I'm new to grails 1.3.7 and I have a problem.
I want to store different elements/paramters in one list/array/map/whatever..
the data to be stored looks like this:
id : answera, answerb, answerc, answerd, answere, answerf, answerg, answerh
id is a number
answers are booleans
so Ive got a lot of ids (well, maybe 20) and for each one 8 answers-booleans.
How do I store them the best, so that I can access them very easy again?
Thank you :-)
[EDIT] Thanks a lot for those answers, I will try it out now! :-)
I have now a map containing an id (int) and an object representing my answers (its a pojo which contains booleans answera, answerb, etc...)
Now I give this map to a gsp. How do I know get the data out of it? Thanks for help! :-)
A Map would be the best approach, however it really has nothing to do with grails. Do you need to persist these to a Domain Class/Database?
What a map would look like...
def map = [:]
map.put(id1, [new Answer(accepted:true), new Answer(accepted:false)];
map.put(id2, [new Answer(accepted:false), new Answer(accepted:false)];
I don't think this would give you an easy domain class to work with. Sounds like you would want a grails domain class to encapsulate the answers. Something like...
class Question{
static hasMany = [answers:Answer]
Integer id
Boolean answered
def hasBeenAnswered(){
answers.each(){ answer->
if (answer.accepted){
answered = true;
return true;
return false;
def acceptAnwser(Answer answer){
answer.accepted = true;
this.answered = true;
class Answer{
static belongsTo = [question:Question]
Integer id
Boolean accepted
String text
And then your code would be easier to use...
def allQuestion = Question.list();
def allUnansweredQuestions = Question.findAllByAnswered(false);
def allAnsweredQuestions = Question.findAllByAnswered(true);
A Map seems like the obvious structure. The keys of the map should be the ids and the values of the Map should be either a List<Boolean> or (probably preferably) a class that encapsulates these 8 booleans.
global with sharing class test1 {
global Map<SObjectField, SObject> ConvertMap(List<SObject> listToConvert){
List<SObject> listToConvert = new List<SObject>;
Map<SObjectField, SObject> mapTest = new Map<SObjectField, SObject>;
return mapTest;
I've written this code, but it doesn't respect the request 'cause I can't put SObjectField as method parameter since the Map won't recognize the variable.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to do it?
Thank you in advance.
Do you really need SobjectField as map keys? the special class? If you're fine with strings as keys then there's a builtin, getPopulatedFieldsAsMap()
If you absolutely need SobjectField (I don't even know if it's serializable and can be passed to integrations, LWC etc)... You'd have to loop and marry the results to something like
Schema.describeSObjects(new List<String>{'Account'})[0].fields.getMap()
Using peewee as my ORM, is there a way to directly filter with a dict?
For example, if I have a model
class User(BaseModel):
username = CharField(unique=True)
password = CharField()
email = CharField()
join_date = DateTimeField()
How can I filter all results with username Bob, with something like
params = {'username':'Bob'}
I found a solution, but I'm wondering if there's a better way ...
params = {'username':'Bob'}
User.select().where(*[getattr(User, k) == v for k, v in params.items()])
First of all, where are you getting this "dynamic dict" from? Presumably you would want to do some field validation and things before just hucking shit at the database -- and during that time you could move it into a better data-structure.
Also note that the only operation you would be able to do with the above is equality testing.
To answer your question, Peewee has a .filter() method which behaves like the one in Django. So you can throw your dictionary of data at it. docs are sparse because this method is really not recommended:
I state that Parse.com use for my app
Does anyone know what 's the right way to create a list of friends?
The user must be able to create a relationship with another user.
I tried to take a look at AnyPic but I could not follow. seems very complicated for me ... I know there is the possibility of creating a relationship with PFRelation but did not find much nl web
Can you help?
Thank's Rory
If you want to have both sides be able to see the friendship you have two options:
duplicate the relationship, i.e. a PFRelation on each PFUser
us a many-to-many table, i.e. a new Class with two PFUser references, and possibly other information
Given that you might want more information about the relationship (e.g. status=requested/accepted/rejected, etc), I would suggest option two.
Here's a similar question on managing friend requests and friend lists using Parse.
then, I had to make a query where I drew all the posts of my users (Timeline) and their names ... I had a problem (same as what I here to do this' you suggested) or call in a query of the Pointer ...
I solved so
This is the content of the cell
NSString *user = [[object objectForKey:#"Utente"] valueForKey:#"Nome_Cognome"];
cell.FFNomeLabel.frame=CGRectMake(15, -35, 270, 100);
cell.FFNomeLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentRight;
cell.FFNomeLabel.text = user;
[cell.BiancaView addSubview:cell.FFNomeLabel];
NSString *img = [[object objectForKey:#"Utente"] valueForKey:#"foto"];
cell.FFImmagineUtente.file = (PFFile *)img;
cell.FFImmagineUtente.frame = CGRectMake(10, 10, 70, 70);
[cell.FFImmagineUtente.layer setMasksToBounds:YES];
[cell.FFImmagineUtente.layer setCornerRadius:35.3f];
cell.FFImmagineUtente.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;
[cell.FFImmagineUtente loadInBackground];
What do you think?
Also how can I save a pointer that is not a Current User?
I saw the documentation parse, but having little experience I was not entirely clear :)
Searching on the documentation provided by google and browsing SO I haven't found a way to retrieve the choices set on a db.Property object (I want to retrieve it in order to create forms based on the model).
I'm using the following recipe to do what I need, Is this correct? Is there any other way of doing it? (simpler, more elegant, more pythonic, etc.)
For a model like this:
class PhoneNumber(db.Model):
contact = db.ReferenceProperty(Contact,
phone_type = db.StringProperty(choices=('home', 'work'))
number = db.PhoneNumberProperty()
I do the following modification:
class PhoneNumber(db.Model):
_phone_types = ('home', 'work')
contact = db.ReferenceProperty(Contact,
phone_type = db.StringProperty(choices=_phone_types)
number = db.PhoneNumberProperty()
def get_phone_types(self):
return self._phone_types
You should be able to use PhoneNumber.phone_type.choices. If you want you could make that into a class method too:
def get_phone_types(class_):
return class_.phone_type.choices
You can decide if you prefer the class method approach or not.
Don't forget about Python's dir built-in! It is very useful when exploring objects.
In Google App Engine, I make lists of referenced properties much like this:
class Referenced(BaseModel):
name = db.StringProperty()
class Thing(BaseModel):
foo_keys = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
if attrname == 'foos':
return Referenced.get(self.foo_keys)
return BaseModel.__getattr__(self, attrname)
This way, someone can have a Thing and say thing.foos and get something legitimate out of it. The problem comes when somebody says thing.foos.append(x). This will not save the added property because the underlying list of keys remains unchanged. So I quickly wrote this solution to make it easy to append keys to a list:
class KeyBackedList(list):
def __init__(self, key_class, key_list):
list.__init__(self, key_class.get(key_list))
self.key_class = key_class
self.key_list = key_list
def append(self, value):
list.append(self, value)
class Thing(BaseModel):
foo_keys = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
if attrname == 'foos':
return KeyBackedList(Thing, self.foo_keys)
return BaseModel.__getattr__(self, attrname)
This is great for proof-of-concept, in that it works exactly as expected when calling append. However, I would never give this to other people, since they might mutate the list in other ways (thing[1:9] = whatevs or thing.sort()). Sure, I could go define all the __setslice__ and whatnot, but that seems to leave me open for obnoxious bugs. However, that is the best solution I can come up with.
Is there a better way to do what I am trying to do (something in the Python library perhaps)? Or am I going about this the wrong way and trying to make things too smooth?
If you want to modify things like this, you shouldn't be changing __getattr__ on the model; instead, you should write a custom Property class.
As you've observed, though, creating a workable 'ReferenceListProperty' is difficult and involved, and there are many subtle edge cases. I would recommend sticking with the list of keys, and fetching the referenced entities in your code when needed.