Uploading a file with YUI3 to a RESTful PUT url - file

I'm trying to upload a file to a RESTful PUT url with YUI3, but when I set upload to true in the config to io it sends the file as POST not PUT. If I remove the upload setting in the config I just get the filename, but it does go to the PUT url. Can I use PUT with a file upload? Is there another way to do this?
I'm assuming this is a failure/fault in YUI3 or rather my use of it.
<form id='GFileForm' method='PUT' onSubmit='return false;'>
<input type='file' name='gfile' id='GFileName'>
<input type='submit' name='gfileupload' value='Upload' id='GFileUpload_Button'>
var cfg = {
method: "PUT",
form: {id: 'GFileForm', upload: true},
content_type: "multipart/form-data",
var request = Y.io(sUrl, cfg);
Any help is here much appreciated.
I've also tried to find a resource on reading the file contents with javascript and then pushing that into the PUT data, but I can't seem to find anything about that. Does anyone know if that's a possiblilty?

PUT is not a standard way of sending form data and most web browsers don't support it, unfortunately.

Check this example. https://github.com/chmouel/cors-swift-example
In this example, you can see how we can PUT files to RESTful PUT url.


ASP.Net Web Api & Angularjs: Multiple Files Upload [duplicate]

I need to upload image and video files to the server in an Angular application using Laravel 5.1 as the back end. All Ajax requests need to go to the Laravel controller first, and we have the code there for how the file gets handled when it gets there. We have previously done normal HTML forms to submit file uploads to the controller, but in this case we need to avoid the page refresh of a form, so I am attempting this in Ajax through Angular.
What information do I need to send to the Laravel controller with Ajax that was being sent to the controller via an HTML form previously?
This is the code in the Laravel controller that handled the file information once it got there. That's what I need to figure out how to send, so I can hopefully reuse this code:
$promotion = Promotion::find($id);
if (Input::hasFile('img_path')){
$path = public_path().'/images/promotion/'.$id.'/';
$file_path = $path.'promotion.png';
$delete = File::delete($file_path);
$file = Input::file('img_path');
$uploadSuccess = $file->move($path, 'promotion.png');
$promotion->img_path = '/images/promotion/'.$id.'/promotion.png';
if (Input::hasFile('video_path')){
$path = public_path().'/video/promotion/'.$id.'/';
$file_path = $path.'promotion.mp4';
$delete = File::delete($file_path);
$file = Input::file('video_path');
$uploadSuccess = $file->move($path, 'promotion.mp4');
$promotion->video_path = '/video/promotion/'.$id.'/promotion.mp4';
As you can see above, we are converting whatever file we get to a PNG with the file name promotion.png so it's easy to fetch, and we are only accepting .mp4 video format. Because of that, we don't need to worry about checking if the file exists and is it ok to overwrite it. That's why you can see in the code we delete any existing file of that name before saving.
The HTML was just an input with a type of "file:
<input type="file" id="img_path" name="img_path" class="promo-img-path" accept="image/*">
We are using Angular now so I can't just send the above through an HTML form anymore. That's what I need to figure out how to do.
We are two developers just doing our best, so I'm sure there is a better way of doing this. However before I refactor this whole thing, I'm hoping I can use Angular (or jQuery as a last resort) to just send the controller whatever file data Laravel needs in order to make the above code work. The answer may be as simple as "send a PUT to the method in that controller above, but instead of a normal JSON payload, use file info in this format and you can gather that info with..."
I would also appreciate any tips on better ways I can do this in the future.
How to POST FormData Using the $http Service
When using the FormData API to POST files and data, it is important to set the Content-Type header to undefined.
var fd = new FormData()
for (var i in $scope.files) {
fd.append("fileToUpload", $scope.files[i]);
var config = {headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}};
var httpPromise = $http.post(url, fd, config);
By default the AngularJS framework uses content type application/json. By setting Content-Type: undefined, the AngularJS framework omits the content type header allowing the XHR API to set the content type. When sending a FormData object, the XHR API sets the content type to multipart/form-data with the proper boundaries and base64 encoding.
For more information, see MDN Web API Reference - XHR Send method
How did you get the file information into $scope.files?
How to enable <input type="file"> to work with ng-model
This directive also enables <input type="file"> to automatically work with the ng-change and ng-form directives.
angular.module("app").directive("selectFilesNg", function() {
return {
require: "ngModel",
link: function postLink(scope,elem,attrs,ngModel) {
elem.on("change", function(e) {
var files = elem[0].files;
<script src="//unpkg.com/angular/angular.js"></script>
<body ng-app="app">
<h1>AngularJS Input `type=file` Demo</h1>
<input type="file" select-files-ng ng-model="fileArray" multiple>
<code><table ng-show="fileArray.length">
<tr ng-repeat="file in fileArray">
<td>{{file.lastModified | date : 'MMMdd,yyyy'}}</td>
RECOMMENDED: POST Binary Files Directly
Posting binary files with multi-part/form-data is inefficient as the base64 encoding adds an extra 33% overhead. If the server API accepts POSTs with binary data, post the file directly.
See How to POST binary files with AngularJS (with DEMO)

get multiple files from request on Grails

Im using this but it saves only one file. I want to save multiple files.
Here is my code:
<input id="data" type="file" name="data" multiple="multiple"/>
def uploadSave() {
def document = request.getFile("data").each { file ->
What can I use to save all the files uploaded and print their original names? I tried to use MultipartFile but doesnt work. Help me, please.
MultipartFile data = request.getFile("data"){
println "File name: "+ ${data.orignalFileName}"
Have you tried using the uploadr plugin for grails?
no point re-inventing the wheel.
I would Like suggest you this jquery it one best file upload I ever come across as per as customization comes into picture they have solve all the problem ,you can upload the file download file and delete uploaded file
Hope this help you Thank's.
try this
def uploadSave() {
// notice "getFiles" instead of "getFile"
def document = request.getFiles("data")
document.each { file ->
println(file.getOriginalFilename()) // try this
//log.debug(file.originalFilename) // tthink this is causing the error

is that possible to send header information in $window.open(url) method

I am downloading the file from the server using API, for that i have to send session details in header, how can i do it using angularjs?. Please help me out.
Thank you in advance for suggestions.
No - It is not possible to send headers in straight way using $window.open
Yes - Its is possible but not straight way, If you've got server-side control then you can set header value in query string and get it parsed from query string on the back-end.
I don't suggest to pass params with window.open.
BUT you can use window.open like this.
var params = {
access_token: 'An access_token',
other_header: 'other_header'
//Add authentication headers in URL
var url = [url_generating_pdf, $.param(params)].join('?');
//Open window
Please check the details info here

upload file to RESTful service in angularjs

i try to make angular CRUD app that is a bit like "dropbox". So, it must have file and folder hosting with sharing and access functionality. I'm stuck on a question how to upload image and video files? I used File API (FileReader, Blob) to make preview of files on the client side but i dont have idea how to POST this type of data to server.
Something like this should work well to send as multipart/form-data request to backend API:
var file = ... // get from file input;
var backendUrl = ...
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append('myFile', file, 'filename.ext');
$http.post(backendUrl, fd, {
// this cancels AngularJS normal serialization of request
transformRequest: angular.identity,
// this lets browser set `Content-Type: multipart/form-data`
// header and proper data boundary
headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}
//file was uploaded
//something went wrong
See here for reference:
FormData API Doc
Using FormData Objects (MDN)
multipart-formdata file upload with AngularJS
You can upload file using ngFileUpload or angularFileUpload directives.
In case of angularFileUpload, you use .upload in controller and in case of ngFileUpload, you use .http
Also, you can also use application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type instead of multipart provided your file is not huge. In case of application/x-www-form-urlencoded, you can just receive the value in rest webservice as normal InputStream thereby requiring no need of marshalling of multipart data.
You may refer the below for the possible ways to upload file using angular js and rest web service:

Connection between Playframework and ExtJs

I am doing a project were I am trying to make the backend with playframework and the frontend with Extjs.
I can retrieve the data from the server with Json and show it in a grid with all it's fields.
The problem comes when I try to modify, remove or add any record.
The request sent by Ext: DELETE lista?_dc=1318409614652
(I solved _dc with "noCache: false" over the proxy)
The request right now is: DELETE lista
The request I need is: DELETE lista/"parameter of the object like ID or name"
Do you have any idea about this? If you need any information let me know
Thanks in advance!
I suppose you are not yet using the Rest proxy (of ExtJS) for this, but you should, as it does exactly what you are asking for. You set it up with an url like /lista in your case. Now, when you delete a record, the proxy automatically sends a DELETE request to the url, appending it with the id. Check out the documentation (linked above) for more info - you can control the url generation a little bit, but in your case it looks like you can do with the default options.
even if you don't want to use Rest Proxy, you use still use Ext.Ajax.request like below.
waitMsg: "Saving... Please wait",
url: "myserverscript.php",
method: "POST",
params: {
action: "delete",
id: myForm.down('#id').getValue(),
data: jsonData
