Are assignment = and subtraction assignment -= atomic operations in C? - c

int b = 1000;
b -= 20;
Is any of the above an atomic operation? What is an atomic operation in C?

It depends on the implementation. By the standard, nothing is atomic in C. If you need atomic ops you can look at your compiler's builtins.

It is architecture/implementation dependent.
If you want atomic operations, I think sig_atomic_t type is standardized by C99, but not sure.
From the GNU LibC docs:
In practice, you can assume that int and other integer types no longer than int are atomic. You can also assume that pointer types are atomic; that is very convenient. Both of these are true on all of the machines that the GNU C library supports, and on all POSIX systems we know of.

This link seems to me to be on the right track in telling us what an atomic operation is in C:
And it says, " science adopted the term 'atomic operation' to describe an instruction that is indivisible and uninterruptible by other threads of execution."
And by that definition, the first line of code in the original question
int b=1000;
ought to be an atomic operation. The second could be an atomic operation if the CPU's instruction set includes an instruction to subtract directly from memory. The reason I think so is that the first code line would most likely require only one assembly (machine) instruction. And instructions either execute or not. I don't think any machine instruction can be interrupted in the middle.
At that same link, says, "If thread A is writing a 32-bit value to memory as an atomic operation, thread B will never be able to read the memory location and see only the first 16 of 32 bits written out." Seems that any single machine instruction cannot be interrupted in the middle, therefore would automatically be atomic between threads.

Incrementing and decrementing a number is not an atomic operation in C. Certain architectures support atomic incrementing and decrementing instructions, but there is no guarantee that the compiler would use them. You can look as an example at Qt reference counting. It uses atomic reference counting, on certain platforms it is implemented with platform-specific assembly code, and on the rest it is using a mutex to lock the counter.
If you're not incrementing or decrementing in a performance-critical part of your code, you'd simply use a mutex while doing it. If you're using it in performance-critical part of your code, you might want to try to rewrite your code in a way that doesn't use shared memory for this operation accessed from multiple places for this operation or use mutexes with higher granularity so that they don't affect the performance, or use assembly to ensure that the operation is atomic.

Quoting from ISO C89, 7.7 Signal handling <signal.h>
The type defined is sig_atomic_t which is the integral type of an
object that can be accessed as an atomic entity, even in the presence
of asynchronous interrupts.


What's the purpose of glib's g_atomic_int_get?

glib a provides g_atomic_int_get function to atomically read a standard C int type. Isn't reading 32-bit integers from memory into registers not already guaranteed to be an atomic operation by the processor (e.g. mov <reg32>, <mem>)?
If yes, then what's the purpose of glib's g_atomic_int_get function?
Some processors allow reading unaligned data, but that may take more than a single cycle. I.e. it's no longer atomic. On others it might not be an atomic operation at all to begin with.
The x86 mov instruction is not always atomic, either: it is non-atomic if the addresses involved are not naturally aligned.
Even if it were always atomic, it is not a memory barrier, which means the compiler is free to reorder the instruction with reference to other instructions nearby; and the processor is free to reorder the instruction with reference to other instructions in the instruction stream at runtime.
Unless you are writing code targeting only a single platform (and are sure that code will never need to be ported to another platform), you must always use explicit atomic instructions if you want atomic guarantees.

embedded C - using "volatile" to assert consistency

Consider the following code:
// In the interrupt handler file:
volatile uint32_t gSampleIndex = 0; // declared 'extern'
void HandleSomeIrq()
// In some other file
void Process()
uint32_t localSampleIndex = gSampleIndex; // will this be optimized away?
PrevSample = RawSamples[(localSampleIndex + 0) % NUM_RAW_SAMPLE_BUFFERS];
CurrentSample = RawSamples[(localSampleIndex + 1) % NUM_RAW_SAMPLE_BUFFERS];
NextSample = RawSamples[(localSampleIndex + 2) % NUM_RAW_SAMPLE_BUFFERS];
My intention is that PrevSample, CurrentSample and NextSample are consistent, even if gSampleIndex is updated during the call to Process().
Will the assignment to the localSampleIndex do the trick, or is there any chance it will be optimized away even though gSampleIndex is volatile?
In principle, volatile is not enough to guarantee that Process only sees consistent values of gSampleIndex. In practice, however, you should not run into any issues if uinit32_t is directly supported by the hardware. The proper solution would be to use atomic accesses.
The problem
Suppose that you are running on a 16-bit architecture, so that the instruction
localSampleIndex = gSampleIndex;
gets compiled into two instructions (loading the upper half, loading the lower half). Then the interrupt might be called between the two instructions, and you'll get half of the old value combined with half of the new value.
The solution
The solution is to access gSampleCounter using atomic operations only. I know of three ways of doing that.
C11 atomics
In C11 (supported since GCC 4.9), you declare your variable as atomic:
#include <stdatomic.h>
atomic_uint gSampleIndex;
You then take care to only ever access the variable using the documented atomic interfaces. In the IRQ handler:
atomic_fetch_add(&gSampleIndex, 1);
and in the Process function:
localSampleIndex = atomic_load(gSampleIndex);
Do not bother with the _explicit variants of the atomic functions unless you're trying to get your program to scale across large numbers of cores.
GCC atomics
Even if your compiler does not support C11 yet, it probably has some support for atomic operations. For example, in GCC you can say:
volatile int gSampleIndex;
__atomic_add_fetch(&gSampleIndex, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
__atomic_load(&gSampleIndex, &localSampleIndex, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
As above, do not bother with weak consistency unless you're trying to achieve good scaling behaviour.
Implementing atomic operations yourself
Since you're not trying to protect against concurrent access from multiple cores, just race conditions with an interrupt handler, it is possible to implement a consistency protocol using standard C primitives only. Dekker's algorithm is the oldest known such protocol.
In your function you access volatile variable just once (and it's the only volatile one in that function) so you don't need to worry about code reorganization that compiler may do (and volatile prevents). What standard says for these optimizations at § is:
In the abstract machine, all expressions are evaluated as specified by the semantics. An actual implementation need not evaluate part of an expression if it can deduce that its value is not used and that no needed side effects are produced (including any caused by calling a function or accessing a volatile object).
Note last sentence: " needed side effects are produced (...accessing a volatile object)".
Simply volatile will prevent any optimization compiler may do around that code. Just to mention few: no instruction reordering respect other volatile variables. no expression removing, no caching, no value propagation across functions.
BTW I doubt any compiler may break your code (with or without volatile). Maybe local stack variable will be elided but value will be stored in a registry (for sure it won't repeatedly access a memory location). What you need volatile for is value visibility.
I think some clarification is needed.
Let me safely assume you know what you're doing (you're working with interrupt handlers so this shouldn't be your first C program): CPU word matches your variable type and memory is properly aligned.
Let me also assume your interrupt is not reentrant (some magic cli/sti stuff or whatever your CPU uses for this) unless you're planning some hard-time debugging and tuning.
If these assumptions are satisfied then you don't need atomic operations. Why? Because localSampleIndex = gSampleIndex is atomic (because it's properly aligned, word size matches and it's volatile), with ++gSampleIndex there isn't any race condition (HandleSomeIrq won't be called again while it's still in execution). More than useless they're wrong.
One may think: "OK, I may not need atomic but why I can't use them? Even if such assumption are satisfied this is an *extra* and it'll achieve same goal" . No, it doesn't. Atomic has not same semantic of volatile variables (and seldom volatile is/should be used outside memory mapped I/O and signal handling). Volatile (usually) is useless with atomic (unless a specific architecture says it is) but it has a great difference: visibility. When you update gSampleIndex in HandleSomeIrq standard guarantees that value will be immediately visible to all threads (and devices). with atomic_uint standard guarantees it'll be visible in a reasonable amount of time.
To make it short and clear: volatile and atomic are not the same thing. Atomic operations are useful for concurrency, volatile are useful for lower level stuff (interrupts, devices). If you're still thinking "hey they do *exactly* what I need" please read few useful links picked from comments: cache coherency and a nice reading about atomics.
To summarize:
In your case you may use an atomic variable with a lock (to have both atomic access and value visibility) but no one on this earth would put a lock inside an interrupt handler (unless absolutely definitely doubtless unquestionably needed, and from code you posted it's not your case).

How does sig_atomic_t actually work?

How does the compiler or OS distinguish between sig_atomic_t type and a normal int type variable, and ensures that the operation will be atomic? Programs using both have same assembler code. How extra care is taken to make the operation atomic?
sig_atomic_t is not an atomic data type. It is just the data type that you are allowed to use in the context of a signal handler, that is all. So better read the name as "atomic relative to signal handling".
To guarantee communication with and from a signal handler, only one of the properties of atomic data types is needed, namely the fact that read and update will always see a consistent value. Other data types (such as perhaps long long) could be written with several assembler instructions for the lower and higher part, e.g. sig_atomic_t is guaranteed to be read and written in one go.
So a platform may choose any integer base type as sig_atomic_t for which it can make the guarantee that volatile sig_atomic_t can be safely used in signal handlers. Many platforms chose int for this, because they know that for them int is written with a single instruction.
The latest C standard, C11, has atomic types, but which are a completely different thing. Some of them (those that are "lockfree") may also be used in signal handlers, but that again is a completely different story.
Note that sig_atomic_t is not thread-safe, only async-signal safe.
Atomics involve two types of barriers:
Compiler barrier. It makes sure that the compiler does not reorder reads/writes from/to an atomic variable relative to reads and writes to other variables. This is what volatile keyword does.
CPU barrier and visibility. It makes sure that the CPU does not reorder reads and writes. On x86 all loads and stores to aligned 1,2,4,8-byte storage are atomic. Visibility makes sure that stores become visible to other threads. Again, on Intel CPUs, stores are visible immediately to other threads due to cache coherence and memory coherence protocol MESI. But that may change in the future. See §8.1 LOCKED ATOMIC OPERATIONS in Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 3A for more details.
For comprehensive treatment of the subject watch atomic Weapons: The C++ Memory Model and Modern Hardware.
sig_atomic_t is often just a typedef (to some system specific integral type, generally int or long). And it is very important to use volatile sig_atomic_t (not just sig_atomic_t alone).
When you add the volatile keyword, the compiler has to avoid a lot of optimizations.
The recent C11 standard added _Atomic and <stdatomic.h>. You need a very recent GCC (e.g. 4.9) to have it supported.
Programs using both have same assembler code. How extra care is taken to make the operation atomic?
Although this is an old question, I think it's still worth addressing this part of the question specifically. On Linux, sig_atomic_t is provided by glibc. sig_atomic_t in glibc is a typedef for int and has no special treatment (as of this post). The glibc docs address this:
In practice, you can assume that int is atomic. You can also assume
that pointer types are atomic; that is very convenient. Both of these
assumptions are true on all of the machines that the GNU C Library
supports and on all POSIX systems we know of.
In other words, it just so happens that regular int already satisfies the requirements of sig_atomic_t on all the platforms that glibc supports and no special support is needed. Nonetheless, the C and POSIX standards mandate sig_atomic_t because there could be some exotic machine on which we want to implement C and POSIX for which int does not fulfill the requirements of sig_atomic_t.
This data type seems to be atomic.
From here: Atomic Types To avoid uncertainty about interrupting access to a variable, you can use a particular data type for which access is
always atomic: sig_atomic_t. Reading and writing this data type is
guaranteed to happen in a single instruction, so there’s no way for a
handler to run “in the middle” of an access.
The type sig_atomic_t is always an integer data type, but which one it
is, and how many bits it contains, may vary from machine to machine.
Data Type: sig_atomic_t This is an integer data type. Objects of this
type are always accessed atomically.
In practice, you can assume that int is atomic. You can also assume
that pointer types are atomic; that is very convenient. Both of these
assumptions are true on all of the machines that the GNU C Library
supports and on all POSIX systems we know of.
It pays off to have studied some kernel-development-level memory models...
Anyway, sig_atomic_t is atomic. The normal definition of atomic is that you can't get a "partial" result, e.g. due to concurrent writes, or concurrent read and write. Attaching any other properties to "atomic" is dangerous, and causes the type of confusion seen here.
So, when you do any sort of sig_atomic_t store, you are guaranteed to either get the old value, or the new value when something reads it back -- be it before, during, or after that store.
Answering your direct question about "how that works": the compiler will use an underlying type size and issue extra machine instructions where required, to signal the CPU that it must do an atomic store and atomic read.
All that said, it is important to note that you really can't say much about whether you will get the old or the new value when you try to read an atomic variable like sig_atomic_t. All you know is that you will not get a mix of two different stores that raced each other, nor a mix of the old and the new value while a store is happening concurrently with your read.
In C, you also normally need to declare variables as "volatile sig_atomic_t" because otherwise the compiler has no reason to not cache it, and you could be using an older value for longer than expected: the compiler has no reason to force a fresh memory read if it already has an old value in a register from a previous read. "volatile" tells the compiler to always do a fresh memory read when it needs to get the value of the variable.
Note that neither "volatile" nor "sig_atomic_t" are strong enough "compiler barriers" to ensure it is not reordered around by the compiler optimizer, let alone by the CPU itself (which would require a memory barrier, not just a compiler barrier). If you need any visibility constraints re. other threads, processors, and even hardware when doing MMIO, you need "extra stuff" (compiler barriers, and memory barriers).
And that's where C11 _Atomic and the C11 memory models come into play. They're not about "atomic" reads and stores only, they also include a lot of visibility rules and constraints re. other entities (MMIO devices, other execution threads, other processors).

how can I convert non atomic operation to atomic

I am trying to understand atomic and non atomic operations.With respect to Operating System and also with respect to C.
As per the wikipedia page here
Consider a simple counter which different processes can increment.
The naive, non-atomic implementation:
reads the value in the memory location;
adds one to the value;
writes the new value back into the memory location.
Now, imagine two processes are running incrementing a single, shared memory location:
the first process reads the value in memory location;
the first process adds one to the value;
but before it can write the new value back to the memory location it is suspended, and the second process is allowed to run:
the second process reads the value in memory location, the same value that the first process read;
the second process adds one to the value;
the second process writes the new value into the memory location.
How can the above operation be made an atmoic operation.
My understanding of atomic operation is that any thing which executes without interruption is atomic.
So for example
int b=1000;
Should be an atomic operation as per my understanding because both the instructions executed without an interruption,how ever I learned from some one that in C there is nothing known as atomic operation so above both statements are non atomic.
So what I want to understand is what is atomicity is different when it comes to programming languages than the Operating Systems?
C99 doesn't have any way to make variables atomic with respect to other threads. C99 has no concept of multiple threads of execution. Thus, you need to use compiler-specific extensions, and/or CPU-level instructions to achieve atomicity.
The next C standard, currently known as C1x, will include atomic operations.
Even then, mere atomicity just guarantees that an operation is atomic, it doesn't guarantee when that operation becomes visible to other CPUs. To achieve visibility guarantees, in C99 you would need to study your CPU's memory model, and possibly use a special kind of CPU instructions known as fences or memory barriers. You also need to tell the compiler about it, using some compiler-specific compiler barrier. C1x defines several memory orderings, and when you use an atomic operation you can decide which memory ordering to use.
Some examples:
/* NOT atomic */
b += 1000;
/* GCC-extension, only in newish GCCs
* requirements on b's loads are CPU-specific
__sync_add_and_fetch(&b, 1000);
/* GCC-extension + x86-assembly,
* b should be aligned to its size (natural alignment),
* or loads will not be atomic
__asm__ __volatile__("lock add $1000, %0" : "+r"(b));
/* C1x */
#include <stdatomic.h>
atomic_int b = ATOMIC_INIT(1000);
int r = atomic_fetch_add(&b, 1000) + 1000;
All of this is as complex as it seems, so you should normally stick to mutexes, which makes things easier.
int b = 1000;
gets turned into multiple statements at the instruction level. At the very least, preparing a register or memory, assigning 1000, then getting the contents of that register/memory, adding 1000 to the contents, and re-assigning the new value (2000) to that register. Without locking, the OS can suspend the process/thread at any point in that operation. In addition, on multiproc systems, a different processor could access that memory (wouldn't be a register in this case) while your operation is in progress.
When you take a lock out (which is how you would make this atomic), you are, in part, informing the OS that it is not ok to suspend this process/thread, and that this memory should not be accessed by other processes.
Now the above code would probably be optimized by the compiler to a simple assignment of 2000 to the memory location for b, but I'm ignoring that for the purposes of this answer.
b+=1000 is compiled, on all systems that I know, to multiple instructions. Thus it is not atomic.
Even b=1000 can be non atomic although you have to work hard to construct a situation where it is not atomic.
In fact C has no concept of threads and so there is nothing that is atomic in C. You need to rely on implementation specific details of your compiler and tools.
The above statements are non atomic because it becomes a move instruction to load b into a register (if it isnt) then add 1000 to it and the store back into memory. Many instruction sets allow for atomicity through atomic increment easiest being x86 with lock addl dest, src; some other instruction sets use cmpxchg to achieve the same result.
So what I want to understand is what
is atomicity is different when it
comes to programming languages than
the Operating Systems?
I'm a bit confused by this question. What do you mean exactly? The atomicity concept is the same both in prog. languages and OS.
Regarding atomicity and language, here is for example a link about atomicity in JAVA, that might give you a different perspective: What operations in Java are considered atomic?

In C is "i+=1;" atomic? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can num++ be atomic for 'int num'?
(13 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
In C, is i+=1; atomic?
The C standard does not define whether it is atomic or not.
In practice, you never write code which fails if a given operation is atomic, but you might well write code which fails if it isn't. So assume it isn't.
The only operation guaranteed by the C language standard to be atomic is assigning or retrieving a value to/from a variable of type sig_atomic_t, defined in <signal.h>.
(C99, chapter 7.14 Signal handling.)
Defined in C, no. In practice, maybe. Write it in assembly.
The standard make no guarantees.
Therefore a portable program would not make the assumption. It's not clear if you mean "required to be atomic", or "happens to be atomic in my C code", and the answer to that second question is that it depends on a lot of things:
Not all machines even have an increment memory op. Some need to load and store the value in order to operate on it, so the answer there is "never".
On machines that do have an increment memory op, there is no assurance that the compiler will not output a load, increment, and store sequence anyway, or use some other non-atomic instruction.
On machines that do have an increment memory operation, it may or may not be atomic with respect to other CPU units.
On machines that do have an atomic increment memory op, it may not be specified as part of the architecture, but just a property of a particular edition of the CPU chip, or even just of certain core logic or motherboard designs.
As to "how do I do this atomically", there is generally a way to do this quickly rather than resort to (more expensive) negotiated mutual exclusion. Sometimes this involves special collision-detecting repeatable code sequences. It's best to implement these in an assembly language module, because it's target-specific anyway so there is no portability benefit to the HLL.
Finally, because atomic operations that do not require (expensive) negotiated mutual exclusion are fast and hence useful, and in any case needed for portable code, systems typically have a library, generally written in assembly, that already implements similar functions.
Whether the expression is atomic or not depends only on the machine code that the compiler generates, and the CPU architectre that it will run on. Unless the addition can be achieved in one machine instruction, its unlikely to be atomic.
If you are using Windows then you can use the InterlockedIncrement() API function to do a guaranteed atomic increment. There are similar functions for decrement, etc.
Although i may not be atomic for the C language, it should be noted that is atomic on most platforms. The GNU C Library documentation states:
In practice, you can assume that int and other integer types no longer than int are atomic. You can also assume that pointer types are atomic; that is very convenient. Both of these assumptions are true on all of the machines that the GNU C library supports and on all POSIX systems we know of.
It really depends on your target and the mnemonic set of your uC/processor.
If i is a variable held in a register then it is possible to have it atomic.
No, it isn't. If the value of i is not loaded to one of the registers already, it cannot be done in one single assembly instruction.
The C / C++ language itself makes no claim of atomicity or lack thereof. You need to rely on intrinsics or library functions to ensure atomic behavior.
Just put a mutex or a semaphore around it. Of course it is not atomic and you can make a test program with 50 or so threads accessing the same variable and incrementing it, to check it for yourself
Not usually.
If i is volatile, then it would depend on your CPU architecure and compiler - if adding two integers in main memory is atomic on your CPU, then that C statement might be atomic with a volatile int i.
No, the C standard doesn't guarantee atomicity, and in practice, the operation won't be atomic. You have to use a library (eg the Windows API) or compiler builtin functions (GCC, MSVC).
The answer to your question depends on whether i is a local, static, or global variable. If i is a static or global variable, then no, the statement i += 1 is not atomic. If, however, i is a local variable, then the statement is atomic for modern operating systems running on the x86 architecture and probably other architectures as well. #Dan Cristoloveanu was on the right track for the local variable case, but there is also more that can be said.
(In what follows, I assume a modern operating system with protection on an x86 architecture with threading entirely implemented with task switching.)
Given that this is C code, the syntax i += 1 implies that i is some kind of integer variable, the value of which, if it is a local variable, is stored in either a register such as %eax or in the stack. Handling the easy case first, if the value of i is stored in a register, say %eax, then the C compiler will most likely translate the statement to something like:
addl $1, %eax
which of course is atomic because no other process/thread should be able to modify the running thread's %eax register, and the thread itself cannot modify %eax again until this instruction completes.
If the value of i is stored in the stack, then this means that there is a memory fetch, increment, and commit. Something like:
movl -16(%esp), %eax
addl $1, %eax
movl %eax, -16(%esp) # this is the commit. It may actually come later if `i += 1` is part of a series of calculations involving `i`.
Normally this series of operations is not atomic. However, on a modern operating system, processes/threads should not be able to modify another thread's stack, so these operations do complete without other processes being able to interfere. Thus, the statement i += 1 is atomic in this case as well.
