How can I combine these two arrays into a matrix? - arrays

In MATLAB, if I define 2 matrices like:
A = [1:10];
B = [1:11];
How do I make matrix C with column 1 equal to A and column 2 equal to B? I cannot find any answers online. Sorry if I used the wrong MATLAB terminology for this scenario.

Well, to accomplish this you first need to make sure that A and B are the same length. In your example, A has 10 elements and B has 11, so that won't work.
However, assuming A and B have the same number of elements, this will do the trick:
C = [A(:) B(:)];
This first reshapes A and B into column vectors using single-colon indexing, then concatenates them horizontally.

if A,B same length, then can just type
C=[A' B']


Julia: Questions about array where the dimension is not determined

I have two beginner's questions:
(1) I want to reshape an array, but dimensions come from a vector which can be a variable. For example,
A = ones(120,1)
b = [2,3,4,5]
I can write
C = reshape(A,2,3,4,5)
But in case b can vary, I want something like
C = reshape(A,b)
This code works in Matlab. Is there an analog in Julia?
(2) I want to slice a high-dimensional array, while keeping the dimensions flexible. In the example above, I fix the last dimension:
etc. The problem is to find an efficient way: For an array of any dimensions, I can always fix the last dimension and extract values.
Any help will be highly appreciated!
(1) C = reshape(A,b...)
(2) EllipsisNotation.jl provides a .. operator, so C[..,1] does what you want.
And there is C[ntuple(x->:, ndims(C)-1)..., 1] for (2) if you don't want to install a package.

Stop Matlab from treating a 1xn matrix as a column vector

I'm very frustrated with MATLAB right now. Let me illustrate the problem. I'm going to use informal notation here.
I have a column cell vector of strings called B. For now, let's say B = {'A';'B';'C';'D'}.
I want to have a matrix G, which is m-by-n, and I want to replace the numbers in G with the respective elements of B... For example, let's say G is [4 3; 2 1]
Let's say I have a variable n which says how many rows of G I want to take out.
When I do B(G(1:2,:)), I get what I want ['D' 'C'; 'B' 'A']
However, if I do B(G(1:1,:)) I get ['D';'C'] when what I really want to get is ['D' 'C']
I am using 1:n, and I want it to have the same behavior for n = 1 as it does for n = 2 and n = 3. Basically, G actually is a n-by-1500 matrix, and I want to take the top n rows and use it as indexes into B.
I could use an if statement that transposes the result if n = 1 but that seems so unnecessary. Is there really no way to make it so that it stops treating my 1-by-n matrix as if it was a column vector?
According to this post by Loren Shure:
Indexing with one array C = A(B) produces output the size of B unless both A and B are vectors.
When both A and B are vectors, the number of elements in C is the number of elements in B and with orientation of A.
You are in second case, hence the behaviour you see.
To make it work, you need to maintain the output to have as many columns as in G. To achieve the same, you can do something like this -
out = reshape(B(G(1:n,:)),[],size(G,2))
Thus, with n = 1:
out =
'D' 'C'
With n = 2:
out =
'D' 'C'
'B' 'A'
I think this will only happen in 1-d case. In default, matlab will return column vector since it is the way how it stores matrix. If you want a row vector, you could just use transpose. Well in my opinion it should be fine when n > 1.

Multiplying array columns by vector

I'm new to R and I am certain that this is simple yet I can't seem to find an answer. I have an array [36,21,12012], and I need to multiply all of the columns by a vector of the same length to create a new array of the same dimensions.
If v is your vector and a is your array, in your case it would be as simple as v * a, because arrays are built column-wise. But in general, you would use sweep. For example to multiply along the rows, sweep(a, MARGIN=2, STATS=v, FUN='*').

MATLAB: Defining n subsets of a matrix

I have a 1974x1 vector, Upper, and I am trying to break the information up into individual arrays of 36 items each. So, I used length to find that there are 1974 items and then divided by 36 and used the floor function. I cannot figure out how to do it all with n.
Here is my logic: I am defining n in an attempt to find the number of subsets that need to be defined. Then, I am trying to have subsetn become subset1, subset2,...,subset36. However, MATLAB only definies the matrix subsetn as a 1x36 matrix. However, this matrix contains what subset1 is supposed to contain(1...36). Do you guys have any advice for a newbie? What am I doing wrong?
binSize = 36;
nData = length(Upper);
nBins = floor(nData/36);
nDiscarded = nData - binSize*nBins;
subsetn= [(n-1)*binSize+1:n*binSize];
You can create a 54x36 array where the nth column is your nth subset.
You can access the nth subset as subsetArray(:,n)
Sorry in advance if I misunderstood what you want to do.
I think the following little trick might do what you want (it's hacky, but I'm no Matlab expert):
[a, b] = meshgrid(0:nBins-1, 0:binSize-1)
inds = a*binSize + b + 1
Now inds is a nBins*binSize matrix of indices. You can index Upper with it like
which should give you the subsets as the columns in the resulting matrix.
Edit: on seeing Yoda's answer, his is better ;)

MATLAB: comparing all elements in three arrays

I have three 1-d arrays where elements are some values and I want to compare every element in one array to all elements in other two.
For example:
I want to know if there are same values in different arrays (in this case there are 3,5,8)
The answer given by AB is correct, but it is specific for the case when you have 3 arrays that you are comparing. There is another alternative that will easily scale to any number of arrays of arbitrary size. The only assumption is that each individual array contains unique (i.e. non-repeated) values:
>> allValues = sort([a(:); b(:); c(:)]); %# Collect all of the arrays
>> repeatedValues = allValues(diff(allValues) == 0) %# Find repeated values
repeatedValues =
If the arrays contains repeated values, you will need to call UNIQUE on each of them before using the above solution.
Leo is almost right, should be
unique([intersect(a,[b,c]), intersect(b,c)])
ans =
3 5 8
I think this works for all matrices.
Define what you mean by compare. If the arrays are of the same length, and you are comparing equality then you can just do foo == bar -- it's vectorized. If you need to compare in the less than/greater than sense, you can do sign(foo-bar). If the arrays are not the same length and/or you aren't comparing element-wise -- please clarify what you'd like the output of the comparison to be. For instance,
foo = 1:3;
bar = [1,2,4];
baz = 1:2;
sign(repmat(foo',1,length([bar,baz])) - repmat([bar, baz],length(foo),1))
# or, more concisely:
does what you ask for, but there is probably a better way depending on what you want as an output.
EDIT (OP clarified question):
To find common elements in the 3 arrays, you can simply do:
>> [intersect(a,[b,c]), intersect(b,c)]
ans =
8 3 5
