Can't select "Build Solution" - sql-server

I am getting trouble to use Build solution in Visual Studio.
I was building data cube and I needed to use Build solution to finalize my project.
However, I couldn't find Build solution from the Build menu.
For example ....
It should be like this then I can choose build solution option
However, when I tried on my laptop...
I was unable to find these options...
I am not really sure about my mistakes....
My data was built by SQL Server 2008 R2 and I was using Visual Studio (which came with SQL Server)
Does anybody know solution to this problem?

From the second screenshot that you posted, it looks like you don't have a solution open, just the project that was contained in the solution. A Visual Studio solution file is usually a .sln file, and if you open it up in Notepad you'll see that it's just an XML file which describes project(s) it contains (the actual project files are different, the solution just makes reference to the project filenames). Make sure you get the .sln file to your laptop and open that, not the project file.

Right click on the solution or Project node which is on the Solution-Explorer. There should be Build menu item.
Or may be the Visual Studio coming with SQL 2008 R2 doesn't have that functionality?


How to create software .exe file attached it with database which can able to run on different machine?

i have developed application using for windows system. which have sql server 2008 database and also includes crystal reports. and i want to create .exe of project. For distribution.Then how can i do that. Please help.. I am trying to do this with visual studio 2010.. Using traditional method...
1.Go to File | Add and click New Project.
2.In the Add New Project dialog box, select Other Project 3.Types and choose the Setup And Deployment Projects folder..and so on..till adding project output and primary output.but after clicking on primary output it give message like..The following files may have dependencies that can not be determinited automatically. Please confirm that all dependencies have been added to the project c:\windows\system32 \macromed\flash\flash.ocx.. Please help me to solve this..
Your question and your error arent related.
For your client, you need to install Sql Express.
LocalDB deployment on client PC
For the flash error, you need to check where you are using flash and make sure is also installed.

T-SQL IntelliSense does not work on some solutions

I have a solution in Visual Studio 2013, where among the others I have also a Database project. This project contains some .sql written in T-SQL.
IntelliSence and Parse (SQL (on visual studio menu) > Parse) do not work. I have gone through this Troubleshooting guide and many question on SO, but nothing worked.
As I understand is something in project setting that I need to configure or some leftovers I need to clean.
Any suggestions ?
In brief
IntelliSence is enable
SQL CMD is Disabled
In SQL Server Explorer there is an entry (localdb)\ProjectsV12 containing my DB.
Other solutions opened on the same instance of visual studio work fine
ReSharper is installed but is not the issue (I also tried without it)
The solution (the one that has issues) was created in a previous version of Visual Studio.
Update 15/12/2015
After some digging I found out that the issue may has something to do with the .v12.suo file (which is located alongside with .sln file and is hidden). Copping this file from a similar solution (one that IntelliSence works) eliminates the problem.
Another workaround that it may help, is to go to the "Database Project" properties (right click on the project in Solution Explorer and then select Properties), on the Debug tab and press Restore Default in "Target Connection String". In my case this just changes the Initial Catalog= value to Database and like "magic" IntelliSence works again! (in some cases it may need to restart the Visual Studio)
After this even if I restore (using Edit) the "Target Connection String" to the previous values the IntelliSence continues to work.

How to manage files locally in Visual Studio 2013

I am pretty new to Visual Studio, so sorry for this stupid question.
I have no idea how to manage my files locally. All I can find is some Github or TFS support. So where is this view for managing files and foldes in VS?
View > Solution Explorer. The files should open up on the right or the left if you have your solution open already. If you do not have it open just do a File > Open
The solution explorer will allow you to see all the files to edit delete and add.

Can't drag stored procedure onto dbml designer

I'm trying to do a simple call to a database stored procedure from a C# application.
I'm following a guide like, e.g., this one or this one.
Both of these have the same basic steps.
Add a LINQ to SQL .dbml item to my project
Connect to a database in Server Explorer
Drag a stored procedure from the Server Explorer onto my .dbml designer window
But step 3 doesn't work. I have my stored procedure and my designer window, but I can't drag the sproc. I don't get a plus sign, or a "not allowed" sign. It's just a non-dragable object.
I can't find another way to add my sproc to the .dbml file. And I can't find anyone else who has had this problem. Every source simply says to drag it over.
What could I be doing wrong here?
Turns out the solution was that I had the wrong version of a .dll for Visual Studio.
I noticed I was getting exceptions when performing actions in the Server Explorer. Googling the exceptions led to this question which points to this dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\Visual Database Tools\dsref80.dll
as the issue.
I replaced it with the corresponding copy from one of my teammates and it now works fine.
I had also installed VS 11 Beta and the designer was working fine until I uninstalled it. I had to delete the DLL manually at the above location and repair the installation by finding Visual Studio 2010 in Programs and Features and selecting Uninstall/Change and then Repair. The installer will replace the DLL file that was deleted with the correct version.
For anyone that can drag the sproc, but sees no result (the sproc simply does not show up in the functions pane): make sure that the sproc only returns datatypes that L2S understands. For example you can not return a geography field.
Editing .dbml files with a designer surface requires the LINQ to SQL tools which are not installed by default as part of any of the workloads of Visual Studio 2017. It can be installed by selecting the "LINQ to SQL tools" item under the "Code Tools" category in the "Individual Components" tab of the Visual Studio installer.

Anyone know how to edit the VC++ directories in Visual Studio 2008?

Right now we are configuring a lab at the college to use the DarkGDK with Visual Studio 2008. Here is a link for those of you who are unfamiliar: check it out here
Considering how tedious the installation and setup is, I've decided to write a batch script for an unattended installation which is working fine. In order for it to be finished though, I have to somehow find a way to add some global Vc++ directories through the tools->options->projects and solutions->vc++ directories dialog box within visual studio.
This script is also going to be used by students to install dark on their own PCs so configuring one machine and re-imaging the lab is not an option.
Does anyone know where VS2008 reads and writes this data? I'm talking specifically about the include and lib directories. At this point I'm thinking that I can just append the directories to this file or write a registry key if I have to (as much as I hate to mess with the registry).
Also if anyone knows of a command to add these paths that would be much easier.
Visual Studio reads and writes the pathnames to a file called vccomponents.dat which is located in the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0 directory
