Error Application cast in WPF - wpf

i have 2 projects in my solution (main is A.WPF and secondary is B.WPF)
when i'm trying to access variables inside my App.xaml.cs in B.WPF:
filename = ((App)Application.Current).ErrorLogFileName;
i get the following error:
Unable to cast object of type 'A.App' to type 'B.App'.
i also tried the following:
filename = ((B.App)Application.Current).ErrorLogFileName;
but still the same error...
the definition in B.App is:
private string _errorLogFileName = "error log.xml";
public string ErrorLogFileName
get { return _errorLogFileName; }
please assist...

Looks like you need to do:
filename = ((A.App)Application.Current).ErrorLogFileName;
The error is saying the type is A.App, yet in both cases you are trying to cast to B.App.
There can only be one current application also.

Application.Current refers to the current application. The only way to be allowed to cast the current App to another App-type is when the other App-type is a base class of the current App-type.
Are A.App and B.App siblings or is B.App a base class of A.App?

If you don't want B to have a reference to A (or can't as you want A to reference B and that would cause a circular reference), then you need a common type defined in a third assembly that both A and B reference. In our implementation we tend to have a ConfigurationData type that is in a separate project referenced by both Wpf projects, e.g.
public static class ConfigurationData
private static string _errorLogFileName = "error log.xml";
public string ErrorLogFileName
get { return _errorLogFileName; }
Another approach would be to define an Interface for your ErrorLogFileName property in a 3rd assembly that both A and B reference, and then implement that interface on your Wpf Application class - A and B would then both be able to cast to that type. If you wanted your A project to set the values on that at runtime, you could make the ErrorLogFileName a read-write property instead and initialize it in your application startup.
I personally prefer using a separate ConfigurationData type from the Wpf app object for this kind of stuff (ErrorLogFileName etc.) as it can then also be used for code that might execute in a unit test and therefore might not be running under a Wpf application - it also avoids having to do casts all over the place (ConfigurationData.ErrorLogFileName instead of ((IAppConfigurationData)Application.Current).ErrorLogFileName.
BTW, if you have an Application object in both assemblies it sounds like you might have both assemblies configured to build as Output type: Windows Application in your project properties. You should only really have one assembly that is configured as the Windows Application and the rest should be Class Library to avoid confusing numbers of Application classes being generated - only the one in the main EXE (and it's related resources) will get created at runtime.


Why I am able to re-create java.lang package and classes?

I am just playing with package structure. And to my surprise I can bypass the default classes by creating my package and class name with that name.
For ex:
I created a package called java.lang and Class is Boolean. When I import java.lang.Boolean it's not the JDK's version of Boolean. It's mine. It's just showing the methods of Objects which every object java have.
Why so ? Why I am allowed to create the package java.lang? And the program runs fine.
Another baffle is if I create a Class with name Object and try to runs the program then an exception
java.lang.SecurityException: Prohibited package name: java.lang
at java.lang.ClassLoader.preDefineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at Source)
Why is this behaviour ? is this a bug or normal behaviour ?
The restriction on java.lang classes is a runtime restriction, not a compile time one.
The JVM actually specifically provides a mechanism for overriding classes in java.lang. You can do it using the -Xbootclasspath command line flag:
Specifies a semicolon-separated list of directories, JAR files, and ZIP archives to search for boot class files. These are used in place of the boot class files included in the Java platform JDK.
Applications that use this option for the purpose of overriding a class in rt.jar should not be deployed because doing so would contravene the Java Runtime Environment binary code license.
Specifies a semicolon-separated path of directories, JAR files, and ZIP archives to append to the default bootstrap class path.
Specifies a semicolon-separated path of directories, JAR files, and ZIP archives to add in front of the default bootstrap class path.
Do not deploy applications that use this option to override a class in rt.jar because this violates the Java Runtime Environment binary code license.
However, as I've already emphasized with bold marks, doing so is a violation of the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE and JavaFX Technologies:
D. JAVA TECHNOLOGY RESTRICTIONS. You may not create, modify, or change the behavior of, or authorize your licensees to create, modify, or change the behavior of, classes, interfaces, or subpackages that are in any way identified as "java", "javax", "javafx", "sun", “oracle” or similar convention as specified by Oracle in any naming convention designation. You shall not redistribute the Software listed on Schedule 1.
Apart from the above, you may add whatever class you want to whatever packages you want; it's specifically discussed in the the JLS §13.3:
13.3. Evolution of Packages
A new top level class or interface type may be added to a package without breaking compatibility with pre-existing binaries, provided the new type does not reuse a name previously given to an unrelated type.
If a new type reuses a name previously given to an unrelated type, then a conflict may result, since binaries for both types could not be loaded by the same class loader.
Changes in top level class and interface types that are not public and that are not a superclass or superinterface, respectively, of a public type, affect only types within the package in which they are declared. Such types may be deleted or otherwise changed, even if incompatibilities are otherwise described here, provided that the affected binaries of that package are updated together.
Answer to SecurityException related question:
SecurityManger throws this RuntimeException while your classloader calling defineClass method and encountered specified class(your "custom class") name has "java.*" in it.
This is because you defined your class in "java.*" package and as per ClassLoader's documentation this is not allowed.
defineClass( )
The specified name cannot begin with "java.", since all classes in the "java.* packages can only be defined by the bootstrap class loader. If name is not null, it must be equal to the binary name of the class specified by the byte array "b", otherwise a NoClassDefFoundError will be thrown.
SecurityException - If an attempt is made to add this class to a package that contains classes that were signed by a different set of certificates than this class, or if name begins with "java.".
For your testing, try creating java.test package and define one Custom class (names doesn't matter; like Object..). In this case as well you will get same SecurityException.
package java.test;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("This is Test");
This is not Bug.
Behaviour beacause of:
When the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) tries to load our class, it recognizes its package name as invalid and thus, a SecurityException is thrown.
The SecurityException indicates that a security violation has occurred an thus, the application cannot be executed.
public class SecurityException
extends RuntimeException
Thrown by the security manager to indicate a security violation.
please use different package name it not for only language package of covers all package not gives permissions to override in build classes and packages of java.
By Changing this we can create or override same package and class:
**if (packageName.startsWith(".") || packageName.endsWith(".")) {// NOI18N
return false;
if(packageName.equals("java") || packageName.startsWith("java.")) {//NOI18N
return false;
String[] tokens = packageName.split("\\."); //NOI18N
if (tokens.length == 0) {
return Utilities.isJavaIdentifier(packageName);
a/j2ee.core.utilities/test/unit/src/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/core/api/support/java/ b/j2ee.core.utilities/test/unit/src/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/core/api/support/java/
assertFalse(JavaIdentifiers.isValidPackageName(" "));
Your problem with java.lang.Boolean as your Boolean Class, and not the Object one is simple to explain.
The Object class is the root of every other classes you can find, use, or even create. Which means that if you could have the ability to override it, not a single class, method, or whatever you want to use would work, since every of them depends on that root class.
For the Boolean Class, it is not a boolean type, but a class for a boolean type. And since nothing depends on it, it is then possible to override it.
A better way to understand this problem, is to look at this link: [] You will notice that every kind of package, containing every kind of java classes, depends on the Object Class.
So the security exception you encountered is like a "life savior" for your program.
If I'm wrong about your question, other persons may find a more appropriate answer to it. :)

What could stop MEF or Prism loading my type?

I have a class:
public abstract class XTimeViewModel : DevExpress.Xpf.Mvvm.ViewModelBase
public bool PropertiesChanged { get; set; }
protected virtual void _onPropertyChanged(/*[CallerMemberName]*/ string propertyName = null)
PropertiesChanged = true;
It is contained in an assembly called Common. When I try and add a DirectoryCatalog for a folder containing Common and other assemblies, and dependencies such as DevExpress.Xpf.Mvvm.v13.2:
var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(unitPath, "*.dll");
I get a ReflectionTypeLoadException, with a TypeLoadException stating:
"Could not load type 'Startup.ViewModels.ViewModel' from assembly
'G4S.XTime.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral,
I can't see why MEF can't load this type. When I try sample code:
var asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(#"C:\Development\XTime\Startup\Units\G4S.XTime.Common.dll");
var vm = asm.GetType("G4S.XTime.Common.XTimeViewModel");
Then vm contains the correct type, i.e. G4S.XTime.Common.XTimeViewModel.
Just a hunch, but none of my loaded modules are having Initialize called, and I think this error is close to the root cause of that.
If I reference the modules, and use AssemblyCatalog to load them, there is no problem at all and all works as it should. What could moving the assembly out to be loaded at runtime change to stop things working?
BTW, Common isn't a module itself , but just a dependency of several modules.
Most likely, your dll's are not in the same place as your startup exe. They are if they are directly referenced by the exe (by default, referenced dll's are copied to the output dir).
Since you mentioned the Initialize() methods not being called, maybe you are using Prism? if so, break into each step of the bootstrapper to see that the catalog is correct (i.e. all the types you think should be in there actually are in there).
You didn't show that the ViewModel under question is marked as [Export], too, so make sure that's there and put a break point in its ctor to make sure it is actually being instantiated after the catalog creation is complete (i.e. when you are creating the view the VM is attached to).
Try giving us the full exception trace to see what's really going on...sometimes the root is buried in those type load exceptions.

from VBS to WPF via COM

we have a nasty (or maybe a trivial?) issue.
There is a WPF control. It has 2 interfaces, the main and one for automated testing purpose. Defined this way:
public interface IXXXXXTest
void Test1(int index);
public interface IXXXXX
void Main1(index);
public partial class XXXXX_WPF_CONTROL : UserControl,
Now we are trying to reach it from VBS.
Try 1)
Set Ctrl = GetControl(...) <---- this is ok
Ctrl.Test1(0) <---- Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Ctrl.Test1'
Set Ctrl = GetControl(...) <---- this is ok
Ctrl.Main1(0) <---- this is ok
So it works fine for the "main" interface but for the test interface.
This seems ok(?), because as far as I know VBS reaches the "main" interface only via IDispatch if there is no IDispatchEx. So I added a property to the IXXXXX to get the test interface.
public interface IXXXXX
void Main1(index);
IXXXXXTest Test { get;}
public IXXXXXTest Test
get { return this as IXXXXXTest; }
Great, so now I can reach this IXXXXTest interface via the "main" interface.
Try 2)
Set Ctrl = GetControl(...) <---- this is ok
Set CtrlTest = Ctrl.Test <----- this is ok
CtrlTest.Test1(0) <---- Object doesn't support this property or method: 'CtrlTest.Test1'
Note that, for an other .NET control of us the "Try1" works, without any trick!
So probably due to the WPF something different?
Also, changing the
into anything else (AutoDispatch / AutoDual), or leaving it makes the WPF control unusable.
Besides that this is also how it should be by this article: Is it possible to package WPF window as COM Object
Do you have any idea what could be the problem?
Thank much in advance!
Scripting languages can only use the default interface on a class. You've got more than one so at least one of them will not be usable. And method names may be renamed if they conflict with other declarations. I'd assume you obfuscated the real names in your question so hard to diagnose such a renaming happening from what you posted.
Best thing to do is to temporarily apply the [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)] attribute on your interface types. Which allows you to generate a type library with Tlbexp.exe which you can then view with the OleView.exe utility, File + View Typelib command. You'll see the exact names of the methods and you'll see which interface is the [default] one on the coclass. From there you should have little trouble modifying your declarations so they'll work in a scripting language.

How can I write (Application.Current as App) in my Silverlight class library?

I have few public properties in App.xaml.cs which is in project A and I want to refer them in my project B. However my project A has a reference to project B, so I cannot add again the reference of project A in project B otherwise it will result in cyclic error. So how can I refer those properties in my class library? I don't want to use reflection :).
As a workaround I have stored those properties in one class in project B (so it can be referred in project A as well as project B) and made those properties to be static and all works fine. However I am still curious to know what if I had stored them in App.xaml.cs? Any options available?
Thanks in advance :)
The App class should expose things that are only relevant to the application project. As soon as you realised that you wanted these things accessable in B.dll they became relevant to more than just the application project and therefore no longer belong in the application project.
Adding a class to B.dll that carries these things as static properties could be a reasonable approach. Another common pattern is to have a single Current static property.
public MyClass
private static MyClass _current = new MyClass();
public static MyClass Current { get { return _current; } }
public string SomeInstanceValue { get; set; }
Both A and B would access things using the pattern var x = MyClass.Current.SomeInstanceValue. The advantage of this approach is that it allows the Current property getter to determine if a "current" instance is available or not.
You might also want to review the documentation on ApplicationLifeTimeObjects.
When A and B both need something, maybe you should put them in a C project (C as in Common) and then refer to C from both A and B.

Can someone explain the magic going on in Prism's resolve<> method?

I've got a CustomersModule.cs with the following Initialize() method:
public void Initialize()
container.RegisterType<ICustomersRepository, CustomersRepository>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
CustomersPresenter customersPresenter = this.container.Resolve<CustomersPresenter>();
The class I resolve from the container looks like this:
class CustomersPresenter
private CustomersView view;
private ICustomersRepository customersRespository;
public CustomersPresenter(CustomersView view,
ICustomersRepository customersRepository,
TestWhatever testWhatever)
this.view = view;
this.customersRespository = customersRepository;
The TestWhatever class is just a dummy class I created:
public class TestWhatever
public string Title { get; set; }
public TestWhatever()
Title = "this is the title";
Yet the container happily resolves CustomersPresenter even though I never registered it, and also the container somehow finds TestWhatever, instantiates it, and injects it into CustomersPresenter.
I was quite surprised to realize this since I couldn't find anywhere in the Prism documentation which explicitly stated that the container was so automatic.
So this is great, but it what else is the container doing that I don't know about i.e. what else can it do that I don't know about? For example, can I inject classes from other modules and if the modules happen to be loaded the container will inject them, and if not, it will inject a null?
There is nothing magical going on. You are specifying concrete types, so naturally they are resolvable, because if we have the Type object, we can call a constructor on it.
class Fred { };
Fred f1 = new Fred();
Type t = typeof(Fred);
Fred f2 = (Fred)t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(null);
The last line above is effectively what happens, the type t having been found by using typeof on the type parameter you give to Resolve.
If the type cannot be constructed by new (because it's in some unknown separate codebase) then you wouldn't be able to give it as a type parameter to Resolve.
In the second case, it is constructor injection, but it's still a known concrete constructable type. Via reflection, the Unity framework can get an array of all the Types of the parameters to the constructor. The type TestWhatever is constructable, so there is no ambiguity or difficulty over what to construct.
As to your concern about separate modules (assemblies), if you move TestWhatever to another assembly, that will not change the lines of code you've written; it will just mean that you have to add a reference to the other assembly to get this one to build. And then TestWhatever is still an unambiguously refeferenced constructable type, so it can be constructed by Unity.
In other words, if you can refer to the type in code, you can get a Type object, and so at runtime it will be directly constructable.
Response to comment:
If you delete the class TestWhatever, you will get a compile-time error, because you refer to that type in your code. So it won't be possible to get a runtime by doing that.
The decoupling is still in effect in this arrangement, because you could register a specific instance of TestWhatever, so every call to Resolve<TestWhatever>() will get the same instance, rather than constructing a new one.
The reason this works is because Unity is designed for it. When you Resolve with a concrete type, Unity looks to see if it can resolve from the container. If it cannot, then it just goes and instantiates the type resolving it's dependencies. It's really quite simple.
