Paginate from within a model in CakePHP - cakephp

I have a function in my Event model called getEvents - you can pass limit, start and end dates, fields, event types, and event subtypes.
I read that paginate can accept all the parameters I'm using like joins, conditions, limit...etc just like a normal find can.
It returns data just fine when I don't try to paginate. But - I'd like to be able to pass it a paginate variable to tell it instead of doing this:
$this->recursive = -1;
$data = $this->find('all', $qOptions);
to do this:
$this->recursive = -1;
$data = $this->paginate($qOptions);
When I try that, though, it gives me lots of errors. I can specify the errors later if needed - for now, I guess I'm looking for - is this something that can be done? If so, how?
Is there another better way to do something like this? I spent enough time making this function do just what I want, and allowing all the options passed...etc - it just seems like a waste if I can't also use it for pagination. But - if it's not ideal, I'm ok hearing that too. Thanks in advance.
I'm reading other things online that say you shouldn't use paginate in your model, because it draws from URL variables, which defeats the MVC structure purpose. This makes sense, but does that mean I have to write the same joins/queries in both model and controller? And in every action that it's needed?

The way I figured out how I can keep my complex find in my model without having to rewrite it a second time in the controller is by passing a $paginate boolean variable.
If $paginate is true, it returns just the options created, which can then be used in the controller's pagination. If it's false (meaning we don't want to paginate), it returns the actual event results. So far this seems to be working.
In my getEvents() function (this method is in the Events model)
if($paginate) {
return $qOpts; // Just return the options for the paginate in the controller to use
} else {
$data = $this->find('all', $qOpts); // Return the actual events
return $data;
Then, in my Events/Index (events controller, index action - where I know I want pagination):
$this->Event->recursive = -1; // (or set recursive = -1 in the appModel)
$opts['paginate'] = true;
$paginateOptions = $this->Event->getEvents($opts);
$this->paginate = $paginateOptions; // Set paginate options to just-returned options
$data = $this->paginate('Event'); // Get paginate results
$this->set('data', $data); // Set variable to hold paginated results in view

The paginate() model method does not accept the same parameters as a find(). Specifically, find() wants an array of options, but paginate() wants every option passed individually. See Custom Query Pagination in the CakePHP book.
So, instead of:
$data = $this->paginate($qOptions);
You want something like:
$data = $this->paginate($qOptions['conditions'], $qOptions['fields'], ...);
Custom model pagination isn't a function that you call. It's a function that you need to implement and will be called by the CakePHP framework. In the example in your question you are trying to manually call $this->paginate(...) from somewhere in your model. That doesn't work. Instead, do this.
In your model, implement the paginate and paginateCount methods.
function paginate($conditions, $fields, ...)
// return some data here based on the parameters passed
function paginateCount($conditions, ...)
// return some rowcount here based off the passed parameters
Then, in your controller you can use the standard pagination functions.
function index()
$this->paginate = array('MyModel' => array(
'conditions' => array(...),
'fields' => array(...),
$this->set('myobjects', $this->paginate('MyModel'));
Now, the Controller::paginate() function will grab the conditions and other data from the Controller::paginate parameter and, instead of passing it to your Model::find it will pass it to your custom Model::paginate() and Model::paginateCount() functions. So, the data that is returned is based on whatever you do in those two methods and not based on a standard find().

you can use this one which is working fine for me.
$condition="your where condition";
$this->paginate = array(
'fields' => array('', 'AsinsBookhistory.reffer_id', 'AsinsBookhistory.ISBN','AsinsBookhistory.image','AsinsBookhistory.title','AsinsBookhistory.last_updatedtime'),
'conditions' => $condition,
'group' => array('AsinsBookhistory.ISBN'),
'order' => array('AsinsBookhistory.last_updatedtime' => 'desc')
$this->set('lastvisitedbooks', $this->paginate('AsinsBookhistory'));

$paginate array are similar to the parameters of the Model->find('all') method, that is: conditions, fields, order, limit, page, contain, joins, and recursive.
So you can define your conditions like this :
var $paginate = array(
'Event' => array (...)
Or you can also set conditions and other keys in the $paginate array inside your action.
$this->paginate = array(
'conditions' => array(' ... '),
'limit' => 10
$data = $this->paginate('Event');
R u using $name = 'Event' in your controller ?
If we wont mention model name in $this->paginate() , it will use model as mentioned in $name otherwise look in var $uses array and in that will get Model name (first one )
for e.g var $uses = array('Model1','Model2'); // $name != mentioned
n you want pagination with respect to Model2 then you have to specify ModelName in paginate array like $this->paginate('Model2') otherwise Model1 will be considered in pagination.


Dynamically add virtual field in cakephp

I am using CakePHP 2.1.3; I want to create a virtual field dynamically in a controller. Is it possible?
The problem is when I am trying to find max value in a table it gives me another array from the model array. Please ask if you need more information.
When I am trying to execute the following query,
$find_max_case_count = $this->CaseMaster->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'CaseMaster.CLIENT_ID' => $client_id,
'CaseMaster.CASE_NO LIKE' => '%-%'
'fields' => array('max(CaseMaster.CASE_NO) AS MAX_NO')
It is giving me an array like:
[0]=> array([MAX_NO]=> 52)
However I want it to be like as:
[CaseMaster] => array([MAX_NO] => 52)
I found a solution. I can make the virtual field at runtime. The code should looks like:
$this->CaseMaster->virtualFields['MAX_NO'] = 0;
Write it just above the find query and the query will remain same as it was written.
This link was helpful to find out the solution.
There is no way (as far as I am knowledgeable) to create virtual fields "on the fly". What virtual fields are is "arbitrary SQL expressions" that will be executed when a find runs through the Model and "will be indexed under the Model's key alongside other Model fields".
What do you need to do with "dynamically created virtual fields"? If you explain what exactly you need to accomplish maybe we can provide a different (even more suitable? :) ) solution? I'd personally be happy to help you.
After you editing your question I can say that what you're getting is the way the array should be returned, this is because of the fields parameter. If you want to get a different structure out of it I suggest applying a callback to format it.
Firstly move the method inside the CaseMaster Model:
public function getMaxCaseCount($client_id){
$data = $this->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'CaseMaster.CLIENT_ID' => $client_id,
'CaseMaster.CASE_NO LIKE' => '%-%'),
'fields' => array('max(CaseMaster.CASE_NO) AS MAX_NO')));
return array_map(array('CaseMaster', '__filterMaxCaseCount'), $data);
private function __filterMaxCaseCount($input){
//This is just an example formatting
//You can do whatever you would like here.
$output['CaseMaster'] = $input[0];
return $output;
The array_map function will apply the __filterMaxCaseCount callback method so that when you call:
from your controller you will get the data in the way you need it. The array_map function could also look like this:
return array_map(array($this, '__filterMaxCaseCount'), $data);
because you're in the same Class.
Just adding your model alias to field definition also works for this purpose
'fields' => array('max(CaseMaster.CASE_NO) AS CaseMaster__MAX_NO')

CakePHP append to Containable/Contain

How to append to contain when it's already declared?
I call a regular contain/find:
// A controller
$site = $this->Site->find();
I want to automatically add something to contain. I was thinking of doing this in the Model by adding to the find function... something like this:
// Site.php Model
function find($conditions = null, $fields = array(), $order = null, $recursive = null) {
if(!isset($this->containVariable) || !in_array('Box', $this->containVariable)) {
$this->containVariable[] = 'Box';
parent::find($conditions, $fields, $order, $recursive);
To make this work (automatically adding model Box to contain) I only need to change $this->containVariable by a function or variable that has an array of what's already in contain. In this case this would return array('User'). How to append to contain when it's already declared? Is there a variable that contains contain?
Unless someone can find another solution I've came to the conclusion that:
Unfortunately what I was trying to do seems impossible how containable is designed. I had to manually add my model to every ->contain() calls.
I fixed perhaps a similar issue with persisting contain for multiple find calls (using cakephp 1.3). After declaring contain for a certain model, this will be set for that model:
-where $this is some model object. 'runtime' is an array that essentially holds the contain information. So you are close I believe, but instead of:
$this->containVariable[] = 'Box'
You would have:
$this->Behaviors->Containable->runtime['someModel']['contain'][] = 'Box'
To be able to specify more than just the model though, you would have to set up to handle like the following (perhaps build a method accordingly):
$this->Behaviors->Containable->runtime['someModel']['contain'][] = $model_contain_array
$model_contain_array is just an arbitrary name I just chose for an array which holds the contain information you would like to add for a particular model. An example of $model_contain_array might be:
array('modelName' => array(
'fields' => array('id', 'other'),
'otherModelName' => array(
'fields' => array('id', 'otherfield', 'etc')

CakePHP -- conditions ignored when using paginate() twice in a single action

I have a photoblog built on CakePHP 2.0 with a data structure that looks like:
POSTS <-habtm-> TAGS <-habtm-> IMAGES
I am building an AJAX-based feature to find all blog posts and images that match a given tag. Page 1 of Posts and page 1 of Images are loaded into adjacent panels when a tag is first selected. After that, they can be paged through independently. For the most part this is working fine, except when I am fetching the initial pages of data.
I am using paginate() twice in the first action -- once to get my Posts and a second time to get the Images. The problem is that the conditions I assign to paginate() for the second model in the sequence are completely ignored. Individually they both work fine, and switching their order has confirmed it's a sequence-dependent problem for me, rather than restricted to one of the models or the other.
I've searched to see if anyone else has encountered similar problems in the past, but this is either an unusual design choice on my part or I'm not finding the right search query.
My basic $paginate array is declared as follows in my TagsController.php:
public $paginate = array(
"PostsTag" => array(
"limit" => 4,
"order" => " DESC",
"contain" => array(
"Post" => array("fields" => array(
"id", "title", "created"))
"group" => array("")
"ImagesTag" => array(
"limit" => 4,
"order" => " DESC",
"contain" => array(
"Image" => array("fields" => array(
"id", "title", "url", "created", "gallery"))
"group" => array("")
From my main search action I call two private functions:
$posts = $this->post_pagination($tagIds);
$images = $this->image_pagination($tagIds);
which add the limiting conditions to $paginate and look like this:
private function post_pagination($tags, $page = 1) {
$this->paginate['PostsTag']['conditions'] = array(
"status" => 1,
"OR" => array("tag_id" => $tags)
$this->paginate['PostsTag']['page'] = $page;
return $this->paginate("PostsTag");
private function image_pagination($tags, $page = 1) {
$this->paginate['ImagesTag']['conditions'] = array(
"gallery" => 1,
"OR" => array("tag_id" => $tags)
$this->paginate['ImagesTag']['page'] = $page;
return $this->paginate("ImagesTag");
Cake is respecting limit, order, contain, etc. without issue, but drops the ball on conditions specifically for whichever model I try to paginate over second. It feeds me back the first 4 results ordered properly, but completely unfiltered. I do not think my somewhat complicated conditions are at fault either -- as long as I don't break syntax, I can type completely random strings into conditions for the second paginate() and get back identical results.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
[edit] Here is an SQL dump of the second paginate() query:
SELECT `PostsTag`.`id`, `PostsTag`.`post_id`, `PostsTag`.`tag_id`,
`Tag`.`id`, `Tag`.`name`, `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`title`, `Post`.`created`
FROM `posts_tags` AS `PostsTag`
LEFT JOIN `tags` AS `Tag` ON (`PostsTag`.`tag_id` = `Tag`.`id`)
LEFT JOIN `posts` AS `Post` ON (`PostsTag`.`post_id` = `Post`.`id`)
WHERE 1 = 1
GROUP BY `Post`.`id`
ORDER BY `Post`.`id`
As you can see, Cake is generating a WHERE 1 = 1 in place of my conditions.
DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE: Here's what we've figured out so far...
OP is correct that YourController::$paginate is only fed into the PaginatorComponent once. If you need to call YourController::paginate() again with different options, you'll need to unload the component first, e.g.:
Then, the next time you call YourController::paginate(), it will reload whatever's in the YourController::$paginate property.
So upon some more poking around I discovered the following:
Any alterations made to $paginate after an initial paginate() call is made are not carried through to the Paginator component. This applies to conditions, order, limit, etc.
So doing this:
$this->paginate['<model1>']['conditions'] = array( ... );
$model1Results = $this->paginate("<model1>");
$this->paginate['<model2>']['conditions'] = array( ... );
$model2Results = $this->paginate("<model2>");
Will return results for <model1> that obey the new conditions/order/limit/whatever you've applied, but your results for <model2> will be based on the original conditions defined for it in $paginate. Your controller will see the updates to $paginate just fine, but it appears $paginate can only be grabbed by Paginator once.
The workaround I have found is to make any and all changes to $paginate BEFORE the first paginate() call, so:
$this->paginate['<model1>']['conditions'] = array( ... );
$this->paginate['<model2>']['conditions'] = array( ... );
$model1Results = $this->paginate('<model1>');
$model2Results = $this->paginate('<model2>');
I've been poking around in PaginatorComponent.php to figure out why things work this way, and any further insight would, of course, be appreciated.

Efficient pagination with CakePHP

I have an "architectural" problem with CakePHP :p .
I have to paginate queries, that seems easy, I use the $paginate array and the paginate method, but I have many restrictions.
In many methods of my controller I must return different fields of the same Model, and in both cases I have to paginate. This fact forces me to mention all the fields in the $paginate array, and this could cause poor performance when I don't need those fields.
How can I set different paginate rules for different methods in a clean way?
(I thought in using different arrays and assign to $paginate the specific array in runtime, but I want to know if there is an "oficial way" to do it)
if your table doesn't have a massive number of fields, I think it's ok to let cake query all of them. The performance shouldn't be much different.
You can specify different pagination sets:
var $paginate = array(
'Recipe' => array (...),
'Author' => array (...)
then $data = $this->paginate('Recipe');
I don't know if this is what you are already doing, but I think this is already clean enough:
function foo() {
$this->paginate['fields'] = array('field_1', 'field_2');
/* rest of the method */
function bar() {
$this->paginate['fields'] = array('field_3', 'field_4');
/* rest of the method */
If there are fields that you are going to use in all methods you could also do it like this:
var $paginate = array (
'fields' => array('always_need_this', 'also_need_this_always',)
function foo() {
array_push($this->paginate['fields'], 'only_in_foo', 'also_only_in_foo');
/* rest of the method */
function bar() {
array_push($this->paginate['fields'], 'only_in_bar', 'also_only_in_bar');
/* rest of the method */

CakePHP: Can I ignore a field when reading the Model from the DB?

In one of my models, I have a "LONGTEXT" field that has a big dump of a bunch of stuff that I never care to read, and it slows things down, since I'm moving much more data between the DB and the web app.
Is there a way to specify in the model that I want CakePHP to simply ignore that field, and never read it or do anything with it?
I really want to avoid the hassle of creating a separate table and a separate model, only for this field.
As #SpawnCxy said, you'll need to use the 'fields' => array(...) option in a find to limit the data you want to retrieve. If you don't want to do this every time you write a find, you can add something like this to your models beforeFind() callback, which will automatically populate the fields options with all fields except the longtext field:
function beforeFind($query) {
if (!isset($query['fields'])) {
foreach ($this->_schema as $field => $foo) {
if ($field == 'longtextfield') {
$query['fields'][] = $this->alias . '.' . $field;
return $query;
Regarding comment:
That's true… The easiest way in this case is probably to unset the field from the schema.
I haven't tested it, but this should prevent the field from being included in the query. If you want to make this switchable for each query, you could move it to another variable like $Model->_schemaInactiveFields and move it back when needed. You could even make a Behavior for this.
The parameter fields may help you.It doesn't ignore fields but specifies fields you want:
'conditions' => array('Model.field' => $thisValue), //array of conditions
'fields' => array('Model.field1', 'Model.field2'), //list columns you want
You can get more information of retrieving data in the cookbook .
Another idea:
Define your special query in the model:
function myfind($type,$params)
$params['fields'] = array('Model.field1','Model.field2',...);
return $this->find($type,$params);
Then use it in the controller
Also try containable behaviour will strip out all unwanted fields and works on model associations as well.
class Post extends AppModel { <br>
var $actsAs = array('Containable'); <br>
where Post is your model?
You can add a beforeFilter function in your Table and add a select to the query
public function beforeFind(Event $event, Query $query){
$protected = $this->newEntity()->hidden;
$tableSchema = $event->subject()->schema();
$fields = $tableSchema->columns();
foreach($fields as $key => $name){
return $event;
In this excample I took the hidden fields from the ModelClass to exclude from result.
Took it from my answer to a simular question here : Hidden fields are still listed from database in cakephp 3
