I am transmitting data from my PIC24H microcontroller over 460Kbaud UART to a bluetooth radio module. Under most conditions, this flow works just fine and the bluetooth module uses CTS and RTS lines to manage flow control when its internal data buffers are full. However, there is a bug of some kind in the bluetooth module that resets it when data is continuously sent to it without any breaks, which happens if my data gets backed up in another bottleneck.
It would be nice if the module worked properly, but that's out of my control. So it seems that my only option is to do some data throttling on my end to make sure I don't exceed the data throughput limits (which I know roughly by experimentation).
My question is how to implement data rate throttling?
My current UART implementation is a RAM circular FIFO buffer 1024 bytes long that the main loop writes data to. A peripheral interrupt is triggered by the PIC when the last byte has been sent out by the UART hardware and my ISR reads the next byte from the buffer and sends it to the UART hardware.
Here's an idea of the source code:
//*************** Interrupt Service routine for UART2 Transmission
void __attribute__ ((interrupt,no_auto_psv)) _U2TXInterrupt(void)
//the UART2 Tx Buffer is empty (!UART_TX_BUF_FULL()), fill it
//Only if data exists in data buffer (!isTxBufEmpty())
while(!isTxBufEmpty()&& !UART_TX_BUF_FULL()) {
{ //Transmit next byte of data
U2TXREG = 0xFF & (unsigned int)txbuf[txReadPtr];
txReadPtr = (txReadPtr + 1) % TX_BUFFER_SIZE;
IFS1bits.U2TXIF = 0;
//return false if buffer overrun
BOOL writeStrUART(WORD length, BYTE* writePtr)
BOOL overrun = TRUE;
txbuf[txWritePtr] = *(writePtr);
//increment writePtr
txWritePtr = (txWritePtr + 1) % TX_BUFFER_SIZE;
if(txWritePtr == txReadPtr)
//write pointer has caught up to read, increment read ptr
txReadPtr = (txReadPtr + 1) % TX_BUFFER_SIZE;
//Set overrun flag to FALSE
overrun = FALSE;
//Make sure that Data is being transmitted
return overrun;
void ensureTxCycleStarted()
WORD oldPtr = 0;
if(IS_UART_TX_IDLE() && !isTxBufEmpty())
//write one byte to start UART transmit cycle
oldPtr = txReadPtr;
txReadPtr = (txReadPtr + 1) % TX_BUFFER_SIZE;//Preincrement pointer
//Note: if pointer is incremented after U2TXREG write,
// the interrupt will trigger before the increment
// and the first piece of data will be retransmitted.
U2TXREG = 0xFF & (unsigned int)txbuf[oldPtr];
There are two ways that throttling could be implemented as I see it:
Enforce a time delay in between UART byte to be written that puts an upper limit on data throughput.
Keep a running tally of bytes transmitted over a certain time frame and if the maximum number of bytes is exceeded for that timespan create a slightly longer delay before continuing transmission.
Either option would theoretically work, its the implementation I'm wondering about.
Maybe a quota approach is what you want.
Using a periodic interrupt of relevant timescale, add a quota of "bytes to be transmitted" to a global variable to a point that you don't go over some level adjusted for the related deluge.
Then just check if there is quota before you come to send a byte. On new transmission there will be an initial deluge but later the quota will limit the transmission rate.
~~some periodic interrupt
if(bytes_to_send < MAX_LEVEL){
bytes_to_send = bytes_to_send + BYTES_PER_PERIOD;
~~in uart_send_byte
bytes_to_send = bytes_to_send - 1;
//then send the byte
If you have a free timer, or if you can use an existing one, you could do some kind of "debounce" of the bytes sent.
Imagine you have this global var, byte_interval and you have a timer overflowing (and triggering the ISR) every microsecond. Then it could look something like this:
timer_usec_isr() {
// other stuff
if (byte_interval)
And then in the "putchar" function, you could have something like:
uart_send_byte(unsigned char b) {
if (!byte_interval) { // this could be a while too,
// depends on how you want to structure the code
//code to send the byte
byte_interval = AMOUNT_OF_USECS;
I'm sorry to not look much into your code so I could be more specific.
This is just an idea, I don't know if it fits for you.
First, there's two types of serial flow control in common use.
CTS/RTS handshaking ('hardware flow control')
XON/XOFF ('software flow control')
You say CTS is on, but you might want to see if XON/XOFF can be enabled in some way.
Another approach if you can configure it is simply to use a lower baud rate. This obviously depends on what you can configure on the other end of the link, but it's usually the easiest way of fixing problems when devices aren't able to cope with higher speed transfers.
Timer approach which adds delay to Tx at specific time:
Configure a free running timer at an appropriate periodic rate.
In the timer ISR, toggle a bit in a global state variable (delayBit)
In the UART ISR, if delayBit is high and delayPostedBit is low, then exit the TX ISR without clearing the TX interrupt flag and set a bit in a global state variable (delayPostedBit). If delayBit is low, then clear delayPostedBit. The result is to cause a delay equal to one ISR schedule latency, since the ISR will be entered again. This is not a busy-wait delay so won't affect the timing of the rest of the system.
Adjust the period of the timer to add latency at appropriate intervals.
Please help! I am using FSMC to connect a STM32F407 MCU with AD7606 to sample voltage value. MCU would send sampled values to PC using USB HS port after 1024 conversions. But when I inspect the values from PC, I found that readings from channel 0 occasionally contains data from other channels. For example, if connect channel 0 to 5v, connect channel 8 to 3.3v, connect other channels to ground. Then the printed value from channel 0 would contain 5v, 0v, 3.3v. The basic setup is as follows:
A 200KHZ PWM single is generated by TIM10 to act as CONVST signal for AD7606.
7606 will then issue a BUSY signal which I used as an external interrupt source.
In the Interrupt handler, An DMA request would be issued to read 8 16bit data
from FSMC address space to memory space. TIM10 PWM would be stopped if 1024
conversions has been done.
In the DMA XFER_CPLT call back, if 1024 conversions has been done, the converted
data would be sent out by USB HS port, and TIM10 PWM would be enabled again.
Some code blocks:
void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
if(GPIO_Pin == GPIO_PIN_7)
// DMA data from FSMC to memory
HAL_DMA_Start_IT(&hdma_memtomem_dma2_stream0, 0x6C000000, (uint32_t)(adc_data + adc_data_idx) , 8);
adc_data_idx += 8;
if (adc_data_idx >= ADC_DATA_SIZE)
HAL_TIM_PWM_Stop(&htim10, TIM_CHANNEL_1);
void dma_done(DMA_HandleTypeDef *_hdma)
int i;
int ret;
// adc_data[adc_data_idx] would always contain data from
// channel 1, led1 wouldn't light if every thing is fine.
if (adc_data[adc_data_idx] < 0x7f00 )
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(led1_GPIO_Port, led1_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
if (adc_data_idx >= ADC_DATA_SIZE)
if(hUsbDeviceHS.dev_state == USBD_STATE_CONFIGURED)
// if I don't call CDC_Transmit_HS, everything is fine.
ret = CDC_Transmit_HS((uint8_t *)(adc_data), ADC_DATA_SIZE * 2 );
if (ret != USBD_OK)
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(led1_GPIO_Port, led2_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
adc_data_idx = 0;
HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim10, TIM_CHANNEL_1);
It seems that a single USB transaction would take longer than 5us(one conversion time), so I stopped PWM signal to stop conversion...
If I only send the second half of the data buffer, there is no data mixture. It's very strange.
According to your description, I think the processing is correct, and the problem is at the CDC_Transmit_HS(); I have met the problem on the CDC_Transmit_FS(), which can't transmit more than 64 bytes data for original code, and need to modify some code, otherwise the some error occurs. Did you check the number of received data is correct?
I can't receive more than 64 bytes on custom USB CDC class based STM32 device
I'm not sure your ADC_DATA_SIZE size; if it's larger than 64 bytes, maybe you can modify to smaller than 64 bytes and try again and check whether or not the data is correct. I am not sure if it is affected by this problem, but I think you can give it a try.
On the other hand, it may also be necessary to GND the ADC IN pins not used by AD7606 to avoid interference between channels.
Or you can try other communication (I2C, SPI, UART...etc) to send the data.
If there is no problem with other communication methods, there is a high chance that it is a problem with CDC_Transmit_HS(). If there are problems with other transmission methods, you may have to check whether there is a conflict between the ADC conversion time or the transmission time.
I'm working with an ATmega168p and compiling with avr-gcc.
Specifically, I have an RS485 slave that receives bytes via UART and writes them to a buffer in an ISR. If an end character is received, a flag is set in the ISR. In my main loop this flag is checked and the input buffer is processed if necessary. However, there is the problem that some time can pass between the arrival of the end byte and the time when the handler in the main loop processes the input buffer, because of the other "stuff".
This results in a latency which can be up to several milliseconds, because e.g. sensors are read in every n-th iterations.
ISR(UART_RX_vect) {
if (byte==endbyte) // return to <HERE>
void main(){
// <HERE> I want my program to continue after the ISR received an end byte
do_stuff(); // "stuff" may take a while
I want to get rid of this latency, as it is the bottleneck for the higher-level system.
I would like that after the ISR received the end byte, the program returns to the beginning of my main loop, where the input buffer would be processed immediately. I could of course process the input buffer directly in the ISR, but I am aware that this is not a good practice. This would also overwrite packets when the ISR gets invoked while processing a packet.
So, is there a way to overwrite an ISR's return address? Does C include such a feature, maybe something like goto?
Or am I completely on the wrong track?
Edit: Below is a reduced version of my code which also causes the described latency.
#define F_CPU 8000000UL
#define BAUD 38400
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 64
#include <util/setbaud.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
volatile char input_buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH + 1] = "";
volatile uint8_t input_pointer = 0;
volatile bool packet_started=false;
volatile bool packet_available = false;
ISR (USART_RX_vect) {
unsigned char nextChar;
nextChar = UDR0;
if (nextChar=='<') {
else if (nextChar=='>' && packet_started) {
else {
if (input_pointer>=BUFFER_LENGTH) {
else {
bool ADC_handler () {
ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0);
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC);
while (ADCSRA & (1<<ADSC)); // this loop blocks and causes latency
// assigning conversion result to a variable (not shown)
void ADC_init(void) {
ADMUX = (1<<REFS1)|(1<<REFS0)|(1<<MUX3);
ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0);
void process_buffer() {
// this function does something with the buffer
// but it takes "no" time and is not causing latency
void UART_handler () {
if (packet_available) process_buffer();
void UART_init (void) {
UCSR0B |= (1<<RXCIE0)|(1<<RXEN0)|(1<<TXEN0);
UCSR0C |= (1<<UCSZ01)|(1<<UCSZ00);
int main(void){
// initializing some other things
// other handlers like the ADC_handler follow
return 0;
I'm aware that the latency is due to blocking code, in this case the while loop in the ADC_handler() that waits for the conversion to finish. I could check for packet_available in the ADC handler and make this funtion return if the flag is set or I could even retrieve the conversion result with an ADC interrupt. That's all nice because I'm the one who implements the ADC_handler(). But if I wanted to use third party libraries (e.g. sensor libraries provided by manufacturers) I would depend on how those libraries are implemented. So what I'm looking for is a way to handle the problem "on my side"/in the UART implementation itself.
Don't try to use setjmp()/longjmp() to re-enter a main-level function from an ISR. This calls for disaster, because the ISR is never finished correctly. You might like to use assembly to work around, but this is really fragile. I'm not sure that this works at all on AVRs.
Since your baudrate is 38400, one byte needs at least some 250µs to transfer. Assumed that your message has a minimum of 4 bytes, the time to transfer a message is at least 1ms.
There are multiple possible solutions; your question might be closed because they are opinion-based...
However, here are some ideas:
Time-sliced main tasks
Since a message can arrive only once per millisecond or less, your application don't need to be much faster than that.
Divide your main tasks into separated steps, each running faster than 1 ms. You might like to use a state machine, for example to allow slower I/O to finish.
After each step, check for a completed message. Using a loop avoids code duplication.
Completely interrupt-based application
Use a timer interrupt to do the repeated work. Divide it in short tasks, a state machine does magic here, too.
Use an otherwise unused interrupt to signal the end of the message. Its ISR may run a bit longer, because it will not be called often. This ISR can handle the message and change the state of the application.
You need to think about interrupt priorities with much care.
The endless loop in main() will effectively be empty, like for (;;) {}.
I'm more of a high level software guy but have been working on some embedded projects lately so I'm sure there's something obvious I'm missing here, though I have spent over a week trying to debug this and every 'MSP' related link in google is purple at this point...
I currently have an MSP430F5529 set up as an I2C slave device whose only responsibility currently is to receive packets from a master device. The master uses industry grade I2C and has been heavily tested and ruled out as the source of my problem here. I'm using Code composer as my IDE using the TI v15.12.3.LTS compiler.
What is currently happening is the master queries how many packets (of size 62 bytes) the slave can hold, then sends over a few packets which the MSP is just currently discarding. This is happening every 100ms on the master side and for the minimal example below the MSP will always just send back 63 when asked how many packets it can hold. I have tested the master with a Total Phase Aardvark and everything is working fine with that so I'm sure it's a problem on the MSP side. The problem is as follows:
The program will work for 15-20 minutes, sending over tens of thousands of packets. At some point the slave starts to hold the clock line low and when paused in debug mode, is shown to be stuck in the start interrupt. The same sequence of events is happening every single time to cause this.
1) Master queries how many packets the MSP can hold.
2) A packet is sent successfully
3) Another packet is attempted but < 62 bytes are received by the MSP (counted by logging how many Rx interrupts I receive). No stop condition is sent so master times out.
4) Another packet is attempted. A single byte is sent before the stop condition is sent.
5) Another packet is attempted to be sent. A start interrupt, then a Tx interrupt happens and the device hangs.
Ignoring the fact that I'm not handling the timeout errors on the master side, something very strange is happening to cause that sequence of events, but that's what happens every single time.
Below is the minimal working example which is reproducing the problem. My particular concern is with the SetUpRx and SetUpTx functions. The examples that the Code Composer Resource Explorer gives only has examples of Rx or Tx, I'm not sure if I'm combining them in the right way. I also tried removing the SetUpRx completely, putting the device into transmit mode and replacing all calls to SetUpTx/Rx with mode = TX_MODE/RX_MODE, which did work but still eventually holds the clock line low. Ultimately I'm not 100% sure on how to set this up to receive both Rx and Tx requests.
#include "driverlib.h"
#define SLAVE_ADDRESS (0x48)
// During main loop, set mode to either RX_MODE or TX_MODE
// When I2C is finished, OR mode with I2C_DONE, hence upon exit mdoe will be one of I2C_RX_DONE or I2C_TX_DONE
#define RX_MODE (0x01)
#define TX_MODE (0x02)
#define I2C_DONE (0x04)
#define I2C_RX_DONE (RX_MODE | I2C_DONE)
#define I2C_TX_DONE (TX_MODE | I2C_DONE)
* I2C message ids
static volatile uint8_t mode = RX_MODE; // current mode, TX or RX
static volatile uint8_t rx_buff[64] = {0}; // where to write rx data
static volatile uint8_t* rx_data = rx_buff; // used in rx interrupt
static volatile uint8_t tx_len = 0; // number of bytes to reply with
static inline void SetUpRx(void) {
// Specify receive mode
// Enable I2C Module to start operations
// Enable interrupts
mode = RX_MODE;
static inline void SetUpTx(void) {
//Set in transmit mode
//Enable I2C Module to start operations
//Enable master trasmit interrupt
mode = TX_MODE;
* Parse the incoming message and set up the tx_data pointer and tx_len for I2C reply
* In most cases, tx_buff is filled with data as the replies that require it either aren't used frequently or use few bytes.
* Straight pointer assignment is likely better but that means everything will have to be volatile which seems overkill for this
static void DecodeRx(void) {
static uint8_t message_id = 0;
message_id = (*rx_buff);
rx_data = rx_buff;
switch (message_id) {
case MESSAGE_ADD_PACKET: // Add some data...
// do nothing for now
tx_len = 0;
case MESSAGE_GET_NUM_SLOTS: // How many packets can we send to device
tx_len = 1;
tx_len = 0;
void main(void) {
//Stop WDT
//Assign I2C pins to USCI_B0
GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionInputPin(GPIO_PORT_P3, GPIO_PIN0 + GPIO_PIN1);
//Initialize I2C as a slave device
// go into listening mode
while(1) {
__bis_SR_register(LPM4_bits + GIE);
// Message received over I2C, check if we have anything to transmit
switch (mode) {
case I2C_RX_DONE:
if (tx_len > 0) {
// start a reply
} else {
// nothing to do, back to listening
mode = RX_MODE;
case I2C_TX_DONE:
// go back to listening
* I2C interrupt routine
#pragma vector=USCI_B0_VECTOR
__interrupt void USCI_B0_ISR(void) {
switch(__even_in_range(UCB0IV,12)) {
*rx_data = USCI_B_I2C_slaveGetData(USCI_B0_BASE);
if (tx_len > 0) {
USCI_B_I2C_slavePutData(USCI_B0_BASE, 63);
// OR'ing mode will let it be flagged in the main loop
mode |= I2C_DONE;
Any help on this would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
Arduino drone project, whenever output is "loaded" ("open-circuit" signal-in pin to ESC or even a cap to ground), the input "steering" command starts to glitch (go to really low values << 1000).
The motor speed is a function of both the steering command, as well as the throttle. (In this test-case with just one motor as seen in the code below, unMotorSpeed = unThrottleIn +/- unSteeringIn)
When hooked up to a scope, the physical input signals (steering and throttle coming from the receiver) are great, and I even swapped the input pins to make sure there wasn't a problem between the receiver and the arduino. The problem seems to be coming from the software, but it just doesn't make sense, since when there isn't a "load" attached, the input and output values are all fine and clean. (I put "load" in quotes because sometimes it's essentially an open circuit --> super high impedance input signal to the electronic speed controller (ESC), which I don't even ground to complete a circuit).
Would anyone be able to check out the code and see if I'm missing something?
At this point, a somewhat quick workaround would be to simply not write those new glitchy values to the motor and keep the old speed values for whenever the new speed is significantly lower than the old speed (and these are at over 50khz, so clearly a huge jump in just one step is a bit crazy).
Note: In the code, the total output of unMotorSpeed leaves from the servoThrottle pin. Just the original naming that I didn't end up changing... it's clear if you read the code and see all the variables.
UPDATE: Weird thing is, I just ran my setup without any changes and EVERYTHING WORKED...I reflashed the arduino multiple times to make sure it wasn't some lucky glitch, and it kept on working, with everything set up. Then I dropped my remote on the ground and moved a few of the wires on the breadboard around, and things went back to their wonky ways after putting the setup back together. Idk what to do!
// --> starting code found at: rcarduino.blogspot.com
// See related posts -
// http://rcarduino.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-read-rc-receiver-with.html
#include <Servo.h>
// Assign your channel in pins
// Assign your channel out pins
//#define STEERING_OUT_PIN 9
// Servo objects generate the signals expected by Electronic Speed Controllers and Servos
// We will use the objects to output the signals we read in
// this example code provides a straight pass through of the signal with no custom processing
Servo servoThrottle;
//Servo servoSteering;
// These bit flags are set in bUpdateFlagsShared to indicate which
// channels have new signals
// holds the update flags defined above
volatile uint8_t bUpdateFlagsShared;
// shared variables are updated by the ISR and read by loop.
// In loop we immediatley take local copies so that the ISR can keep ownership of the
// shared ones. To access these in loop
// we first turn interrupts off with noInterrupts
// we take a copy to use in loop and the turn interrupts back on
// as quickly as possible, this ensures that we are always able to receive new signals
volatile uint16_t unThrottleInShared;
volatile uint16_t unSteeringInShared;
// These are used to record the rising edge of a pulse in the calcInput functions
// They do not need to be volatile as they are only used in the ISR. If we wanted
// to refer to these in loop and the ISR then they would need to be declared volatile
uint32_t ulThrottleStart;
uint32_t ulSteeringStart;
//uint32_t ulAuxStart;
void setup()
// attach servo objects, these will generate the correct
// pulses for driving Electronic speed controllers, servos or other devices
// designed to interface directly with RC Receivers
// using the PinChangeInt library, attach the interrupts
// used to read the channels
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(THROTTLE_IN_PIN), calcThrottle,CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(STEERING_IN_PIN), calcSteering,CHANGE);
void loop()
// create local variables to hold a local copies of the channel inputs
// these are declared static so that thier values will be retained
// between calls to loop.
static uint16_t unThrottleIn;
static uint16_t unSteeringIn;
static uint16_t difference;
static uint16_t unMotorSpeed; // variable that stores overall motor speed
static uint8_t bUpdateFlags; // local copy of update flags
// check shared update flags to see if any channels have a new signal
noInterrupts(); // turn interrupts off quickly while we take local copies of the shared variables
// take a local copy of which channels were updated in case we need to use this in the rest of loop
bUpdateFlags = bUpdateFlagsShared;
// in the current code, the shared values are always populated
// so we could copy them without testing the flags
// however in the future this could change, so lets
// only copy when the flags tell us we can.
if(bUpdateFlags & THROTTLE_FLAG)
unThrottleIn = unThrottleInShared;
if(bUpdateFlags & STEERING_FLAG)
unSteeringIn = unSteeringInShared;
// clear shared copy of updated flags as we have already taken the updates
// we still have a local copy if we need to use it in bUpdateFlags
bUpdateFlagsShared = 0;
interrupts(); // we have local copies of the inputs, so now we can turn interrupts back on
// as soon as interrupts are back on, we can no longer use the shared copies, the interrupt
// service routines own these and could update them at any time. During the update, the
// shared copies may contain junk. Luckily we have our local copies to work with :-)
// do any processing from here onwards
// only use the local values unAuxIn, unThrottleIn and unSteeringIn, the shared
// variables unAuxInShared, unThrottleInShared, unSteeringInShared are always owned by
// the interrupt routines and should not be used in loop
// the following code provides simple pass through
// this is a good initial test, the Arduino will pass through
// receiver input as if the Arduino is not there.
// This should be used to confirm the circuit and power
// before attempting any custom processing in a project.
// we are checking to see if the channel value has changed, this is indicated
// by the flags. For the simple pass through we don't really need this check,
// but for a more complex project where a new signal requires significant processing
// this allows us to only calculate new values when we have new inputs, rather than
// on every cycle.
///// if-else chain commented out to determine/prove problem with steering signal --> buggy!
if(unSteeringIn < 1400) // if steering joystick moved left
difference = 1400 - unSteeringIn;
if(unThrottleIn - difference >= 0)
unMotorSpeed = unThrottleIn - difference;
else if(unSteeringIn > 1550) //if steering joystick moved right (needs to be tweaked, but works for now)
difference = unSteeringIn - 1600;
if(unThrottleIn + difference < 2000)
unMotorSpeed = unThrottleIn + difference;
unMotorSpeed = unThrottleIn;
if(servoThrottle.readMicroseconds() != unMotorSpeed)
bUpdateFlags = 0;
// simple interrupt service routine
void calcThrottle()
// if the pin is high, its a rising edge of the signal pulse, so lets record its value
if(digitalRead(THROTTLE_IN_PIN) == HIGH)
ulThrottleStart = micros();
// else it must be a falling edge, so lets get the time and subtract the time of the rising edge
// this gives use the time between the rising and falling edges i.e. the pulse duration.
unThrottleInShared = (uint16_t)(micros() - ulThrottleStart); // pulse duration
// use set the throttle flag to indicate that a new throttle signal has been received
bUpdateFlagsShared |= THROTTLE_FLAG;
void calcSteering()
if(digitalRead(STEERING_IN_PIN) == HIGH)
ulSteeringStart = micros();
unSteeringInShared = (uint16_t)(micros() - ulSteeringStart); // pulse duration
bUpdateFlagsShared |= STEERING_FLAG;
You should read the documentation of AttachInterrupt() - in the section "About Interrupt Service Routines" it gives information on how certain functions behave when called from an interrupt. For micros() it states:
micros() works initially, but will start behaving erratically after 1-2 ms.
I believe that means after the ISR has been running for more than 1ms, rather than just 1 ms in general, so may not apply in this case, but you might need to consider how you are doing the timing in the ISR. That's a problem with Arduino - terrible documentation!
One definite problem which may be a cause is the fact that unSteeringInShared is non-atomic. It is a 16 bit value on 8 bit hardware so requires multiple instructions to read and write and the process can be interrupted. It is therefore possible to read one byte of the value in the loop() context and then have both bytes changed by the interrupt context before you read the second byte, so you then up with two halves of two different values.
To resolve this problem you could either disable interrupts while reading:
noInterrupts() ;
unSteeringIn = unSteeringInShared ;
interrupts() ;
Or you can spin-lock the read:
unSteeringIn = unSteeringInShared ;
} while( unSteeringIn != unSteeringInShared ) ;
You should do the same for unThrottleInShared too, although why you do not see any problem with that is unclear - this is perhaps not the problem you are currently observing, but is definitely a problem in any case.
Alternatively if 8 bit resolution is sufficient you could encode the input as an atomic 8 bit value thus:
uint8_t unSteeringInShared ;
int32_t timeus = micros() - ulSteeringStart - 1000 ;
if( timeus < 0 )
unSteeringInShared = 0 ;
else if( timeus > 1000 )
unSteeringInShared = 255;
unSteeringInShared = (uint8_t)(time * 255 / 1000) ;
Of course changing your scale from 1000 to 2000 to 0 to 255 will need changes to the rest of the code. For example to convert a value x in the range 0 to 255 to a a servo pulse width:
pulsew = (x * 1000 / 256) + 1000 ;
I'm facing a weird issue. I've always used bit bangin I2C functions on my PIC16F1459, but now I want to use the MSSP (SPI,I2C Master Slave Peripheral). So I've started writing the functions according to the datasheet, Start, Stop, etc. The problem I have is my PIC won't ACK the data I send to the I2C EEPROM. It clearly says in the datasheet that the ACK status can be found at SSPCON2.ACKSTAT. So my guess was to poll this bit until the slave responds to my data, but the program hangs in the while Loop.
void vReadACK (void)
while (SSPCON2.ACKSTAT != 0);
And here's my write function, my I2CCheck function and I2C Master Initialization function
void vI2CEcrireOctet (UC ucData, UC ucRW)
switch (ucRW)
case READ:
SSPBUF = ucData + 1;
case WRITE:
SSPBUF = ucData + 0;
void vI2CCheck (void)
while (SSPCON2.ACKEN); //ACKEN not cleared, wait
while (SSPCON2.RCEN); //RCEN not cleared, wait
while (SSPCON2.PEN); //STOP not cleared, wait
while (SSPCON2.SEN); //Start not cleared, wait
while (SSPCON2.RSEN); //Rep start not cleared, wait
while (SSP1STAT.R_NOT_W); //TX not done wait
void vInitI2CMaster (void)
TRISB4_bit = 1; //SDA IN
TRISB6_bit = 1; //SCL IN
SSP1STAT.SMP = 1; //No slew rate
SSP1STAT.CKE = 0; //Disable SMBus inputs
SSPADD = 0x27; //100 KHz
SSPCON1 = 0b00101000; //I2C Master mode
SSPCON3 = 0b00000000; //Rien de slave
Just so you know, 24LC32A WriteProtect tied to VSS, A2-A1-A0 tied to GND, so adress 0xA0. 4k7 pull-ups are on I2C line. PIC16F1459 at 16MHz INTOSC.
I'm completely stuck. I've went through the MSSP datasheet 5 to 6 times without finding any issue. Can you guys help?
And here's my logic analyzer preview (removing the while inside vReadAck() )
Well it looks like I've found the answer to my question. What I was doing was the exact way of doing this. The problem seemed to be the Bus Free Time delay required for the slave to respond. At 16Mhz, my I2C was probably too fast for the EEPROM memory. So I've added a small Delay function right after the stop operation, so the write sequences are delayed and BAM, worked.
Bus free time: Time the bus
must be free before a new
transmission can start.
Despite the fact you "totally know" know "PIC won't ACK the data I send to the I2C EEPROM" because it's not supposed to, you still seem to misunderstand how I2C acknowledgements are supposed to work. They're called acknowledgements because they can be both positively (ACK) and negatively (NAK) acknowledged. If you look at the the analyzer screen shot you posted you'll find that its quite clearly labelled each byte being sent as having been NAK'ed by the transmitter.
To properly check for I2C ACKs you should be polling the trailing edge of the ACKTIM bit, and then checking the ACKSTAT bit to find out whether the slave transmitted an ACK or a NAK bit. Something like this:
vReadACK() {
As for why your slaved device is apparently NAKing each byte it isn't clear from the code you've posted, but there's a couple of notable omissions from your code. You need to generate start and stop conditions but you've shown no code to do this.