What's the best method to free memory? - c

I'm working on ANSI C.
I have a string object which created with array of char..
I think the object make a memory leak..
when I run my program about five minutes (maybe almost 10000 iteration) my used memory become bigger and bigger..
I tried to free my object used memory with free and delete function. but, delete isn't a valid function. in the other side, free looks like running well first. but I got free():invalid pointer..
How can I fix this? I can do it differently?
here's a little of my code..
char *ext;
ext = calloc(20, sizeof(char));
//do something with ext

In C, you allocated memory on the heap with malloc, and release is with free. So you are correct there. delete is used in C++, and then, only if the memory was allocated with the new operator.
If you are getting an invalid pointer error in your call to free, then there is likely a bug somewhere in the code, if you post it we could take a look at it.

Maybe you're writing past the end of the allocated memory. With
calloc(20, sizeof(char))
you allocate space for 20 characters (19 "regular" and a null terminator for strings).
Make very sure none of your strcat() try to write "regular" characters beyond str[18].

Without more code:
An array in memory just prior to what ext points to overran its storage and corrupted a type of "header" that malloc() uses to track the size of the memory for subsequent calls to free() (think of ((size_t *)ext)[-1] holding the size from the malloc).
You used a negative array index into ext[negative] that did the same corruption.
ext somehow gets modified.


malloc adjacent block of memory?

I'm trying to figure out how many bytes in a block are taken up by the boundary tags. I have been told that when trying to malloc an adjacent block of memory, a "jump" will appear in assembly code, and I can use that to determine the size of the boundary tag. I've tried this:
int* arr = malloc(8);
arr = malloc(8);
But there isn't any jump in assembly code. Am I "trying to malloc an adjacent block of memory"?
EDIT: I think he means a jump will appear between address value. I use the beginning of the second block of memory subtract the payload size of the first block. But I'm still confused, how could I malloc an adjacent block of memory?
Unless you're writing an actual memory allocator, you can't actually allocate two consecutive chunks of memory. If you want to see some pretty gnarly code which does this, have a look at the Illumos malloc https://github.com/illumos/illumos-gate/blob/master/usr/src/lib/libc/port/gen/malloc.c.
If you want to see how Illumos (and Solaris) handle the redzone between allocated blocks, you should trawl through https://github.com/illumos/illumos-gate/tree/master/usr/src/lib/libumem/common.
The memory consumed by malloc(3) requires, for proper management of the actually used memory, of some structures that must be dynamically allocated also. For this reason, many allocators just do allocate the space required for the management data adjacent to the block space dedicated to the user. This makes that normally two consecutive junks of memory allocated by malloc(2) show some gap in their addresses.
There are other reasons to see gaps, one fundamental is that malloc normally gives you aligned memory addresses, so it is warranted that the data you store on that memory will be properly aligned.
And of course, there can be implementations (normally when heap allocation should be more robust in respect to buffer overruns) that the memory dedicated to storage of management data is completely unrelated and apart off the final given memory. In this case you could observe no gaps between memory allocations on some cases.
Anyway, your code has serious bugs, let's see:
int* arr = malloc(8);
You had better here to acquire just the memory you need, using the sizeof operator, as in int *arr = malloc(sizeof *arr); instead.
this statement is useless, as you are going to overwrite the value of arr (the pointer) with new assignment statement after it from malloc(), so it is of no use to increment the pointer value. You also are somewhat losing the returned value of the previous malloc() (which is essential in order to return the allocated memory, but read below).
arr = malloc(8);
Until here, you had the chance to --arr decrementing the value of arr in order to be capable of free(3) that block. But this statement overwrites the value stored in arr so the previous pointer value is overwritten by the new pointer. Memory you acquired on the first malloc has no way to be accessed again. This is what is commonly known as a memory leak, and is normally a serious error (very difficult to catch) on long run programs (like servers or system daemons). The program allocates a bunch of memory in the inner part of a loop, that is not returned back with a call to free(3), so the program begins growing and growing until it exhausts all the available memory.
A final note, I don't understand what did you mean with malloc adjacent block of memory. Did you believe that incrementing the pointer would make malloc() to give you a special block of memory?
First, malloc has no idea of what are you going to do with the pointer it gives to you.
But also, it doesn't know anything about the variable contents of the pointer you are assigning to (you can even not store it in a variable, and pass it as another parameter to another functions) So there's no possibility for malloc to know that you have incremented the pointer value, or even the pointer location, from its body.
I cannot guess your interpretation. It would be nice to know what has made you to think that you can control how malloc(3) selects the block of memory to give to you. You have no control on the internals of malloc() You just specify the amount of continous memory you want, and mallocs provides it, giving you a pointer pointing to the start of that block. You cannot assume that the next time you call malloc (with the same or different amount of memory) it will give you an adjacent block. It just can be completely unrelated (above or below in memory) to the previous given block. And you cannot modify that pointer, because you need it to call free(3) once you don't need the block anymore, with exactly the same pointer value that malloc(3) gave to you. If, for some reason you modify the pointer, you need to restore it to the original value to be capable of calling free(3). Lack to do so, you'll probably crash your program at the next call to free(3).
I just see a memory leak. Malloc 2 times into different vars 8 bytes of space and see if the difference is more than 8 bytes or 2 int.

malloc and scope

I am struggling to wrap my head around malloc in c - specifically when it needs to be free()'d. I am getting weird errors in gcc such as:
... free(): invalid next size (fast): ...
when I try to free a char pointer. For example, when reading from an input file, it will crash on certain lines when doing the following:
FILE *f = fopen(file,"r");
char x[256];
while(1) {
if(fgets(x,sizeof x,f)==NULL) break;
char *tmp = some_function_return_char_pointer(x); //OR malloc(nbytes);
// do some stuff
free(tmp); // this is where I get the error, but only sometimes
I checked for obvious things, such as x being NULL, but it's not; it just crashes on random lines.
But my REAL question is - when do I need to use free()? Or, probably more correctly, when should I NOT use free? What if malloc is in a function, and I return the var that used malloc()? What about in a for or while loop? Does malloc-ing for an array of struct have the same rules as for a string/char pointer?
I gather from the errors I'm getting in gcc on program crash that I'm just not understanding malloc and free. I've spent my quality time with Google and I'm still hitting brick walls. Are there any good resources you've found? Everything I see says that whenever I use malloc I need to use free. But then I try that and my program crashes. So maybe it's different based on a variable's scope? Does C free the memory at the end of a loop when a variable is declared inside of it? At the end of a function?
for(i=0;i<100;i++) char *x=malloc(n); // no need to use free(x)?
char *x;
for(i=0;i<100;i++) {
free(x); //must do this, since scope of x greater than loop?
Is that right?
Hopefully I'm making sense...
malloc() is C's dynamic allocator. You have to understand the difference between automatic (scoped) and dynamic (manual) variables.
Automatic variables live for the duration of their scope. They're the ones you declare without any decoration: int x;
Most variables in a C program should be automatic, since they are local to some piece of code (e.g. a function, or a loop), and they communicate via function calls and return values.
The only time you need dynamic allocation is when you have some data that needs to outlive any given scope. Such data must be allocated dynamically, and eventually freed when it is no longer necessary.
The prime usage example for this is your typical linked list. The list nodes cannot possibly be local to any scope if you are going to have generic "insert/erase/find" list manipulation functions. Thus, each node must be allocated dynamically, and the list manipulation functions must ensure that they free those nodes that are no longer part of the list.
In summary, variable allocation is fundamentally and primarily a question of scope. If possible keep everything automatic and you don't have to do anything. If necessary, use dynamic allocation and take care to deallocate manually whenever appropriate.
(Edit: As #Oli says, you may also want to use dynamic allocation in a strictly local context at times, because most platforms limit the size of automatic variables to a much smaller limit than the size of dynamic memory. Think "huge array". Exceeding the available space for automatic variables usually has a colourful name such as "pile overrun" or something similar.)
In general, every call to malloc must have one corresponding call to free.* This has nothing to do with scope (i.e. nothing to do with functions or loops).
* Exceptions to this rule include using functions like strdup, but the principle is the same.
Broadly speaking, every pointer that is ever returned by malloc() must eventually be passed to free(). The scope of the variable that you store the pointer in does not affect this, because even after the variable is no longer in scope, the memory that the pointer points to will still be allocated until you call free() on it.
Well, the scope of the malloc'd memory lays between calls to malloc and free or otherwise until process is stopped (that is when OS cleans up for the process). If you never call free you get a memory leak. That could happen when address that you can pass to free goes out of scope before you actually used it - that is like loosing your keys for the car, car is still there but you can't really drive it. The error you are getting is most likely either because function returns a pointer to some memory that was not allocated using malloc or it returns a null pointer which you pass to free, which you cannot do.
You should free memory when you will no longer be accessing it. You should not free memory if you will be accessing it. This will give you a lot of pain.
If you don't want memory leak, you have to free the memory from malloc.
It can be very tricky. For example, if the // do some stuff has a continue, the free will be skipped and lead to memory leak. It is tricky, so we have shared_ptr in C++; and rumor has it salary of C programmer is higher than C++ programmer.
Sometimes we don't care memory leak. If the memory holds something that is needed during the whole lifetime of execution, you can choose not to free it. Example: a string for environment variable.
PS: Valgrind is a tool to help detect memory bugs. Especially useful for memory leak.
malloc(n) allocates n bytes of memory from a memory location named heap and then returns a void* type of pointer to it. The memory is allocated at runtime. Once you have allocated a memory dynamically, scope does not matter as long as you keep a pointer to it with you(or the address of it specifically). For example:
int* allocate_an_integer_array(int n)
int* p = (int*) (malloc(sizeof(int)*n));
return p;
This functions simply allocates memory from heap equal to n integers and returns a pointer to the first location. The pointer can be used in the calling function as you want to. The SCOPE does not matter as long as the pointer is with you..
free(p) returns the memory to heap.
The only thing you need to remember is to free it as if you don't free it and lose the value of its address, there will bw a memory leak. It is so because according to OS, you are still using the memory as you have not freed it and a memory leak will happen..
Also after freeing just set the value of the pointer to null so that u don't use it again as the same memory may be allocated again at any other time for a different purpose....
So, all you need to do is to be careful...
Hope it helps!

Problem using free() function

I have a C program that uses char *str[xx] staff frequently.
Some of the strings are filled using assignment operator(=) and need not be freed.
But some other(in the same array) are filled using strdup() which needs to be freed at the end of the program:
char *str[10];
both of the string pointers are non null, and freeing str[i] will naturally generate "seg fault".
My problem is that at the end of my program, I don't have a track of which pointer is pointing to a string generated by strdup() . can you help my how I can find the string generated by strdup so that i can free them up?
thank you
Unfortunately there is no language feature by which you can (portably) distinguish a pointer which points to a dynamically allocated memory from the one that doesn't. You can just manually keep a list of indices for which it was allocated dynamically. Or alternatively, choose to ALWAYS allocate on the heap, if performance is not a great issue.
The proper way of handling this is to keep track of what has been dynamically allocated, through malloc() or strdup().
You have to refactor your program to reach this goal.
Perhaps you could use a naming convention to help you remember which is which:
char *str[10];
char *str_p[10];
(or use a structure with a pointer and a flag which indicates that this particular pointer was dynamically allocated)

Should this C pointer be released?

Please excuse my C newbiness.
Consider the following C procedure:
int doSomething() {
char *numbers="123456";
Before this procedure exits should I be releasing the 'numbers' pointer?
No, you didn't malloc it. Why should you release it?
Often, the string is placed in a read only section of the executable.
In C language you don't and can't "release" pointers. Pointers are ordinary scalar variables. There's nothing you can do with them in terms of "releasing" or anything like that.
What one can be "releasing" is the memory a pointer is pointing to. But in C you only have to release memory that was explicitly allocated by malloc/calloc/realloc. Such memory is released by calling free.
Note again, that in your program you might have several (a hundred) pointers pointing to the same block of allocated memory. Eventually, you'll have to release that memory block. But regardless of how many pointers you have pointing to that block, you have to release that memory block exactly once. It is your responsibility to make sure that you release it. And it is your responsibility to make sure you released it exactly once. I'm telling you this just to illustrate the fact that what you release is the memory block, not the pointers.
In your example, your pointer points to a memory block that was never allocated by any of the aforementioned functions. This immediately means that you don't need to release anything.
No, there is no need to do so, and doing so is incorrect (thanks dmckee). The character string will be in the data segment of the binary, so it can't be freed. The memory was not dynamically allocated.
"numbers" will be on the stack, so it will go away when the function returns.
you don't actually need to call delete or free , these operators are only used to clean up memory that have been allocated my runtime memory allocator like malloc, calloc , GlobalAlloC, HeapAlloc and so forth. When you define a pointer like in the example you are actually allocating space for array of character in the the execuatable file. so bigger the string length bigger will be the executable size thus increasing your working set.
No; there's nothing to release. The string literal "123456" is an array of char (const char in C++) with static extent. The memory for it is allocated at program startup and held until the program exits. All you've done is assign the address of the string literal to numbers; you haven't actually allocated any memory.
NO, since it was not allocated by malloc/ calloc / realloc.
It will be automatically "freed" because it is an automatic variable.
No, it points to pre-allocated memory in process data segment. Only free(3) what you have malloc(2)-ed (modulo some library functions like getaddrinfo(3)/freeaddrinfo(3).)

Memory leak question in C after moving pointer (What exactly is deallocated?)

I realize the code sample below is something you should never do. My question is just one of interest. If you allocate a block of memory, and then move the pointer (a no-no), when you deallocate the memory, what is the size of the block that is deallocated, and where is it in memory? Here's the contrived code snippet:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char* s = malloc(1024);
strcpy(s, "Some string");
// Advance the pointer...
s += 5;
// Prints "string"
printf("%s\n", s);
* What exactly are the beginning and end points of the memory
* block now being deallocated?
return 0;
Here is what I think I happens. The memory block being deallocated begins with the byte that holds the letter "s" in "string". The 5 bytes that held "Some " are now lost.
What I'm wondering is: Are the 5 bytes whose location in memory immediately follows the end of the original 1024 bytes deallocated as well, or are they just left alone?
Anyone know for sure what is it the compiler does? Is it undefined?
You cannot pass a pointer that was not obtained from a malloc, calloc or realloc to free (except NULL).
Question 7.19 in the C FAQ is relevant to your question.
The consequences of invoking undefined behavior are explained here.
It's undefined behavior in the standard, so you can't rely on anything.
Remember that blocks are artificially delimited areas of memory, and don't automatically
show up. Something has to keep track of the block, in order to free everything necessary and nothing more. There's no possible termination, like C strings, since there's no value or combination of values that can be guaranteed not to be inside the block.
Last I looked, there were two basic implementation practices.
One is to keep a separate record of allocated blocks, along with the address allocated. The free() function looks up the block to see what to free. In this case, it's likely to simply not find it, and may well just do nothing. Memory leak. There are, however, no guarantees.
One is to keep the block information in a part of memory just before the allocation address. In this case, free() is using part of the block as a block descriptor, and depending on what's stored there (which could be anything) it will free something. It could be an area that's too small, or an area that's too large. Heap corruption is very likely.
So, I'd expect either a memory leak (nothing gets freed), or heap corruption (too much is marked free, and then reallocated).
Yes, it is undefined behavior. You're essentially freeing a pointer you didn't malloc.
You cannot pass a pointer you did not obtain from malloc (or calloc or realloc...) to free. That includes offsets into blocks you did obtain from malloc. Breaking this rule could result in anything happening. Usually this ends up being the worst imaginable possibility at the worst possible moment.
As a further note, if you wanted to truncate the block, there's a legal way to do this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
char *new_s;
char *s = malloc(1024);
strcpy(s, "Some string");
new_s = realloc(s, 5);
if (!new_s) {
printf("Out of memory! How did this happen when we were freeing memory? What a cruel world!\n");
s = new_s;
s[4] = 0; // put the null terminator back on
printf("%s\n", s); // prints Some
return 0;
realloc works both to enlarge and shrink memory blocks, but may (or may not) move the memory to do so.
It is not the compiler that does it, it is the standard library. The behavior is undefined. The library knows that it allocated the original s to you. The s+5 is not assigned to any memory block known by the library, even though it happens to be inside a known block. So, it won't work.
What I'm wondering is: Are the 5 bytes whose location in memory immediately follows the end of the original 1024 bytes deallocated as well, or are they just left alone?
Both. The result is undefined so a compiler is free to do either of those, or anything else they'd like really. Of course (as with all cases of "undefined behavior") for a particular platform and compiler there is a specific answer, but any code that relies on such behavior is a bad idea.
Calling free() on a ptr that wasnt allocated by malloc or its brethren is undefined.
Most implementations of malloc allocate a small (typically 4byte) header region immediately before the ptr returned. Which means when you allocated 1024 bytes, malloc actually reserved 1028 bytes. When free( ptr ) is called, if ptr is not 0, it inspects the data at ptr - sizeof(header). Some allocators implement a sanity check, to make sure its a valid header, and which might detect a bad ptr, and assert or exit. If there is no sanity check, or it erroneously passes, free routine will act on whatever data happens to be in the header.
Adding to the more formal answers: I'd compare the mechanics of this to one taking a book in the library (malloc), then tearing off a few dozen pages together with the cover (advance the pointer), and then attempting to return it (free).
You might find a librarian (malloc/free library implementation) that takes such a book back, but in a lot of case I'd expect you would pay a fine for negligent handling.
In the draft of C99 (I don't have the final C99 handy in front of me), there is something to say on this topic:
The free function causes the space pointed to by ptr to be deallocated,
that is, made available for further allocation. If ptr is a null pointer, no action
occurs. Otherwise, if the argument does not match a pointer earlier returned
by the calloc, malloc, or realloc function, or if the space has been
deallocated by a call to free or realloc, the behaviour is undefined.
In my experience, a double free or the free of the "pointer" that was not returned via malloc will result in a memory corruption and/or crash, depending on your malloc implementation. The security people from both sides of the fence used this behaviour not once, in order to do various interesting things at least in early versions of the widely used Doug Lea's malloc package.
The library implementation might put some data structure before the pointer it returns to you. Then in free() it decrements the pointer to get at the data structure telling it how to place the memory back into the free pool. So the 5 bytes at the beginning of your string "Some " is interpreted as the end of the struct used by the malloc() algorithm. Perhaps the end of a 32 bit value, like the size of memory allocated, or a link in a linked list. It depends on the implementation. Whatever the details, it'll just crash your program. As Sinan points out, if you're lucky!
Let's be smart here... free() is not a black hole. At the very least, you have the CRT source code. Beyond that, you need the kernel source code.
Sure, the behavior is undefined in that it is up to the CRT/OS to decide what to do. But that doesn't prevent you from finding out what your platform actualy does.
A quick look into the Windows CRT shows that free() leads right to HeapFree() using a CRT specific heap. Beoyond that you're into RtlHeapFree() and then into system space (NTOSKRN.EXE) with the memory manager Mm*().
There are consistancey checks throughout all these code paths. But doing differnt things to the memory will cause differnt code paths. Hence the true definition of undefined.
At a quick glance, I can see that an allocated block of memory has a marker at the end. When the memory is freed, each byte is written over with a distinct byte. The runtime can do a check to see if the end of block marker was overwritten and raise an exception if so.
This is a posiblility in your case of freeing memory a few bytes into your block (or over-writing your allocated size). Of course you can trick this and write the end of block marker yourself at the correct location. This will get you past the CRT check, but as the code-path goes futher, more undefined behavoir occurs. Three things can happen: 1) absolutely no harm, 2) memory corruption within the CRT heap, or 3) a thrown exception by any of the memory management functions.
Short version: It's undefined behavior.
Long version: I checked the CWE site and found that, while it's a bad idea all around, nobody seemed to have a solid answer. Probably because it's undefined.
My guess is that most implementations, assuming they don't crash, would either free 1019 bytes (in your example), or else free 1024 and get a double free or similar on the last five. Just speaking theoretically for now, it depends on whether the malloc routine's internal storage tables contains an address and a length, or a start address and an end address.
In any case, it's clearly not a good idea. :-)
