I wonder whether this is right way to print flowdocument :(
but this is a very strange phenomenon.
My Code like this:
string flowDocString =
" <FlowDocument xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation'>" +
" <Section>" +
" <Paragraph>" +
" <CheckBox IsChecked='True'>Test</CheckBox>" +
" </Paragraph>" +
" </Section>" +
" </FlowDocument>";
FlowDocument flowDoc = (FlowDocument)XamlReader.Load(new MemoryStream(new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(flowDocString)));
PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog();
IDocumentPaginatorSource idpSource = flowDoc;
printDlg.PrintDocument(idpSource.DocumentPaginator, "Hello WPF Printing.");
When I use this code, the checkbox's state is still unchecked.
But when I modify the flowDocString like this:
string flowDocString =
" <FlowDocument xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation'>" +
" <Section>" +
" <Paragraph>" +
" <CheckBox IsChecked='True' IsEnabled='False'>Test</CheckBox>" +
" </Paragraph>" +
" </Section>" +
" </FlowDocument>";
If you modify the above results will be displayed as intended.
How can this happened? Please tell me why.
i get the following exception: Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Field "RECHNUNGEN0_.GRUPPEN_RECHNUNGSJAHR" must be in GROUP BY List
can someone explain whats wrong in the query?
#Query("Select new de.company.jpa.model.RechnungsjahrUndNummerVO(" +
"r.gruppenRechnungsjahr, " +
"r.gruppenRechnungsnummer) " +
"From RechnungEntity r " +
"Where (:vermittlungsnummern is null or r.vermittlungsnummer in :vermittlungsnummern) " +
"and (:statusklassen is null or r.statusklasse in :statusklassen) " +
"and (:gruppenOm is null or r.gruppenOm = :gruppenOm)" +
"group by r.gruppenRechnungsnummer " +
"order by r.gruppenRechnungsjahr")
List<RechnungsjahrUndNummerVO> findRechnungsjahrUndNummernByVermittlungsnummernStatusklasseGruppenOm(List<String> vermittlungsnummern,
List<String> statusklassen,
String gruppenOm);
I have a calculator and the results are shown in a label. Is it possible to set the result values (some string, some double) to display in bold?
My code looks like this:
label2.Content = "your time: " + saldoMin +
" and: " + fooNeg +
" " + inH +
" : " + inMin +
" [h : min]\nyour factor: " + YourFactor +
"\n\ngo at: " + beginnH +
" : " + fooNull;
and I only want the objects saldoMin, fooNeg, inH, ... to be bold, but not the code behind.
You can use a TextBlock with Runs. Here is an example:
var text = new TextBlock();
text.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run("Bold:")));
text.Inlines.Add(new Run(" nonbold"));
label2.Content = text;
52 Low
This is how the html part is coded by developer
In case the ID of the link (tab) is not changing then you should put:
or even simplier (as Vivek noted):
In case the ID of the tab could potentially change you could search it by its text:
"var tabs= document.getElementsByTagName("a");" +
"var tabText= "52 Low";" +
"for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {" +
" if (tabs[i].textContent == tabText) {" +
" tabs[i].click();" +
" break;" +
" }" +
i had one row from database
when i view this data on reporting service i get view:
baris 1
baris 2
i want to change view on reporting service to be
baris 1
baris 2
anyone can help please?
I would use a combination of the Split function with the constant: Constants.vbCrLf. In your scenario the Split might be tricky - there's no obvious delimiter to split on.
This example might get you started:
= "1. " + Split ( Fields!my_column.Value , " " )(0) + " " + Split ( Fields!my_column.Value , " " )(1)
+ Constants.vbCrLf
+ "2. " + Split ( Fields!my_column.Value , " " )(2) + " " + Split ( Fields!my_column.Value , " " )(3)
I am trying to read all the user attributes in AD.
How to read msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor attribute in C# ?
I used the following code but I got a cast error. Any suggestions would be welcome.
DirectoryObjectSecurity oSec = new ActiveDirectorySecurity();
String m_Value = oSec.GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(AccessControlSections.All);
return m_Value;
Ok. I was able to figure it out. The code is given below for anyone interested. I wish Microsoft had put out some code samples so that people do not have to break their heads.
SecurityDescriptor sd = (SecurityDescriptor) p_InputValue;
AccessControlList acl = (AccessControlList)sd.DiscretionaryAcl;
String m_Trustee = "";
String m_AccessMask = "";
String m_AceType = "";
String m_ReturnValue="";
foreach (AccessControlEntry ace in (IEnumerable)acl)
m_Trustee = m_Trustee + "," + ace.Trustee;
m_AccessMask = m_AccessMask + "," + ace.AccessMask.ToString();
m_AceType = m_AceType + "," +ace.AceType.ToString();
m_ReturnValue="Trustee: " + m_Trustee + " " + "AccessMask: " + m_AccessMask + "AceType: " + m_AceType;
return m_ReturnValue