Convert String into an object instance name - arrays

I'm trying to turn an string into an instance name.
stage.focus = ["box_"+[i+1]];
this gives me back = box_2;
but I need it to be an object not a string.
In as2 I could use eval. How do I do it in as3?

The correct syntax is:

For example if you would like to call the function "start" in your main class, you'd do it this way:
Same thing goes for variables. Since all classes are a subclass of Object you can retrieve their variables like you would with an ordinary object. A class like this:
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Main extends Sprite{
public var button:Sprite;
public function Main(){
Would output:
[object Sprite]

If you want to access a member of the current class, the answers already given will work. But if the instance you are looking isn't part of the class, you are out of luck.
For example:
private function foo():void {
var box_2:Sprite;
Won't work, because box_2 isn't a part of the class. In that case, it is highly recommended to use an array.
If you want to access a DisplayObject (for example, a Sprite or a MovieClip) you also can use getChildByName. But in that case, box_2 will be the name of the object, instead of the name of the variable. You set the name like
var box:Sprite; = "box_2";
But again, I recommend an array.


Instance an object in an array which is an attribute of antoher object

What is the correct way of declaring an instance of an object which is part of an array that is an attribute of another object? I have a class called ingrediente which is quite simple. It looks like this:
public class ingrediente{
public int cantidad;
public String nombre;
public int fechaDeCaducidad;}
I have another class called receta which has an array of ingrediente objects:
public class receta{
ingrediente [] ingredientes;
String preparacion;
String nombreReceta;}
I want to give values to the attributes of an ingrediente object which is part of the array ingredientes in an instance of the receta class. I'm not even sure if I have to declare the ingrediente object before giving values to it, but the code doesn't work (although it doesn't show syntax errors) wether I do it or not. The code looks like this:
recetas [CONTADORRECETAS].ingredientes [CONTADORINGREDIENTES2] = new ingrediente ();
recetas [CONTADORRECETAS].ingredientes [CONTADORINGREDIENTES2].nombre = TEMP2;
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? The code is inside a try and it throws java.lang.NullPointerException on those lines (on the first one if I include it and on second one if I don't). The value of the attribute doesn't get asigned. Variable TEMP2 is previously declarated and is of the correct type.

In ES6, how the methods of a JavaScript object are handled when they are created using a constructor

Please see the below code
class Person{
constructor(){ = 'John';
let john = new Person();
console.log(john.__proto__.displayName()); //It doesn't print the name
I understand(from the above example) the methods in ES6 are placed as members in constructor's prototype(i.e. Person). i.e. : Person.prototype.displayName() which is assigned to john.proto.displayName()
My question here is, I am able to print name to the console by typing console.log(john.displayName()) but not by using console.log(john.proto.displayName()).
Also I am able to print the method definition by typing console.log(john.proto.displayName) but I am unable to call it.(using proto).
When you are accessing john.displayName(), you are accessing name property which have value 'John'. This is because the constructor function of the Person have run for it and the property name was assigned value 'John'.
But when you are running john.__proto__.displayName(), you are accessing the property of prototype of john object, ie. Person. Here the constructor function is not run. Therefore the value of name property is undefined.
When accessing john.__proto__.displayName you essentially calling it "statically" which means the constructor is not ran, and any properties assign to "this" on it, are not there so at that point is undefined.

Dynamic Array as Class Property in VBScript

I am very new to VBScript, and not entirely sure if what I am doing is right.
I want to create a structure to hold onto a string and then an array of strings. The array of string will be dynamic, as I do not know how many entries are going to be in that list.
I have the following:
Class ExportMappings
Private _process_definition
Private _export_mappings : Set _export_mappings = CreateObject("System.Collection.ArrayList")
Public Property Let ProcessDefinition(procDef)
_process_definition= procDef
End Property
Public Property Get ProcessDefinition()
ProcessDefinition = _process_definition
End Property
Public Property Let ExportMappings(export)
_export_mappings = export
End Property
Public Sub AddMapping(map)
_export_mappings.Add map
End Sub
End Class
First, I am not sure if I declared the _export_mapping array properly.
Secondly, I do not know if I need a constructor to initialize my _export_mappings to an initial size. If so, I do not know how I would do that.
Lastly, my get and set methods for ExportMapping, I am not sure if that will work.
I would try to run it through a debugger, but the software I am using does not have the best debugger, and usually gives me a very vague description of what is wrong.
First things first:
VBScript variable names can't start with _; you can 'legalize' invalid names by putting them in [], but for starters I wouldn't do this
Code in Classes is allowed in methods only; your Private _export_mappings : Set _export_mappings = CreateObject("System.Collection.ArrayList") is invalid
After these changes, your code should compile. If you add code showing how you'd like to use this class, I'm willing to talk about second things (maybe tomorrow).

Access one specific object from class name?

I want to access a specific object with the class name. This object may change, so it is not a singleton.
Since I get class var are not yet supported as an error, any good short ways in your mind?
I used a global variable and a calculated type property. Only the constant type property are not supported yet.
private var globalVar: MyClass? = nil
class MyClass {
internal class var sharedInstance : MyClass {
get {
return globalVar
set {
globalVar = newValue
Before using it, it must be set from any of the instances:
MyClass.sharedInstance = self
Now I could set and get the type property like I could in every other language, until Apple makes it easier and supports constant type properties.
I can get the sharedInstance from anywhere inside the project (even accessible from Objective-C, when you add #objc before the internal-keyword
[MyClass sharedInstance];

What does static refer to being "stuck" to?

I'm trying to give myself a mapped idea of the word static (using my current noun definition of static, not having a good understanding of the adjective definition), but it would seem that non-static variables and methods actually are "stuck" (or better said referencing/referring) to objects/instances. So what is the terminology static actually describing about the declared methods/variables?
The words "static" and "dynamic" are frequently used as opposites in programming terminology.
Something that is dynamic is something that changes; in the context of a class, it is something that takes on different values or behaviors with each instance (object).
Something that is static does not change; it is in stasis. So a static variable of a class does not take on different values with each instance.
Static electricity doesn't move; it is stuck in one place, on your socks. Dynamic electricity, in motion in a wire, can do much more powerful things.
I think this question here provides a very detailed answer: What is "static"?
The concept of static has to do with whether something is part of a class or an object (instance).
In the case of the main method which is declared as static, it says that the main method is an class method -- a method that is part of a class, not part of an object. This means that another class could call a class method of another class, by referring to the ClassName.method. For example, invoking the run method of MyClass would be accomplished by:
MyClass.main(new String[]{"parameter1", "parameter2"});
On the other hand, a method or field without the static modifier means that it is part of an object (or also called "instance") and not a part of a class. It is referred to by the name of the specific object to which the method or field belongs to, rather than the class name:
MyClass c1 = new MyClass();
c1.getInfo() // "getInfo" is an instance method of the object "c1"
As each instance could have different values, the values of a method or field with the same name in different objects don't necessarily have to be the same:
MyClass c1 = getAnotherInstance();
MyClass c2 = getAnotherInstance();
c1.value // The field "value" for "c1" contains 10.
c2.value // The field "value" for "c2" contains 12.
// Because "c1" and "c2" are different instances, and
// "value" is an instance field, they can contain different
// values.
Combining the two concepts of instance and class variables. Let's say we declare a new class which contains both instance and class variables and methods:
class AnotherClass {
private int instanceVariable;
private static int classVariable = 42;
public int getInstanceVariable() {
return instanceVariable;
public static int getClassVariable() {
return classVariable;
public AnotherClass(int i) {
instanceVariable = i;
The above class has an instance variable instanceVariable, and a class variable classVariable which is declared with a static modifier. Similarly, there is a instance and class method to retrieve the values.
The constructor for the instance takes a value to assign to the instance variable as the argument. The class variable is initialized to be 42 and never changed.
Let's actually use the above class and see what happens:
AnotherClass ac1 = new AnotherClass(10);
ac1.getInstanceVariable(); // Returns "10"
AnotherClass.getClassVariable(); // Returns "42"
Notice the different ways the class and instance methods are called. The way they refer to the class by the name AnotherClass, or the instance by the name ac1. Let's go further and see the behavioral differences of the methods:
AnotherClass ac1 = new AnotherClass(10);
AnotherClass ac2 = new AnotherClass(20);
ac1.getInstanceVariable(); // Returns "10"
AnotherClass.getClassVariable(); // Returns "42"
ac2.getInstanceVariable(); // Returns "20"
AnotherClass.getClassVariable(); // Returns "42"
As can be seen, an instance variable is one that is held by an object (or "instance"), therefore unique to that particular instance, which in this example is the objects referred to by ac1 and ac2.
A class variable on the other hand is only unique to that entire class. To get this point across even better, let's add a new method to the AnotherClass:
public int getClassVariableFromInstance() {
return classVariable;
Then, run the following:
AnotherClass ac1 = new AnotherClass(10);
AnotherClass ac2 = new AnotherClass(20);
ac1.getInstanceVariable(); // Returns "10"
ac1.getClassVariableFromInstance(); // Returns "42"
ac2.getInstanceVariable(); // Returns "20"
ac2.getClassVariableFromInstance(); // Returns "42"
Although getClassVariableFromInstance is an instance method, as can be seen by being invoked by referring to the instances ac1 and ac2, they both return the same value, 42. This is because in both instance methods, they refer to the class method classVariable which is unique to the class, not to the instance -- there is only a single copy of classVariable for the class AnotherClass.
I hope that some what clarifies what the static modifier is used for.
The Java Tutorials from Sun has a section called Understanding Instance and Class Members, which also goes into the two types of variables and methods.
