safely resizing structs - c

I would like some advice on safe ways to deal with struct's when the size of certain members are not known at code time.
For example I have a Struct Named "Channel". This struct has a member name "AudioSourceOBJ" which is a pointer to an an array of other struct type named "AudioSource". I wont know how many AudioSources I will have per channel until the program is run. I deal with that like this.
channel object
struct channelobj {
AudioUnitSampleType *leftoutput;
AudioUnitSampleType *rightoutput;
AudioSourceOBJ *audioSource;
struct audiosourceobj {
AudioUnitSampleType *leftoutput;
AudioUnitSampleType *rightoutput;
creation of variable sized structs
void createInputs(ChannelOBJ channel,int numAudioInputs)
channel->audioSource=(AudioSourceOBJ *)malloc(numAudioInputs * sizeof(AudioSourceOBJ));
for (int i=0;i<numAudioInputs;i++)
AudioSourceOBJ obj;
I think this is o.k?
The problem I am now facing is that even though I can assign memory for the correct number of audio objects in my channel struct, the leftoutput and rightoutput arrays in the audiosource struct will not be set until later in the program. They will be filled with an undermined amount of data, and are likely to change in size and content throughout the lifetime of the application.
Will I have to completely re malloc the channel containing the audiosource every time I want to make changes to a single audio object?
What is a safe way to do this or is there a better approach?

"Will I have to completely re malloc the channel containing the audiosource every time I want to make changes to a single audio object?"
No. You could for example replace the left output of the ith audio source like this:
channel->audioSource[i].leftoutput = malloc(newSize * sizeof(AudioUnitSampleType));
Or even:
AudioUnitSampleType *tmp = realloc(channel->audioSource[i].leftoutput,
newSize * sizeof(*tmp));
if (tmp == 0) { /* handle the error */ }
channel->audioSource[i].leftoutput = tmp;
By the way, if you don't post real code, it's possible that answers will contain errors due to errors in your examples.
There seems to be some confusion in your code between pointers and objects, for example the channel parameter is of type ChannelOBJ, then you use it as if it's a pointer. Is this an error, or is ChannelOBJ a typedef for struct channelobj*? It's generally better not to conceal that something is a pointer using a typedef.
If AudioUnitSampleType is likewise a pointer type, then my first code snippet above is incomplete, since it would then also be necessary to free the old objects pointed to by the elements of the array, and allocate new ones. The second one needs to free old ones or allocate new ones according to whether the size is being increased or decreased.

No, you won't have to resize the allocated block of AudioSourceObj structs. leftoutput and rightoutput are merely pointers of a fixed size (not variable-sized arrays) and can be assigned an address by doing a separate malloc:
channel->audioSource[i].leftoutput = malloc(5 * sizeof(AudioUnitSampleType));


malloc'd pointer inside struct that is passed by value

I am putting together a project in C where I must pass around a variable length byte sequence, but I'm trying to limit malloc calls due to potentially limited heap.
Say I have a struct, my_struct, that contains the variable length byte sequence, ptr, and a function, my_func, that creates an instance of my_struct. In my_func, my_struct.ptr is malloc'd and my_struct is returned by value. my_struct will then be used by other functions being passed by value: another_func. Code below.
Is this "safe" to do against memory leaks provided somewhere on the original or any copy of my_struct when passed by value, I call my_struct_destroy or free the malloc'd pointer? Specifically, is there any way that when another_func returns, that inst.ptr is open to being rewritten or dangling?
Since stackoverflow doesn't like opinion-based questions, are there any good references that discuss this behavior? I'm not sure what to search for.
typedef struct {
char * ptr;
} my_struct;
// allocates n bytes to pointer in structure and initializes.
my_struct my_func(size_t n) {
my_struct out = {(char *) malloc(n)};
/* initialization of out.ptr */
return out;
void another_func(my_struct inst) {
do something using the passed-by-value inst
are there problems with inst.ptr here or after this function returns?
void my_struct_destroy(my_struct * ms_ptr) {
ms_ptr->ptr = NULL;
int main() {
my_struct inst = my_func(20);
I's safe to pass and return a struct containing a pointer by value as you did it. It contains a copy of ptr. Nothing is changed in the calling function. There would, of course, be a big problem if another_func frees ptr and then the caller tries to use it or free it again.
Locality of alloc+free is a best practice. Wherever possible, make the function that allocates an object also responsible for freeing it. Where that's not feasible, malloc and free of the same object should be in the same source file. Where that's not possible (think complex graph data structure with deletes), the collection of files that manage objects of a given type should be clearly identified and conventions documented. There's a common technique useful for programs (like compilers) that work in stages where much of the memory allocated in one stage should be freed before the next starts. Here, memory is only malloced in big blocks by a manager. From these, the manager allocs objects of any size. But it knows only one way to free: all at once, presumably at the end of a stage. This is a gcc idea: obstacks. When allocation is more complex, bigger systems implement some kind of garbage collector. Beyond these ideas, there are as many ways to manage C storage as there are colors. Sorry I don't have any pointers to references (pun intended :)
If you only have one variable-length field and its size doesn't need to be dynamically updated, consider making the last field in the struct an array to hold it. This is okay with the C standard:
typedef struct {
... other fields
char a[1]; // variable length
} my_struct;
my_struct my_func(size_t n) {
my_struct *p = malloc(sizeof *p + (n - 1) * sizeof p->a[0]);
... initialize fields of p
return p;
This avoids the need to separately free the variable length field. Unfortunately it only works for one.
If you're okay with gcc extensions, you can allocate the array with size zero. In C 99, you can get the same effect with a[]. This avoids the - 1 in the size calculation.

Difference between initializations of struct elements

I'm creating some functions that work with a struct that simulates an ethernet header.
typedef struct ethernet_hdr_ {
dir_mac_t dst_mac;
dir_mac_t src_mac;
short type;
char payload[MAX_SIZE_PAYLOAD];
unsigned int FCS;
} ethernet_hdr_t;
#define ETH_HDR_SIZE_EXCL_PAYLOAD (sizeof(ethernet_hdr_t) - sizeof(((ethernet_hdr_t *)0)->payload))
I need to define the next function.
static inline ethernet_hdr_t * ALLOC_ETH_HDR_WITH_PAYLOAD(char *pkt, unsigned int pkt_size)
According to this assignment, which I already did, but I want to know whether there is something wrong with my solution.
The above API must encapsulate the existing DATA into the payload of
ethernet header, i.e. above API must return a pointer to the ethernet
hdr the payload of which carries the data of size pkt_size pointed by
pkt in above diagram.
The layout of data with new ethernet hdr must look like given in the
image Q3 attached in the instruction of this assignment. Initialize
all the fields of the new ethernet hdr (including FCS) exclusing
payload to zero.
This is Q3.
This is how I did it.
static inline ethernet_hdr_t * ALLOC_ETH_HDR_WITH_PAYLOAD(char *pkt, unsigned int pkt_size) {
ethernet_hdr_t *ethernet_hdr = calloc(1, sizeof(ethernet_hdr_t));
memcpy(ethernet_hdr->payload, pkt, pkt_size);
return ethernet_hdr;
However, I found the official solution to this assignment, and it is very different from mine.
static inline ethernet_hdr_t * ALLOC_ETH_HDR_WITH_PAYLOAD(char *pkt, unsigned int pkt_size) {
char *temp = calloc(1, pkt_size);
memcpy(temp, pkt, pkt_size);
ethernet_hdr_t *eth_hdr = (ethernet_hdr_t *)(pkt - ETH_HDR_SIZE_EXCL_PAYLOAD);
memset((char *)eth_hdr, 0, ETH_HDR_SIZE_EXCL_PAYLOAD);
memcpy(eth_hdr->payload, temp, pkt_size);
return eth_hdr;
Clearly, my function is much simpler but I think it is missing something. So, I'm wondering whether both solutions are correct, but even if they are, maybe the second one is better.
In your case you are creating a new object to store the packet header and payload (frame) data, setting the header to zeros and copying the payload from pkt to the new frame data object payload member.
In the "official" solution, the program assumes that pkt points to the payload member of an object of type ethernet_hdr_t. Then, in a very complicated fashion, it attempts to do the same thing as your code, but using the original object of which pkt is a member.
Overall, I would say that the "official" solution is the problematic for several reasons:
It assumes that the compiler will arrange the contents of struct ethernet_hdr_ in a specific way, but this is actually defined by the implementation. This is due to the macro ETH_HDR_SIZE_EXCL_PAYLOAD using the object and member payload sizes to attempt to locate payload within the struct. A safer way might be to use the standard library offsetof macro to determine the offset of member payload within the struct.
Assuming that pkt is a member of another object type is not a good programming practice. For example, assume that the payload contents were copied to another object, which is not a member of ethernet_hdr_t prior to calling ALLOC_ETH_HDR_WITH_PAYLOAD. This would result in a memory access violation. The function should only attempt to access the objects provided as parameters and not objects that these objects "may" be members of.
The use of temp in this function does not make much sense. The payload data is effectively copied to temp then copied back to pkt indirectly through the object pointed to by eth_hdr.
The object generating the inputs to ALLOC_ETH_HDR_WITH_PAYLOAD is being updated by the function and the returned pointer will point to the same object. This could lead to some confusion by anyone trying to use the function.
In the case of your code, it accomplishes the same thing as the "official" answer, but creates a new object to contain the data. You will need to be sure that the memory is properly deallocated once the object is no longer needed, but when comparing the two, I would argue that your code is more correct in that it will not result in undefined, implementation-defined or confusing behavior.

How to store custom objects (struct) in C?

I want to know how to store custom objects (not their pointers) in C. I have created a custom structure called Node
#define MAXQ 100
typedef struct {
int state[MAXQ];
int height;
} Node;
(which works) and I want to store a few of these Nodes in a container (without using pointers, since they are not stored elsewhere) so I can access them later.
The internet seems to suggest something like calloc() so my last attempt was to make a container Neighbors following this example, with numNeighbors being just an integer:
Node Neighbors = (Node*)calloc(numNeighbors, sizeof(Node));
At compilation, I got an error from this line saying
initializing 'Node' with an expression of incompatible type 'void *'
and in places where I referenced to this container (as in Neighbors[i]) I got errors of
subscripted value is not an array, pointer, or vector
Since I'm spoiled by Python, I have no idea if I've got my syntax all wrong (it should tell you something that I'm still not there after scouring a ton of tutorials, docs, and stackoverflows on malloc(), calloc() and the like), or if I am on a completely wrong approach to storing custom objects (searching "store custom objects in C" on the internet gives irrelevant results dealing with iOS and C# so I would really appreciate some help).
EDIT: Thanks for the tips everyone, it finally compiled without errors!
You can create a regular array using your custom struct:
Node Neighbors[10];
You can then reference them like any other array, for example:
Neighbors[3].height = 10;
If your C implementation supports C.1999 style VLA, simply define your array.
Node Neighbors[numNeighbors];
(Note that VLA has no error reporting mechanism. A failed allocation results in undefined behavior, which probably expresses itself as a crash.)
Otherwise, you will need dynamic allocation. calloc is suitable, but it returns a pointer representing the contiguous allocation.
Node *Neighbors = calloc(numNeighbors, sizeof(*Neighbors));
Note, do not cast the result of malloc/calloc/realloc when programming in C. It is not required, and in the worst case, can mask a fatal error.
I want to store a few of these Nodes in a container (without using pointers, since they are not stored elsewhere) so I can access them later.
If you know the amount of them at compile-time (or at the very least a reasonable maximum); then you can create an array of stack-allocated objects. For instance, say you are OK with a maximum of 10 objects:
#define MAX_NODES 10
Node nodes[MAX_NODES];
int number_nodes = 0;
Then when you add an object, you keep in sync number_nodes (so that you know where to put the next one). Technically, you will always have 10, but you only use the ones you want/need. Removing objects is similar, although more involved if you want to take out some in the middle.
However, if you don't know how many you will have (nor a maximum); or even if you know but they are way too many to fit in the stack; then you are forced to use the heap (typically with malloc() and free()):
int number_nodes; // unknown until runtime or too big
Node * nodes = malloc(sizeof(Node) * number_nodes);
In any case, you will be using pointers in the dynamically allocated memory case, and most probably in the stack case as well.
Python is hiding and doing all this dance for you behind the scenes -- which is quite useful and time saving as you have probably already realized, as long as you do not need precise control over it (read: performance).
malloc and calloc are for dynamic allocation, and they need pointer variables. I don't see any reason for you to use dynamic allocation. Just define a regular array until you have a reason not to.
#define MAXQ 100
#define NUM_NEIGHBORS 50
typedef struct {
int state[MAXQ];
int height;
} Node;
int main(void)
Node Neighbors[NUM_NEIGHBORS];
Neighbors[0].state[0] = 0;
Neighbors[0].height = 1;
Here NUM_NEIGHBORS needs to be a constant. (Hence static) If you want it to be variable or dynamic, then you need dynamic allocations, and pointers inevitably:
#define MAXQ 100
typedef struct {
int state[MAXQ];
int height;
} Node;
int main(void)
int numNeighbors = 50;
Node *Neighbors;
Neighbors = (Node*)calloc(numNeighbors, sizeof(Node));
Neighbors[0].state[0] = 0;
Neighbors[0].height = 1;

C structs sharing common pointer?

I'm currently having an issue with the following struct:
typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) rungInput{
operation inputOperation;
inputType type;
char* name;
char numeroInput;
u8 is_not;
} rungInput;
I create multiple structs like above inside a for loop, and then fill in their fields according to my program logic:
while (a < 5){
rungInput input;
Then when I'm done filling the struct's fields appropriately, I then attempt to copy the completed struct to an array as such:
rungArray[a] = input; //memcpy here instead?
And then I iterate again through my loop. I'm having a problem where my structs seem to all have their name value be the same, despite clearly having gone through different segments of code and assigning different values to that field for every loop iteration.
For example, if I have three structs with the following names: "SW1" "SW2" SW3", after I am done adding them to my array I seem to have all three structs point me to the value "SW3" instead. Does this mean I should call malloc() to allocate manually each pointer inside each struct to ensure that I do not have multiple structs that point to the same value or am I doing something else wrong?
When you write rungArray[i] = input;, you are copying the pointer that is in the input structure into the rungArray[i] structure. If you subsequently overwrite the data that the input structure is pointing at, then you also overwrite the data that the rungArray[i] structure is pointing at. Using memcpy() instead of assignment won't change this at all.
There are a variety of ways around this. The simplest is to change the structure so that you allocate a big enough array in the structure to hold the name:
enum { MAX_NAME_SIZE = 32 };
char name[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
However, if the extreme size of a name is large but the average size is small, then this may waste too much space. In that case, you continue using a char *, but you do indeed have to modify the copying process to duplicate the string with dynamically allocated memory:
rungArray[i] = input;
rungArray[i].name = strdup(;
Remember to free the memory when you discard the rungArray. Yes, this code copies the pointer and then overwrites it, but it is more resilient to change because all the fields are copied, even if you add some extra (non-pointer) fields, and then the pointer fields are handled specially. If you write the assignments to each member in turn, you have to remember to track all the places where you do this (that would be a single assignment function, wouldn't it?) and add the new assignments there. With the code shown, that mostly happens automatically.
You should malloc memory for your struct and then store the pointers to the structs inside your array. You could also turn your structs into a linked list by adding a pointer to each struct that points to the next instance of your struct.

How to store data in variable length arrays without causing memory corruption?

This is a fairly basic question, which for some reason, a proper solution escapes me at the moment. I am dealing with a 3rd-party SDK which declares the following structure:
struct VstEvents
VstInt32 numEvents; ///< number of Events in array
VstIntPtr reserved; ///< zero (Reserved for future use)
VstEvent* events[2]; ///< event pointer array, variable size
Even though this is a "variable sized" array, it's declared statically. So obviously, if I make a VstEvents object, set the numEvents to something, and then go through and start adding them to the array, it's going to cause memory corruption.
So how am I supposed to properly deal with a structure like this? Should I allocate my own VstEvent* array and then point events[0] to it?
you need to pre allocate a chunk of memory big enough to contain the whole thing + any additional records you want...
struct VstEvents
VstInt32 numEvents; ///< number of Events in array
VstIntPtr reserved; ///< zero (Reserved for future use)
VstEvent* events[2]; ///< event pointer array, variable size
#define numEventsRequired 10
VstEvents *vstEvents = (VstEvents*)malloc(sizeof(VstEvents) + sizeof(VstEvent*)*(numEventsRequired-2));
vstEvents->numEvents = numEventsRequired;
If you know how many there are you can allocate it with
struct VstEvents *evnts;
evnts = (struct VstEvents*)malloc(sizeof(struct VstEvents) +
This will allocate 2 extra slots
Your third-party library is a bit odd. You need to distinguish between two sorts of "variable-sized arrays"
The size is known when the array is allocated and it never changes thereafter. This is the easy case and I show a C99 idiom below.
The eventual size is unknown when the array is allocated and the array may need to grow during its lifetime. For something like this I'd recommend you check out the implementation of Seq_T in source file seq.c in Dave Hanson's C Interfaces and Implementations. You can adapt his code fairly easily.
If you know the size at allocation time, the C99 idiom is this:
struct VstEvents
VstInt32 numEvents; ///< number of Events in array
VstIntPtr reserved; ///< zero (Reserved for future use)
VstEvent* events[]; ///< event pointer array, variable size
struct VstEvents *alloc_vst_events(int num_events) {
struct VstEvents *p =
malloc(sizeof(*p) + num_events * sizeof(p->events[0]));
return p;
The key is that weird array in the struct with size left unspecified. Requires C99.
Since you're stuck with the 3rd party weirdness I would try this:
#define NELEMS(A) (sizeof(A) / sizeof((A)[0]))
struct VstEvents *alloc_vst_events(int num_events) {
struct VstEvents *p;
int events_needed = num_events - NELEMS(p->events);
p = malloc(sizeof(*p) + events_needed * sizeof(p->events[0]));
return p;
Disclaimer: I have not pushed this code through a compiler. Corrections welcomed.
What the structure is declaring is an array (of size 2) of pointers to VstEvent objects. You should allocate a VstEvent and assign it to events[0], setting numEvents to 1. If you have 2 VstEvents, then allocate another VstEvent, assign it to events[1], and set numEvents to 2. If you need more than 2, then you'll need to do a realloc on VstEvents to increase its size so that events contains the number of pointers you need and assign to 2, 3, 4, ... as needed. Or, if you know ahead of time how many events you will need to store, you could allocate it initially as #SDX2000 shows.
I think the basic idea is that they declare it with size 2 for convenience so that if you only have 1 or 2 you don't need to do an additional malloc to size the events array.
