EasyMock - expectation of mocked object - easymock

I am fairly new to EasyMock. I am trying to write a EasyMock test for my Spring WS Endpoint and keep running to a issue. Details are listed below:
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "UserCreate")<BR>
public void handleUserCreationRequest(#RequestPayload Element userCreate) throws JDOMException {
String userName = userNameExp.valueOf(userCreate);
String loginName = userLoginNameExp.valueOf(userCreate);
String eMail = eMailExp.valueOf(userCreate);
String region = regionExp.valueOf(userCreate);
String department = departmentExp.valueOf(userCreate);
String businessUnit = businessUnitExp.valueOf(userCreate);
userManagementService.userCreate(userName, loginName, eMail,
region, department, businessUnit);
public void setUp() throws JDOMException {<BR>
xPath = createNiceMock(XPath.class);<BR>
payload = createNiceMock(Element.class);<BR>
managementService = createStrictMock(UserManagementService.class);<BR>
serviceEndpoint = new UserManagementServiceEndpoint(managementService);
public void testUserCreationHandler() throws JDOMException {
managementService.userCreate("userName", "loginName", "eMail",
"region", "department", "businessUnit");
Error Message:
Failed tests:
Expectation failure on verify:
valueOf(EasyMock for class org.jdom.Element): expected: 6, actual: 0
Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0<BR><BR>
I would appreciate if anyone can help me on this. Thanks in advance.

The problem you have here is that your XPath mock object is not set to your UserManagementServiceEndpoint object.
You should either modify the constructor to accept an XPath parameter or create a setter for it.


How do you parse multi data sets through yaml file?

Here's the yaml file :
- John#gmail.com
- Adam#gmail.com
- Test#1234
- Abcd#1234
I want my script to run two times, one with each user email and password.
Code i have tried is :
public Object[][] getData() {
Object[][] data = new Object[2][2];
data[0][0] = YamlReader.getYamlValue("email");
data[0][1] = YamlReader.getYamlValue("password");
data[1][0] = YamlReader.getYamlValue("email");
data[1][1] = YamlReader.getYamlValue("password");
return data;
public void Test_Login_with_multiple_data_sets(String username, String password) {
It fails because i don't know the way to pass exact value based on the index for email and password.

Failing to update value sembast database Flutter

I'm trying to use sambas database as I need it for the web version of my app but I'm struggling with it.
I have an OpeningTimes form in my app that I save to db as a Map.
The logic I use in the saving method is: Load the form from db using the userName parameter of the OpeningTimes object I pass in , if none is found then save it, if instead a record is found then update it with the passed in object. I'm using flutter_bloc to manage it all so in OpeningTimesBloc when the form is saved to db, it loads it and yield it so to update UI to last saved sate. The problem is that when loading from db after updating, the loaded value is not the one passed in update method( eg monMorAct: to be updated from true to false):
flutter: updateOpeningTimes() : update opening time received {userName: zazza zenigata, monMorOp: 10:00, monMorCl: 19:00, monMorAct: false, monAftOp: , monAftCl: , monAftAct: false, tueMorOp: , tueMorCl: , tueMorAct: false, tueAftOp: , tueAftCl: , tueAftAct: false, wedMorOp: , wedMorCl: , wedMorAct: false, wedAftOp: , wedAftCl: , wedAftAct: false, thuMorOp: , thuMorCl: , thuMorAct: false, thuAftOp: , thuAftCl: , thuAftAct: false, friMorOp: , friMorCl: , friMorAct: false, friAftOp: , friAftCl: , friAftAct: false, satMorOp: , satMorCl: , satMorAct: false, satAftOp: , satAftCl: , satAftAct: false, sunMorOp: , sunMorCl: , sunMorAct: false, sunAftOp: , sunAftCl: , sunAftAct: false}
but when loading it:
flutter: loadOpeningTimes() snapshot is: Record(openingTimeStorage, 1) {userName: zazza zenigata, monMorOp: 10:00, monMorCl: 19:00, monMorAct: true, monAftOp: , monAftCl: , monAftAct: false, tueMorOp: , tueMorCl: , tueMorAct: false, tueAftOp: , tueAftCl: , tueAftAct: false, wedMorOp: , wedMorCl: , wedMorAct: false, wedAftOp: , wedAftCl: , wedAftAct: false, thuMorOp: , thuMorCl: , thuMorAct: false, thuAftOp: , thuAftCl: , thuAftAct: false, friMorOp: , friMorCl: , friMorAct: false, friAftOp: , friAftCl: , friAftAct: false, satMorOp: , satMorCl: , satMorAct: false, satAftOp: , satAftCl: , satAftAct: false, sunMorOp: , sunMorCl: , sunMorAct: false, sunAftOp: , sunAftCl: , sunAftAct: false}
Can you spot what I am doing wrong?
As always thank you very much for your time and help.
This is the singleton:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:sembast/sembast.dart';
import 'package:sembast/sembast_io.dart';
class AppDatabase {
// Singleton instance
static final AppDatabase _singleton = AppDatabase._();
// Singleton accessor
static AppDatabase get instance => _singleton;
// Completer is used for transforming synchronous code into asynchronous code.
Completer<Database> _dbOpenCompleter;
// A private constructor. Allows us to create instances of AppDatabase
// only from within the AppDatabase class itself.
// Sembast database object
Database _database;
// Database object accessor
Future<Database> get database async {
// If completer is null, AppDatabaseClass is newly instantiated, so database is not yet opened
if (_dbOpenCompleter == null) {
_dbOpenCompleter = Completer();
// Calling _openDatabase will also complete the completer with database instance
// If the database is already opened, awaiting the future will happen instantly.
// Otherwise, awaiting the returned future will take some time - until complete() is called
// on the Completer in _openDatabase() below.
return _dbOpenCompleter.future;
Future _openDatabase() async {
// Get a platform-specific directory where persistent app data can be stored
final appDocumentDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
// Path with the form: /platform-specific-directory/demo.db
final dbPath = join(appDocumentDir.path, 'demo.db');
final database = await databaseFactoryIo.openDatabase(dbPath);
// Any code awaiting the Completer's future will now start executing
This is the bloc:
class OpeningTimesBloc extends Bloc<OpeningTimesEvent, OpeningTimesState> {
OpeningTimesRepository _openingTimesRepository = OpeningTimesRepository();
OpeningTimesState get initialState => InitialState();
Stream<OpeningTimesState> mapEventToState(OpeningTimesEvent event) async* {
if (event is LoadOpeningTimes) {
print('GetOpeningTimes event received');
yield* _mapLoadOpeningTimesToState(event);
if (event is SaveOpeningTimes) {
yield* _mapSaveOpeningTimesToState(event);
Stream<OpeningTimesState> _mapLoadOpeningTimesToState(
LoadOpeningTimes event) async* {
OpeningTimes openingTimes = await _openingTimesRepository.loadOpeningTimes(
userName: event.user.name);
'_mapLoadOpeningTimesToState() loaded openingTimes is: ${openingTimes.toMap().toString()}');
yield ShopOpeningTimes(openingTimes);
Stream<OpeningTimesState> _mapSaveOpeningTimesToState(
SaveOpeningTimes event) async* {
await _openingTimesRepository.saveOpeningTimes(event.openingTimes);
this is the repository:
import 'package:sembast/sembast.dart';
class OpeningTimesRepository {
// name for the storage
static const String openingTimeStorage = 'openingTimeStorage';
// storage reference
final _openingTimesFolder = intMapStoreFactory.store(openingTimeStorage);
// database instance
Future<Database> get _db async => await AppDatabase.instance.database;
Future saveOpeningTimes(OpeningTimes openingTimes) async {
'saveOpeningTimes(): save opening times received ${openingTimes.toMap().toString()}'); // prints correct
final snapshot = await loadOpeningTimes(userName: openingTimes.userName);
print('saveOpeningTimes() snapshot is $snapshot');
if (snapshot == null) {
print('opening times are to save');
await _openingTimesFolder.add(await _db, openingTimes.toMap());
} else {
print('opening times are to update');
await updateOpeningTimes(openingTimes);
Future updateOpeningTimes(OpeningTimes openingTimes) async {
'updateOpeningTimes() : update opening time received ${openingTimes.toMap().toString()}'); // correct
final Finder finder = Finder(filter: Filter.byKey(openingTimes.userName));
await _openingTimesFolder.update(await _db, openingTimes.toMap(),
finder: finder);
Future<OpeningTimes> loadOpeningTimes({String userName}) async {
'loadOpeningTimes() called userName is $userName'); // prints correct userName
final finder = Finder(sortOrders: [SortOrder('userName')]);
final snapshot =
await _openingTimesFolder.findFirst(await _db, finder: finder);
print('loadOpeningTimes() snapshot is: ${snapshot}'); // correct
return OpeningTimes.fromMap(snapshot.value);
and this is the model:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class OpeningTimes {
int id;
final String userName;
final String monMorOp;
final String monMorCl;
final bool monMorAct;
final String monAftOp;
final String monAftCl;
final bool monAftAct;
final String tueMorOp;
final String tueMorCl;
final bool tueMorAct;
final String tueAftOp;
final String tueAftCl;
final bool tueAftAct;
final String wedMorOp;
final String wedMorCl;
final bool wedMorAct;
final String wedAftOp;
final String wedAftCl;
final bool wedAftAct;
final String thuMorOp;
final String thuMorCl;
final bool thuMorAct;
final String thuAftOp;
final String thuAftCl;
final bool thuAftAct;
final String friMorOp;
final String friMorCl;
final bool friMorAct;
final String friAftOp;
final String friAftCl;
final bool friAftAct;
final String satMorOp;
final String satMorCl;
final bool satMorAct;
final String satAftOp;
final String satAftCl;
final bool satAftAct;
final String sunMorOp;
final String sunMorCl;
final bool sunMorAct;
final String sunAftOp;
final String sunAftCl;
final bool sunAftAct;
{#required this.userName,
#required this.monMorOp,
#required this.monMorCl,
#required this.monMorAct,
#required this.monAftOp,
#required this.monAftCl,
#required this.monAftAct,
#required this.tueMorOp,
#required this.tueMorCl,
#required this.tueMorAct,
#required this.tueAftOp,
#required this.tueAftCl,
#required this.tueAftAct,
#required this.wedMorOp,
#required this.wedMorCl,
#required this.wedMorAct,
#required this.wedAftOp,
#required this.wedAftCl,
#required this.wedAftAct,
#required this.thuMorOp,
#required this.thuMorCl,
#required this.thuMorAct,
#required this.thuAftOp,
#required this.thuAftCl,
#required this.thuAftAct,
#required this.friMorOp,
#required this.friMorCl,
#required this.friMorAct,
#required this.friAftOp,
#required this.friAftCl,
#required this.friAftAct,
#required this.satMorOp,
#required this.satMorCl,
#required this.satMorAct,
#required this.satAftOp,
#required this.satAftCl,
#required this.satAftAct,
#required this.sunMorOp,
#required this.sunMorCl,
#required this.sunMorAct,
#required this.sunAftOp,
#required this.sunAftCl,
#required this.sunAftAct});
List<Object> get props => [
factory OpeningTimes.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) => new OpeningTimes(
userName: map['userName'],
monMorOp: map['monMorOp'],
monMorCl: map['monMorCl'],
monMorAct: map['monMorAct'],
monAftOp: map['monAftOp'],
monAftCl: map['monAftCl'],
monAftAct: map['monAftAct'],
tueMorOp: map['tueMorOp'],
tueMorCl: map['tueMorCl'],
tueMorAct: map['tueMorAct'],
tueAftOp: map['tueAftOp'],
tueAftCl: map['tueAftCl'],
tueAftAct: map['tueAftAct'],
wedMorOp: map['wedMorOp'],
wedMorCl: map['wedMorCl'],
wedMorAct: map['wedMorAct'],
wedAftOp: map['wedAftOp'],
wedAftCl: map['wedAftCl'],
wedAftAct: map['wedAftAct'],
thuMorOp: map['thuMorOp'],
thuMorCl: map['thuMorCl'],
thuMorAct: map['thuMorAct'],
thuAftOp: map['thuAftOp'],
thuAftCl: map['thuAftCl'],
thuAftAct: map['thuAftAct'],
friMorOp: map['friMorOp'],
friMorCl: map['friMorCl'],
friMorAct: map['friMorAct'],
friAftOp: map['friAftOp'],
friAftCl: map['friAftCl'],
friAftAct: map['friAftAct'],
satMorOp: map['satMorOp'],
satMorCl: map['satMorCl'],
satMorAct: map['satMorAct'],
satAftOp: map['satAftOp'],
satAftCl: map['satAftCl'],
satAftAct: map['satAftAct'],
sunMorOp: map['sunMorOp'],
sunMorCl: map['sunMorCl'],
sunMorAct: map['sunMorAct'],
sunAftOp: map['sunAftOp'],
sunAftCl: map['sunAftCl'],
sunAftAct: map['sunAftAct'],
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() => {
'userName': userName,
'monMorOp': monMorOp,
'monMorCl': monMorCl,
'monMorAct': monMorAct,
'monAftOp': monAftOp,
'monAftCl': monAftCl,
'monAftAct': monAftAct,
'tueMorOp': tueMorOp,
'tueMorCl': tueMorCl,
'tueMorAct': tueMorAct,
'tueAftOp': tueAftOp,
'tueAftCl': tueAftCl,
'tueAftAct': tueAftAct,
'wedMorOp': wedMorOp,
'wedMorCl': wedMorCl,
'wedMorAct': tueMorAct,
'wedAftOp': wedAftOp,
'wedAftCl': wedAftCl,
'wedAftAct': wedAftAct,
'thuMorOp': thuMorOp,
'thuMorCl': thuMorCl,
'thuMorAct': thuMorAct,
'thuAftOp': thuAftOp,
'thuAftCl': thuAftCl,
'thuAftAct': thuAftAct,
'friMorOp': friMorOp,
'friMorCl': friMorCl,
'friMorAct': friMorAct,
'friAftOp': friAftOp,
'friAftCl': friAftCl,
'friAftAct': friAftAct,
'satMorOp': satMorOp,
'satMorCl': satMorCl,
'satMorAct': satMorAct,
'satAftOp': satAftOp,
'satAftCl': satAftCl,
'satAftAct': satAftAct,
'sunMorOp': sunMorOp,
'sunMorCl': sunMorCl,
'sunMorAct': sunMorAct,
'sunAftOp': sunAftOp,
'sunAftCl': sunAftCl,
'sunAftAct': sunAftAct
Updated repository methods to use autogenerated key:
static const String openingTimeStorage = 'openingTimeStorage';
// storage reference
final _openingTimesFolder = intMapStoreFactory.store(openingTimeStorage);
// database instance
Future<Database> get _db async => await AppDatabase.instance.database;
Future saveOpeningTimes(OpeningTimes openingTimes) async {
'saveOpeningTimes(): save opening times received ${openingTimes.toMap().toString()}'); // prints correct
final snapshot = await loadOpeningTimes();
print('saveOpeningTimes() snapshot is $snapshot');
if (snapshot == null) {
print('opening times are to save');
await _openingTimesFolder.add(await _db, openingTimes.toMap());
} else {
print('opening times are to update');
await updateOpeningTimes(openingTimes);
Future updateOpeningTimes(OpeningTimes openingTimes) async {
'updateOpeningTimes() : update opening time received ${openingTimes.toMap().toString()}'); // correct
final Finder finder = Finder(
filter: Filter.byKey(
_openingTimesFolder.record(openingTimes.id).get(await _db)));
await _openingTimesFolder.update(await _db, openingTimes.toMap(),
finder: finder);
Future<OpeningTimes> loadOpeningTimes() async {
final finder = Finder(sortOrders: [SortOrder('userName')]);
final snapshot =
await _openingTimesFolder.findFirst(await _db, finder: finder);
if (snapshot != null) {
print('loadOpeningTimes() snapshot is: $snapshot'); // correct
OpeningTimes openingTimes = OpeningTimes.fromMap(snapshot.value);
openingTimes.id = snapshot.key;
return openingTimes;
} else {
return null;
on updating I get flutter: Erros is Invalid argument(s): Record key cannot be null.
In updateOpeningTimes your filter looks incorrect.
final Finder finder = Finder(filter: Filter.byKey(openingTimes.userName));
Here you are looking for objects with the userName as the key but the key is an int (autogenerated) here so it cannot match. You should have something like:
final Finder finder = Finder(filter: Filter.equals('userName', userName));
In loadOpeningTimes, you just take the first record sorted by userName. If you look for an explicit userName, you should use the same finder than for update.
As a side note, it is a lot faster to load records by key: store.record(key).get(db)

Method does not exist or incorrect signature

I am trying to implement a simple change for an apex class in production. I have the proper class and proper test class. The test class runs successfully in sandbox without errors, but apparently the error is coming from the TestHelper default test class in Salesforce. When trying to deploy in production it throws the error "Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void createUser(Id, String, String, Date, Integer) from the type TestHelper"
I've tried the usual of changing the method it references to public static void, but to no avail, it throws errors in code
This is my test class:
private class OppLineItemInvntryBO_AType_OppStge_Test {
#testSetup public static void setup() {
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile
WHERE Name = 'profile1' LIMIT 1];
Date myDate = Date.newinstance(2019,07,01);
User testUser = TestHelper.createUser(p.Id,
And this is my TestHelper class:
public with sharing class TestHelper {
public static User createUser(Id profileId, String company) {
Integer rnd = getRandomNumber(10000);
User user = new User(
Username = 'john.doe#acme.com' + String.valueOf(rnd),
Email = 'john.doe' + String.valueOf(rnd) + '#acme.com',
LastName = 'Doe',
FirstName = 'John',
Alias = 'JD' + String.valueOf(rnd),
ProfileId = profileId,
LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',
LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
CompanyName = company);
insert user;
return user;
public static Integer getRandomNumber(Integer size){
Double d = math.random() * size;
return d.intValue();
The full error is this:
API Name - OppLineItemInvntryBO_AType_OppStge_Test
Type - Apex Class
Line - 14
Column - 36
Error Message - Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void createUser(Id, String, String, Date, Integer) from the type TestHelper
You are invoking the createUser method with 5 parameters in OppLineItemInvntryBO_AType_OppStge_Test class where as in the TestHelper class , the createUser method accepts only 2 parameters. Thats why you are getting this error. Try to invoke the method with correct parameters.

Unsupported Media Type Spring ReST resource

I have a simple method defined in my Rest Resource as below:
#RequestMapping(value = "/{studyId}/cases/{caseId}/exportlocation/{exportLocation}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public void exportCase(#PathVariable Long studyId, #PathVariable Long caseId, #PathVariable String exportLocation,
#RequestBody Case acase) throws Exception {
log.debug("REST request to export Case {} for Study : {}", acase, studyId);
String exportFileName = exportService.exportCase(acase, "test");
// if (exportFileName == null) {
// response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Can't Export");
// }
// return exportFileName;
When I make a call on the page, I can see the URL as being /app/rest/studies/1/cases/1/exportlocation/test
I have the Request Mapping defined as
#RequestMapping(value = StudyResource.REQUEST_MAPPING, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class StudyResource {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StudyResource.class);
public static final String REQUEST_MAPPING = "/app/rest/studies";
But keep getting a 415 Unsupported Media type. Can someone please look at the lines of code and tell me what is wrong. I highly appreciate your time and help.
My JS layer from where the calls are made on the page are as shown"
$scope.exportCase = function(studyId, caseId, exportLocation){
$scope.acase = acase;
StudyService.exportcase.exportc({studyId: studyId,caseId:caseId,exportLocation:exportLocation},$scope.acase,
function () {
AND JS Service part below
exportcase : $resource('app/rest/studies/:studyId/cases/:caseId/exportlocation/:exportLocation', {}, {
'exportc' : {
method : 'PUT',
params : {
studyId : '#studyId',
caseId : '#caseId',
exportLocation : '#exportLocation'

what is wrong with my test class in apex force.com code?

I have written a working class in Apex. It is an Email service extender, that processes incoming emails.
It is working perfect on my sandbox enviroment.
I have created a test class, so I can also deploy it to my production, but when validating the code, I get the only 72% of my code is tested.
This is my main class
global class inboundEmail implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler {
global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(Messaging.InboundEmail email, Messaging.InboundEnvelope envelope) {
Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailresult();
Lead lead;
String [] mFromUserParams;
String [] sourceText;
String mCaseObject;
sourceText = email.toAddresses[0].split('#');
String [] mParams = sourceText[0].split('\\.');
mFromUserParams = email.fromAddress.split('#');
mCaseObject = mParams[0];
if (mCaseObject == 'lead'){
lead = new Lead();
lead.LastName = mFromUserParams[0];
lead.Company = email.fromAddress;
lead.OwnerId = mParams[1];
lead.LeadSource = mParams[2];
lead.Email = email.fromAddress;
lead.RequirementsDescription__c = email.subject + email.plainTextBody;
insert lead;
result.success = true;
} else if (mCaseObject == 'case'){
result.success = true;
} else {
result.success = false;
}catch(Exception e){
result.success = false;
result.message = 'Oops, I failed.';
return result;
This is my test class
private class inboundEmailTest {
public static testMethod void inboundEmail(){
// Create a new email, envelope object and Header
Messaging.InboundEmail email = new Messaging.InboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEnvelope envelope = new Messaging.InboundEnvelope();
envelope.toAddress = 'lead.owner.new#cpeneac.cl.apex.sandbox.salesforce.com';
envelope.fromAddress = 'user#acme.com';
email.subject = 'Please contact me';
email.fromName = 'Test From Name';
email.plainTextBody = 'Hello, this a test email body. for testing Bye';
// setup controller object
inboundEmail catcher = new inboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = catcher.handleInboundEmail(email, envelope);
According to the error message, ALL lines in the Try/Catch block from the 3rd line are not covered. (marked in the code).
in your test method you're setting envelope.toAddress but in your email service you're splitting the first element of the actual InboundEmail objects toAddresses. this probably causes either an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or a NPE because the element 0 does not exist. so the code coverage will be poor because your test always jumps into the exception handling and leaves the rest of you code uncovered. just set the emails toAddresses and you should have a better coverage.
In your test code, can you add a scenario that causes the lead insert to fail? This will cause the code in your catch block to execute and provide you the needed code test coverage.
The email.fromAddress is not a list by default, so just setting that to a string and not a list solved this.
