Rhodes mobile: How to get the current action? - mobile

I'm creating a pagination partial here, and I would like it to work from any controller/action.
I'm trying something like: url_for(:query => {:page => 2}) for example.
it works, but it redirects for the controller_root?page=2
I need it be controller_root/current_action?page=2
I tryed url_for(:action => action_name, :query => ...) but it didn't work.
is there any method that returns the current action?

ok, i found it at #request['action']


Paginator Not Found when page number specified

I manually set the CakePHP Pagination values in my Usergals Controller like so, so as to Paginate a related Model (TreasuresUsergal) on the view of Usergal. Here is a simplified snippet from the UsergalController:
public function view($id = null) {
$options['joins'] = array(
array('table' => 'treasures',
'alias' => 'Treasure2',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array(
'Treasure2.id = TreasuresUsergal.treasure_id',
$this->Paginator->settings = $options;
So in the above example, $id is the value passed to the view function from the URL. There is a live example of this here:
As you can see, it works just fine for a single page. However, today I tested the Paginator in the view and discovered the "next" button does not work. The Counter, sorting, and Page numbers all load correctly - but anytime the actual named parameter "page:n" is passed (when n is greater than 1) I get a Not Found page with the following error:
Not Found
Error: The requested address '/usergals/view/20/page:2?url=%2Fusergals%2Fview%2F20' was not found on this server.
I must be missing something simple - I have experimented with the routes a little, but haven't been able to figure it out. Or perhaps I am missing some Paginator options? Or does it think its OutOfBounds when its not?
After some messing around, I have devised this workaround. Not as nice as I'd like, but here is the basic idea (error handling, etc can be added)
First, I added a check in beforeFilter to see if page paramter was set. If so, I change it to 'p' parameter and redirect.
I did this here because otherwise I had problems with the Not Found exception (see notes at bottom). So, in beforeFilter:
if (isset($this->params['named']['page'])){
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'view/'.$this->params['pass'][0])+$newurl);
Then, in the 'view' function of the same controller, I added this along with the other Paginator options:
if (isset($this->params['named']['p'])) $options['page']=$this->params['named']['p'];
With this, the standard Paginator behavior seems to work fine in the view. Prev, next, etc.
If anyone has a better suggestion, I would love to hear it. I don't like the idea of having to redirect, but it works for now.
It's worth noting that adding this code (even just to experiment) - caused all of my pagination counts to stop working. The query in debug was correct, but the displayed counts were wrong:
try {
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {

CakePHP : Check authorizations in views

I am using CakePHP in my project and I am looking for a proper way to check advanced user rights in my views.
I have several pages in which the contents depend of your rights (you can view some blocks or not, edit some infos or not, etc...)
I searched and the only way I found is to implement an Auth Helper, but I thought the best way to to that is to implement methods in my "UserController" (such as canPerformAction($action, $controller = 'default_controller')), am I wrong ? And if I'm right, how to call that methods properly ?
EDIT : More precisions
For example I have an action "editEventProducts" that a user can perform only if he's the event owner and if the event status is <= 2.
I check that in my controller "isAuthorized" function, works like a charm.
But I have a page called "eventDetails", form which you can perfom several actions such as this one, and I want to show the edit button, only if you can do it.
If fact what I need is the output of the "isAuthorized" function for each action that you can call, but can I properly get it from a view ?
I implemented a Auth helper who does several check such as this one, which is finally a whitelist check, depending of the status of my event, hope it will help, the code :
App::uses('AppHelper', 'View/Helper');
class AuthHelper extends AppHelper {
var $helpers = array('Session');
private $_whitelist = array(
'controller1' => array(
'events' => array(
'action1' => array(1 => true, 2 => true),
'action2' => array(1 => true, 2 => true),
'action3' => array(3 => true),
'action4' => array(6 => true)
'user' => array(
'controller1' => array(
'action1' => array(1 => true, 2 => true),
'action2' => array(1 => true, 2 => true)
public function canPerformAction ($action, $event_infos, $controller = 'events') {
return isset($this->_whitelist[$this->Session->read('Auth.User.role')][$controller][$action][$event_infos['Event']['state_id']]);
It sounds to me like you just want to render some parts of a view based on the permissions of the user. Well, in this case I think a helper is the right choice. The user should already have all the permissions he has loaded - except they're very fine grained and you got thousands of permissions.
Check this AuthHelper, it allows you to check if the user is logged in, for a role or a set of roles in a field. Alternatively implement your own solution to match whatever your permission system is.
Note that the helper relies on passing the user data to the view in a view variable. It can be also configured to read the data from the auth part of the session directly.
Here is the example taken from it's documentation:
if ($this->Auth->isLoggedIn()) {
echo __('Hello %s!', $this->Auth->user('username'));
if ($this->Auth->isMe($record['Record']['user_id']) {
// or your edit button here
echo '<h2>' . __('Your records') . '</h2>';
if ($this->Auth->hasRole('admin') {
echo $this->Html->link(__('delete'), array('action' => 'delete'));
What you need is called authorization, and is the process of granting/denying actions usually built on top of an authentication step, which maps HTTP requests to logical users.
The authorization scheme can be implemented in a number of ways, for example with simple role-based rules, where users are grouped exactly for the purpose of assigning rights, or with more complex ACL (access control lists). Both can be adopted at the same time for different parts of the system, depending on your needs.
Whatever scheme you pick, you absolutely need to query it at the beginning of your controllers actions (if applicable, you may and up with a standardized authorization filter in your AppController), because the HTTP request doesn't need to come from a previously sent HTTP page, but could be a (possibly) malicious, hand-craften one. Also, you'll likely need to adjust the UI after the user rights. Maybe you'll better start with a bunch of if statements, and then after some days of work you'll be able to identify your needs and build your libraries/helpers/blocks/whatever to avoid code duplication and easing reading the templates.
If you have predefined user permissions (like 'admin', 'moderator', 'editor', 'publisher'...) you can just read the user role and current action in the controller function isAuthorized and set it to true or false.
If you want custom permissions per user, you can store those values in the database, read them in the isAuthorized function and make your logic to determine if you should allow him or not.
My solution to this was a separate table user_permissions that was something like this:
user_id | action
where action would be `controller/action' or 'view/block' or whatever you want to save there.
I would read all values for current user in the controller and if the current controller/action was found in the array, i'd set isAuthorized to true. You can apply your logic to the blocks also.
You can call function of controller from view using
requestAction(string $url, array $options)
Or you can create your custom Helper which will do this for you!

Passing data from CakePHP component to a helper

I need to share data between a component and helper. I'm converting my self-made payment service formdata generator to a CakePHP plugin and I'd like to be able to fill in the payment data from the controller(using a component) and use a helper to print out the data.
Everything I've tried so far have felt a little too hacky, so let me ask you: Is there any elegant way to pass data from a component to a helper?
I solved this particular situation by adding the original formadata class instance to ClassRegistry during the component initialization. This way the helper too can access the instance using ClassRegistry.
However, this only works for objects, so the question remains open.
Having a similar problem, I found this solution to work best for me.
You could use the helper's __construct method in pair with $controller->helpers array.
Since the Helper::_construct() is called after the Component::beforeRender, you can modify the $controller->helpers['YourHelperName'] array to pass the data to your helper.
Component code:
public function beforeRender($controller){
$controller->helpers['YourHelperName']['data'] = array('A'=>1, 'B'=>2);
Helper code:
function __construct($View, $settings){
/* outputs:
'data' => array(
'A' => (int) 1,
'B' => (int) 2
I am using CakePHP 2.0, so this solution should be tested for earlier versions.
Is there any elegant way to pass data from a component to a helper?
Yes, the same way you pass any data to the helper. In your view.
Inside your component I would do something like the following. The beforeRender() action is a CakePHP component callback.
public function beforeRender(Controller $controller) {
$yourVars = 'some data';
$goHere = 'other stuff';
$controller->set(compact('yourVars', 'goHere'));
Then in your view you can pass the data off to your helpers just like normal.
// view or layout *.ctp file
In addition to what #Vanja, you can also do this just prior to instantiating a new view in your controller:
// In your controller method
// must be set prior to instantiating view
$this->helpers['YourHelperName']['paramsOrAnyName'] = ['var' => $passed_var];
$_newView = new View($this);
$return_result = $_newView->render($element_to_view, $layout);

How to pass data in url using cakephp?

I wanted to now if there is a way to pass a simple string inside url and cakephp some how put it inside one of the inputs of my form without any code writing on view side?
I tried calling this->set("bla","bla"); the field name is bla
but nothing changed in view
As I understood the question you want to have something like this:
in the url you have something like:
and you want to put this "string" in the search field, right?
Then let's imagine that your field's name is data[search_field]. (I am skipping the model, because for my example it's not needed, but it's possible the name to be data[Model][search_field]).
Then in your controller's action you have to do following:
$this->data['search_string'] = $this->params['url']['search'];
You can pass values in the url by using html helper. Try:
echo $this->Html->link('View Some Page', array(
'controller' => 'yourController',
'action' => 'view',
1, // id
'?' => array('yourField' => 'valueToPass'))

CakePHP strange behavior with beforeFilter: I cannot set the variables to the view

Okay, this will require some setup:
I'm working on a method of using nice post title "slugs" in the URL's of my cakePHP powered blog.
For example: /blog/post-title-here instead of /blog/view_post/123.
Since I'm obviously not going to write a new method for every post, I'm trying to be slick and use CakePHP callbacks to emulate the behavior of PHP 5's __call() magic method. For those who do not know, CakePHP's dispatcher checks to see if a method exists and throws a cakePHP error before __call() can be invoked in the controller.
What I've done so far:
In the interest of full disclosure ('cause I have no Idea why I'm having a problem) I've got two routes:
Router::connect('/blog/:action/*', array('controller' => 'blog_posts'));
Router::connect('/blog/*', array('controller' => 'blog_posts'));
These set up an alias for the BlogPostsController so that my url doesn't look like /blog_posts/action
Then in the BlogPostsController:
public function beforeFilter() {
if (!in_array($this->params['action'], $this->methods)) {
$this->setAction('single_post', $this->params['action']);
public function single_post($slug = NULL) {
$post = $this->BlogPost->get_post_by_slug($slug);
$this->set('post', $post);
The beforeFilter catches actions that do not exist and passes them to my single_post method. single_post grabs the data from the model, and sets a variable $post for the view.
There's also an index method that displays the 10 most recent posts.
Here's the confounding part:
You'll notice that there is a $this->render method that is commented-out above.
When I do not call $this->render('single_post'), the view renders once, but the $post variable is not set.
When I do call $this->render('single_post'), The view renders with the $post variable set, and then renders again with it not set. So in effect I get two full layouts, one after the other, in the same document. One with the content, and one without.
I've tried using a method named single_post and a method named __single_post and both have the same problem. I would prefer the end result to be a method named __single_post so that it cannot be accessed directly with the url /blog/single_post.
I've not yet coded error handling for when the post does not exist (so that when people type random things in the url they don't get the single_post view). I plan on doing that after I figure out this problem.
This doesn't explicitly answer your question, but I'd just forego the whole complexity by solving the problem using only routes:
// Whitelist other public actions in BlogPostsController first,
// so they're not caught by the catch-all slug rule.
// This whitelists BlogPostsController::other() and ::actions(), so
// the URLs /blog/other/foo and /blog/actions/bar still work.
array('controller' => 'blog_posts'),
array('action' => 'other|actions'));
// Connect all URLs not matching the above, like /blog/my-frist-post,
// to BlogPostsController::single_post($slug). Optionally use RegEx to
// filter slug format.
array('controller' => 'blog_posts', 'action' => 'single_post'),
array('pass' => array('slug') /*, 'slug' => 'regex for slug' */));
Note that the above routes depend on a bug fix only recently, as of the time of this writing, incorporated into Cake (see http://cakephp.lighthouseapp.com/projects/42648/tickets/1197-routing-error-when-using-regex-on-action). See the edit history of this post for a more compatible solution.
As for the single_post method being accessible directly: I won't. Since the /blog/:slug route catches all URLs that start with /blog/, it'll catch /blog/single_post and invoke BlogPostsController::single_post('single_post'). You will then try to find a post with the slug "single_post", which probably won't exist. In that case, you can throw a 404 error:
function single_post($slug) {
$post = $this->BlogPost->get_post_by_slug($slug);
if (!$post) {
// business as usual here
Error handling: done.
