CSS line-height issue across browsers - internet-explorer-7

I have some button controls with CSS line-height: 18px. Some are input controls type="button", and others are anchors stylized to appear as buttons like the input controls. In FF3.6.12/IE8 they are displaying the same height, but in IE7, the anchors are shorter in height. How do I get them to display correctly in IE7?

I took your demo: http://jsfiddle.net/DnGvF/
and added just this CSS at the end: http://jsfiddle.net/gRF9g/
/* ie7 fixes */
.Footer input[type=button],
.Footer input[type=submit]
overflow: visible;
*height: 24px;
*line-height: 15px
Some explanation of what's going on there:
There's a known bug in IE7 that overflow: visible fixes, related to the width of the button. Try looking at my demo in IE7 with and without it.
I'm using the Star property hack to provide change the height and line-height for only IE7 and lower. You can tweak the numbers I picked if you need to.
That hack is invalid CSS, but there's no problem using it. It's never going to come back and bite you - it's a "safe hack". Nevertheless, if you require 100% valid CSS, there are alternatives.
It now looks consistent between IE7 and the later versions.
Yes, this is a little kludgy, but at least it's all together in the CSS in one place, with a clear comment.

Honestly, if IE7 is the only problem, I'd just go with a hack and bump up the line-height:
*+html .button { line-height:24px }
If you use something like Modernizr, you could do away with the hack and use:
.ie7 .button { line-height:24px }
Of course, the other alternative is to actually track down why IE7 is behaving the way it is, and rewrite your CSS accordingly, but without any posted code, I can't help you with that.
EDIT: Forgot about this method of targeting just IE7:
<!--[if IE7]><style type="text/css">.button{line-height:24px}</style><![endif]-->

Buttons in IEs have additional padding/borders/whatever - they do not style well as in other browsers.


CSS shows overwritten styles for a split second

Currently, I am using a directive from a third-party library for a UI toggle button. I changed the background color and left/right positions of the toggle button a bit to meet my business specifications. E.g. the out-of-the-box style came as light green for true, light red for false; I changed this to a darker green for true, and a light grey for false. I also moved the toggle positionally a bit to the left. All of this works fine.
The one issue I'm experiencing is that for a split millisecond when the page with the toggle button renders, I see the old style quickly change from what came out-of-the-box, to my updated style. There aren't any other glitches in style after this fact, just the initial loading shows some quick shifting around on the element. This isn't a huge issue but I can't seem to pinpoint the issue or know why it is happening. Any thoughts? Something in an issue for CSS hierarchy perhaps?
Notes relevant to the issue:
I used the inspector to find the classes I needed to override, since the directive itself just uses an nz-toggle tag.
I am using !important to override. I've read that this is bad practice in itself but it is being used across the entire project and has been established as "our standard" of overriding styles
Here's an example of one rule from my CSS file compared to what comes out of the box:
.nz-toggle-wrap.true {
background-color: #089900 !important;
right: -16px !important;
width: 50px !important;
height: 28px !important;
.nz-toggle-wrap.true {background-color: #60bd68;}
Any thoughts?
This happens because your "new" CSS loads after the "old" CSS.
Of course that should be true anyway, because you want to override the old style, but it seems that the old and new code are too far away from each other hence you manage to see it change.
To solve this you have to move the new style "closer" to the old style.
The way to do it depends on your project architecture and your build process.
Another option is that the class "true" is added only after page load, and so only then your new style kicks in.
If you are loading this "third party library" locally, you might have to directly edit the CSS files of the plug-in.
With the plug-in you linked, maybe you need to edit this file directly to prevent the "flicker", which is caused by the styles loading in sequence:

Angular-ui ui-select - force dropdown to show above

So I have some controls in a fixed position to the bottom of the screen for easy reach on mobile, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make the option content appear above the select menu.
I tried messing with append-to-body="true" and some other stuff that was totally off the wall. I feel like this should be a simple hook but not finding anything..
Add position='up' to <ui-select-choices>.
Other options include down and auto (top/down depending on available space).
Demo: https://angular-ui.github.io/ui-select/demo-dropdown-position.html
Edit on Plunker available at https://angular-ui.github.io/ui-select/
[Dropdown Position]
I was able to get it with css by adjusting the absolute positioning.. This is actually kind of nice because I could control when it happened this way, for me it was only for mobile screen widths.
.some-container-class .ui-select-choices {
top: auto;
bottom: 100%;

Override Bootstrap Accordion colors in bootstrap for angularjs

I'm new at angularjs/bootstrap and I'm trying to create a SPA that uses bootstrap accordion lists. I'm trying to change the color of the whole entire accordion tab, however, it's only changes part of the accordion space. I looked online and this question (Add class to accordion heading using angualr ui bootstrap?) and it's Jsfiddle (http://jsfiddle.net/Zmhx5/3/) represent my problem perfectly, but does not explain the solution.
I tried using firebug to find out what's going on behind the scenes, and it says the whole entire accordion tab is "". I have a css class that overwrites that style, but for some reason, something is overriding it.
.panel-heading {
background-color: red;
This website has a tutorial on accordions and its css simply overwrote it (http://patternry.com/p=accordion/). I tried doing the same but it did not work, please help :/
The reason why your override doesn't work is because of CSS Specificity. Since the Bootstrap style is more specific than yours, it is the one that's being applied. You'll need to override as follows
.panel-default >.panel-heading {
background-color: red;
Here is the JSFiddle for reference.
You should use scss in this case.
<div class="custom">
In css you will need to define.
.custom {
.panel-heading: {
background-color: red !important;
Since I couldn't add a comment to #AdityaSethi in #BartJedrocha's answer I will put an answer here since I think that it is useful.
.panel-default >.panel-heading {
background-color: red;
worked for me where
.custom {
.panel-heading: {
background-color: red !important;
Did not. Perhaps it is the use of SCSS? I read somewhere that SCSS uses the extension .scss. I didn't have the patience to change my stylesheet extension or create a new one. Sooo I tried the 2nd answer.
My comment however is more toward the #AdityaSethi comment that noted the issue of that solution affecting the entire app since panel classes are widely used. Understandable. I figure though the easy solution to that is:
div.custom .panel-default>.panel-heading {
background-color: red;
And that did the trick for me..as far as still changing the styles. The rest of my bootstrap page must not have had other panels in use because nothing else was change before I added div.custom to the CSS. But I imagine that with what little logic occurs in CSS, no other panels outside of div.custom should be affected. :)

White Space to the Right of Website on Mobile Devices

http://cardiffhosp.rapdevs.co.uk/ has been built around the WooTheme Canvas, which is a responsive design.
I've had to disable the viewport meta tag, because I don't want the layout to be responsive.
It now looks much better on mobile devices, but a white area is appearing to the right hand side. Mostly visible on iPhone/iPad, but zooming out on other devices shows the white space is there.
Adding the following code, solved my problem, but caused the navigation to stop working on iPhones and caused display issues on a Windows 7 phone...
html, body {
Has anyone got a better solution for removing the white space?
You can try adding width:100% and see if that solves the issue the overflow is causing, IE:
html, body {
/* You may also want to try adding:*/
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
If that still causes problems then you will need to find the element that is causing the issue.
Couple ways to do this. (Be sure to remove overflow-x:hidden; before starting.)
1) Open the inspector, start with the divs or elements that contains other elements. Set those divs to display:none. If the excess white space disappears then you can find the offending element and fix its CSS.
If that option is too time consuming or you have trouble doing it, you can try another option:
2) This site has some CSS which outlines all of the elements on your site. This can help you find what is causing the overflow. The CSS used on this site is:
* {
background: #000 !important;
color: #0f0 !important;
outline: solid #f00 1px !important;
They also provide a javascript bookmark that helps with this as well.

dropdown hidden behind divs in IE7

Hi I've finally got Suckerfish working and styled but in IE7 it is hidden behind the divs below it. See the dropdown on the 'Your Video/Pics' button here.
I know usually a z-index would solve the issue but in this case it seems not. Can anyone help?
Don't worry this site is not supposed to work in IE6 ;)
Try adding:
#header {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
For IE, the entire block has to have a higher z-index than the block below it.
