Setting the FROM clause via parameter in MyBatis - ibatis

I haven't been able to see anything in the documentation which speaks to my question, and upon deploying it, my app does not quite work right (more on that in a sec). I am trying to do something like
<select id="getLookupRows" parameterType="map" resultMap="lookupMap">
select id, name, active, valid
from #{table}
in MyBatis. I have a number of lookup tables that have shared columns and so the user at the view level determines which lookup table is ultimately used. The error I get when I try to execute getLookupRows is
Cause: org.apache.ibatis.executor.ExecutorException: There was no TypeHandler found for parameter table of statement info.pureshasta.mapper.LookupMapper.getLookupRows
$Proxy15.getLookupRows(Unknown Source)
My mapper interface is as follows:
List<Lookup> getLookupRows(#Param("specificColumn") String specificColumn,
#Param("table") String table);
so we know that I am trying to pass a String to this query, nothing special. I have the specific column, because that will be my next task. Really one of the columns of each of the lookup tables is unique, and so I have to call the appropriate specificColumn, but I would be really happy if I could the table parameter and the FROM clause working.

<select id="getLookupRows" parameterType="map" resultMap="lookupMap">
select id, name, active, valid
from ${table}
does the trick. There is a different notation from actually injecting in a value for the column name and table then say the column value. If you are injecting a value in a where clause, then the # notation is the correct to use.
If the value used for table in this query is not escaped then SQL injection problems can occur. For my use case, the DB preceded me and while I can do whatever I want to the Java and View portions, I am not allowed to alter the fundamental structures of the tables.
If anyone wants to further explain the stack trace I got (i.e. what type myBatis thought table was) I would love to read and be further educated.


SOQL Query - How to write a SOQL query by making a field to lowercase and compare?

Following query returns an error:
SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, OwnerId, PersonEmail
FROM Account
WHERE lower(PersonEmail) = lower('abc.DEF#org.cOM')
API Response:
success: false
result: Dictionary
error: IntegrationError
title: "The JSON body contains an error"
message: "Salesforce returned the following error code: MALFORMED_QUERY"
detail: "
'%test%' and lower(PersonEmail) = lower('abc.DEF#org.cOM')
ERROR at Row:4:Column:54
Bind variables only allowed in Apex code"
Can't we use SQL functions in SOQL?
You do not need to change the text to lower case:
Comparisons on strings are case-sensitive for unique case-sensitive fields and case-insensitive for all other fields
EDIT: to put it another way, only specific fields are uniquely marked to be case sensitive. The rest aren't. Also, emails are stored as all lowercase by default. Also, try the LIKE comparison, which (I believe) is case insensitive even for case sensitive fields.
Can't we use SQL functions in SOQL?
No, you can't. SOQL is a Salesforce-specific dialect. Here's a decent list of what you can use: And any comparison you make must be in field operator value style. You can't compare field value with another field's value (apart from primary / foreign keys... you could write formulas for that though). And you can't do "clever" weird queries WHERE 1=1 AND...
This is not too different from other SQL dialects really? To me SQL Server's date format "112" is equally strange as to you lack of LOWER. If you really want to have a lowercase value returned/displayed in UI you can make a formula field in SF (bit like adding a column to materialized view?) - but comparisons on it will still be case-insensitive and probably slower, full table search to run ultimately useless function instead of using indexes.
SOQL is case insensitive on database level (I believe it's called collation?). Any SELECTs you make will return hits ignoring case so you don't have to explicitly call LOWER() There are some exceptions to this but PersonEmail is not one of them:
If you have custom field marked as unique case sensitive (you could ask admin to build an automationt hat copies value from PersonEmail to such custom field but i don't think there's a point)
If you use Platform Encryption (a.k.a. Salesforce Shield) and used Deterministic Encryption method with case-sensitive option.

SSRS How to see multi value parameter in subscription

I tried to get value from query or to specify values, as soon as the parameter is multi value i can't see the data when i'm trying to make my subscription.
my request looks like :
select id from employee where canal in(#canal)
what should i do, i'm totally stuck,
when i did research i saw data driven subscription but i don't have access to it apparently, don't know if that help
I'll start by saying sorry this isn't a pleasant answer. You've run into a limitation with the built-in functionality. Thankfully there are workarounds.
The problem is that you can only pass 1 value into the data-driven subscription. So you have use a comma-separated list and get the query/report to parse out the values.
If you have or can create a Split function in your database, that is a good option. This would be a table-valued user defined function and there are some easy to find examples already. Also this function is generally good to have for other use cases anyway. With this your SQL would read:
where canal in Split(#canal)
SSRS works really well with SQL Server, but when you use an ODBC connection, the parameter support is limited. You can use the same multi-value parameter workaround that is required in those cases.
In the Dataset properties > parameters tab, use an expression like this to combine the values into a single comma-separated string surrounded by commas.
="," + Join(Parameters!canal.Value, ",") + ","
The SQL would look like this:
where # like '%,' + canal + ',%'
Basically, this searches row-by-row for values that are contained in the string.
In either case, the query in your data-driven subscription settings will need to return the comma-separated string. Then you can select that column in the report parameters value field. Hope this helps!

How can you create a table (or other object) that always returns the value passed to its WHERE-clause, like a mirror

There is a legacy application that uses a table to translate job names to filenames. This legacy application queries it as follows:
SELECT filename FROM aJobTable WHERE jobname = 'myJobName'
But in reality those jobnames always match the filenames (e.g. 'myJobName.job' is the jobname but also the filename) That makes this table appear unnecessary. But unfortunately, we cannot change the code of this program, and the program just needs to select it from a table.
That's actually a bit annoying. Because we do need to keep this database in sync. If a jobname is not in the table, then it cannot be used. So, as our only way out, right now we have some vbscripts to synchronize this table, adding records for each possible filename. As a result, the table just 2 columns with identical values. -- We want to get rid of this.
So, we have been dreaming about some hack that queries the data with the jobname, but just always returns the jobname again, like a copy/mirror query. Then we don't actually have to populate a table at all.
The following can be configured in this legacy application. My hunch is that these may open the door for some tricks/hacks.
use of either MS Access or SQL Server (we prefer sql server)
The name of the table (e.g. aJobTable)
The name of the filename column (e.g. filename)
The name of the jobname column (e.g. jobname)
Here is what I came up with:
If I create a table-valued function mirror(a) then I get pretty close to what I want. Then I could use it like
SELECT filename FROM mirror('MyJobName.job')
But that's just not good enough, it would be if I could force it to be like
SELECT filename FROM mirror WHERE param1 = 'MyJobName.job'
Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to call functions like that.
So, I was wondering if perhaps somebody else knows how to get it working.
So my question is: "How can you create a table (or other object) that always returns the value passed to its WHERE-clause, like a mirror."
It's kinda hard to answer not knowing the code that the application use, but if we assume it only takes strings and concatenate them without any tests whatsoever, I would assume code like this: (translated to c#)
var sql = "SELECT "+ field +" FROM "+ table +" WHERE "+ conditionColumn +" = '"+ searchValue +"'";
As this is an open door for SQL injection, and given the fact that SQL Server allows you two ways of creating an alias - value as alias and alias = value,
you can take advantage of that and try to generate an SQL statement like this:
SELECT field /* FROM table WHERE conditionColumn */ = 'searchValue'
So field should be "field /* ",
and conditionColumn should be "conditionColumn */"
table name doesn't matter, you could leave an empty string for it.

SQL would using between statement improve this?

I want to find out using a select statement what columns in a table share similar information.
Example: Classes table with ClassID, ClassName, ClassCode, ClassDescription columns.
This was part of my SQL class that I already turned in. The question asked "What classes are part of the English department?"
I used this Select statement:
FROM Classes
WHERE ClassName LIKE "English%" OR ClassCode LIKE "ENG%"
Granted we have only input one actual English course in this database, the end result was it executed fine and displayed everything for just the English class. Which I thought was a success since we did populate other non English courses in the database.
Anyways, I was told I should have used a BETWEEN statement.
I am just sitting here thinking they would both do what I needed them to do right?
I'm using SQL Server 2014
No, BETWEEN would probably be a bad idea here. BETWEEN doesn't allow wildcards and doesn't do any pattern matching in any RDBMS I've used. So you'd have to say BETWEEN 'ENG' AND 'English'. Except that doesn't return things like 'English I' (which would be after 'English' in a sorted list).
It would also potentially include something like 'Engineering' or 'Engaging Artistry', but that's a weakness of your existing query, too, since LIKE 'ENG%' matches those.
If you happen to be using a case-sensitive collation you add a whole new dimension of complexity. Your BETWEEN statement gets even more confusing. Just know that capital letters generally come before lower case letters, so 'ENGRAVING I' would be included but 'Engraving I' would not. Additionally, 'eng' would not be included. Note that case-insensitive collation is the default.
Also whats the difference when searching for null values in one table
and one column
column_name =''
column_name IS NULL
You're not understanding the difference between an empty string and null.
An empty string is explicit. It says "This field has a known value and it is a string of zero length."
A null string is imprecise. It means "unknown". It could mean "This value wasn't asked for," or "This value was not available," or "This value has not yet been determined," or "This values does not make sense for this record."
"What is this person's middle name?"
"He doesn't have one. See, his birth certificate has no middle name listed." --> Empty string
"I don't know. He never told me and I don't have any birth or identity record." --> NULL
Note that Oracle, due to backwards compatibility, treats empty strings as NULLs. This is explicitly against ANSI SQL, but since Oracle is that old and that's how it's always worked that's how it will continue to work.
Another way to look at it is the example I tend to use with numbers. The difference between 0 and NULL is the difference between having a bank account with $0 balance and not having a bank account at all.
Nothing can be said unless we see table and its data.Though don't use between.
Secondly first find which of the column is not null by design.Say for example ClassName cannot be null then there is no use using ClassCode LIKE "ENG%",just ClassName LIKE "English%" is enough,similarly vice versa is also true.
Thirdly you should use same parameter in both column.for example
ClassName LIKE "English%" OR ClassCode LIKE "English%"
see the difference.
Select * FROM Classes
Where ClassName LIKE "%English%"

Is there any C SQLite API for quoting/escaping the name of a table?

It's impossible to sqlite3_bind_text a table name because sqlite3_prepare_v2 fails to prepare a statement such as:
I presume the table name is needed to parse the statement, so the quoting needs to have happened before sqlite3_prepare_v2.
Is there something like a sqlite3_quote_tablename? Maybe it already exists under a name I can't recognize, but I can't find anything in the functions list.
SQLite will escape identifiers for you with the %w format in the family of functions.
your proposed sqlite3_quote_tablename function could sanitize the input to prevent sql injection attacks. To do this it could parse the input to make sure it is a string literal.
If a table name has invalid characters in it you can enclose the table name in double quotes, like this.
sqlite> create table "test table" (id);
sqlite> insert into "test table" values (1);
sqlite> select * from "test table";
Of course you should avoid using invalid characters whenever possible. It complicates development and is almost always unnecessary (IMO the only time it is necessary is when you inherit a project that is already done this way and it's too big to change).
When using SQLite prepared statements with parameters the parameter: "specifies a placeholder in the expression for a literal value that is filled in at runtime"
Before executing any SQL statement, SQLite "compiles" the SQL string into a series of opcodes that are executed by an internal Virtual Machine. The table names and column names upon which the SQL statement operates are a necessary part of the compilation process.
You can use parameters to bind "values" to prepared statements like this:
And then call sqlite3_bind_text() to bind the string gavinbeatty to the already compiled statement. However, this architecture means that you cannot use parameters like this:
SELECT * FROM ? WHERE name=?; // Can't bind table name as a parameter
SELECT * FROM FOO WHERE ?=10; // Can't bind column name as a parameter
If SQLite doesn't accept table names as parameters, I don't think there is a solution for your problem...
Take into account that:
Parameters that are not assigned values using sqlite3_bind() are treated as NULL.
so in the case of your query, the table name would be NULL which of course is invalid.
I was looking for something like this too and couldn't find it either. In my case, the expected table names were always among a fixed set of tables (so those were easy to validate). The field names on the other hand weren't so I ended up filtering the string, pretty much removing everything that was not a letter, number, or underscore (I knew my fields would fit this parameters). That did the trick.
