How silverlight code gets debugged - silverlight

As an .xap file is added in the web project which runs at client side, then can anyone please explain how are we able to debug the silverlight client side code?

If you are running the web server built into Visual Studio then Visual Studio is both hosting the web server and running the web client. This means you are able to debug both the client and server side code.
If you are using IIS to serve the site then you are still running the web client within Visual Studio.
As long has you have the "Debuggers" option set on the web project you will be able to set break points and step through the code.

In the web project properties, under ‘web’ tab all way at the bottom, there is a group called ‘Debuggers’, make sure you have Silverlight check box is checked. By checking the Silverlight check box you will be able to debug the client side code.


Visual Studio Solution with Two Projects Hosted on Azure

This is the first website that I am trying to publish to make live and rather lost on how exactly I should go about it. I have a Solution in Visual Studio 2015 that is separated into two projects. My AngularJS front end is in one project and I have a web api back end that communicates with a SQL DB to fill http request from the front end. I have been testing to make sure that everything works by launching from visual studios and setting them to communicate with localhost:. Everything works fine when I do this.
I now want to host this project as an Azure web app. I have tried downloading the publish settings and hitting publish for each of the projects in visual studio. Visual Studio tells me that my solution has been successfully deployed, but when visiting the site, all I get is a "Server Error in '/' Application".
I do not really know how to go about doing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The problem is that each time you're publishing your project to Azure it overrides previously deployed project. So if you're deploying you client project last it will override previously deployed API and vise versa.
There are several ways to do achieve what you want.
First is to have two Azure Web Apps, one for client and one for API. But it will lead to cross domain requests.
Or you can do like pre-deploy event on your side before publish which will combine your API and Client in one "project". There are also several ways you can do this. You can reference one project from another and build API and Client proejcts in one folder or have a pre-deploy event which will merge API and Client. Also, keep in mind that you will have to merge your web.config files. Also not the best way.
Or the best one. Just create a several virtual directories in your Azure Web App I would prefer this one.

Lightswitch Forms Authentication issues based on windows user?

First my apologies if I failed to find an answer searching - I tried a variety of search topics but none that were directly related.
I have a Lightswitch app deployed and working fine, running on IIS 7 and Windows Server 2008. It is an internal intranet app only.
I am using only FORMS AUTHENTICATION, all others are disabled.
The app works fine for MOST windows users.
However, some windows users get nothing but a blank screen - no login, no "loading..." and no silverlight "98%" display.
In the IIS log, I don't even see where it looks like it is being accessed when they attempt to load the app?
So, my question is, since this is FORMS authentication only, what could be causing it to NOT work based on which windows user is trying to run the app?
In other words, on the same Windows 7 machine, it works for 10 users, but not for others.
by the way, the application is remote - it is not running on the local machine.
The users ARE able to access the other ASP.NET applications hosted by the same IIS server in the same root inetpub folder.
The lightswitch application is using the ASP.NET v4.0 Classic app pool in calssic managed pipeline mode.
Any help greatly appreciated!!!
Happy to post any details/config/logs - I did not do so yet as I wasn't sure what would be most useful....
On the users machine you need to use Fiddler or the F12 tools in Internet Explorer to see exactly what calls are being made to the server and which ones are failing. LightSwitch is just an website that launches a Silverlight application.
So the only other thing I can think of is that those users do not have Silverlight installed on their machines?
The users need to install the latest version of Silverlight. Apps built with LightSwitch 2011 require v4 or above and those built with LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2012 require v5
Silverlight Installation

"Calls to the web service will fail..." Once Again

Last year someone reported encountering this problem ("The Silverlight project you are about to debug uses web services. Calls to the web service will fail unless the silverlight project is hosted in and launched from the same web project that contains the web services.") and accepted the answer to "set the web project which hosts the Silverlight application to be your startup project."
I'm seeing the same message, but think the solution might have to be different. I am building in VS 2010 a Silverlight application to access the Google Weather API, with VB as the code-behind. The API will return a XML file with data for the specified city (ex., ",england"). The Solution Explorer only shows my VB/Silverlight project ("GetWeather"), and the Project Properties dialog box shows the Startup Object as "GetWeather.App" -- the only choice. I'm trying to use a WebClient object to make the call and an XDocument object to parse the return. But I repeatedly get the above error message, with no other result. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance!
I would add a simple Web project and configure it to host the Silverlight app. You'll need to host the app somewhere anyways, so why not create a stub ASP.NET application in your solution? The easiest way is to create a new Silverlight app solution selecting an ASP.NET web project as the host, and then copying your existing code to that solution. Then you should set the web project as the startup one. This should make debugging a lot easier.
Besides, do remember to configure the client access policy to enable cross-domain calls. Check out this article

Set fixed the deployment address of a web service in WCF

I have a simple WCF service project and a Silverlight project that queries the database through this service.
Is it possible to set the address (actually only the port number since I deploy on localhost) of the service, fixed?
Because everytime I rebuild the web service, it changes the address and I need to update also the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file from Silverlight in order to update the reference.
You want to configure an ASP.NET project to consistently run on the same port within Visual Studio Development Server?
Right click on your ASP.NET project and select Properties
Choose the Web tab in the properties window (should be the third option)
Under the Servers section (the second section), you'll have a radio button check for Use Visual Studio Development Server, and then by default a subselection labelled Auto-assign Port. Simply change this subselection to Specific port, and then choose a port number.
Now your project will always run under the specified port on the Development Server, e.g. http://localhost:12345/MyService.svc and http://localhost:12345/Default.aspx.

Cross Domain Silverlight Problem with localhost

I am currently looking into developing a silverlight app. I want to develop the app on my local machine for ease of development. I am using Apache Server on Windows which is hosting php. I am doing a WebClient DownloadStringASync to http://localhost/getData.php but the Silverlight webpage is running in visual studio asp server at http://localhost:54994/MySilverlight.aspx. I think because the silverlight app is running from the vs2010 server and I am making a call to my standard apache server it is having a cross domain problem. When the app is run the innerexception says System.Security.SecurityException at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.InternalEndGetResponse.
I have tried putting accesspolicy.xml file in the root of the asp server and the apache server but it still isn't fixing the problem. I know its not a problem with the code as if I run it from my website server and call the webclient request to the same domain it works fine.
Any help you can provide would be great thanks.
I've managed to solve the problem. I needed to have to crossdomain.xml and clientaccesspolicy.xml with the same code. For some reason if I only have one or the other it keeps on bringing up the security exception. As soon as both files in the root of the localhost directory of apache (i.e. in the root of htdocs) the silverlight app works fine
