrange different regions?
Thanks for any conceptual feedback!
Have you considered having your Shell view contain either a ContentControl or a ItemsControl so that you can programmatically load different views. These different views could then contain regions or whatever you wanted.
I'd also remember that PRISM is likened to a buffet, you can pick and choose which parts to use. Once you look at ItemsControl and ContentControl consider what regions offer.
Treating Prism regions like Master pages seems to always lead to confusion. It is not designed (like ASP.Net) to potentially render a new shell around every page that appears. That was created for a Browser -> Server -> Browser model where the page is recreated on every request.
To implement a master page style scenario all you are really doing is providing a choice of outer shells that have the same region names defined, but in different visuals or positions. Changing the shell via an element/region in the root visual will cause all the child regions to repopulate in their new homes.
Personally I treat Silverlight more like I would a desktop application and less like a website. I dropped the idea of Master pages (as it feels backwards) and just use dynamic styling for overall changes.
Hope this helps.
The following thread deals with a similar situation. I hope it is useful.

WPF UI Suggestions?

I have a UI with some controls, then in the middle I have 6 overlapping grids. I am using these grids as 'pages' and as the user navigates through the 'pages' I cycle through using Visible.Hidden and Visible.Visible to show the correct 'page'.
I noticed while developing as I was adding more grids the application started to slow down (a lot). It wasn't really a problem until I added 6 more images to the last page. Since, the application is very slow even on my (faster than average) PC.
Do you have any advice on how I can still achieve the same look and feel but use a more efficient method?
Thanks in advance.
All in all it's not a good idea to have a bunch of overlapping controls like you have, because as you noticed, there are performance problems. You want to minimize the number of controls which are present in your application at any one time.
If you have a limited number of pages, use TabControl.
If you have a large or dynamic number of pages, consider Frames and Pages.
A third option is to have a hosting "shell" control with a ContentPresenter. Then whenever you want to navigate to a different page, just set the control's Content to a new instance of your page view.
Your views are separate from your data models, right? If not, consider using the MVVM pattern. This will allow you to have persistent data regardless of which view is showing (e.g. dynamically creating and destroying views won't mess up your data).
I suggest that you use the WPF Frame and Page classes instead of your current architecture. As with any presentation framework, performance degrades as you add more controls to your scene graph.
TabControl with a custom template?

Making Silverlight App plugin capable

I want to know about general methods to dynamically load content into your silverlight application.
More specifically, I want to create something like a widget-based application, where all GUI objects are small independent widgets. I want to provide a static chrome, like a frame, hosting the actual widget, that is loaded from an extern source like a website or is uploaded by the user and is shown in this frame.
The questions are:
What does the widget author specifically have to provide, in order for me to load his widget application into my application? I imagine I have to query the provided DLL for something like a ViewModel and its DataTemplate, a UserControl or even a XAP File. What would be the best way? The external widget should also implement a certain interface, so that the outer application can call methods like Loaded and Unloaded on it.
Small code samples would be appreciated.
What about security? How do I prevent the inner widget application to access my outer application. I think the widget app could go up the control tree or access the DataContext of my frame control, hosting the application. Is this an issue? If so, how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!
You can dynamically load controls from dlls that your widget authors could provide, MS's Mike Taulty's done a walkthrough.
Microsoft also have Prism which allows you to break up your silverlight code in a modular fashion. I haven't tried it yet to see if it's suitable for loading individual controls, but my impressions of what I've read about it seem to indicate it has a framework for doing that.
As for security, they would have access to the rest of the application, so perhaps this isn't suitable.
