How can we make foreign key among tables after inserting data in those tables? - sql-server

I have created tables in sql server. And i have also inserted data/rows in that tables.
Now i want to make relationship among them means i want to create foreign key constraints among them, is it possible ?
Whenever i try to create relationship among table a problem is occured. "Saving changes is permitted, The changes you made required table to re-created and dropped"
Please suggest me what should i do to make relationship(foreign key) among them ?
My Child table design is this
this is my parent table:-
please now right what alter query i should write..?

You can try this link
"Error message when you try to save a table in SQL Server 2008: "Saving changes is not permitted"
Another solution is below.

I think the problem is because of a feature when using the GUI. If you have a look at this link it shows you how to work round it. It is a feature which prevents you from dropping and recreating the table which is what SSMS does in the background when you click ok.
The code provided by the previous posted is the best way to do this.

You could do this with a script like this:
alter table ChildTable
add constraint FK_ChildTable_ColumnName foreign key (ColumnName) references ParentTable(PrimaryKeyColumnName)
[Edit] If I read your description correctly the script would be:
alter table emp
add constraint FK_emp_salary foreign key(salary) references testing(roll)

You can only add foreign constraints that aren't violated by existing data. You may also have to add suitable indices first, although this depends on the DBMS. In any case, first make sure your existing data is compatible with the foreign keys you want to introduce. In other words, if you were to create the foreign key first, and then insert the data, you should not produce any foreign key violations.


SQL Server: foreign key showing one to one relation instead of one to many

From some mystical reason I starter the database design with the inbuilt Database Diagrams GUI designer (Server Management Studio), actually I only did the first 2 tables (users and product) there rest were done using query commands.
It turns out that at the end there’s something I didn’t expect between:
users (table)
I’ve created a foreign key column (“users_id”) in the “product” table pointing to the “users” table (column “users_id”).
Instead of having a one to many relation It seem to be a one to one relation?
Users table is referencing the product table and I don’t want this.
What is the problem?
edit: 4-sep-2014 10:48
I've droped the FK_product_TO_users constraint and created a new one, but still the results are the same.
CONSTRAINT FK_product_TO_users
FOREIGN KEY (users_id)
REFERENCES users (users_id)
edit: 4-sep-2014 12:51
I've rebuilt the database, by using just Queries with no GUI help in the table design. The problem related to FK_product_TO_users was fixed, still I don't know why.
It comes out that after the resolution the same issue is present in two other tables with 2 FK relations.
Besides this, inputting data in those tables seems to work fine.
I'm wondering if this is just a bug of the GUI in the Database Diagram?
This is really interesting one.
You can do one thing: just delete the key FK_product_to_users and rebuild the key.
You do NOT need to delete users_id from product table.

Can't work around this foreign key constraint rule using TRIGGER in SQLite?

First, I want to talk a little about the Foreign key constraint rule and how helpful it is. Suppose I have two tables, a primary table with the primary column called ID, the other table is the foreign one which also has a primary column called ID. This column in the foreign table refers to the ID column in the primary table. If we don't establish any Foreign key relation/constraint between those tables, we may fall foul of many problems related to integrity.
If we create the foreign key relation for them, any changes to the ID column in primary table will 'auto' reflect to the ID column in the foreign table, changes here can be made by DELETE, UPDATE queries. Moreover, any changes to the ID in the foreign table should be constrained by the ID column in the primary table, for example there shouldn't any new value inserted or updated in the ID column of the foreign table unless it does exist in the ID column of the primary table.
I know that SQLite doesn't support foreign key constraint (with full functions as detailed above) and I have to use TRIGGER to work around this problem. I have used TRIGGER to work around successfully in one way (Any changes to the ID column in the primary table will refect to the ID column in the foreign table) but the reverse way (should throw/raise any error if there is a confict occurs, for example, there are only values 1,2,3 in the ID column of the primary table, but the value 2 in the ID column of the foreign table is updated to 4 -> not exist in the primary table -> should throw error) is not easy. The difficult is SQLite doesn't also support IF statement and RAISERROR function. If these features were supported, I could work around easily.
I wonder how you can use SQLite if it doesn't support some important features? Even working around by using TRIGGER is not easy and I think it's impossible, except that you don't care about the reverse way. (In fact, the reverse way is not really necessary if you set up your SQL queries carefully, but who can make sure? Raising error is a mechanism reminding us to fix and correct and making it work exactly without corrupting data and the bugs can't be invisible.
If you still don't know what I want, I would like to have some last words, my purpose is to achieve the full functionality of the Foreign key constraint which is not supported in SQLite (even you can create such a relationship but it's fake, not real as you can benefit from it in SQL Server, SQL Server Ce, MS Access or MySQL).
Your help would be highly appreciated.
PS: I really like SQLite because it is file-based, easy to deploy, supports large file size (an advantage over SQL Server Ce) but some missing features have made me re-think many times, I'm afraid if going for it, my application may be unreliable and corrupt unpredictably.
To answer the question that you have skillfully hidden in your rant:
SQLite allows the RAISE function inside triggers; because of the lack of control flow statements, this must be used with a SELECT:
CREATE TRIGGER check_that_id_exists_in_parent
BEFORE UPDATE OF id ON child_table
SELECT RAISE(ABORT, 'parent ID does not exist')
FROM parent_table
WHERE id =;

SQL Server Foreign Key cause cycles or multiple cascade paths

I'm having problems adding a cascade delete onto a foreign key in SQL Server. Table A has three columns. Column 1 and 2 in Table A are foreign key look ups to the same column in Table B. I want a delete of a row in Table B to cascade a delete on a row on Table A based on these foreign keys.
The other column in Table A has a foreign key lookup to table C. If a row in table C is deleted then I want the corresponding cell to be set to null in Table A.
When I add in these constraints I am thrown the error:
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_RDU_TODELIVERABLEUNITREF' on table 'RelatedDeliverableUnit' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
I am a little stuck with this, Oracle seems perfectly happy with this logic. I am adding in these constraints using Liquibase. I think the error is down to my logic and not syntax but for completeness here is the liquidbase script that manages the foreign keys:
<addForeignKeyConstraint constraintName="FK_RDU_FROMDELIVERABLEUNITREF" baseTableName="relatedDeliverableUnit"
baseColumnNames="FROMDELIVERABLEUNITREF" referencedTableName="DELIVERABLEUNIT" referencedColumnNames="DELIVERABLEUNITREF" onDelete="CASCADE"/>
<addForeignKeyConstraint constraintName="FK_RDU_TODELIVERABLEUNITREF" baseTableName="relatedDeliverableUnit"
baseColumnNames="TODELIVERABLEUNITREF" referencedTableName="DELIVERABLEUNIT" referencedColumnNames="DELIVERABLEUNITREF" onDelete="CASCADE"/>
<addForeignKeyConstraint constraintName="FK_RDU_RELATIONSHIPREF"
baseTableName="relatedDeliverableUnit" baseColumnNames="RELATIONSHIPREF" referencedTableName="RELATIONSHIPTYPES" referencedColumnNames="RELATIONSHIPREF" onDelete="SET NULL"/>
Thanks in advance for any help
I can't find corresponding documentation for later versions, but the SQL Server 2000 BOL addresses this issue:
The series of cascading referential actions triggered by a single DELETE or UPDATE must form a tree containing no circular references. No table can appear more than once in the list of all cascading referential actions that result from the DELETE or UPDATE. The tree of cascading referential actions must not have more than one path to any given table. Any branch of the tree is terminated when it encounters a table for which NO ACTION has been specified or is the default.
And later versions haven't changed this. You're falling foul of this:
The tree of cascading referential actions must not have more than one path to any given table
The only way I know of to accomplish this is to implement one of the cascades between B and A using an INSTEAD OF trigger, rather than using ON DELETE....
The relation between tables A and C shouldn't be impacted by any of this.
(2008 BOL)

changing the primary key value in SQL server 2005

I have a Table which has a Primary Key field which is not set to auto-increment.
I want to change one of these primary keys to something different.
The problem arises with the other tables relations. The thing is, the guy who built this system did not build relations in SQL Server, but rather manually coded some override in the program that uses it - a VB 6 program.
How would I update a Primary Key and all instances of the Primary Key in other databases? I have to manually look for the instances(although I do know they are in only two tables) of the Primary Key and change them, but how do I do that?
Even though the person who first created the tables didn't include foreign keys to them, you can add them now if foreign keys are honored in your tables. When you create the foreign keys, create them with ON UPDATE CASCADE option. This way, when you update your primary key, the related foreign keys will also be updated.
One thing I would suggest is using the query of:
select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns where Column_Name = 'FieldID'
This queries the metadata to see all where that field exists, just in case there are more. Then, just write an update script to change the key, unfortunately its a manual process but being that the relationship is missing it will make scripting easier.

Delete a table referenced by a foreign keys

What is the best way to delete a table referenced by a foreign keys?
Is the intended goal to orphan those records and never use the foreign key again? If so the method mentioned before about disabling the key is fine, otherwise you may want to instead delete the records referencing the table you want to delete first (or update the to point to a more appropriate record, or NULL if that makes sense in this case). I seem to be coming at this from a different direction than others, are you sure the foreign key is pointless, and if so why not just remove it? At some point someone wanted to constraint this behavior, before just disabling constraints I make sure I understand their purpose and have a good justification for bypassing those safeguards.
Remove the foreign key constraint and then delete the table once no-one is forced to recognize it. If the column in the second table (the one not being deleted) is not used elsewhere, then you should probably delete the whole column after removing the constraint.
You need to remove the constraint before you're allowed to delete the table referenced by it. SQL Server uses the following syntax:
ALTER TABLE <table_name> DROP FOREIGN KEY <foreignkey_name>
Keep in mind that the constraint exists on the table that references the one you want to delete so that's the table you should be altering.
Do NOT delete a table with foreign key constraints without considering the impact on the foreign key tables. Let me explain the impact of simply deleting the foreign key and then the table with an example.
Consider two tables - parts and orderdetails. There is a foreign key constraint that says a part must exist before it can be put into the orderdetails table. What is stored in the orderdetail table is the id for the part from the parts table, not the part name or description. Suppose you drop the foreign key and then drop the parts table. Now all the data in the orderdetail table is totally useless because you have no way of knowing what the part ordered was. This would include orders not yet shipped and orders that the customer might call and ask questions about. Further you now have no way to recreate that data except by restoring a backup (hope you have one).
Further suppose you want to drop the table and recreate it to make a change to the table. Then reload the information and put the foreign key back on. In this case you should probaly use alter table instead of drop and recreate but if you don't you may end up with id numbers that are not the same as they were originally and thus now the orders will reference the wrong ids. This can be done safely but you would have to do it very carefully and with a lot of thought as to the consequences.
by using On Delete Cascade
